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Fantasy The Last Judgement

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Interactions: Beleth Beleth
Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos Mirgris Mirgris [/div][/div][div class=title]Ryan[/div][div class=text] “Ye take front, I take back?” Ryan shot a smile over at Rufus and nodded in response. Sadly, it was only a small group of raiders coming their way. So they quickly dealt death to them, breaking their bones and cutting through their flesh along the way. A splintered knee here and a head split open there. The two painted themselves and the snow red. At least Ryan did, but he assumed Rufus' part of the fight was just as messy. Woofus had been helping to take them down like he had done before. The dog was smart enough not to get caught in the fight, but still helped getting raiders to fall down or took them out when they were on the ground.

"Enemy, of my enemy is my friend, and we are the smaller more coordinated group, chaos benefits us, we should take torches from their bonfires and set all of these RV's on fire. Everyone dead or injured in the fire benefits us, and everyone busy dealing with the fire is an easy kill. Then we can take an RV and drive out of here, otherwise reinforments may come." Then let them come, that is what Ryan thought. But that was the darkness inside him talking, mostly. And even as strong as it had gotten during this fight, he was still in control, even if it was a struggle to keep it this way. "Sounds like a plan." He had taken a deep breath before he spoke to suppress the urge to keep fighting, to keep killing.

Two of the RVs were still burning from the start of their distraction and the fire was slowly spreading, but they sped things up now. It was an easy task with the bonfires nearby. Ryan saw Rufus running off, to fetch one of the vehicles he assumed and he started looking around to make sure nobody attacked the man on his way or followed him. And it didn't take long for a few more idiots to arrive. So he ran towards them, using the first as a human shield as another one shot at him. He threw the corpse he was holding at the shooter, swiped another one off his legs with a quick kick and then caved his face in. The rest of them were handled in a similar manner and shortly after he was finished Rufus came driving by in one of the RVs.

He stopped near them and Ryan stepped towards the vehicle and whistled. Woofus came running to his side and he opened the door for the dog, then fondled his ears before telling him to jump in. Then he walked over to the window Rufus had called out through a moment ago. "I've left behind a few things, have to go get them." He looked over his shoulder at the battlefield they had made out of this camp and at the way they had come from. "I trust you to pick the others up, alright? Make sure they're all out of there and then come back for me. I'll be where we first saw this camp, where we've split up from the others to cause the distraction. Got it?" He waited for a second so that Rufus could agree and then turned around and ran off.

On his way, he swiftly picked up most of his bolts. It was hard to find more if you left them behind. Then he was on his way back to the woods they had walked through, grabbed his crossbow and threw it over his shoulder without stopping. And back through the woods and the snow, but this time not slowly to stay unseen. He only slowed down to a jog because he didn't have to hurry that much but he also didn't want somebody stealing his unprotected backpack.

It didn't take long like this and as he saw the spot with his bag he knew he had been just quick enough. He saw some guy, most certainly a runaway raider, rushing towards it, so he stepped out of the cover. "Hey asshole, that's mine!" Startled the raider stumbled as he turned and then yelled back. "Yo fuck off!" He raised a gun Ryan hadn't seen before from his perspective and shot at him. He tried to move to the right whilst pushing the bullet to the left, but it was more than difficult to concentrate his powers on such a small object moving this fast. The problem was, the raider wasn't the best shot and even if he would've normally avoided getting hit this way, this time he just brought the shot into his own shoulder.

Blood spattered out of it and his sledge fell into the snow as he threw the hand up to press it against the wound and numbed the pain again. Ryan looked back up at the raider, seriously pissed now and started walking towards him. The guy shot another time but missed and Ryan started to run. He pulled the man towards as he ran, holding out a hand to grab him as soon as he would be in arms reach. Another gunshot and he felt pain in his stomach for a moment. But ran on, didn't stumble and pushed the pain away.

He grabbed the raider by the collar and looked him in the eyes. The man looked honestly scared and didn't shoot again, probably convinced that Ryan was some kind of monster he didn't want to make even angrier than he had already. Ryan twisted the man's body and spine until he heard a satisfying cracking sound. The man's body jerked and he lost another shot at Ryan from point-blank range. Ryan hadn't used his power this way before, it was good to know it worked. The body fell to the ground, still twitching and Ryan took a step back. He had shoved the pain of the third shot away immediately and subconsciously.

When you feel no real pain whatsoever from your wounds your own warm blood running down your body just feels alien. That is what made Ryan look down at himself and he realized what he had gotten into at that moment. There had been blood all over him before, mostly from his enemies but some of his own. But right now there was a lot of fresh red liquid running down on him. Suddenly his muscles felt weak, his whole body was tired and he started to feel dizzy.

Once he had gotten a second chance in life, to be a good man and to be happy. And he had tried to make the best of it, but then everything had been shattered again. His joy in life taken away from him, violently. And he was left alone cursed. A bad man again, someone he never wanted to be but had always been. Even if others didn't always saw him like that. And he was certain he wouldn't get another chance in life. Because he didn't deserve a third chance and even if he did, life wasn't fair. But the moment he'd seen James again, there had been this small spark of hope kindled inside him. That James and his family, even if it was a new family, would give another chance.

That were his thoughts as he fell into the snow, crimson liquid running over his arms, legs, and his torso. Now, he was certain again, that he wouldn't get his third chance. For he didn't deserve it. He'd done too much evil, even if he'd done just as much good, and he'd enjoyed killing, fighting and hurting too much. He was too far gone. Now the only question on his mind, as he rolled over to look up into the night sky, was if he'd die for good or if the demon would soon take over. Then his thoughts shifted over to James, hoping he'd be fine. Hoping his new family would take good care of him.

At least he seemed happy with them.

Then the world around him went dark. Not gone yet but not conscious anymore. Only huffing out the shallowest of breaths as he lay in the red snow.[/div]
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Edana Merriweather

Interactions: - - -
Mentions: Reina
BGM: - - -
Location: Raider’s HQ → Git Git Git
OOC: The last bit with Rufus, I’m working on that post now. Was trying something new ^^

Edana’s fight against the crowd of raider’s was brief. Most of them had been far too insistent on reloading their guns with limited ammo. They had proven to be the most vulnerable. A few swords and knives swung and slashed at Edana but neither sensation bothered her. As a matter of fact, after the previous self inflicted knick of her own knife, the young witch marveled at blood being drawn; less time spent in preparations. For every slash the goth endured on herself was a swing of her own knife against their rugged skin. Then the spell had begun. Just like the spell from before, Edana mixed the two bloods together - one from herself and one from her target - and swiped the combination onto the face of her target followed by an incantation.

Each hexed raider stumbled backward and collapsed to their knees with a shrill, causing the affected ones to collide with ones who were not cursed in a sort of domino effect. Edana took the slight moment to take off toward Reina and without a second thought, threw her arms around her into a hug. The air that the female brought about was warm, comforting. Namri’s too. Something about having older females around that Edana had a gut feeling wasn’t about to screw her over was . . . nice. Comforting. She shook her head once, the interaction lasting for a split second before she reached for her own upper arms in a cross of discomfort.

“I . . . I took care of them.” Words quivered, jello-like. “They are turning on each other in a moment of pain and desperation and --” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the words. The witch wanted out. She wanted to be on her way before the group she had now just met decided to turn around and eliminate any foreign particles. If it were just one person she would have considered running her blade across their throat quick and swift but there was a group. A group that helped her. A group that showed care and perseverance rather than killing her within her restraints. Trust, love and faith were three things that the goth had learned to sacrifice eons ago but there was one thing that replaced all three that made her loyal than ever: Human decency.

If she were to simply turn around and even so much as attack them - whether she’d win or not - it’d make her no better than the monsters than she had just come across.

And look where they were now.

Perhaps even, this group might have the one thing the goth had been craving for for quite some time now: Food. Two and a half weeks, all she had managed to run on was a strategically planned amount of water from two water bottles to keep moving and that was it. She did not feel the need to eat; not as a necessity that is. Perhaps this one time wouldn’t hurt. Satisfy a sugar craving and not ask for another thing more. Come to think of it, once she had repaid her debt to her rescuers it would be in both her own as well as their best interest that they parted ways.

In her peripheral vision, something new caught her attention.

A loud honk follow by an obnoxious manner of speaking called out to them. Something about offering a ride. Had he been with them? She did not pay much mind to the male, only the fact that he had stepped toward them, tossing the keys into the center of the group with an abrupt apology about being so hasty before retracing the track marks of the vehicle. Edana nodded once, slowly replacing her previous thoughts with the present moment. Bending down and grabbing the keys once with a jingle she looked to the rest of the group.

“So. Which one of you is a good driver?”

As soon as an answer was given the goth then made her way into the vehicle and fastened herself in.


Cody by @Beauty_Belle
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[div class=statusText] Location: Raider's HQ > On the road
BGM: Fall Away
Interactions/Mentions: Everyone in some way
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
"Fellow deceased," His lungs deflated, constricting as air refused to re-enter his body. Electric blue orbs shifted towards the sound of the voice, the world muffled and all too loud at the same time. He could feel the pain in his throat in that instant; Hear flesh ripping and the gurgling of liquid as it filled in his airway; Smell the copper and the aroma of rank breath as a foreign mouth tore into him. His stomach rolled and for half a moment he thought that he might throw up. He could still remember the absence of life. What it felt like to simply....fade away. His lungs began to burn and he realized that he hadn't been breathing. Forcing himself to inhale, he twisted away from the girl, placing a hand to the bridge of his nose and flinching when he realized it wasn't still broken. His body had been healed. Of course it had.

"While we are indebted to your aid, would it not be best to simply keep titles for when the demon has permanently been put to rest?"

Rhys' face scrunched up, looking at her like she had grown two heads. His jaw clenched, muscle ticking as he drove the full weight of his icy gaze right into her. He had been kidnapped. Killed. Gone through some kind of afterlife. Revived. Freed. And threatened by the presence of death for all those he cared about. He didn't give a flying fuck what this child thought he should be doing. "I'm sorry, did I ask for your fuckin' commentary?" He snapped, grinding his back teeth as he forced another breath of air through his lungs.

"I would also perhaps consider withholding full demonstration of your abilities, Holiness."
Holiness? What the fuck?
"Holiness? I can't even. We're going."

Nik voiced his thoughts with an almost eerie precision. He didn't know what this child was snorting, but he was far from demonstrating the full capacity of the power the hummed under his skin. Not that she knew that. All she saw was some ultra blessed guy kicking the shit out of a demon that he shouldn't have been able to kick the shit out of. Rhys glanced over his shoulder at the demon who had crawled onto his knees. The last impact seemed to have caused it's meat sack to take a heavy hit. Boots thumped against the tile, his shadow casting across the demon who pawed at the ground with a bit of a wheeze.

"This, this, this isn't possible...not...not for...a human..."

Rhys hummed, crouching down in front of the battered and bloodied possessed witch. Black slid over the brown of his irises and the whites of his eyes, shimmering in the light like oil as they stared at him. The demon's lips parted, "You're....that isn't...."

The detective placed a singular finger to his own lips, shushing the hellion before it could say anything else. There were some things that...he would rather be left unsaid. Rhys wasn't ready to open that can of worms yet and he didn't need this demon forcing it open prematurely. He had too much to lose now. People he cared about. This was no longer about helping as many as he could before the inevitable, this was about survival.

"As much as I love to see you work your angel-cop badassery, princess—and I do love it, really—hurry your...ass up, will you?"

Rhys didn't respond for a moment, his eyes still locked on the demon before him. He pulled his hand away from his face and stood, turning to look back at Nik. He had Penny in his arms bridal style, her one arm looped around his neck to keep herself secure. It was almost too surreal in that second, as if in some universe, some alternate reality she might have been his everything. Rhys forced those unwanted thoughts away, focusing instead on the way that Nik was in the middle of leading everyone out. Full of surprises, that one. Nik had the potential to be a leader, to take charge of the group, he simply just didn't. And why would he when there were others who enjoyed providing direction more than he did?

Rhys snorted, "My ass is hurrying just fine, Voss. It's yours that I'd rather see making a run for it."

His voice sounded a bit dry to his own ears, but he ignored it, turning one last time toward Caine who was in the midst of leaving the body he had possessed. Plumes of onyx smoke flew into the air and out towards an air vent before leaving the body a lifeless husk. It was creepy, but also slightly annoying. His eyes narrowed at the body, noting the gaunt cheeks and grey tint to flesh. Just a corpse. That demon was still alive and he had the strange feeling that he hadn't seen the last of it. Rhys rose to his full height, transfixed on the body. Death had always bothered him. Not in the way that it threatened his own mortality, but in the way that it took from the living. With death came pain, suffering, grief. There was always a price and he hated that with every fiber of his being.

He turned on his heels, marching out after the group with just as much enthusiasm. He really, really, wanted to be anywhere other than here. Rhys refused to continue to be reminded of what had happened within the last hour. It was too much. He couldn't compartmentalize it. Rhys broke out into a brisk jog, keeping pace with Nik as he carried Penny out into the fresh air of night. His eyebrows rose to his hairline, staring dumbly at the smoke and flame that engulfed the other side of the road.

"Who let Ryan loose?"

One side of his mouth flickered into a barely seen smirk before it fell flat once more. The power that had simmered under his skin began to grow cold, a numbness settled in his soul and he found himself staring at the glow on the horizon without...feeling.
There was nothing.
Azure orbs glanced over towards the quasi-devil, watching as he moved forward with Penny.

Rhys turned away, right hand trembling violently as he slipped it into the pockets of his jacket. His fingernails dug into his flesh, willing the reaction to come to an end, but there wasn't much pain despite the wetness that dripped down the center of his palm. At the edge of his vision he noticed that there was an RV headed their way, skidding to a halt a couple feet in front of them. The blaring of the horn forced him to look towards the boy in the driver's seat yelling out the window in an accent so thick his brain couldn't pinpoint if he was actually speaking english or not.
But the appearance of this new apparent member of their little band of misfits wasn't what caught his attention in that second.
Parked at a dangle with the driver's door still wide open was a very sleek, posh looking Cadillac that had him mentally drooling. Rhys had always preferred trucks, the bigger the better, but this was in a league of its own. He moved towards it on auto pilot, separating from the group long enough to quickly check the vehicle. The keys were still in the ignition.
He would have thanked the powers that be, but they could shove it.

Sliding into the car, he ran his free hand across the leather of the steering wheel. Never in a million years would he have thought to be driving one of these. It wasn't like he couldn't have afforded it in the world before, but material pleasures had never really been his thing. Rhys would have been just as happy living in a hovel as he had been living in an upscale apartment. He caught his reflection in the rear view mirror for a moment and stared.
There was no outward expression of glee or relief or anything...

He grabbed the key and twisted, engine humming to life in one fell swoop. It took him only a couple moments to turn the car around and pull up alongside the camper, watching as the injured were being toted inside with surprising speed. It seemed that everyone wanted to get out of here just as much as he did.


Why did his voice sound like that?

"Once you put Penny down, I have an extra space here, if you want."
He didn't know why his words were so flat, so void of emotion that it--
Rhys pulled his other hand out of his pocket and stared at the blood that coated it. Cresent moon shaped cuts had been dug into the flesh causing the crimson to smear across his palm and fingers.

He hadn't felt it.

His eyebrows screwed downwards, snapping open the glove compartment and finding a crumpled package with two cigarettes. He shook one out, placing the other in the cup holder, before resting the milky stick between his lips. There wasn't a lighter, but it wasn't like he needed it. Holy fire spread up his palm, painting the interior in shades of cobalt. It was doused the next second, cigarette successfully burning between his lips he took a long inhale. He kept pulling until his lungs expanded so much that he could feel the pain. There was another honk, some various voices mingling in the night air, a jeep pulling up in the rear view. More people he didn't know. More faces unseen. Smoke curled out of his nose and came rushing out of his mouth like the last exhale of air just before death, his lungs emptied themselves.

And when he inhaled again the feeling was back.

It all came flooding back in a tidal wave of emotion that caused a shuddering breath to roll through him.
His head dipped towards the wheel, cigarette clutched between his lips as his hands gripped at the wheel like a lifeline. Something solid to hold onto adrift in the midst of a endless void. The car light clicked on as the passenger door opened and he tilted his head up to watch Nik slip inside and put the seat belt on. The RV pulled away, the Jeep followed, and Rhys realized that they were heading in the opposite direction than the exit. He sat there, watching them get smaller in the side mirror.
Azure eyes drifted to the man next to him, staring in silence for a heartbeat too long to be considered just a glance. His heart pounded in his rib-cage and that airy sensation fluttered inside him. He held onto that, wishing for there to never be another moment where he couldn't remember how that felt.

He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth with bloodied fingers and put the vehicle in drive.
By the time they caught up with the other two vehicles, they were already loading Ryan into the RV. Shit was bad. And he wished he could do more. His hand gripped the wheel until his knuckles were white. As long as he was breathing, he'd be okay. Penny or...or one of the others could heal him. That frost coated grip poured over him and he had to look away in fear that he wouldn't recognize concern or the need to help. He was teetering on a ledge that he didn't want to fall off of.

Death always had a price.

James made some sort of gesture out of the RV window, one that Rhys acknowledged with a quick flash of brights and pulled out in front of the other two vehicles, finally leading them out of that godforsaken cesspool.

† † †​

The dawn came with a musical silence, the soul hearing the melody that the ears could not. A new day had come, new possibilities, a fresh page yet to be written. He never thought that he would be seeing another one. They had been driving for twenty minutes before the sun began to make it's appearance and in those twenty minutes, Nik might have said something or made some sort of comment. But Rhys was....off in his own world to say the least. Driving gave his mind something to focus on, something other than the mounting issues that he knew needed to be addressed. The blond had been pissed earlier and Rhys had wanted to use the drive as a way to put everything out in the open, but the plan was much easier to conjure than the action.

The cigarette had burned low enough that it was just a nub between his lips, threatening to burn him with another couple deep inhales.

"Before they took me, I told Alaska that there was something I needed to tell you."

His voice was barely above a whisper, removing the cigarette in favor of tossing it out the window. Chilled air bit at the side of his face, but he kept his eyes on the road.
"I wasn't sure if....when, I would see you again," He sighed, leaning his head back against the head rest, "But I wanted you to know that you are the best fuckin' thing that has happened to me. Which, given the life I've had probably isn't much." Rhys snickered a little at the road before finally moving his gaze over to look at the other man.

"When the day comes where....I can't remember what it feels like to be near you, or to care about any of the others, I just...don't want you to forget that."

His lips turned up into a slight smile, the sadness cutting into the joy of that expression.
He wanted the happy ending. He wanted to be able to ride off into the sunset and live his life in retaliative peace.

But he couldn't name a hero who had ever been happy.

His right hand left the wheel to grasp onto Nik's, relaxing as if the other man where an anchor.

He intended to be the first.
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Chapter 4

The Lich
❝ surviving the blizzard is one thing, moving in it is another. the winds still howl, the snow still falls, the cold still burns. but at the very epicenter of it all is a demonic presence threatening to consume the land in ice and frost. one group’s strength may not be enough to take down this villainous super power. but perhaps this is when the civilized must band together, where loyalties might have to be bent or broken, where we are reminded that humanity should have one enemy: hell and everything that crawled out with it.”

Group Objective: Kill the Lich. Leaving Vineland and the Human Monsters ended up being tougher than expected. While the group reconvenes, a new group makes its presence known. Rebuilding a civilization in McGuire Air Force Base, this group has the unfortunate reality ahead of them that a monster has encroached with a wintry intrusion upon their home. Can the groups come together to take down the monster? Or will rivalry give the monster an upper-hand, leading to devastating consequences...
[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(https://archive-media-0.nyafuu.org/wg/image/1376/19/1376197020469.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #435c8e; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #024e4f; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #435c8e; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; background-color: #fbf4f9; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:1200px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
[div class=speakeasy2]𝙉𝙞𝙠𝙡𝙖𝙨 𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙢 𝙑𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
LOCATION — Raider's HQ > On the road
TAGS: Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater (Angel Boyfriend) but basically hi everyone then in the sexy vehicle
OOC — catching up so peeps don't feel ignored but also we are on the road OKILY DOKilYy LEL ughhh mornings are rough[/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]
"Yeah, no need to waste time here anymore, worst party of my life," James sounded a bit hollow, Nik would've responded to this but at the time he was busy carting his 'blushing bride' around like a sack of gruff, fidgeting, bleeding potatoes. He had wanted to spin her around at some point in his arms like the doofus he was, possibly after getting wine-bitch-drunk if they ever got a fucking moment of a break, but this was not the same. It wasn't what he had had in mind. Not at all.

"Of course," James would try to save him from this path—it was clearly spelled out in the inky outlines of his friend's face in doppled light at the terse marks along his jawline. The winding darkness that had taken hold so many times before, and would again, so many times to come, would not abate.

Nik didn't think there was a cure for it...he had never heard of such a thing. Had never seen it, always ignorant, the last to know. He wondered too, on this pin-needle of a thought, so sharp and right on the ledge of his perception, if the road Rhys traveled was not unlike his.

Wondered, in the back of his mind, about the death and the glory, the golden blue and holy flame, wondered...

If it was possibly worse than his.

"My ass is hurrying just fine, Voss. It's yours that I'd rather see making a run for it." They never had enough time to entertain these quips. There was never enough time in the world for them. There would never be enough time, actually. Because all good things end, all things end, really. Nik knew this now as a fact more than ever before.

Because he had seen his good thing come to an end. In pales and russet reds. In darkness, and in a scream from his mouth for that, that good thing.

Nik didn't respond.
⛧ ⛧ ⛧

We didn't go too far,” a newcomer said before he had bounded free, the blond in his arms screwing her face up as he grinned his token shit-eating grin. A curl at the corner of the mouth, a slight hitch in laughter filling his chest, all was right with the world. At least between them, they had a language of their own and it was such a comfort. Their universe seemed almost untouchable. Almost, save for her wounds...it was almost like she enjoyed flinging herself into danger.

Maybe she had similar masochistic tendencies to his own that he hadn't ever noticed when she had been prowling clubs with him in the days of electronica and appletinis.

Hopefully she wouldn't bleed out in crimson and gasps by the time he got her to safety, but he was fairly confident that she wouldn't.

Because if she did, he'd have to toil into heaven and rip her back from the clutches of winged bastards who seemingly had far too much time on their hands and nothing better to do than fuck with their flock.

He wasn't about to give up his light in the dark, they had only just found each other a handful of scant days ago. Nik wasn't about to let her rush through his fingers like white sands onto dull gray shores.

Kind of you to wait,” she said, as she trailed on with him. A strong one, this one. He liked the kindness in her eyes, and he would remember her kindness in the back of his mind. Keep it there, keep it safe, to know she would be a one who he could possibly trust. Hold his arms out and wait for the inevitable injury, the pains of emotions humanity, care, and loss stabbing deep, but it was always worth it.

She kept some dickheads off their backs, and he was grateful.

Well, mostly his back, because Pennsylvania was more or less a blessed gift basket at this moment, her blood running down his—Rhys' actually—shirt all the way in a watercolor wash to his now destroyed joggers as he careened through the doorway. These had all been nice clothes once. Now, not so much.

"Kind of you to help kick ass," he responded in turn, as more chaos reigned, and he could hear explosions in the distance which was quickly becoming less far a path than before.

The others must have been doing their job well enough, but he still wondered how they'd manage to get the fuck out of here when all was said and done. Staring down at the woman in his arms, Nik made a disgruntled sound not unlike Rhys would spin up, irate.

If they had had a plan, well they sure as shit didn't have one now...but maybe they could steal a truck or something...

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

"Who let Ryan loose?" Nik's running slowed as he took up pace next to Rhys', slacking back to match his stride. Rhys, whose strong eyebrows now were knit above a stupefied stare at the torrent of a yonder flame and smoke.

"...well, that's one way to do it," the blond said with a snort, hefting Penny up closer on his chest, her feet dangling a bit. Her heartbeat was still strong, still strong, and it was possibly the second sweetest music he had ever heard. The first, he knew, was the erratic drumbeat of the whitelighter's own belted heart's thrum in his chest. Impossible, and as much as it had scared him to hear it, the sweetest thing that had ever graced his ears or thrummed through his skin.

Rhys turned away, and Nik's calculating, indigo gaze fell in a sweep over his shoulder to look at the man. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. The blond pursed his lips and shook his head slightly. Lips parting for a moment, he said nothing. Said nothing, and the everythings hit the back of his spine.

An RV came bolstering into their field of vision and Nik snorted, Rufus was driving. His laughter started to hitch, low in the chest, a bit nasally. He was growing tired, his body's adrenaline rolle rcoaster having swerved in far too many directions, but he could still laugh. Always, still laugh. And when he couldn't, that was when things were bad.

You knew all hope was lost when the jester could no longer form a smile.

Oi! Found meself a campah! Real beaut, ain’she? Well, wha’re you waitin’ fer? Com’on in an’ les show these chavs a fing or two.
"Ah! Fuck yes, Ruffles! I could kiss you—" he belted out a preposterous cacophony of laughs and bolted forward to heft 'wifey' into the vehicle.

"Nik. Once you put Penny down, I have an extra space here, if you want." There was a sound to Rhys' voice that Nik couldn't quite place. It felt almost clinical, missing a certain texture Nik had found himself enamored by, always. Nik supposed he was just exhausted, and why wouldn't he be? The greater needle of truth was dodged and the blond stuffed all the confusion and questions in the backseat of his mind like encumbered laundry he had no way to purify at the moment. Not right now, later. Later...he'd know.

Maybe never...and he wasn't okay with that. But, he might have to be.

She had somewhere to lay down here...it was spacious. Actually quite nice, he noticed, with a plucky smile.

"Ruffles, drive safe. If my State, Brother, or Coin are injured on your watch, I'm holding you responsible," he said with a wag of his finger, only partially kidding. This was said to everyone else who was popping into the RV, to be plain. If the ones he cared about were harmed in any way, or if Rufus drove them into a ditch because of backwards-shit-brit driving on slippery roads, he'd be angry enough to make Satan shit himself.

Nik took the time to set Penny up on the bed, with enough room for any other injured. The bullets had gone straight through, but she was losing a lot of blood. He did his best in that moment to do quick work. Coat over his head, shirt over his head, then came the mostly untouched undershirt which he ripped off all the same and tore it to shreds to use as bandages. Blade to fabric, strong hands to rip it apart.

The cold ate at his skin and he pulled on his garments again, hair strewn about now as if in a wind tunnel. He did the best he could, but all he could do was stymie the bleeding and offer her some of his token-afflicted-painkiller.

"Be safe, Pennysworth," and then he spoke to the others, "Fix her up properly, thanks. If she dies, you die. That's it." The finality of the end of his sentence was as serious as a heart attack. No joke, no laughing, no grin, it was the truth.

He popped his head out of the RV to try to catch Rhys' eye. A broad, happy grin was splayed across his face. A face still covered in reds, the head wound growing a bit purpled, blood on his hands. But it wasn't a razor-sharp smile, not something devilish, not something matching the carnage he seemed to be able to walk through and out of as if dancing.

It was just joy. RVs were a fun thing, truthfully.

But he wasn't smiling, in fact, he was in a rather dapper Cadillac, that even Nik—despite being more of a motorcycle guy—appreciated. He whistled as he rounded the vehicle, it was...sexy. The blond wasn't quite into cars, but this was a car he could appreciate. Of course Rhys always found himself in the vehicle of his dreams, it seemed.

The blond part-time devil slid into the car and closed the door, fastening his seat-belt. He didn't need a repeat of the road war between the State and the Detective, so he'd be smart and buckle up. That...that had been a fun time, he thought, a smile coloring his face with a brush stroke in warm hues.

Rhys' striking gaze pulled across his vision to rest on the blond, who met his gaze with a look as if in limbo. Waiting, for a silence that was too heavy, but his smile was still there. Trying very hard to be this warm, light, sunny thing so that the man who was driving now, and the man that he walked beside, wouldn't be to burdened. Nik was still angry. He was still upset. It was still, not enough, and too hard, and the how's and why's and what's choked him.

But that smile remained, because if the difference between being burdensome to someone he loved was a sentence and a warm face, he'd take the latter, always. Selfish, as humans are selfish, but selfless enough to see an open wound and try to close it.

Visions of Rhys' neck ripped open plagued him, his smile faltered, but it was still there.

He was smoking. The blond quirked his brow and felt around for his own cigarette box and lighter, and joined him, still silent. Something was wrong, yet Nik was still stuck in the mode of trying to warm the whitelighter, maybe breaking the walls didn't work. Maybe thawing them, did.

As they drove on, at some point the RV caught back up, and Nik saw from the rear-view mirror...Ryan. He made a choked sound in his throat, but said nothing, folding his arms across his chest. The cigarette shifted in his mouth to face away from the whitelighter, and he blew gray-blue smoke from his nose.

What a disaster.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧
They had been driving for twenty minutes, and neither had said a word. Every so often, the blond's deep blue gaze would wield from the horizon to the whitelighter's face, and see he was somewhere else. Then travel back. Nik would smoke, flick ash out the window, fold his hands in his lap, but was more or less inert. This silence felt heavy, heavier than Penny's fat ass as he had rumbled around, trying to get her to safety.

He didn't like the silence, it hurt more than any flesh wound could ever hurt. Nik fiddled with the radio, static clipping loudly enough that he turned it down to a low buzz. He sighed, pushing the seat back a bit to be able to cross his legs and rest his head back.

The horizon colored in warm pinks, magenta ripping twilight indigos away, and then some lemon-yellow smears fettered up in little clefts of sunlight. The sun's rising rays rested on Nik's face, paling him in titantium and primrose. Blued shadows on the edges, blue like the indigos, blue like the night sky.

"Before they took me, I told Alaska that there was something I needed to tell you." The sudden broach of the silence felt like a knife to the gut, Nik's eyes trailed, cigarette perched between his fingers, held not unlike a blunt. He pooled graying smoke away, out the side of his mouth, so he could better see Rhys as the other man tried to articulate something. Something that must not have been easy for him, what with the way his face was looking.

The other man ended up flicking the stump of his cigarette out the window, cold air licking at the pair of them. The blond bit his lower lip, eyes shuttering closed, then open again, listening, and not yapping like he usually would be.

"I wasn't sure if....when, I would see you again. But I wanted you to know that you are the best fuckin' thing that has happened to me. Which, given the life I've had probably isn't much."

"My, my, detective...aren't you the flatterer," he said, voice sweet but not overly so. Because he meant it, a smile tugging at the right-hand corner of his upper lip.

He had intended to say something similar.

He was sure the other man held some warped notion in that thick—because he was a quite bit oblivious—head of his that there'd be comparisons. Insecurities made men think strange things, and Nik knew there was no greater insecurity than one born of emotional baggage not attended to.

Rhys was his match, the golden thing, in glimmered hands to keep forever. Nik didn't believe there were soul-bound absolutes, because there were so many souls, but he did believe certain special people held the golden-glimmer-something you were looking for. Such a glimmer that you'd want to keep in absolute, even if death threatened you, you were a God against that taking.

And they were rare, and normally only came in less than a handful, and you'd probably only meet one in your lifetime.

More likely absolutely zero.

Many never met these glimmers, never. Passed by them, or too far apart by land, air, sea, mortal coil, or otherwise. Some worse ignored them, but for as stupid as he was at times, Nik was quite clever. He knew them when he saw them, he felt it, saw it there in the clavicle and the shell of an ear. Heard it in the voice, felt it in a glance, and in the mind, it was there. A stillness, when he felt it, he would hold to it.

Others weren't so brave, to have grabbed that stillness with both hands, glimmer in a clutch, and fuck anyone or anything that would take it away.

Nik had the honor of meeting two, seeing the stilled air, brave enough to grasp. And one of them was here, his choice, right here, he felt truly.

Nik's eyes warmed, crinkling at the corners. The radio chirped to jag, and an old, very low song played. Muddied and honey-warmed in analog, some...kindly eclectic must have had tapes playing somewhere far away.

He imagined some remote hermit in furs and an aggressive red beard, trying to keep the world spinning, as his records played on the byline of frequencies. He smiled, broad, eyes bright like the sun in a shimmer. He turned the radio down even lower, because it seemed like Rhys had more to say, and he wanted to...

"I l—"
"When the day comes where....I can't remember what it feels like to be near you, or to care about any of the others, I just...don't want you to forget that."

The blanket of fear and confusion tugged at the corner of his smile, fell down his eyes, which searched the other man's face. It was like all the air had been sucked out of the vehicle. That almost imperceptible acoustic guitar felt now like a jab, no matter how light a lilt this song was.

Then, Nik stilled, and his hand came up just as Rhys moved his to hold his own. The blond held that hand and ran his thumb over the soft underside of his palm, gentle, stilled. Warm, to coax, to give ease. Easy, like the sweep of a tepid stream lapping on soft stones. Eroding the barrier between them, in a language of tenderness in the fallows of parts of a palm. The touch of a wrist, maybe, leaflet fingers playing to link, to remove any doubt here, and calm.

Another way to make the pain stop, and not a drop of his afflicted blood had to come to use.

"I won't forget it," he paused, then his smile spread, eyes steeled and his gaze thrumming with a solid promise, "...but I won't let you get that far."

"And if I forget, princess...well. I know you won't let me get that far either," he said with a chuckle, remarking on his affliction, drawing closer to Rhys' side despite the seat-belt's protests. He kissed the other man's knuckles as the whitelighter had...just a few days ago, in the morning, where Nik had stolen his coffee moments later.

"Guess we're just fuckin' stuck with each other, huh?" he said as he turned up the radio, "don't dare change it. I don't care if you get cavities, let's...just enjoy the time we do have with each other, hmm?"

Nik's smile returned, warm, trying to melt the whitelighter's cyan, complicated, sometimes cold gaze. His smile was a promise.

A promise he aimed to keep.

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[div class=statusText] Location: Shamelessly robbing a lowes.
BGM: Stealing
Sheet: Sheet
Interactions: Yes.
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Are we friends now?[/div][div class=text]
David kills a few more people and sets a few fires. Idly he wonders when these stopped becoming note worthy things. When did he become the type of person that considers this a chore, idle work that keeps the hands busy. The type of person that would kill a man for his magic chain weapon and not think about it.

They take the nicest RV and he wonders about how it managed to be quite so nice, and yet he never saw a vampire or any of the real leadership. So David sits in the RV and finds a nice spot by the window, where he takes out a rag, wetting it in the sink and starts to clean the blood and gore from his armor. Occasionally throwing some chunk of flesh out the window, and squeezing out the rag and re-wetting it several times. He seems to be a practiced hand at such a menial task. Carefully and patiently going through every knock and cranny as he moves pieces gently examining them for damage and wear as well as taking tend care to it. He takes the same care laying out his knives and swords on the ground wiping them down carefully and checking for nicks or damage.

Eventually he looks up to the others. "Ah sorry, gear first always. I learned that the hard way getting ambushed after one fight and nearly dying because of a finger stuck in my elbow joint, gross I know." He shrugs lightly shaking his helmed helmet. "Anyway, I am David." He sits silently continuing his work on his equipment a man of few words apparently.

[div class=text][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=wrapper] background-color:#0A0605; box-sizing:border-box; color:#FFFFFF; display:inline-block; position:relative; width:100%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class=title] color: #b5b7b7; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:3em; font-style:italic; padding:0; text-shadow:0 0 1em; margin-bottom: 10px; [/class] [class=box] margin:2em 1em; padding:2px 4px 0px; position:relative; [/class] [class=boxBg] box-sizing:content-box; height:100%; pointer-events:none; position:absolute; width:100%; [/class] [class=boxBgLarge] top:0; left:-5px; padding:0 4px; border:2px dashed rgba(255,255,255,.35); [/class] [class=boxBgTall] top:-8px;left:3px; padding:8px 0; width:calc(100% - 8px); height:100%; border:2px dashed rgba(255,255,255,.25); [/class] [class=boxBgMedium] top:-4px; left:-1px; padding:4px 0; border:2px dashed rgba(255,255,255,.4); [/class] [class=boxInner] background-color: #0A0605; overflow:hidden; margin:0.5em; [/class] [class=statusBox] box-sizing: border-box; border-right: 3px dashed white; padding: 15px; float: left; max-width: 250px; margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px; [/class] [class=text] padding: 0px 15px 15px 15px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:0.8em; [/class] [class=statusText] font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.75em; margin-top: 5px; [/class] [class=characterPortrait] box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; border-radius: 20px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=characterPortrait state=hover] opacity: 0.5 [/class]

A Winter Wonder - - Oh.

Location: RV
Interactions: Mirgris Mirgris cinnabuns cinnabuns
Mentions: A bit of everyone
BGM: Time of Your Life - Green Day → Cruise - Florida Georgia Line

"Ah! Fuck yes, Ruffles! I could kiss you—"

Rufus couldn’t help but bring himself into a proud grin. He looked to Nik for his approval, the lad showing a mix of strength and compassion that the brit wish he possessed to offer the rest of the team. Just about ready to offer a spot right next to him in the driver’s spot, Rufus’ heart sunk a bit when he saw the couple make their way to the nicer, more intimate car shortly after Nik’s hefted warning.

"Ruffles, drive safe. If my State, Brother, or Coin are injured on your watch, I'm holding you responsible.”

“If she dies, you die. That's it."

Granted there was some context between the two lines, one gestured at being more playful while the other one . . . was self explanatory. If Penny was not fixed up by the time this car trip was over, the battle with the raiders was going to be child’s play in comparison to what he was going to do to them. Another grin in Nik’s direction protruded from Rufus. Only this time it carried a more sheepish undertone, a slight salute as the male made his way toward the other vehicle shortly after flashing his lover a goofy grin. Odd how quickly the lad shifted from menacingly dark to being as though an innocent boy who had no knowledge of the weight of his words onto others.

He understood. Had he been in either of their places and it was one of his siblings in question of surviving or dying at the hands of others, he would have torn the group limb from limb had something even remotely disastrous happened to them.

Making eyes with both the driver and co-driver, Rufus stood from the vehicle, hands up in playful surrender. “Yew lot can drive. This behemoth is beyond me understandin’.” He made eyes with James specifically, eyes having a grin of their own in attempts to make nice with the driver. “Keys’re already in.” And with a relieved prance of his own, Rufus made his way to claim the first bed of the cabin.

The car ride was eerily calm.

The lad James drove, taking a load of weight off of Rufus’ shoulders. The bed within the cabin was quiet, calm. Country music dulled the bleakness of the world outside of the metallic four walls, occasional bumps from poorly made potholes adding to the vibrating sensation.

It felt good.

It felt good to be able to lie down, relax, not have to worry about who was going to die next and at what street. Truth be told, the prophet was certain that the gravely injured individuals were goners. Had that been the case, there would have been no telling how the loved ones would have been buried; or worse - whether they would have been given a burial at all. This world was a bit cruel in that respect as the past few days have demonstrated itself. Just years ago, survival meant paying off the rent and making sure food was in your stomach using the slaving labor that was put into means of keeping the economy going and giving yourself meaning in the massive society.

Now there was no economy.

There was no society to work for.

Rufus’ heart plummeted into his stomach with the next bump at the idea. What exactly were they fighting for? Survival? To give themselves something to do before they fell into the ground? Thoughts whirled around the prophet’s head as he sent himself in anguishing circles. It was much easier to be around people, to socialize. Keeping others happy and full of life took his mind off of the premature late night thoughts that haunted the individual whenever he were alone.

Shifting on his side, hand tucked beneath his head with his back toward the rest and curved into fetal position seemed to have brought a child-like security. It wasn’t much, so to speak but enough for him to recollect himself. He could feel himself lulling to sleep to the automotive movement, his hand thumbing at his knee to replicate the motion his brother would cast upon him just moments before falling asleep. Sounds of the window opening somewhat prompted the prophet to lift his head up, fighting through a blurry gaze at the knight in the cabin. Was the lad picking at his armor? Was that a finger? Rufus fought the pins and needles that accumulated beneath his arm to sit up, exhaling sharply through his nose to subdue the nettlesome pricks.

"Anyway, I am David."

“”Pleasuah t’be meetin’ ye, mate.” The prophet fought with himself to bring upon a delighted smile to see past the dismembered joints and unraveled flesh that sat in the individual’s armor. “Quite tha’ gruesome battle back there, ey?” Despite the common belief, small talk was always good talk. It got the ball rolling, broke the ice; things people, as socially as they bragged themselves to be, avoided as though the plague.

Drifting attention had caused the prophet to look to the other individuals within the RV. Aside from the cute bundles of badassry that sat just a foot apart in the driver’s den and the callous like soldier, there had been the lass that helped him earlier in need of healing of her own, the unconscious teammate he swore to himself he’d look after, the other maiden who had offered one of her own weapons to the blonde cleric, the two that he had come to learn as unbreakable siblings as the roadtrip of doom carried on and another set of two individuals he had yet to learn the names of. One of them had been helping Penny, however. That was already a plus in his book.

Rufus hopped down from his bed with a slight thud, tapping the toe of his converse into the wooden base. Come to think of it, the room felt a lot more dreary than he had initially given it credit for. With this depressing state, Rufus might as well should have brought a steak to be cut with all the tension. It wasn’t healthy. Though, it was understandable. Still, he couldn’t help but try and find a way to lift the mood.

What was the name of that song he had been listening to on repeat for the past 20 minutes again?

“Baby you’re a song you make me want to roll my windows down and cruiiiiiiiise,” the words squeaked from the back of his throat as he tried to regurgitate the song lyrics he should have memorized by now. In the corner of his eye he could see Edana pulling up her copy of ‘How to Socialize’ over her eyes, a groan gurgling from the depressive maiden’s voicebox. This only caused the brit to laugh a bit and continue, his nerves overworking to try and get a feel for the audience.

“I got my windows down and the radio, get your radio”

“I got my windows down and the radio, get your radio”

Rufus pranced to the front of the driver’s den to try and get Alaska and James involved as well so they wouldn’t feel alone. “Baby you’re a song …” he repeated with a grin, ruffling both of their heads before returning back to the rider’s cabin with a slight skip. Another snort instinctively built and left Rufus’ nostrils as Edana sharply turned a page in irritation, a hot glower shooting over the edge of her fat book and right into the prophet’s soul. She didn’t seem to be much of a party-people person. Lass was going to have a rather difficult time if she kept up with that attitude. “Com’on luv, nothin’ like gettin’ a party started wif people yew dunno!”

“I’d much rather keep this ‘party’ the way it was a few minutes ago before you started hollering. Of all songs you had to choose that one.” Edana grumbled back, shifting her gaze to the rest of the cabin. “You’re not the only one here, as you clearly should know.”

Her words pierced him slightly but he couldn’t help but continue with his grin from before. Sashaying over to the goth caused her to recoil further into her seat as if he had cooties. Expected of someone her age, quite frankly. Placing both hands over the tops of Edana’s book caused the female to hiss once, making an attempt to yank her source of social survival from the obnoxious individual’s hands. He had already curled his fingers around the book with a growing grin, peering his head over the edge of the soft-covered book.

“Don’t you’re ruining it--!” It was the goth’s turn to squeak now, eyes widening in sheer panic.

“. . . I dun fink it says anywhere in this book tha’ yer supposed to sit in silence t’make friends, now are ye? Don’t that defeat tha purpose, luv?” Rufus entirely ignored her in midst of his happy streak, fingering through the unread pages.

“You damned imbecile . . .” Edana seethed but quickly cooled herself. He had a point, unfortunately. And if she were to make nice with any of those aboard the RV she had to learn how to interact, not disengage. Still, there was no way in hell she was going let him know that. With one final yank she regained thorough control over the book before shifting her gaze to the wounded individuals. One of them had been conducting white magic which left a ball of salt at the roof of Edana’s mouth. It was something essential but a bit of a raw reminder of the amount influence white magic witches had over everyone else. Her gaze softened a bit at the devastatingly injured ones’ condition, placing the book down beside her and making her way over to the part of the vehicle. “I would like to help,” she murmured. A rush of reflux acid ran up her throat as she spoke, swallowing hard to keep the vile substance from going any further than that.

“I might know a thing or two.”

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
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[div class=statusText] Location: On the road
BGM: Orange Colored Sky
Interactions: Boyfriend from Hell™ BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
OOC: This is just a fluff post because I need it in my life okay?
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
"My, my, detective...aren't you the flatterer," His nose crinkled, casting a deadpan gaze towards the blond. He was trying to be serious. Leave it to Nik to try to make fun of a tense situation. Perhaps that was what he liked so much about him. Nik's outlook on life was the antithesis to his, yet still somehow oddly similar. It had made them quick friends, though he wasn't really sure where the lines between friendship and lovers had blurred. He was glad it did though.

Rhys would never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as Nik would let him. If he had had words to speak such a thing, he would have. But there were none that seemed big enough for it, to hold that swelling truth. As if he had heard the thoughts swirling in his head, Nik's thumb ran over the flesh of his hand. He didn't need to look; his fingers were etched into memory, slender and petal-veined, strong and quick and never wrong. His mouth pressed against his knuckles and it took everything in his willpower to keep the vehicle from swerving.
His heart pounded in his rib-cage, mirroring the slight acceleration of the car. As scared as he was about not being able to feel, that was hardly the case now. His head fell back against the head rest, staring at the road as he tried to keep himself from choking up. His vision began to blur and he blinked it away as fast as he could, looking over at Nik's face every few seconds.

"I won't forget it...but I won't let you get that far."

The emerging light of dawn cast off his hair at just the right angle to give the flaxen strands an ethereal glow. In the section of his brain that was always rational, realized that the smile Nik gave was pretty much the same one he always wore. There was nothing new to it. But it still managed to take his breath away. Swaths of orange and soft pinks tinted the man's face and Rhys wished that he had had a camera. Just to capture that second forever, because it was a second that he never wanted to forget.

It was a precious figment of time that he would always keep close.

The moment he realized he was in love with him.

The realization slammed into him like a freight train. If he had been analyzing the signs, he might have seen it earlier, might have noticed more in between glances and witty retorts, heated mouths and airy breaths, between bodies that moved in such synchronization that it was a wonder they weren't the same person. The car jerked as Rhys veered back onto the road, the feeling of the tires moving across rumble strips had spooked him enough to force his attention back onto the road. His throat tightened, wanting to say that it might have already been too late, that he was already getting that far, but he didn't. Rhys didn't want this moment to be smothered by fear or self-pity.

"And if I forget, princess...well. I know you won't let me get that far either,"
Rhys managed a jerky nod and a hum, his left thumb running against the leather of the steering wheel. In all his years as a homicide detective he had never once cried. There hadn't been a moment where he felt so deeply for the victim that it broke him. He knew other officers who had cried, who had broke down and wept for the victims they could not save, but not Rhys. The only ones he ever cried for had been Lawson and Monica. Both of which had very good reasons of their own to illicit such a reaction. Sitting in the Cadillac though, with so much emotion crowding down on him, and the comforting brushes of Nik's fingers across his hand he was having difficulty not falling apart.

Nik didn't know....wouldn't know until he told him, just how dangerously close he was to slipping off that edge. The coldness could drag him down at any moment, consume his soul and leave him tranquil for the remainder of his life. He had felt it beginning and he wasn't sure how much time he had left.

"Guess we're just fuckin' stuck with each other, huh?"

He sniffled and it was only then that he realized he was crying. He dragged a hand across his face quickly, smearing the wetness across his cheeks. Nik turned the radio up, static crackling every so often as they drifted in and out of range. A half-laugh rumbled through him, but it sounded more like a sob. He swiped at his eyes, cursing the way his throat tightened and the way tears slid down his face like a goddamn waterfall.

"-don't dare change it. I don't care if you get cavities, let's...just enjoy the time we do have with each other, hmm?"

His lips curled into a smile, a laugh bubbling out of him and hinged on a bitter note at the end, "I won't change it. Listen to all the sappy shit you want to, I don't care as long as I can sit here and hold your hand." He sniffled, shaking his head as his features twisted up in self annoyance. "I'll be giving myself fuckin' cavities at this rate."
Rhys cleared his throat, "I suppose this means that you don't want to talk about..." He couldn't find the words to finish that sentence. It was still such a touchy subject and although he knew Nik deserved to know what was going on with him, it was hard to explain while he had the fucking waterworks going.

He shuttered a breath.

"An archangel brought me back."

Okay so he was doing this.

"It's complicated. But you need to know that I'm not...I'm not blessed in a traditional sense. I'm not like Penny. I don't fucking know what it means or how or why or or or, whatever the fuck is happening. I just know that sometimes...fuck. I'm...this isn't what you meant by fuckin' enjoying our time was it?" His brows furrowed, a hiss of frustration leaving him. Fingers swiped through his hair, running through the short strands in muted distress. He shouldn't even have brought this up. He should have just...left it until they were out of a moving vehicle because now he felt like he infringed upon the rarity of a time for just them. Stealing him away normally was hard enough, but with the addition of others that they had rescued along the way...Rhys wasn't sure when it would be just them again away from prying ears and eyes.

He promised himself that he would spend eternity making up those ruined moments of serenity. He would give this man countless pieces of calm coated in acts of love and words of murmured devotion. The previous song drew to an end, looping right into the cords to a tune he found ironically fitting. Rhys pressed his foot to the accelerator, pushing 80 and gaining enough distance between the RV and them that he could take his foot completely off the gas without having to worry about being rear ended. He turned in his seat, he pulled his hand away from Nik's placing it on the back of his neck and pulling him forward until their lips connected.

Rhys kissed him like he needed him, because in a way, he did. He gave the kiss as much attention as he could afford it, dragging his teeth over his lower lip as he started to pull away.
"Flash, Bam, Alakazam! I got a look at you..." Rhys muttered against his lips, pressing his palm to his cheek and kissing him lightly once more before turning his attention back to the road. The RV had caught up and he pressed his foot to the accelerator to avoid getting hit. Last thing he needed was to bitch at James about rear ending a car that looked this good.
His head tilted to the side slightly, watching Nik from the corner of his eye and wondering if he got the message.

"I...before we resume any serious talk or whatever the fuck, I just wanted to make sure..." He trailed off, throat dry as he tried so desperately to force those three words out. He was so sure of it, could swear by it, yet there was an ounce of fear that remained. Something distrustful that had been bred out of years of failed relationships and loving too much without being really loved in return. He was terrified to cross that line. But it couldn't be scarier than death. If he died, he could tell this man his fucking feelings damnit.

"I'm not sure when it....it kind of fuckin' crept up on me...I hadn't even been aware, or maybe I chose not to be aware, I didn't want to get myself wrapped up this deep..."

He took a slow breath, swallowing past the lump in his throat.


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Amara Blackwood
Location: Raider's HQ > Rad RV
Mentions: Penny

You are an evil, evil man. You have… taken… our loved ones, our friends… these innocent people? You’ve ripped—ripped them… I’m done talking to you. If I kill one man, at my hands, it’ll be you. Rot in hell.” With those words and a final shot, Penny exterminated Laslo before them. After throwing spells, fighting hand to hand, and using the chains as a whip for what seemed like some time, Penny finally put the last nail in the coffin and shot the bastard. Amara initially had planned to do end the inhuman, now lay dead before her, but Penny beat her to the punch. Taking no offense, she moved on to help clear more raider and help the rescues find a way out.
Literally slashing her way through, she fought off raiders, using death blows after death blows. She wanted to get out. She needed to get out and catch up with her brother. What she was going to do from there, she really didn't know. All she could see in that moment was one live bodies are now dead or dying ones, as she made her way through the halls and back to the outside. She didn't make herself aware of what was happening with the others, as she was fighting, not even that Penny got shot. There was so much noise, from the yelling, the shooting, the screams, the metal clashing, and the sounds of death, it was hard to distinguish what was going on.
Feeling the crisp air, she finally made it outside. It seemed so long ago from when they went in and in that time they killed so many. Those that survived fled. Probably to find a new, bigger monster to serve once they realized all their masters were dead. They were smart, at least then. There was no purpose in fighting, or dying, after that. No one for them to lay their lives out to. It's just a waste of energy and life at that point.
Standing in the slushy snow, stained gray from the ash falling through the air. Looking around, she watched others gather around, as they too made their way out of the Raider Headquarters. It didn't take her long to find her brother, who seemed to be watching the exit like a hawk, anxious for her to make it out. She made her best efforts to rush over, but the heavy whiteout was making it hard. It didn't help, when it was started to come down again, adding to the blanket all around. They would need to get a move on before the next blizzard.
Nik and Penny were the next to come out. Penny in his arms, bridal style. She was shot in the shoulder to add to the one already on her leg. She felt for the girl and showed some concern. She had to admit though, the girl had a lot of fight in her. She didn't know when to quit. Even when she got shot the first time, she didn't back down or run away. She probably should've since she was hurt, but she was obviously was more stubborn than a mule and refused to leave her friends.
"Amara, come on. They found and managed to save some vehicles for transport," Elijah called out to her, as he came up.
"You mean, you want us to go with them?"Amara questioned. She honestly wasn't sure, nor had she thought this part through this whole rescue mission. She was so focused on finding him alive, that she didn't think of what would happen afterward. She guessed she assumed that they would be forced to go their separate ways afterwards, even though they have warmed up to some of the others. Being allies on a common rescue mission was different. The whole the enemy of my enemy is my friend, kind of stuff. Uncertain if they were even cool enough with her to go on a road trip.
"Yes. Why not?"
"I don't know," she answered hesitantly. "You know I don't do well making friends. I caught up with them on accident. I almost destroyed a deal they made with this powerful witch. They only tagged me along because we had a common goal, it was an added bonus that I had some skills to help them," she added.
"At least give it a try. They don't seem against you now. You helped them get their friends back. And if they don't like you or wish to boot you, then we'll leave and it can just be you and me. Family," he said, clearly pleading with her, which caused her to smile. He always does know how to somehow get her on board with things she is wishy-washy about. She didn't speak after that, only nodded, watching his face light up from another win. She accepted his hand, as he extended it put to her and they walked together towards their next temporary home. An RV.
The RV was massive. Multi-million or billion dollar massive. How the raider not fuck this one up was beyond her, especially when they got in the inside, which somehow made it look even bigger. It was quite literally a two bedroom living space on wheels and had an engine. It came pre-equipped with beds, a bathroom, a cooking area, a seating area, refrigerator/freezer, a closet, a pantry, and well, just a crap ton of storage. Amara immediately went to one of the adult sized, top bunk beds to claim as one of her own, and sat, bringing her feet closer to her. Elijah had immediately followed her and sat on the same bed to keep her in good company, but she knew throughout the trip he would socialize.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Throughout the drive, Amara did as expected. She kept to herself and watched the other from a distance. She stuck to her little corner, while Elijah would flip flop between her and the rest of the group. Making friends, while also making sure she was okay. She was fine, of course. Elijah was supposed to be glued to her, and he will do what he wants. She didn't mind. He was in her sight and alive, that's all that mattered. She just wasn't up for the whole kumbaya thing, especially the singing part.
“Baby you’re a song you make me want to roll my windows down and cruiiiiiiiise,” Those words, mixed with the matching beat and rhythm were what accurately describes the word hell. Listening to country music in any form.
"Oh, no" she muttered to herself, sitting up and turning her head to look for the source. Whether it be from someone singing it, or from the actual singers themselves, she couldn't stand it. She didn't have an exact reason why, she hated the songs so much, but she knew she was willing to do anything to make it stop. Country music, to her, was the equivalent of SafeTouch to burglars. She is rebelled by the thought of country music. It just shouldn't be a thing and it makes the young witch want to jump out of the moving RV to end her misery.

“I got my windows down and the radio, get your radio
“I got my windows down and the radio, get your radio”

In moments, she discovered the cause of the soon to be bleeding from her ears and rolled her eyes, though she couldn't roll them hard enough. A young lad named Rufus. Being from his accent, or his lack of trying to actually sing, the lyrics sounded a bit off key, which made it worse on top of her already strong dislike for country.

“Baby you’re a song …”

"Oh god, no." At this point, she was begging to any god or goddess for the strength to deal or just to give him the conscience to make it stop.
She tried covering her ears, but his pitch was strong enough to go through even a pillow and her hands. She was sure, the others could hear him, and they were in two other kinds of vehicles.
“I’d much rather keep this ‘party’ the way it was a few minutes ago before you started hollering. Of all songs you had to choose that one.” Just like that, a gothic angel saved the day. Her prayers have been answered, though for different reasons. But lack of country music, was lack of country music to her, which means her ears were save.
"Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate you," Amara, told the gal. Her tone, filled with relief.

Simjang Kim
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Interacting With:
Edana (whatcha doin?)
Beleth Beleth

Location: In the RV

Mood: Slightly Bored

Equipped With: Nothing

Death waits for no one, that was what she remembered as she was battling the raiders. The rival group of raiders seemed to be getting weaker as her other group mates have attacked and successfully weakened the demon. The group was starting to leave the venue, she followed as well. She hopped on what seems to be a luxurious RV, filled with appliances and conveniences that suit the basic human needs. It was quite a nice find for the driver.

She took a seat near the pantry, thinking about what is her purpose in life is everything that lived for is gone. She wondered what would happen if she knew the apocalypse would happen, would she still want a family? Would she have done everything that she wanted in her life? What would she do spending her last day before destruction comes? Whatever the answer, Kim is still searching for it.

The woman noticed a goth, reading a book and proceeding to where most of the injured were. Her attire was certainly something that a vampire would wear to seem more Gothic in any supernatural show. She seemed to be anti-social but it was still worth a shot talking to her. She proceeded to go there and say,

"Hey, need any help?"

Kim saw her slightly gagging up but the woman still helped on healing the injured survivors. She thought of giving her a chocolate bar to ease down her slight gagging. She grabbed her chocolate bar from her bag and reached it out to her.

"You can have it if you want."

Code by @Beauty_Belle

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[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
[div class=speakeasy2]𝘕𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘴 𝘓𝘪𝘢𝘮 𝘝𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘏𝘢𝘴 𝘈𝘯 𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥
— On the road
TAGS: Boyfriend from Heaven™ ( Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater )
OOC — mY hEaRt AgHhhH iMmM dEaD[/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]
When Nik had brushed the other man's knuckles with his lips, the car sped up, ever so slightly. He would've chuckled if he felt it was the right time, but it wasn't. He was such a fluster, this one, bashful in some strange way that was juxtaposed against his usual stoic demeanor. That was something Nik liked.

Tender, it reminded him of the time when they had fought that psycho ghost-bitch-witch in the locker-room of the police station.

His face had surged ten shades of red and he had limped away as if Nik had been a veritable death sentence. And maybe he was, truthfully, he thought as he hummed under his breath. A mild noise, something like enjoyment, honey-warm but slow and barely audible.

The blond was enjoying the ride, less helter-skelter hectic than their little road war with Alaska, eyes idling on the blooming horizon. Though that little skirmish had been very, very fun. Except of course for the dual puking crescendo with Haruka, who he missed dearly. Her antics from the backseat had been...truth before truth.

Reality before reality. A goofy second sight, that one. And where had she gone to?

Maybe Nik was a death sentence for Rhys, all these colors of warmth and light, it made you vulnerable. Nik was a kryptonite, a weak spot, a place to needle into. Rhys was a boon in his eyes, however. The part-time devil was more than happy to trust in new heroes, especially this one, with his quirked smile and strong jaw. These thoughts mulled in his mind like little flickers, but all he was doing was smiling.

This was nice.

Rhys didn't want to be vulnerable. He was one of those types. Nik tilted his head to the side as he looked over the side of the whitelighter's face. But he was, vulnerable. Nik had been privy to that nightmare Leraje had concocted, he was no fool. A smile crept over the blond's face, a brushstroke in warm umbers, the hint of a quirk at the edge like a dip of an ink's line.

If the other man could see what he saw, maybe he wouldn't be so self admonishing.

Or so frightened.

The whitelighter was blinking something fierce. Nik bit his lip for a moment, his grin spreading, strong brows piqued up at the center. Precious. Then the car jerked, and Nik made a small sound in the back of his throat.

"Careful princess, you have precious cargo, hmm?" the blond drawled out with an amused smile tilting the corner of his mouth.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

"Always." He liked that word, he considered it a full sentence, a full promise. One he hoped the other could keep. Because surely Niklas would try to keep that word as a tenement he'd prescribe to for all his days. That was his religion, this promise. And he was not the sort to worship or pray at any other altar than the one that held joy, promise, and purpose.

The other man made a sound not unlike a sniffle, and Nik leaned forward ever-so-slightly. His heart had absolutely melted to see so much emotion bubble to the surface. Maybe, despite what was happening to Rhys, that the blond clearly didn't understand just yet, he could pull him back.

Pull him back with a strong grip, because Nik was a live-wire of a tether, a line that could string out feelings he was sure Rhys was overwhelmed by. Maybe he'd be able to shatter the thrall of whatever their not-so-fearless leader was stuck within, if he pulled hard enough. Maybe.

Cheesy in a way, this thought, but maybe it was true. Fuck this Heaven and Hell shit, humans were more potent a brew than what they had. They should amaze and dazzle the more powerful denizens of goodness and evil. To be this powerful, to wield such force of the human spirit, and yet scurry on the earth like little mice. Naked, shivered in the brilliance of the holy and the profane, and yet here they were.

The blond played his fingers on the side of Rhys' face, contemplating all this wonder.

The meek shall inherit the earth, they always would.

"I won't change it. Listen to all the sappy shit you want to, I don't care as long as I can sit here and hold your hand."
"...you're crying, handsome," Nik reached forward to swipe his thumb across the other man's face, who was trying to still the tears by himself. But he didn't need to, not anymore. Such a complicated man, and Nik was too, but somehow...more simple.

Love greatly, live boldly, care with your whole heart, and destroy your enemies.

Fundamentally, that wasn't so complicated. It was all the little grits of human pain and struggle stuck in the corners that made it more difficult. Humans were messy creatures.

"I'll be giving myself fuckin' cavities at this rate." The blond snorted, not incredulous, but amused. This was...nice. A warm hand to hold, the warm hand, and the horizon of the road viewing from a Cadillac. It felt like something out of a film, maybe. Light parted through sparse, naked trees, and the snow cast the ground in a pale glow.

The orange of the horizon fettering to pinks, and then the clouds came in. Trailed in like the smoke that was spinning from the blond's cigarette still, perched in his other hand, he had forgotten it. Robin's egg blue piercing the veil now, the chilly air whipping around their own little nebula of metal and wheels. Tracking over the asphalt, moving as if in a sliver outside of time.

Nothing could touch them here.

"I suppose this means that you don't want to talk about..." Nik was silent, but his eyes were warm, if a bit conflicted. As if to say, without words, yes...and no. But he needed some kind of answer, or else he felt he'd be always two steps behind the other man, and he wanted to match pace. Not lag behind in all the why's, how's, and unanswered questions floating in the air like a fog.

He didn't want to miss the other, wading through an obtuse, confusing bog, thigh-deep in chasms of confusion.

"An archangel brought me back." Nik's brow quirked, then arched into an angle. He shifted, pressing the cigarette between his lips and inhaling. He was trying to wrap his head around that very simple sentence, the smoking helped. He held it in, then it cleared a line of blue-gray light from his mouth, pooled to the side. Away from the whitelighter, because he did so like to look at him, especially when he spoke.

He always meant what he said. Didn't meander or try to fill up the air like the blond, who had a problem with letting his words spindle, and saying stupid shit, barbing the corners of his mouth on didn't-mean-it's and cuss words.

"It's complicated. But you need to know that I'm not...I'm not blessed in a traditional sense. I'm not like Penny. I don't fucking know what it means or how or why or or or, whatever the fuck is happening. I just know that sometimes...fuck. I'm...this isn't what you meant by fuckin' enjoying our time was it?" The blond's eyes darted, but not seeing, he was trying to understand. Scrap his mind for any clues, hints, or illuminations. Think back to what the Witch in Queens had spoken on, had she ever mentioned anything?

Penny, the difference, trying to cobble together an understanding from his own personal context.

"...and this is why you're worried about not feeling? About forgetting?" Nik was unusually serious, now chewing at his bottom lip though the cigarette was between his fingers, a fidget there that he could use. But teeth to flesh was more severe, and he would chap them just to ground himself.

"That does sound fuckin' complicated..." he agreed, letting out a small sound of annoyance from the back of his throat. Rhys didn't have many answers either. Who could they ask? Could...they even ask anyone?

Now the whitelighter was obviously frustrated, and the blond struck a smile.

"Anyways...I enjoy our time, always...and," he paused, the words fleeting and getting lost as his mind tried to make sense of all this, "...it's a start. To understanding what the fuck is going on. I always feel like," another pause and the blond hesitated, "...I'm stupid, lost in all these great big things, things bigger than myself, that I don't understand at all...." he confessed. A point of pain for him, feeling like he was always four steps behind.

A...pawn, and not a bishop, as the red-eyed demon had declared in a snarl when it had jerked his arm from its socket. It felt so long ago, when it had only been a week or so, right?

"I wish we had a fucking manual or something." Another way they stuck, bound in a mutual confusion about the greater forces at work that seemingly just wanted to fuck with them.

For a solid strand of a moment, Nik wondered on the deluges of forces against them. He had never had this much chaos in such a short time-frame.

Sure, before joining up with their new little family, there had been times of small wars, times of fighting hell hounds and Revenants, slaying assholes, and the like. But nothing this fast, nothing this brutal, dauntless and unrelenting like a plague of locusts...on them at every turn. Every single turn. No more than a spare handful of days, anywhere, where they didn't need to face the brunt forces of some bullshit.

Everyone was always injured...his own light in the dark shot to hell, Ryan—why all this, so fast, and so much? He didn't get it.

Maybe...this was the reason. The reason, flustered and overcome by emotions, at his side, and trying his best to explain, but knowing less than Nik knew he liked.

"...'Apocalypse For Dummies' or whatever-the-fuck," he snorted, "'See Archangels Meddle,'" he said in a flat, irritated sing-song voice, as if referring to the token children's book that had withstood the test of time. He snorted again, all of this was...so confusing. Penny, so very injured, Alaska, and her magic...Nik knew nothing. Always, and here they were, both wading around in the mire of fog, stumbling, in an unfair cosmos that cared not for their confused bleating.

The song he liked so much fettered away, eliciting a frown from the blond, but then the other man stepped on the gas. Perhaps to coast, Nik didn't know why and flicked ash out the window so as not to ruin their fancy new vehicle with the cast-off from his nicotine addiction.

The other man shifted in his seat, the blond's eyes wide for a moment, a split second of the thought eyes on the road god damn, but then he was kissed. Hand on the back of his neck, the blond's eyes closed shut. This was a dangerous thing. His heart thudded in his chest.

"Flash, Bam, Alakazam! I got a look at you..."
".....you're such a fuckin' dork..." Nik said with a chuckle, shaking his head, the corner of his mouth quirking in a devilish grin.

"I...before we resume any serious talk or whatever the fuck, I just wanted to make sure..." Nik leaned further, situating his head on the other man's shoulder, the seat-belt reeling with that small whirl thick-woven fabric made through the plastic. The cigarette between his fingers was being forgotten, he managed to get one last good draw in before leaning to flick it out the small crack in the window.

It trailed in the air like a landmark, dotting the horizon as the car sped forward.

"I'm not sure when it....it kind of fuckin' crept up on me...I hadn't even been aware, or maybe I chose not to be aware, I didn't want to get myself wrapped up this deep..." The blond wasn't quite sure where this was going, it was his turn to be oblivious, content to just rest on that warm shoulder.


Nik started to laugh, a cackle, really.

It was possibly the worst reaction in this moment, but it wasn't laughter born out of anything other than joy, at this sudden confession. It was a lyrical thing, musical, and he crept his arm underneath the other man's, to lean his head on that strong shoulder. The blond looked at his face, noticing the expressions flashing on it. The laughter remained, but ticked down to something low in the chest.

"...you're...absolutely," the blond leaned up and quite aggressively murmured the rest of his sentence into the man's ear,"...fuckin' adorable," he paused for a moment. Then hummed, absolutely smitten, cheeks rosed and deep blue eyes full of nothing but appreciation.

"I love you too, Rhys," he said, another chuckle passing through his lips, meaning every single solitary word of it. However, now Rhys would have to handle steadying the car, it was decided. Nik leaned over and released himself from his seat-belt prison with a whirl of the belt and a clunk of the metal clasp hitting its holster, violently.

The blond grasped the side of the other man's face to pull him into a kiss as he was sure Rhys was trying to keep his eyes on the road. Nik was making it very difficult to do so, well aware of the fact there were vehicles behind them. He was sure the others wouldn't appreciate the jagging of the Cadillac, but he really couldn't give two iotas of a fuck. They'd have to deal with it.

"...sorry..." Nik offered an apology, a devilish smile dragging across his face, but the lie detector test determined that was a lie, "...not sorry," teeth to lips, hands in the hair, Nik's heart was thudding out of his chest like a jackhammer.

As he was a part-time devil, the blond was not defusing the situation in the slightest. In fact, the hostage negotiations were not going as intended, he was acting as the antagonist.

To be plain this was certainly a hostage situation, as Rhys had nowhere to go, and the blood ran hot.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

He rested back into sitting at Rhys' side, shoulder to shoulder, head tilted back and nearer the other man, languid. His smile was absolutely hell-touched, biting his lower lip certainly not in anxiety.

"Mhm...let's find somewhere to pull over," he said, indigo eyes drawing a lazy, jagged line to rest on the whitelighter's face. The grin on the blond's face was tinted rosy. He thanked...something. In his mind, a pressing worship to some God, Deity, Daemon, or other...a thank you.

For this, this one, this glimmer, alive. He only hoped that it would stick, and there wouldn't be worse on the horizon.

"...I spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with 'clothes'," he said with a devilish smirk, knowing full-well what he was playing at, a satisfied smirk scrawling up his face like a lightning strike. The building was indeed coming up in the distance like a little jag of a palette knife, the ground was so flat and cold out here. The faded letters dredged in time, blue and white, blue like the part-time devil's eyes—a hardware store.

"...Is that a market? Might have some peanut butter," he offered with a knowing chuckle, trying to make peace and backpedal from the terse and wholly unfair hostage situation he had firmly planted the whitelighter within.

A grin etched itself across the part-time devil's features, like a crack in the very earth itself.

Wholly unfair, and he didn't give a shit. A confession of love was the trigger of a gun, and the whitelighter couldn't possibly blame him for what he, himself, had said.

Blaming the gun for loading it full of bullets was truly poor form.

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[class=infrontofbackaffectsright] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:14px; color: auto; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=backgroundbloke]background:transparent; [/class] [class=sidebar] background:transparent; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:5px; color: auto; font-weight:800; flex: 0.4; [/class] [class=witchtalk] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);padding:4%; text-align: left; background:transparent; border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; margin-left:20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; [/class] [class=sidedetails] width: 181px; box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: justify; font-size:10px; padding:17px; color: auto; font-weight:100; background: transparent; margin:auto;[/class] [class=sidedetails2] text-align: LEFT; font-size:14px; padding:5px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px;[/class] [class name=sidebar maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px;[/class] [class name=infrontofbackaffectsright maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=witchtalk maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px[/class] [class name=bye maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
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Reverie Lowiezka

LOCATION — Jeep Wrangler on the road in the middle of Somewhere
INTERACTIONS Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater , izayoiix izayoiix , cinnabuns cinnabuns
MENTIONS— What happened to Kayden D:?
DESC. — Hair unfettered, tan wrap coat, red scarf, tights, black heeled ankle boots.
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❖ ❖​

The bit of ivory white enamel flicked up in the air, spun almost lazily at the apex of its trajectory before Newton's apple brought it back into the confines of pale slim digits. The jeep jostled about as it powered over rocks burried under the frozen coat of white. Beside her, the tanned witch peered intently through the rosy hues of daybreak.

She honestly had no idea why she had agreed to this. Sneaking around a raider encampment, making a beeline into known danger all in the name of repaying a part of a bargain that she didn't make; but chose to on behalf. A dichotomy of conflicting wills that tussled in the machinations behind piercing tawny eyes. She was only here because, and not out of any want. Besides, she wasn't oblivious to the undercurrents of potential deviousness that was so effortlessly masked by the rich southern slang that lilted from the Black Witch's lips like venom infused honey. She would know. She spoke the same language after all. She'd raised an eyebrow when Allea gestured for her to take point after they had thieved their way through a locked warehouse in search of Allea's prize, but wordlessly obliged nonetheless.

It was like a trophy of sorts. Like a hunter. Only she was the furthest thing from a hunter that one would imagine. She was never one for such arguably foolish fancies. Why risk your life to seek out a waltz with death?

The revenants and elder vampire descended upon the duo in a rage of shadows, fangs, and claws. The White Witch had long come to realize that her powers lay more with the supernatural; the mystical intangible horrors of that assailed one's mind and physique with spiritual energies the mundanes could never comprehend. The crush of death dealing objects slamming into unprotected flesh. Cutting and slicing as the vermillion fluids escaped from the punctured wounds of mortal bags. The rush of your heart in your ears as you tangoed with the devil, praying that you remembered the choreographed moves, for a misstep would mean certain death. Such uncivilized behavior was beneath her. But that did not mean she didn't know the game. No. She knew it, but only played by her own rules.

The overly large tooth flicked into the air once more. The RV took the center of their little cavalcade. Filled to its expansive brim with an assortment of individuals they had picked up after the raid on the raiders. There had been barely any time to meet them all, but Rèvie knew there was more than enough to put a permanent frown on her brow. The way Rhys and the others seemed to take in any stranger they met into their fold irritated the witch. But she held her tongue, choosing instead to be surreptitiously vigilant within the guise of aloofness. She did manage to catch sight of the Blonde and his detective paramour just before they took off, noting with a kind of detached relief that Nik hadn't lost the other half of his heart. But she'd noticed that something was wrong, strange rather. She saw it in the air around the dark-haired detective. In the set of his eyes. But mostly, she saw it in the way Nik looked at him for Reverie was more wont to hearing the words that the blue-eyed man never gave voice to. Such as it had been since that time. The RV up ahead swerved a little on the frozen asphalt, but Allea checked her drive, expertly keeping them on the road.

It was as if it knew the witch was in no way cut out for the demands of a physical melee. Toying with her as she clumsily slashed at it with her salvaged army knife. The guttural cackle of the vampire's glee permeated the air like a discordant violin, taunting her ineptness. It was difficult enough to keep up with mortal men, let alone the supernatural reflexes of a midnight horror. Soon, it'd quickly grown tired of its game. With a groan of disgust, it darted in a blur of shadow, so quickly that Reverie could only blink before the vampire was upon her. One hand grasped at her wrist painfully, while the other held her chin, delicately, if not for the fact that she could not pull away from his grip. Fangs bared, the elder vampire lunged in for a bite, only for its canines to be stopped short by mortal skin.

"Przemieniać" The whispered spell cut through the silence of the moment.

The vampire's frame jerked as it felt its bane pierce the flesh of its undead heart. Too close and too confused to avoid the attack. Alabaster fingers gripped the handle and pulled, revealing a blade that had somehow transmuted into a stake of sharpest silver. It stabbed home once more, cutting through muscle and sinew so effortlessly there was barely a sound. Just a muffled squelch of punctured flesh.

"H-How...?" It voiced, as it stumbled backwards, futilely trying to pry the stake out as its sorry existence slipped from between twisted fingers. Then it collapsed into the dust.

Reverie watched as the vampire suffered through its death throes, her hand idly smoothed over the side of her neck noting with grim satisfaction that her potion had worked. It should have. Afterall, wendigo claw was way up there on the list of difficult to obtain rare ingredients.

As was elder vampire fang.

She caught it in the palm of her hand, closing it snuggly into a fist as the recollections of her encounter drifted away like the white flecks of snow fleeting by her passenger window.

"So... you're telling me that those savages had those rifles lying around in storage but chose to charge you guys with chains, clubs and the occasional handgun?" The white witch half turned to cast her words over her shoulder to the backseat, where a trio of newly acquainted individuals sat. Reina, the olive-skinned hunter, a tall man with green eyes named Caleb, and Theta the witch with a snake. Pretty depressing descriptions on Reverie's part in all honesty, but that was all she could manage, what with the haste with which they made their escape. She shifted in her seat to regard Caleb and Reina in particular, for they were the ones who had revealed the haul of weapons stolen from the raider's vault.

Sori for the shitty post. I haven't penned anything noteworthy in over 2 weeks T.T
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a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process.

RV on the way to ze Hardware Store​
blessed blonde, firestarter witch, the hunter
also laska and daisy but I don't think they need actual mentions <3


There isn’t, and wasn’t, much to say in the aftermath.

When they drove off in the big RV, Namri was relieved with the numbers. It was...comforting to see the people she’d made a brief connection with weren’t hurt, that some of them were traveling with her. Her mind was, of course, captivated by the work in front of her.

As soon as she’d gotten in the RV she’d gone to the injured blonde’s side by the bed, going through her rucksack - making sure she didn’t prick herself on a knife - before pulling out her med kit. She placed the bag down and opened the kit, picking up the herbs her second parents had stuffed in her bag. She remembered clearly what they’d told her before sending her off that day.

She just wondered why they had been so cryptic, why they hadn’t been honest about the world basically breaking apart. Why didn’t they confess earlier; why had they let her gone on believing that she was human?

It was like her hands moved on autopilot as she went back in her mind, back to two years ago. Handing her a journal that had some of her work in it but with mostly seemingly blank pages, her second father had started to explain her actual history while her second mother fixed her bag. Namri had been confused, thinking it was just another day of research for her. She could see her second mother putting the herbs she was opening now and placing into a small bowl while her father explained how they weren’t actually her real parents.

At the time, Namri had laughed about that, since it was obvious they had adopted her, since their features were nowhere similar. But she hadn’t expected the words to come next had to do with witches, hadn’t expected that was to be part of her story. There were things they’d said back then that hadn’t properly processed until her time in the cages, where she’d had more about the true history of witches, how white witches were accepted by humans but shunned by their own for being so giving in a race built on cruelty. It all made more sense, now.

Five days in the cages gave her more truth about the world around her than the people who had raised her. But she couldn’t be upset at them, as they explained it was her mother’s dying wish they never told her the truth. Telling her anything at all, they explained, was breaking that trust in them that she had. She did wish, however, that they had given her more of a leveled playing field.

Who knew what would have happened if she had more knowledge of her skills when her professor had been around?

Namri’s face read nothing, betrayed nothing, but her heart was thrumming fast as she smashed the herbs with the handle of a knife, dripping in some water to make a paste. She couldn’t even explain her own actions but she knew she had to be on the right track. It felt like something in her heart was guiding her to her right answer, and she’d take all the guidance she could receive.

After all, if she could heal the blonde, maybe she could offer her some assistance with the bigger project in front of her - the unconscious, bloodied man they’d picked up on their way out. His pulse was faint, but still going. He could hold on for sometime. Plus, she still needed to heal the hunter in the passenger’s seat, and Daisy.

Namrata’s thoughts went fast but she stayed as silent as possible while she worked, scooping some of the paste onto a finger and bringing it up to her lips to whisper a spell, something faint, teetering on the edge of her memory.

“Musrorter suproc, asso musrorter tse susrevnoc, siniugnas musrorter tse susrevnoc.”

Flipped, in an old Romantic language - Latin. As she spread the paste onto the blonde’s wounds her mind translated for her, translated it forward to what it was supposed to say, and then what it was supposed to mean.

Conversus est retrorsum sanguinis, conversus est retrorsum ossa, corpus retrorsum.

Turn back the blood, turn back the bones, turn back the body.

She wished she knew why that were the words she needed, but she didn’t question it. If it could protect someone, what was worth questioning?


After twenty minutes, most of which left Namri in a haze, it seemed that the blonde - who explained her name was Penny - was pretty much healed up, thanks to the added effort of her friend from earlier. Once Namri’s mind felt screwed back on and she realized Penny was already attempting to heal the unconscious man with a mild sense of panic, the two had a heated discussion on the blonde’s own health and how Namri didn’t want her to strain herself just yet if Namri’s healing hadn’t been enough.

It took another ten minutes, but the blonde finally relented, and bitterly, Namri realized how much she craved food in that exact moment.

She loosely figured out the fact that she hadn’t had a proper meal in days might have something to do with why her brain felt detached from her body after attempting to heal, but it seemed taking time for herself helped to settle and ground herself to get back to work. It wasn’t time for her to stop working, obviously, she’d decided as she worked on healing the brunette hunter in the passenger seat. But Penny had an impressive amount of skill. If they could work together, they could properly heal the man Penny had been worried about.

Namri sat down on the bed near Penny, staring out into the road they were driving fast, once she’d finished healing the hunter, named Alaska. Her wounds hadn’t been as grave as Penny’s, or even as the man’s - Ryan, Penny had told her - so they took less time for her to heal. She moved to Daisy afterwards, apologizing to the girl for taking so long in healing her leg. The girl was as friendly as the first day she’d met her, and for that Namri was thankful. Thirty minutes had went by, and when she checked on Penny, the blessed’s wounds were looking just fine. Namri replaced the paste, applying hydrogen peroxide to her wounds, spreading ointment and bandaged the wounds properly - with a bunch of colorful words creating a juxtaposition in the blonde’s status as holy.

It filled Namri with more amusement than it should’ve.

Once again Namrata’s brain felt loose, unscrewed, and she had to admit it was not only bothersome but worrying. It felt off, not being able to focus here. She’d always felt focused. If she didn’t have that, she felt her internal compass might be broken. She’d barely heard Rufus singing and some muttering out their groans or humming along. She barely felt connected to this moment in time.

It was thanks to Edana that she was brought back from her mental vacation.

“I would like to help, I might know a thing or two.”

The soft grin on Namri’s face was due to both current brain fog and due to the girl’s willingness to offer some assistance, mixed with a dash of relief. She looked to the younger witch, the grin still evident. Namrata could see the disgust hidden under Edana’s features, which made her offer even more tempting. Whatever she was going to suggest made the dark witch feel wretched at her core. Namrata knew that meant Edana was trying.

“Please, Edana.” Namri spoke with a calmness that masked her excitement. “Whatever knowledge you feel might help me is knowledge I trust. Right now I think I need a moment before I tend to Ryan, but may I call on you when I do so?”

She could see Penny inching towards the man, checking him over, making sure his pulse was still going. When her features relaxed at knowing he was still alive, Namrata’s relaxed as well. She felt guilty for needing a moment while he stood in the space between life and death. She knew no one really blamed her, not even Penny. But that didn’t keep her from feeling that way. It wouldn’t. They met eyes for a moment and Namri nodded. It had definitely been long enough that she could start helping Ryan. Namrata mouthed that she would be over in a little bit, and Penny nodded back before grabbing Namri's med kit. Namrata herself still needed some time before she could be of use again.

She watched as Edana’s attention was taken by an offered candy bar with a smile and she looked away and out of the window, not wanting to remind her stomach of how empty it was. It made Namri happy that Edana was making friendly with her, with the others, especially after seeing her in the cage not even a few hours beforehand. There had been a time she’d thought Edana would have been next. She was happy to see that wasn’t the case.

By the time she’d focused again and looked back into the RV, Namri’s eyes had met with Elijah’s.

She hadn’t had a chance to talk to the hunter since they’d been trapped and while she’d found herself with even more questions, she felt like she had to offer him a thank you. Him and Theta. The scientist’s mind went to the other witch and her snake, traveling in the Jeep. She hoped the girl was okay, as she was the one who had suggested Namri use an herb on Penny when she’d made her way out of the headquarters before she was rushed into the car. The two - no, three - had offered her mind a peace that had helped to keep her alive. She owed them for that.

Namri offered Elijah a little wave of her fingers as she scooted to the corner of the big bed that was closer to the bunk beds, looking up at him with a smile.

“It’s been quite an eventful few hours, hasn’t it?” Namrata's words were once again calm and her gaze moved to her fingers as she brushed the bottom of her skirt, feeling the torn edges as she spoke to him. What a difference five days had brought them all. She looked up at him once more, fixing her legs into a lotus position as she sat up a bit. “How are you feeling?” Her next words were very soft, offered a different vulnerability than she was used to, as her questions weren’t usually personal. She asked to learn, usually, but now, it was different.

Now, she was asking because she wanted to make sure. Because she'd been nervous about it, because she'd been nervous for him.

“Are you alright?”


Location: RV
Mentions: Penny, Namri, Kim, Amara
Interactions: Dear Mrs. Psycho Dear Mrs. Psycho thefinalgirl thefinalgirl cinnabuns cinnabuns

OOC: I feel like I got too into character interactions between my own - if I did please feel free to tell me <3

"Oh god, no."

Edana could resonate with the protesting voice to the side. It was not loud and overt but the goth knew well enough of when there was a fellow disliker for the country genre. Had it been up to her, she would have much rather chosen something a bit more . . . medieval. She’d settle for rock, even at this point. Anything but country. The goth gritted her teeth once at the mix between the ear grating accent and how the boy would stir up some of the words at the most obvious points. All of the constant interaction not only socially but physically as well. Shifting her rounded eyes in the like minded individual’s direction; oddly enough, they were on the same page about appreciating the other’s existence within the moment.

"Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate you,"

Another wince at the start of some sort of conversation. This person seemed okay, however. An older female, to be more precise. She had been the one choking the ever-living hell out of the Elijah male. Siblings, she had grown to learn about the two. Her tone carried a wave of unleashed relief, not wanting to be the person to blow the horn of dissonance within the social group. Edana rotated her body slowly in the direction of the voice with a mix between a scoff at the singing and a chuckle at the small world the cabin had suddenly brought upon her.

So I’m not the only one who would much rather listen to a cat bellowing?” Chocolate orbs flickered behind her longer lashes, contemplating both the abruptness and as well as the jarring comparison that could very suddenly spook the female off. Tops of her cheeks burned in a horizontal fashion, stammering to recollect herself. “I- I- I mean -” Fingers scrambling to go through her dictionary of friendship making created the minimal heat wave into the entire sahara across her face. Of all things, speaking with others was the one thing that made her anxious around others. It just had to be socializing. At this point her eyes had been hidden behind the book itself as she spoke, words coming out simple in another attempt to try and start anew. “I don’t like country music. It is scathing to the ears, unfairly catchy and seems to have an effect on driving others away less they are fellow country music lovers. If this keeps up, I will be the first to sing along out of pure hypnosis to the melody.” Okay, that sounded better. Hopefully.

"Hey, need any help?"

She had completely forgotten about her own offer to Namri to assist with the healing when the newer member had presented interest in helping. Edana glanced over at Kim with a slight nod, had to the side of her neck in a massaging motion to try and reduce the nausea. The female extended an arm out, in her hand a bar of chocolate.



The goth could feel herself shamefully salivating over the darkened sweetened source of delight. Of all things that could be within her pocket now, chocolate was one of them. Edana reached out, frail fingers wrapping around the edges of the bar. “Thank you.” Words of kindness felt foreign to her lips, as though someone had possessed her and spoke on her behalf. Continuing the friendly talk made Edana’s lips as though they were on anaesthesia. “Help? I suppose we will need all the help we can get. We have injured individuals in need of immediate medical assistance - do you have any knowledge of first aid or healing magic of some sort? Even so much as scraps for resources such as gauzes and needles for stitches will be superb.”

“Whatever knowledge you feel might help me is knowledge I trust. Right now I think I need a moment before I tend to Ryan, but may I call on you when I do so?”

Warmth and numbness was indeed an odd combination. A nod once from the goth toward one of her more trusted companions. Namrata had working relentlessly at healing the others, the least she herself could offer was patience for the female to rest up. Now that Penelope had been fixed up and within the process to being brought back onto her feet, nothing could stop the crew from becoming well rested, well healed and ultimately whole again. A wave of realization flushed over the goth as the healer in question turned her head upon the sight of chocolate. Did she not like the food? Was she hungry? Both? Slender, bony fingers encompassed the wrapping of the chocolate bar with a crinkle, then a pop.

Edana’s eyes had been crossed as the center of the sugary delight snapped in half right down the middle; then in thirds, fourths. Nose crinkled lightly in confusion, brows furrowed toward the center. Just how many pieces could she lend? Her book had indicated that offering others food was an indication of generosity and even hospitality - one of the few characteristics Edana knew oh too well she needed work with. Obviously a piece would go to the person who had offered the chocolate, a piece to the one healing others, a piece to the . . . driver? Then that would mean the co-driver should receive some in that respect. The wounded could benefit from a treat as well. Only person she could think of who would not really need any chocolate was - -

Say, luv, whatchu got there?

Dammit. Facial features have felt less intense, far less firm than before. She must have left her guard down.

Nothing, beat it, runt.” Edana hissed. She had still resentment from before when the brit laid his grubby little hands on her book.

Runt?” Rufus tilted his head with an irritating smile and some concoction of a snort-laugh. “Yer tha shorty, guv!” The amount of time between rising and making an attempt to push the obnoxious male backward was not enough for Edana to retain her balance. Another laugh as he rocked on his feet, clearly eyeing the small bit of broken confectionaries in her hand. “Nevah answah’d me question.” His voice was rather stale, low in the few inches that sat between the two.

Don’t need to. You clearly know far more than enough.” Edana recollected herself, ears burning around the rims at the public display. She knew better than this. “This is not for you. You and your lousy singing have not deserved it.” Waving the chocolate pieces in her fist once, Edana used the last part of her sentence to begin handing out the designated chunks she had thought out before. One for Kim, Namrata, herself, Penelope, Alaska, James and Ryan when he awoke. Everyone else would just have to find their own.

C’mon guv,” Rufus frowned lightly at the taunting. Clearly she disliked him and was overtly showing it. “Nevah said I wos a good singah.”

No one said you had to sing, period.” Her share between her back teeth now as she worked her way through the food with salivating delight. It has been too long since she had anything in her stomach. Too long since her stomach had desired anything to really hunger for. To feel hungry.

Insides of Rufus’ fists were trailed with unintended imprints from pent up frustration. It wasn’t necessarily the lass and her demeanor that really set him off. It was her public patronizing when he had been trying to offer assistance in the way that he knew how. Despite a growing array of words he had wanted to say, lashing out at the female would do neither party any good. Instead he smiled with a slight almost saddened nod.

Roight, on guv. Yer right. We can do somefin else to lighten the mood?” His last set of words were more directed to the general public rather than the goth. It was evident she was only going to bite back at him with something more callous than before.

I fink I found a stash o’ entertainment toward tha back, I could set up somefin once our mates are all set an propah? A bit silly to offah but maybe ‘elp take tha mind offa wot’s goin on?

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
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[div class=statusText] Location: On the road > Lowes Home Improvement
BGM: I Love You Baby
Interactions: Boyfriend from Hell™ BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
OOC: Be advised: I wrote this at 1AM and am fairly sure it's all just a bunch of cheese.
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
"...you're...absolutely," Hot air caressed the shell of his ear, causing a shiver to roll down the base of his spine. Crystal blue eyes floated to his side, seeing the expressions morph across the other man's face. He would have loved to stare longer, but the threat of driving off the road pulled his attention away once more.
"...fuckin' adorable," Heat swelled under the skin of his cheeks, flushing his face in every rosy shade of pink known to man. That wasn't exactly the response he had been hoping for when he told him how he felt. Then again, he wasn't exactly sure what he had been expecting. But dying had forced him to realize just how short his own life could be and just in case one of them went missing tomorrow...he wanted Nik to know that he was head over heels. He was so deep in that he wasn't sure he'd even be able to function without him. It was sort of insane to feel this way after a couple of weeks. Yet here he was. Beyond a reasonable doubt that this man, grinning in that particularly devilish sort of way that was all Nik, was the other half of his soul. He swallowed past another lump forming in his throat, forcing his gaze to remain on the road though he could feel Nik's body heat against his side.

"I love you too, Rhys," The Cadillac swerved around a pot hole, azure orbs darting to the man beside him in a flash of emotion. Those were the words he hadn't expected for some reason. Of all the reactions that ran through his head, all the different scenarios, having this man tell him that he loved him back hadn't been one of them. His chest felt so heavy and so light at the same time. He heard the seat belt whirl back, "Put your--"

A hand grasped his chin, jerking his head to the side. Nik's mouth fixed itself upon his, giving Rhys almost no time to prepare and avoid an abandoned car on the side of the road. He didn't want to do this while driving, his attention was half divided, but...it felt so good at the same time. He was being kissed in a way that he hadn't ever been kissed before and it...it was probably one of the greatest kisses in his entire life. He kept both hands on the wheel, trying to stabilize the car and make sure he wouldn't run them off the road. When he looked at him it was as if every ounce of breath had been taken from his lungs, floating into the air like midnight smoke. Every kiss felt like the world stopped, leaving just the two of them to wander the earth together. Every time he held his face between his hands, every wall he had worked so hard to build up around his heart came crumbling down. This was what falling in love was supposed to be like, a story that you never wanted to end. For so long he had longed for it, and now he couldn't bare the thought of losing it -of losing him- losing the one thing that made him feel so complete. It could rain fire and brimstone upon them and he wouldn't care, not as long as he had this man beside him; his salvation wrapped in sulfur and sin.

"...sorry..." Rhys gave him a dubious look, "...not sorry." There it was. He knew he wasn't apologetic at all, could tell in the glimmer of his ocean blue eyes.
"Niklas, would you put your---"

Whatever complaint he might have offered was silenced once more by the searing press of hot lips and dragging teeth. Rhys shifted in his seat, growing a bit uncomfortable in his current predicament. When the blond finally pulled away, Rhys managed to give him a slightly scathing look, still trying to drive without killing them or damaging the car. The song on the radio changed, switching to another statically charged tune that faded in and out every couple of minutes. His lips pressed into a thin line, glancing back and forth between the blond and the road. Nik was moving again and Rhys followed him with his gaze.

"Tesoro, I would feel better if you would just---oh."

† † †​

His head fell back against the headrest, hands gipped so tightly around the leather of the wheel that his knuckles flushed white. His breathing was heavy, uneven, as he attempted to regain control of how fast they were going. A part of him was glad Nik was preoccupied and hadn't noticed that they had been going close to a hundred miles an hour. The RV was a small speck in the rear view and Rhys pulled his foot from the gas to allow the car to coast as Nik situated himself at his side, shoulders touching. He moved one hand off the wheel to slip his arm around the back of Nik's shoulders.

"Mhm...let's find somewhere to pull over."

He didn't need to tell him twice. Rhys was barely able to drive at this point and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last before he just pulled the car into a fucking ditch somewhere. The Cadillac coasted off the highway, taking the nearest exit and heading into a small, almost middle of nowhere, suburb.

"...I spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with 'clothes'."

Rhys snorted a little, spotting the faded royal blue sign just as he made that little comment. He pulled his arm away from where it had hung lazily around the other man, using both hands to turn the wheel. Rhys pulled the vechile around towards the loading dock, making sure to leave enough space for the RV before he killed the engine.

"...Is that a market? Might have some peanut butter."
The burnett turned in his seat, gaze lingering on the grocery store just across the street. He made a noise that was somewhere between a grunt of acknowledgment and snarl of impatience.

"Later. Right now," Rhys got out of the car, moving around to the passenger side without giving Nik much time to react. He grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket, more forcing than helping him to his feet. The car beeped steadily, letting them know that they had left the door open. Rhys moved closer, caging the slightly shorter man against the vechile. Vibrant blue eyes were darkened with desire and something else, something more fathomless, something that could never be put into words and yet both of them seemed to know what it was without saying. Rhys tilted his head to the side, mouth brushing against his ear as he spoke, "I need you."

He placed a kiss against his neck before pulling away, hearing tires roll against asphalt. His fingers interlocked with Nik's, shutting the car door before he pulled the man towards the loading dock.

† † †​

"You're so fuckin' beautiful, you know that?" He murmured, arms looping around the quasi-devil's slimmer waist. He nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck, never wanting to let go for as long as he lived. Rhys released him after a moment to let Nik pull his jacket back on. The others, he assumed from the noises he now only noticed coming from the front of the store, were making themselves at home for the day. It had been a long week and they deserved some rest before heading out again in the morning. Rhys folded his arms across his chest, just watching as he leaned against a metal shelf. He wasn't aware of it, but he had been grinning for the past five or so minutes and didn't seem to show any signs of stopping. His face had an almost jubilant glow to it, unhindered by the responsibility and worries that came with being the defacto leader of their group. It made him look younger, more his age than the usual rough exterior presented him as. Sometimes it was difficult to remember that he wasn't even thirty yet. Still very much a young man who had received a bad lot in life.
Though life didn't seem to be so bad anymore.
He had the people around him to thank for that.

"Didn't you mention something about peanut butter, Tesoro? We could go check out that store across the street after making sure everyone else is alright. I'm pretty sure there are some introductions I need to make. Unless I was hallucinating, it seemed like you managed to pick up a few new stragglers."

It was sort of surreal how big their group was getting. Sooner or later though that was going to cause problems. Too many personalities meshing for long periods of time typically didn't have desirable affects. Not everyone would get along. There would be fights. Questionable behaviors. A whole shit-bag of problems that he really didn't care to ponder too much. "Before we go, Alaska didn't happen to give you that stone did she? I would....like it back." Rhys rubbed the back of his neck, a bit sheepish in his request but still moderately serious. It was comforting to have and when he didn't...he was surprised how much his anxiety spiked. Not having it, even for the few minutes after being dragged away was gut wrenching.

It was the second greatest gift he had ever been given.

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Location: on the road>>>>>Lowe's home improvement warehouse
mentions: James Bond Lakyr Lakyr
Edz and Ruffles Beleth Beleth
brilliant healer alchemist cinnabuns cinnabuns
damsel in distress BELIAL. BELIAL.
lovely couple who kick ass BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater

Alaska Roberts

"Sorry it took so long to get here'' he was apologetic, almost pained to utter these words, and Alaska smiled, allowing his warmth to engulf her. Right there and then, she would have forgotten the whole world. The young hunter shook her head in response, he was there, he was alive, and he came for her. "We should really get the hell out of here." Nodding, she took his hand, held it tight. ''I'm not letting this hand go again'' with a smile, she started running towards the exit.

"James, if I ever go full-demon, kill me of course but...put a muzzle on me first if I wax sentimental about my own bullshit," James' answer to his friend's sardonic request was brief, uttering a strangled ''of course'' that hid seas of meaning behind it. ''Not on our watch buddy, and plus, I think I'd like to hear how you romanticize hell so i can record it to you and make you listen to it after I beat your soul back into your body'' It didn't work this way, that she knew, but hell was fucking stupid if it thought she wouldn't try everything in her power to keep him sane. The quasi devil made his way out with the injured femme fatale objecting that she was alright.


Sometimes it's good to be surrounded with people. Especially at times like this, People were the only thing one could really rely on. Their own little community..
She struggled a little to remember everyone's name, but figured that with time she'd be able to. Alaska's head popped back from the passenger seat as Penny was gently placed inside of the RV, along with Nik's threat to destroy people if anything happened to her. Ever the sincere devil. Hesitating to go to her blonde friend's side, and knowing that the witches back there were more than capable to help, Alaska stayed put, thinking that she better understand her new powers better before she'd ventured to help someone else.

When she'd jumped into the RV, Ryan was passed out on the floor, Alaska's eyes darted to James who was now driving in silence.. He was a very steady driver, rational, and she now placed a hand on his shoulder, almost protectively: ''You said you were like brothers..He's going to be ok, I promise.'' A reassuring smile hinted in her eyes as she heard Rufus sing. He had a nice , albeit weird voice and the accent made her chuckle a little. The interaction between him and Edana made her turn her head once more, eyebrows rising high at the hostility of the young witch. ''He's just trying to help Ed'' she smiled faintly at the goth witch who'd helped her so much when they were captives. Looking at the group again, At Namri's devotion to helping Penny, at Rufus' frustrated attempts to lighten the mood, at Edana's worry, Alaska was glad they were able to get out of that hell hole alive....In a twisted fucked up way, she was glad they got kidnapped and got those people out.....Something good had come out of it.

Inside of the glove compartment of the RV sat two cigarette packs, unopened, waiting. Alaska snatched both giving one to James and held on to the other for her quasi devil of a brother.


The two vehicles that were in front of them pulled up in front of a store, a hardware store. The white name was showing from quite a distance. Big white 'Lowe's' engulfed in blue, with a red border. It seemed that they were going to spend the night here. Stepping out of the RV, Alaska took a moment to study the entrance of the huge retro warehouse. She shook herself back to reality when the RV's back door was dragged open. She made her way towards the back and reached a hand out for Penny: ''Feeling better Pennz?'' She nodded to a very tired Namri, silently thanking the alchemist for helping her friend.

Seeing Rhys and Nik like that made her chuckle. It may have been the end of the world but those opposites somehow seamed to fit together, a forbidden relationship doomed by both sides. ''You guys need some privacy?'' sarcastically she ventured towards them. While still in her cell she was determined to call Rhys out on ever being the martyr, if she saw him alive again. She wanted to shout at him, to scold him for giving himself up so easily. But now that she saw the couple so happy she decided against it, threw the cigarette pack towards Nik knowing he would catch it, and started making her way towards the entrance of the store.

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~Pilot~Niylah Blake

-Oklahoma / 4 days earlier-
After killing the vampires in the building, Niylah entered the building garage and checked for any escaping Vampires “ why does it always have to be freaking vampires” she said as she moved between cars. By this time she was already covered in blood, few scratches here and there. One vampire appeared in front of her and she sliced his head with her sword. Another tried run to the door, Niylah took out her gun and shot him in the chest “this is for my car” she said putting away the gun and moving closer to the bastard now lying on the ground trying to crawl away, she placed the tip of the sword on the back of his neck making sure he felt it “You should've killed me when you had the chance, didn't mommy teach you not to play with your food” she said then cut his head off “ you should’ve listened to her” she said and cleaned her sword.
She spotted her car between the other cars in the garage and went straight there, her things weren't touched but the car received a lot of damage so she had to change it. Lucky she was in a garage right? she chuckled at the thought as she roamed between the cars looking for a car that still works. Seriously though, vampires really had a thing for her didn’t they? first her parents, then her brothers, and recently Maya. She met Maya six years ago in Nashville. She was an 8 years old who lost her parents in a car accident and she couldn't stand the orphanage, she too felt unwanted and Niylah couldn't think of anything but taking care of her. she was the closest thing to family, and she made Niylah's life matter again. She taught her how to protect herself and they travelled together. Niylah wanted to keep her safe but sadly that didn't last long. two years ago they were following a vampire track. Niylah told her to stay in the motel that night and she made sure that Maya understood that it is not safe for her there and that once it’s game over there is no going back. Maya didn't listen though and followed her to the nest. As Niylah was cleaning the nest she heard Maya’s screams, she rushed in the direction of the sound to find her little girl lifeless in the arms of a vampire that managed to escape. at first Niylah was shocked, she didn't know what to think, was Maya dead? was she just unconscious? the vampire answered her questions by tossing Maya's body to the ground right in front of Niylah as if she was garbage “ she wanted to impress you” he said with a smirk that drove Niylah crazy. Running towards the vampire she took out her sword and cut off his arm, he didn't expect it, thought that Niylah was going for his head “That’s for my kid you bastard” turning around almost instantly, she cut off one of his legs “ and that’s for your message” she then digged her sword in his heart “and that’s for breaking my heart you son of a bitch” she said taking out her sword from his chest. As a tear fell off her face, the vampire was on the ground. Niylah then went back to Maya’s body, she couldn't help the tears from falling down her face, kneeling down she held her small figure in her arms and started crying “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry” she kept whispering.

Niylah shook off that memory as she picked the lock of a what looked like a useful car. she loaded her stuff and with one last look took off. Since she didn't have anywhere to be, she took her time with the drive, stopping at every abandoned hospital, restaurant, mall, or interesting house for supplies runs and anything that was good for trading or just good to her.

- New Jersey / Now
Stopping at New Jersey was not exactly the plan but her new car decided that she didn't want to see the end of the world and broke down, “ damn car” Niylah stopped the car, got out and opened the hood as she cursed. She knew a thing or two about fixing cars but she just couldn't understand what was wrong with this one. after half an hour of staring blankly at the oil filter, the battery, and the air filter and trying few different tricks, she finally gave up and kicked the car as she closed the hood “ I knew you were crap, I just didn't think that you’ll die that quickly” she added taking out her map and notebook. Niylah used to mark all the places she visited, writing down where can she find what, and where not to go again. “ New Jersey : so far, not good for cars..” she wrote in her notebook, then closing it up took a look around. At a distance she caught a glimpse of a hardware store. thinking that it was probably another abandoned place, she thought that crashing there for he night would be a good idea. hiding the car, she loaded two guns took a small knife and went there to scout the area.
Arriving, she spotted two vehicles in front of the store ‘Humans?’ she thought as she approached, a hand on her gun just in case. She stood at a fairly distance watching them unload “Damn guys, I just broke down and you decided to stop at the only place in the area?” she whispered. She couldn't tell them anything, after all they got there first.

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[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(http://www.sabrinagarrasi.com/website/data/images/glimpses-of-horizon.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #435c8e; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #024e4f; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #435c8e; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; background-color: #fbf4f9; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:1050px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
blahblah blahhh.jpg
[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss Is Not Subtle
— Lowes Home Improvement Store
TAGS: Boyfriend from Heaven™ ( Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater ), The Best State ( Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ ), basically everyone, hi, hello, how are u
OOC — oh hey kids [/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]The calming effect of Rhys' arm around the blond's shoulder could not be overstated enough, he leaned into it, head tilting, a hum on his lips. A panacea, this one. The intrusive thoughts sped on by his demon-touched illness seemingly shirked at the idea of something blessed and vulnerable holding him close.

The sage and rose water stung his skin, it always would, but he wouldn't give this up even if it meant he'd be wracked with searing white light any time they got close to each other.

No matter how hot the blood ran, it felt as though in moments like this he could forget for a while. His gaze grew dreamy, his mouth curled in a smile. Forget how damaged he truly was, forget the little watercolor ghost in her natural colors, forget the burned down business and its beautiful masterworks, forget the ghouls and goblins that lurked in the thick blackness of night.

Forget the gap-toothed, peach-pinked glitter eater...if only for a moment. He'd truly never be able to wash them all free from his mind. However, not obsessing on all these lost puzzle pieces that had left him less whole was...healthy. He was pensive for all of a moment, for he thought on the little pixie. Couldn't avoid it, even if he tried, knowing the other man had known her too, in all her vibrant pinks and goofy grins.

Realistically, Nik was a selfish, covetous man, and needed this bit of a reprieve every now and then. Apparently the detective wanted to make a habit out of it, which Nik did as well. A little added stillness to all this death and brimstone, much needed, it was almost like they had to make up for lost time.

At least for Nik, it felt that way.

Two years without that thrumming glimmer. It wasn't like he hadn't been with people, but it had felt more in body and less in spirit. Which as lascivious as he was, he didn't really like very much. It made him feel cold in the bones, and mute with nothingness—a thing not a person.

People weren't objects, and so that cognitive conflict ran miles in his mind, making a monster of himself even then. That lukewarm affection was about as interesting as a pale plaster wall, and as numbing as well.

No heaven-sent hands on the red poppy-flower tattoos of his hips, just static objects without electricity—almost like dim low-watt light bulbs. Barely a flicker in the corner of his eye.

He had no issues with people roaming the landscape without attachments—he didn't judge—but he could never get used to it.

Rhys made a sound not unlike a disgruntled utterance and an impatient snarl, obviously having other ideas than going shopping for a jar of possibly rancid, oil-skinned peanut butter. The car stopped moving, sidling into the loading dock area as Rhys killed the engine as if punctuating a sentence with a loud exclamation point.

The blond narrowed his eyes, contemplating the loading dock as an area for their own unabashed docking, and wondered how far away the others were. He took a peek behind himself, and then looked into the rearview, fixing it to stare. Far enough, he reckoned. Maybe not, fuck it.

"Later. Right now," Rhys jagged outside of the vehicle and rounded to the passenger's side, snagging Nik by the lapels of his blood red coat. The blond chuckled as he was torn to stand, so eager, this one. Not that he wasn't, his deep blue eyes danced with a fire, almost as if in a dare. Defiant, as if to say: bring it the hell on, angel boy.

It wasn't like they were trying to bare-knuckle brawl or anything. But tension could paint your face in so many different hues, and Nik had a habit of looking like he was trying to bait people into testing him, often.

''You guys need some privacy?'' Alaska's voice cut like a knife, his brain changing channels as he wondered how long she was going to stand there, and if they needed to find some other time to act like lovesick idiots together. The wheels were turning, but the hamster was absolutely dead.

"....Fuck yes, please, keep the others entertained will you? Thanks, Stateswo—" she flung a pack of cigarettes at him and he managed to barely snag it in one hand, fumbling it into his pocket. She truly was his sister in arms, that one. He'd have to thank her properly by finding her a nice gift for all she'd done for him.

"...the car's going to—" That didn't matter at the moment, as he was caged against that very same car and Rhys was throttling the blond with a darkened stare. The part-time devil bit at his lower lip and twisted his face to stare up the road, catching Alaska veer off towards the entrance.

"I need you," the other man's voice cascaded like a demanding, deep rolling ocean over his ear, and Nik scarcely had a moment to share even a breath before it was stolen from him. Stolen by a kiss to the neck, he was weak to this, always. He heard cars peeling forth on the asphalt and he almost cast a glance behind him to check again, but stopped when the whitelighter took his fingers in his own, to link, and to skitter off.

After the incessant car doors were slammed of course, because that dinging bell was annoyance personified. Worse than Velska's yipping, to be plain.

The blond was cackling the entire way, because it was funny to him. Loud, obnoxious laughter. Like a pair of high school sweethearts stealing away behind some godforsaken bleachers. Except that Rhys had been with Olivia during those years, and Nik had been starting on his own journey near college's end. Very different lives, then.

But it didn't make the current comparison any less true.

"...let's just hope they don't trek across State lines for whatever-fucking-reason," he said with an absent-minded smile. Then it faded, as he was tugged away, realizing Rhys would probably shoot them point-blank in the head if they were interrupted. He would actually one million percent do that, Nik thought.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧
"You're so fuckin' beautiful, you know that?" the detective said, wrapping his arms around the blond's waist. Nik chuckled and shook his head at the compliment as if to wave it away, enjoying the closeness. To be plain Nik was vain as fuck, but he really wasn't quite used to someone telling him that he was beautiful.

He hadn't heard it in years.

"...You're sweet...when you're not grumbling or swearing at me in broken Italian," he said with a broad, genuine smile, fixing to grab his coat. His laughter hitched deep in the chest, teasing the other man with a soft joke, no harm meant. The brunette stood behind him and lilted a nuzzle into his neck, and a smile shot across the blond's face like a crack of thunder.

He didn't want to have to go back to remembering. Not yet. But they had to, because apparently their company was starting to filter in and make noise. Of course they were.

Nik's mind instantly shot to Penny and Ryan, like a freight train, all that chaos had come crashing back. He hurriedly started pulling his arms into his coat, frenetic, his sour stomach wrenching in knots. He was so fucking stupid, stupid, she could have been dead in that fucking RV while he was being selfish as all hell, God, such a moron, fucking idiot...his thoughts spiraled on and on until they stuttered, his expression shifting.

Although, he slowed, drawing the final sleeve over his arm and shoulder, if she was worse for wear Alaska would have said something. Certainly. Certainly he didn't need to panic right now, he felt. If it was bad enough, James would've honked the horn to holy hell and pulled the fuck over over...Nik fixed his coat.

He put his face in his hands for the briefest flicker of a moment and let out an exasperated sigh.

God he hated himself sometimes.

So much for the reprieve, that jolt of anxiety had bit up his spine, but...it had been nice.

Nice was an understatement, he had no words to color the sentence of what it was, because they were all too shallow and frail. Coat adjusted, Nik keened over to a reflective metal tile and started checking his hair. It was an absolute mess, he needed to shave...he needed a shower....they both needed a shower.

Everyone needed a fucking shower. His face soured and he made a distasteful grimace, then turned to peer at Rhys from the corner of his eye, who was beaming like the light of a million suns. A charismatic smile splayed on his face, Nik didn't think he had seen him smile that much, ever.

"You're glowing princess," Nik said with a haughty smirk drawing a playful line across his face, then fettered his own fingers through his hair. He blamed Rhys for his fucked up hair at this point, and they both knew why. However, it was always as if he had walked through a tornado and come out the other side covered in blood and guts.

Which was...an accurate assessment, he reasoned, tilting his head to agree with himself.

"Don't get self conscious, I love it," he said before he stopped fussing with his hair and stood to face Rhys, planting a gentle kiss on his temple.
"Let's see what the other knuckle-heads are up to, hmm? I want to make sure my Coin isn't tarnished, because if she is, I might have to kill somebody," he said with a seriousness that belied their prior tryst.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧
"Didn't you mention something about peanut butter, Tesoro? We could go check out that store across the street after making sure everyone else is alright. I'm pretty sure there are some introductions I need to make. Unless I was hallucinating, it seemed like you managed to pick up a few new stragglers." Nik nodded with the other man's sentence in an accord, striking a warm grin, subtle like the start of dawn over a hazy horizon.

"Yes, I've been collecting them. Like my Coin, my State, my Brother, and now I'm sure a Goth Tween Bratz Doll, a bag of Ruffles Chips, and more..." he said with a short, halted laugh, paired with a nominal shrug of his shoulders.

"Introductions first, they all need to meet the brave and fearless leader of this little adventure," he teased, sidling at the other man's side to kiss over his ear and grin, handsy and enamored, eyes crinkling with his smile as he swayed to walk.

"Before we go, Alaska didn't happen to give you that stone did she? I would....like it back." The brunette was rubbing the back of his neck, strangely sheepish. Nik made a face, blank for a moment as his brain hitched, then shoved his hand in his pocket.

"Yes...of course princess," he said, his sentence gentle and warm, holding out the stone to press it into the other man's palm.
"Glad you like the gift so much," he said, meeting the other man's bright, blindingly blue gaze and offering nothing but open, honest acceptance, and truly, unabashed infatuation.
⛧ ⛧ ⛧
As the couple walked, the blond posed the question he had asked earlier in the car, wanting some sort of solid response. It ticked from his mouth, around a cigarette he was fumbling with, lighter in hand, flamed, a pin-point of orange-red like a beacon. He inhaled and let the smoke fetter from his lips in a peel of blue-gray, dark smoke over spiraled metal walls.

The lighting inside the building was ghastly, but the large windows offered some comfort. It'd get worse at night...they'd need to spark up some oil lamps. If the store had any more, that is. It could've been raided to high hell, Nik thought, as he peered around an aisle with muted interest.

The blond's grasp found the other man's hand as he pulled them along, cigarette stuck between his fingers as he examined the offerings around them. Metal scraps, piles of wood, he spotted some charcoal. As if they were sight seeing, as if on vacation, he swung his hand ever so gently.

"Hey kids," Nik said with a snort, rounding to spot some of them unloading various things and setting up camp. He gave the few of them he did see a gentle wave, and then locked eyes with Alaska. He winked, she'd understand, it was a thank-you. Simple, but effective. Alaska was indeed the best State.

Nik wasn't sure if there were any enemies lurking about, and with that thought spreading concern over his face, he took his hand away. Fiddled with the cigarette, drew up his coat, and gazed around the large expanse of aisles. Gigantically tall towering stacks of wooden planks were haphazardly shoved on shelves, fork lifts were littered about like toppled corpses, trash was stacked in various areas, shingles strewn about like shotgun shells.

Nik raised his shoulders in a shrug, and stuck in that position.

"Alright, sir. Are we going to dick around some more, or should we do a sweep...?" he asked the whitelighter with a cheeky grin, his laughter rolling deep in his chest at the joke he had just made. That possibly only the two of them would understand as he chuckled.

Nik was absolute hell incarnate, surely. He didn't quite need to ask the whitelighter how to mobilize, honestly he was just looking for an excuse to shove some words together in a sentence to make him uncomfortable.

"Get it?" he goaded the other man with a shove of his elbow, cackling as he pulled smoke into his mouth then let it spin in the air. In the flash of a moment, however, his stupid impulsive brain sighted a wayward flat plastic palette on wheels, and launched towards it like a makeshift skateboard.

Lost in, yes, dicking around in Lowes while he should be helping. But asking this impulsive blond little shit to steer away from a makeshift skateboard was like asking a cat not to chase a mouse.

Kicking off the machination with childish glee scrawled on his face, he chuckled, his cigarette leading the way from between his teeth like the front-end of a boat.

[div class=wrapper][div class=box][div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=statusBox][div class=characterPortrait][/div][div class=statusText]Location: On the road > Lowe's Home Improvement
Tags: Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ Cara Cara [/div][/div][div class=title]James[/div][div class=text]Alaska gripped his hand, holding on to it tightly."I'm not letting this hand go again" James looked at her, lost himself in her eyes with a smile on his lips. It was like nothing else mattered, except that she was there. That she was okay and that they were together again. "That's good, cause I wouldn't let you." Then, back in reality, they started to run to the exit. They'd really been there long enough.

"Not on our watch buddy, and plus, I think I'd like to hear how you romanticize hell so i can record it to you and make you listen to it after I beat your soul back into your body" It was curious how alike all of them were, or how well they knew each other after such a short amount of time. What Alaska had said was basically what he, or all of them really, had been thinking. Made him wonder, what had been the probability of all of them meeting at that airport? A group of people, fitting together so perfectly that they'd become friends, no, family ... or even something more ... in mere days.

As he got out he laid eyes on the RV and heard Rufus telling them to get in there. It immediately cast a big grin on his face how ridiculously huge the thing was. And it only got better as he got in, his grin becoming even wider as he looked around. "Keys’re already in." James wasn't sure what Nik and Rufus had been talking about exactly, but he knew this part was directed at him because of the look Rufus shot at him. He must've noticed James' face before he decided that he'd let him drive and James was grateful for it. Not that he had any experience driving around in a thing like this, but he was a good enough driver that he was sure he'd figure it out.

Halfway to the driver's seat, he stopped as he noticed that Ryan wasn't there. He asked Rufus about him and found out where they had to pick him up. So there was no time to lose, James sat down, started the vehicle and drove off. It was probably the opposite direction than they wanted to go, but he'd follow Rhys and his new car after his brother got his ass into the RV. The others would follow him until then.

Handling this behemoth, as Rufus had fittingly called it, was a lot easier than he thought it would be and after a few seconds getting used to its sheer size he already managed to drive smoothly. As they got to the spot where Ryan should be waiting he didn't see him standing there instead, there were two shapes lying in the snow, which was painted red around them. Both of them didn't seem to be moving, one was Ryan the other was some man, a raider probably. Ryan seemed to be the one whose blood was leaking out into the snow. James hit the break and looked out wide-eyed. He was like paralyzed, not moving at all but somebody was already getting out there to carry Ryan in.

James stood up slowly walking to the open door just looking out. Then he turned and got some place ready where they could put Ryan down. He was moving quickly because his knees felt shaky and he didn't want it to be too obvious. His face was blank but the horror and worry were clearly visible in his eyes. He made sure they got Ryan's things, backpack and all that, in too. Then he shot a glance at his brother. He looked bad, but he was breathing. That was good ... he'd be fine - James had to tell himself that to stay sane right now. To keep himself from screaming. He was pacing up and down, once, twice ... hand running through his hair wet from snow and sweat.

He felt useless again - no helpless. Or maybe both. But the problem was that he couldn't help, he knew that. He could maybe try to stop the bleeding with his mundane first aid skills but with blessed and witches around that wasn't exactly much. No, he couldn't do anything for Ryan now, somebody with other abilities would have to help, he'd keep driving. Keep his mind occupied, to stay sane. There were already some tending to the wounded, so they'd turn to Ryan soon enough. Hopefully.

He sat back down, put both his hands onto the wheel and gripped it tightly as he stared out. Seeing Rhys and Nik in their car he motioned them to take the lead and drive, and he followed them. Eyes on the road ahead, sitting in silence. As he felt a hand placed on his shoulder and turned, standing there was Alaska and James managed to pull out a weak smile. "You said you were like brothers..He's going to be ok, I promise." James nodded and turned to look back at where he's driving. She's right, he'll be fine ... he always is. But it never looked this bad before, did it? It's been close to this, but never quite like this. "I... yeah, you're right. It's... He has looked pretty bad before, fucking Wendigos..." James trailed off in thoughts of times before and old stories. ", and now we've even got healing magic around and blessed... yeah, he'll be fine." He shot a glance back into the RV to look at Ryan ... just keep telling yourself that.

Rufus' singing ... James would've offered him a laugh at any other given moment, just not now. But he was still thankful that the man tried to lighten the mood, even though others didn't seem to appreciate it as much. Understandably, Rufus wasn't the greatest singer and it might not have been anybody's taste of music, but James liked it or would've liked it, normally. Because it was fun and stupid and so different than the other things in the crappocalypse.

Alaska had the ingenious idea of searching the RV's glove compartment and pulled out two cigarette packs, still unopened. James didn't realize what treasure she had found before she already gave it to him. He looked at it in his hand, not comprehending for a second and then his face brightened for a moment as he his eyes wandered over to Alaska. "Good find, thanks!" He looked back at the road as he put the pack into one of his pockets. "I don't have to tell you that I'll gladly share them, right?" He glanced over at Alaska again, the smile replaced by a smaller one and then he concentrated on driving once more.

After a while of silent driving the car in front of them pulled over at a Lowe's and so James followed, carefully bringing the RV to a halt in front of the hardware store. He sat there, as the others started getting out, and watched the snowy landscape. He pulled out the pack of cigarettes with one hand and Nik's lighter with the other, swiftly removed one of the sticks from the box and placed it between his lips before lighting it up. He took a first long drag as he put the pack and lighter back in their pockets, then took the cigarette between his fingers, pulled it out and blew out the smoke.

So he sat there, smoked his cigarette and dwelled on his thoughts a bit before he got up and walked through the RV towards a door. If somebody was still in there, he'd have the decency not to blow smoke in their faces, but except that, he didn't really care if it bothered anyone. He needed it. He stopped as he walked by Ryan and looked down at him, he seemed better. Breathing steadily, even if still a bit shallow, and not bleeding anymore. Now he just needed to wake up.

James jumped out the RV's door and landed in the snow. He looked over at the rest of the group, starting to look around the area, maybe setting up camp, and he decided he'd take another moment before he'd see if he could give anybody a hand. So he turned his back to the store, to just walk a bit, mindlessly, with the cigarette in his mouth. Not wandering off far at all, just slowly taking a few steps around without any direction.

As he pulled the rest of the cigarette out between his lips, putting it between two fingers, and looked up he saw another person standing at a bit of a distance watching him, or them. He kept just kept looking for a moment, thinking it might be someone of his group, but it didn't take long to make out that she wasn't. He didn't know how any of them should've walked further away already than he did anyway. He raised his free hand as if to wave, the other one casually flicking some ash off the cigarette. None of his hands in his pockets, or possibly reaching for weapons. A sign that he wasn't hostile. "Hey, can we help you ... or anything?"[/div]
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Simjang Kim
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Interacting With: None

Location: In the RV > Lowe's Home Improvement Store

Mood: Cheerful

Equipped With: Nothing

Edana had accepted her chocolate bar. She was slightly happy at the fact that she got it but checked to see what medical resources could be used to help in their recovery. Alcohol, gauzes, and bandaids was all that she has in terms or medical aid. With some knowledge in treating injuries, she could help the injured civilians. She said what she had to Edana and started to help the humans.

After some time of tending to the survivors, the goth gave a piece of chocolate to Kim. At first, the Korean was confused on why she gave a piece to her when she could have just enjoyed it all be herself but she respected her decision and ate the piece of chocolate. Sweet. Snickers was not her favorite brand for a chocolate bar as she preferred Twix but it was still tasty.

The RV was approaching a store. It was big with the sign of the store saying, 'Lowe's Home Improvement'. Kim looked at the store with glee as she wanted to wield a fire axe for a weapon. She was checking her bag to see what supplies she needed if those supplies were present within the store. She knew punching and kicking wouldn't make her last very long when encountering an enemy raid.

The vehicle stopped in front of the store and regrouped with the other survivors from the other vehicles that they took. Kim looked at the store with curiosity on what goodies she could find.

Code by @Beauty_Belle



Location: Vineland, NJ > Lowes Home Improvement

Interactions: "Glinda" Lekiel Lekiel | Oh, good, more company... cinnabuns cinnabuns & izayoiix izayoiix | Charmer BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda |

BGM: Black Magic Woman


The vampire hadn't even been much of a note worthy fight. Reverie had dispatched that nuisance with surprising haste. It had been an interesting display of the White Witches' abilities. A whispered word of power that lurched and twisted into the dark one's most inner being and a blade that followed shortly after. Upon seeing their master defeated, the revenants hadn't posed much of a threat either. All it took was a quick curl of fingers into flesh, a spell that surged from the runes carved into her arm, then they were foaming at the mouth. Convulsing as death reclaimed what had been stolen from it. Death always came for what had been taken, it was an inevitability, even those who rose from that inky grip never came back without something being taken from them. It was what death did after all.

Their escape had been rushed to say the least. Screams pieced the midnight air, inhuman and calling to a greater evil that sent icy tendrils slinking down her spine. Chocolate brown eyes flickered towards the taller woman, observing the minor injury to her neck and the fang that she tucked into a pouch somewhere. A resourceful one that. Allea mentally gave her a bit of respect on that action, waste not want not, it was how you survived in this world. Her palm skimmed over the container, a frown tilting her lips as the magical ward sent shocks down her flesh. She would have to spend time removing the seal, but it would take time. Time that they didn't have. Allea stuffed the container into her bag, moving various items in order to make room. The strap was flung over one shoulder in a matter of seconds and the two made their way out of that crumbling building. The sight that greeted them was truly representative of chaos.

As useless as she initially pegged these cluster of survivors to be, they sure as hell made for a good distraction. Her heeled boots crunched against the snow as the necromancer strode towards the nearest vehicle with haste. She was tempted to leave the other witch. Let her rot there with the corpses and shiver in the chaos. For whatever reason though --perhaps the display of fortitude against something that could have easily overpowered her-- she allowed the woman passage into the frozen interior of the fairly convenient jeep. It would make for a wonderful get away car in the future. For now, she would follow these people as if she were observing children. There had been a hint of truth towards her motivations: the box.

It hadn't, however, been stolen from her precisely.
She had stolen it first.
Then that bitch of a vampire swiped it after she had slaughtered the previous company she had been apart of.
Those souls hadn't stood a chance against the revenants and wild ones who butchered them in their sleep.
Allea could have stopped it, could have warned them of the presence she had felt, but there had been no point. There was nothing for her to gain in such a revelation. So, she simply didn't say a word, not even as the man she had bedded confessed his undying love. A woman with a heart would have swooned.
Poor boy didn't even realize her heart had been turned to stone long ago.

She found the keys in a cup holder, turned the engine on, and followed the all too obvious trail of carnage on the otherside of the street.
It seemed that they might have been far more capable than she gave them credit.

♆ ♆ ♆​

"So... you're telling me that those savages had those rifles lying around in storage but chose to charge you guys with chains, clubs and the occasional handgun?"

This was all so boring. Moments like these, she wished she could die. Tedious, idle, brain-numbing, irksome. She was a horrible driver, it had never been a strong suit, particularly because she had never learned before the world went to shit. In all fairness, there had been no real reason for her to drive. Buses, trains, taxis, they all got her to the same place so why should she bother herself learning a meddlesome skill that would only eat into what little money she had? Now, there was really no choice. Walking was out of the question unless you enjoyed being an easy target, which she did not.

Her eyes narrowed on the road, focusing on the back of the RV and attempting to keep a safe distance...which was a large amount of distance...large enough for the gargantuan beast of a thing to look half its size. Every so often, her left foot would hit the break on accident, but no one seemed to really care as long as she didn't jerk them around too much. Allea didn't understand how people could drive with only a single foot...the idea seemed....difficult. She should have told Reverie to drive. Though, if she had she might have been viewed as inept and she didn't take kindly to that perception either. A snicker left her at the other witch's words,

"Ya think they went 'ta Harvard before the world's end?" She breathed a slight snort, "Got those degrees at Yale? Or mayhaps they toured Princeton with those high IQs."

The Necromancer chuckled at her own snark, tapping her fingers against the wheel as she increased her speed ever so slightly.
Picking up the two new faces hadn't exactly been her idea.
Reverie looked less than thrilled as well.
Allea might have actually started to like the witch, imagine that.

Time hadn't been in their favor, however, and as annoying as it was to play chauffeur the choice had been stripped from her hands.
She told herself that she would linger a little just for the thrill of it.
These people didn't mean a damn thing in the long run.
A means to an end and a perfect farce to help her obtain what she desired.

♆ ♆ ♆​

"Alright, sir. Are we going to dick around some more, or should we do a sweep...?"

Allea's nose crinkled, head pulling back, and lips curled into an open display of disgust. Her bag landed on the floor with a dulled thump, looking at Nik like he had offered her dogshit on a silver platter. "Get it?"
She wanted to forget it.
The man he shoved with his elbow didn't move, his only reaction was a blotching of pink that spread up his neck to color the tips of his ears followed by a glare that held barely any menace.
"If I had known you'd make jokes like this, I wouln't've called you Charmer."

The giant of a man turned his gaze in her direction, a myriad of shades of frozen blue studied her for half a moment. It was a bit disconcerting, that gaze. Almost as if the man saw too much. She recognized the haunted edge in those eyes, knew without knowing that he too had been pulled back from an inky abyss. Though she was unsure of the mark it left. Hers had always been fairly visible through action, a seemingly lack of emotion or care for the well-being of others. His though....she supposed that was something only time could truly tell.

His baritone dragged his vowels slightly, the accent repressed in a way that required a keen ear to really hear it. But it was a tell-tale eastern type lithe that pegged him for someone native to this side of the country. It was an interesting note, but not of importance. She hummed, placing a hand on her hip as she regarded the much taller man. He rose above Nik, who in his own right already dwarfed her, and she had a second to wonder what in the hell his parents fed him.
"Ain't very redeemable from that sentence, I assure you." She paused for a moment, fixated on his face, there was something familiar about him that she just couldn't place. Shrugging the feeling off, her attention switching to Nik as he darted off towards a plank with wheels.
Allea blinked.
This...was the same man who had been so grim at the hotel? The same man who had threats of violence roll off of him in waves?

"If you fuckin' fall on your face and break your nose, I'm not healing you."

Somehow she doubted that the threat would hold.
Without even knowing him, she could tell there was something altruistic in the way he presented himself. The set of his shoulders, the muted expression of concern, the soft curve to his mouth that he seemed to have been doing unconsciously. It all pegged him as the type to follow the rules. Her assessment must not have been too far off given the air of authority that clung to him like a wet blanket. He was a man people followed, even if he didn't want them to.

"My name is Allea, I aided your....friends in their little rescue operation."

He didn't say anything for a moment, watching as she shifted her weight slightly from one foot to the other. She tilted her chin up slightly in either defiance or confidence, but it seemed to do something because he nodded his head slowly.


That was it. Her eyebrows rose slightly. Usually when someone introduced themselves there was a bit more to it than just a name. She found it....a bit rude, if not off putting. A breath of air huffed out of her, folding her arms over her chest. There was something about this man that she just instantly disliked.

"Interestin' name."

A frown tugged at the corners of her mouth, eyes narrowing as the two looked at each other. She couldn't read him. It bothered her that she couldn't even glimpse into what might be going on in that head of his. As soon as Nik left his side, the man had turned into a brick wall. Expression blank, gaze quietly calculating, and there was a quality to it that lacked the same warmth most people had. Allea nodded, done with that conversation probably as much as he was. She grabbed her pack in favor of moving towards the outdoor living area. There was a metal box she needed to crack open and what better way to do that then from the luxury of a cushioned pourch swing? Allea cast one more look over her shoulder at Rhys as he strode towards the front of the store.

There was something about him that she just did not like.

Never Stop iMproving

The Shadows are Slowly Among Us

Location: Lowes

Interactions: Lakyr Lakyr Cara Cara

Mentions: Nik, Alaska, James, Cara

''He's just trying to help Ed''

Edana’s ears perked at the sound of Alaska’s soothing voice. In normal circumstances, the goth would have turned toward the new interference and snipped something witty at them. But Alaska was different. Other than the fact that she meant well, she was grounded. Her words were not just for the sake of making peace but because she knew very well of both parties’ circumstances and perspectives. A nod once in acknowledgement of Alaska’s words as the goth stepped down from nearly strangling the prophet.

“Hello . . .” Rufus’ tone drifted as the car wheels came to a halting shriek. The brit had already turned his attention from the conflict and emotional turmoil to the fainted blinking lights, eyes widening in a child-like glisten at the overly large store. “We takin’ a pit stop, lass?” He cracked lightly, already taking the hint at the RV doors opening itself to the outside world. Clouds overlooking the crew, hidden behind sunlight had oddly enough made Rufus feel at home. Gentle drifts of wind tickled past, nudging wanderers into the shop ahead.

The prophet took his first step onto the cracked pavement. Luckily the snow had stopped momentarily, long enough for everyone to hustle in without catching extra flakes of frozen water into their hair and chest. Imagine catching the flu in the middle of a winter apocalypse. Beneath the massive sign rested lawn mowers, shredders and other garden appliances that had an appealing glimmer complimenting the snow season. Rufus had determined he was going to come back to those once he had settled in with everyone else.

''You guys need some privacy?''

Rufus shifted his head in the direction of Alaska’s voice only to cup the side of his face in embarrassment. Those two had obviously ventured on their own for personal matters. It seemed as though the co-driver had been one of the few who were allowed to cut in without having their head slapped off or protruding a gun to the maiden's talking point. Rims of the prophet’s dimples heated into a sheepish blush. Had they seen him look over? Were they mad? Did they care? By the looks of how the two had briefly returned back to their mishaps only to result in Nik sauntering into the shop to say that they even noticed the fleeting crowd passing to gaze would be a massive understatement. It wasn’t long before Rufus followed suit, huddling against the snowy layers.

"Hey, can we help you ... or anything?"

James’ voice cut through the snow’s crisp with a rather welcoming ambience to it. Who or what he was addressing was beyond Rufus until he had turned around once more. Blueish-green peepers strained through to find a new silhouette in the considerable distance. Judging by the size and width, he’d speculate the figurine was a female. Younger. Human? Of course, what other type would there be? Demons? Vampires? Rufus snorted at the thought, redirecting himself to join the small party that had congregated near the new being. “Ahoy mate! Fancy seein’ a new critter ‘bout these parts, ey? Friendly, I take it?” Eyes turned upward in a grin of its own, a hand outreached in the newcomer’s direction. “Cmon then, we dun bite! ‘Least not I. Do yew, lad?” Attention was briefly shifted onto James in a light hearted banter in attempt to break the ice. Of all things, the girl had every right to be cautious in a time and place like this. He would too, frankly. She was a smart, careful one and that already set a good note with the brit. “We got quite’a bit o’foodies, blankets some pillows if yer chilly. Given tha weatha . . .” Rufus paused in a dramatically ironic manner as if to imitate some of the individuals he had seen in the American movies on his way to the States for the first time. “Name it, we’ll ‘elp out, lassie. Jus’ dun shoot no one o’ tryta do ‘em wrong an’ we should be a’right! Though, tha’s just common knowledge fer good folk like yerself, ainnit?”

"Hey kids"

Right on cue. As if the lad couldn’t choose any better timing than now to add to the friendly aura of the group. Sure, they were protective of one another as all hell but who could blame anyone? It wasn’t like the laws of society applied anymore. Cops and other officials - if there were even any left - had no authority over who can do what. The state of the world now was actually a nightmare. Though, that was all a given. No better than calling the kettle black or however the saying went. Rufus waved back as Nik called out to signal he had heard his ‘hello and was simply returning the gesture. Nothing more nothing less. Edana, on the other hand, seemed to have take a different perspective.

Though casual and harmless, the context of the greeting alone had made Edana internally hiss. Firewood weaved between gaunt bone had already pre-occupied her mind as is, she did not need for some individual to come around and call out as though they were all friends. They were not friends. Not just particularly regarding she and him but in respect to the group with one another. Here, there was no friendship, no closeness, no family. It would be understandable had the rapport been primarily a business of survival with an occasional pat on the back. Instead, this felt no more than some sort of sickening day camp of fantasy. Edana momentarily glanced in Nik’s direction, her only view now his back as he wandered off.

. . .

. . . Was he insane? She continued to watch him until the darkness engulfed his being into the next aisle, the only indication of light up ahead the flickering exit sign. Grumbling at herself for contradicting her previous thoughts, the goth placed the firewood with a considerably harsh clunk, more concerned with hurrying after the very individual she had just been mentally scolding.

Dull clicks of worn down heels echoed the shop’s walls. If the rummaging for supplies (that haven’t already been claimed by other groups) didn’t attract any hostile attention, her incessant shoes were sure to do the trick. “Hey, wait.”As always, her words surpassed her cranial filter as her voice echoed in a hush manner. Clicking devolved into a tap . . . tap . . .tap, head turning, briefly gazing the everloving supply of wood, paint and plastics. Past that, it was a black hole. Everything beyond a 2 feet, 3 feet if there was a sacrificial light of some sort dangling nearby was nonexistent. Winds howling from outside of the shop had enticed the witch to lift her shoulders up, arms crossed, sharpened nails curling over her forearms. At one point she even reached for the celtic cross that faithfully sat around a gawky neck in an awkward fashion. Perhaps this was one of her . . . less smart ideas. They did not come often but when they did, it was met with a severe consequence quite after. Who knew just what the hell lurked around beyond these fortified shelves. Monsters of hellish nature versus a . . . malnutritioned teenager whose current weakness was the dark. The very kind that sat around her in an eerie, blanketed hush.

Halfway through her walk, Edana had stopped momentarily to remove her heels, now slipping and sliding in cobwebbed designed knee highs. Not that it mattered, anyway. The vacuum of the space had indulged everything that was even remotely important. Sense of sight, touch, intuition, danger. The darkness could not care even less about some sappy socks. Though, they kept her warm. Reminded her a bit of herself, her identity when the rest of the world seemed to have lost its own. Simple but effective in the witch’s eyes.

And that was enough for herself.

Dainty toes covered by the clothed barrier curled against the concrete of the Lowes’ questionable floor. Disgusting. It was much easier to bypass any hostile attention, on one hand. On the other, Lucifer knows just who and what had been dragging themselves along these marbled - - -

Edana shook her head, an internal thought exposing itself as a physical shudder of utter disgust. The goth narrowed her eyes at the lining of supplies as she continued wandering through the aisles. What was initially meant to be a heroic motion was now an adventure composed of pure curiosity and even a slight urge to practice spell making. Come to think of it, the fight back with the raiders was one of the first times Edana was able to put her lessons to use. Before then was all practice. Constant practice to ensure that her demise would not be the result of being ill prepared in battle. The witch shook off the thought relatively quick as she continued, slowly succumbing to the incessant slip and sliding. In actuality, by the time she was a quarter way down the third aisle, walking was no longer an option. Skating bare sock, allowing the generously smooth floors to take her across in a sort of bliss she had intended to keep for herself. Had anyone walked in on her moment - - well. That wasn’t a concern now was it? Considering everyone else was either busy, knocked out or goofing off on their own with each other. This was her time and her time alone.

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
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[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
blahblah blahhh.jpg
[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss
— Lowes Home Improvement Store
TAGS: Boyfriend from Heaven™ ( Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater ) & Why So Damned Bitchy? (Allea) > Beleth Beleth (Tween Goth Bratz Doll)
OOC — a wave to rufus hi[/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]
"Unfortunately," Rhys responded to his joke, not quite interested in the playful banter. But Niklas knew he'd be perturbed by it enough. Which was why he liked doing it so much. It was affectionate, purely. He showed the other man this by splaying a devilish smile on his face, eyes warm and grin ticking up. As if he wanted to say just one more thing, to see the other man squirm on the spot.

It was shortly becoming his favorite hobby.

"If I had known you'd make jokes like this, I wouln't've called you Charmer," Allea piped up. He didn't know quite what to make of her yet. Generally very observant and a good judge of character, he still hadn't spent enough time thinking on her to form an opinion. He had quite simply been too busy to care, busy trying to save the ones he loved, busy...reeling with loss. She was inconsequential to his current thoughts, and so he didn't think on her much.

"God, you're about as fun as moist sock, aren't you?" he said, teasing, but there was an air of truth there. He didn't need anything harsh at the moment.

"Charmer?" Nik shook his head, not quite understanding the nickname either. If she meant it sarcastically or truthfully, he couldn't be certain. Nor did he care. His good nature right now was one million percent due to the tryst he had unabashedly fallen into with the detective, and the prior declaration of love therein.

His strong brows swept up as he thought on it, the only anchor he had right now.

It was what was keeping him in his solidly amused mood. Affixed by the cyan strike of the other's eyes, tethered. Which was a great many shades brighter than what he knew he truly felt, which was bone-stark and blood-torn. Rhys had never properly answered his question, for the second fucking time, and it made him angry.

The best replacement for anger was distracted irrational exuberance. They were entirely different colors, but if they were swept too close together, he'd grow muddied-gray again.

Niklas Voss was painted in his own shades of mirth. He was an excellent fabricator of emotions, having felt them all, and violently.

The loss, the fear, the terror...grief in muddy umber tones, the dead-slug stucker-stopped on the underside of a leaf—Nik shifted and flicked ash onto the floor. His hay-colored hair was splashed with the morning sun splaying gold on his features, his gaze ticked up through that light. Resting staunchly on the whitelighter as he looked over their prickly, untested newcomer.

He saw something there, Nik noticed, his indigo gaze narrowing to drag across the air. Eyes on her as well, deep blue, now a far lighter hue in that pervasive metallic orange and snapdragon yellow of the sun.

"Ain't very redeemable from that sentence, I assure you."
"Please," he said, eyes darkening as if death had cast in and broken apart the sun in his mouth, "don't act like we know each other well enough for me to want to prove myself to you," he said flatly, smoke trailing out his nose, "I'm beholden to very few people. None of them you."

"Not yet at least," he ended his sentence with a smoke ring casting a swipe of titanium white into the air. He froze for a second, as if displaced in time, head tilted to the side, hitching as he tried to push back the thieves of joy.

He managed to lock it away when Rufus gave him a kindly wave. His smile broke in a hitch, tilting at the corner, but his gaze was distant.

"Now let me have my fun before hell decides to fuck me without my consent," he offered with a flick of ash, and he was off on his inane journey to experience a few solid smiles before he started to experience rolling panic. It would always come. It always did.

The part-time devil was too enamored with the rolling plastic palette, he had managed to lay on top of it with his back to the thing, to skitter around on the heels of his shoes. Just like a child, save for the cigarette casting smoke into the air like the barrel of a steam engine ship. He drifted along, shifting to place his obnoxious pink sunglasses on his face, and coasted. A moment of stillness he had cobbled together for himself.

"If you fuckin' fall on your face and break your nose, I'm not healing you," Rhys said after him, still talking to Allea, Queen of Debbie Downers.
"Yes you will," Nik retorted, shifting to scooter along, intent on latching to something fun again before he had to start being responsible. He did hate obligations, but all of them were born of love, which he couldn't ignore, avoid, or deny.

He skittered along, bumping into a plank, chuckling.

For all that had happened, acting like a satiated court jester was soothing, if only for a moment. If he could just give his dark, cloying thoughts and the violent loss he had subjected to a wide berth, that would be fucking great.

However, every few moments his panic would shoot into high gear. He stared up at the high corrugated ceilings, metal in long lines of grays, and at the sun striking in, shadows stepping over the aisles, taking it all in. Grounding himself in the gentle motion of pushing himself about with his heels, physical sensations and sights leveling him. Rumbling over small pebbles and cracks in the concrete floors, soothing.

Grigori had known the trick.

Even if no one understood why he was the way he was, he wasn't going to explain it. It was too complex. And Nik liked to keep it simple, scuttling to observe the offerings of the aisles from on his back, on rollers. Simple, because if it wasn't simple, it was devastating. Always.

He knew he had to be doing something to help, he knew he had to check on Penny, he knew he had to make himself fucking useful. But the nagging deficit of dopamine in his brain kept prying its sticky black fingers into his skull to twist his head. As if to say, 'Look, it shimmers, here', and off he was, kicking around aisles, flipping between hating himself, and being distracted by the wonder that was the giant abandoned Lowe's.

He stopped rolling along and sat up, eyes catching as he pushed the wheeled makeshift skateboard over to a shelf. Thin fingers prattled between wooden boards and he found...a set of candles. Deep blue eyes crinkling in a smile, cigarette stuck out the corner of his mouth, he shoved a few of them into his roomy coat pockets, and wheeled around.

Hey, wait,” he heard the clip of a phrase, peeking his head around the corner of an aisle, but seeing nobody. He probably wandered too far away. He couldn't possibly think that anyone was intent on following him on his antics. Which...he hated himself for, his smile acrid as he fumbled the shelves and found a small metal tin. He raised it near his head, shaking it, a few small items clanking and clinking.

Opening the little treasure box of thin tin and blue scraped-off paint, Nik found some lighter fluid—mostly full—some tooth paste, floss, and a razor blade...he did need a shave. Brows raising, his smile went from sour to amused. He hadn't had a shave in God knows how—tiny clicking noises resounded.

The blond tucked the metal tin underneath his arm after closing it, and stepped back on the wheeled device. He spun on it, nimble, shifting a bit to kick it along. Edging onwards with a slink of the leg and a jut of the hip. Time to go back and check on Penny Dreadful, but that noise—the clicking stopped.

Nik peeled from within an aisle with a slow, slow rolling tick, and looked over to spot Edana, now shoeless. Slipping around on her tights like a kid skating along polished wood floors. Happy, her expression and small glimmer of joy seemed so strange. He didn't know her well enough to cast judgement, but she seemed...harsh in her young years. Indeed, she was a young thing.

"...well, aren't you fuckin' precious?" he said with an endeared snort, peeling in a circle, the wheeled square cart reeling him around. He was quite good with finesse and fitness when his fucking body was in control. Firearms and projectiles, once they left his field of touch, were hazards at worse and death sentences at best. But motorcycles, skateboards, and cutting down enemies? That he could do.

"I'm Niklas by the way, I don't know if we got a chance..." his sentence lingered, his cigarette taking up the rest of his words, nursing it with a deep inhale. He spun again, smoke let out in a circle around him, tin tucked under his arm, expression growing tired.

Then...it careened like a strike of booming thunder.

"I have to go check on my Coin and make sure the afflicted hunter is taken care of..." he said, smoke fettering up around his head like an eerie halo, "Wanna race?" he said, eyes darting to a nearby rolling cart that the little goth tween could scale on and skitter about if she wanted to.

It was always fun with Nik, he remembered making that point once when getting gas with the whitelighter. Because it had to be. When he wasn't clawing at it, trying to hold joy and mirth within his arms like feelings made water, it was...all absolutely dreadful.

Everything sucked. Everything was raw, cruel, painful, violent.

And so he'd make it fun, when he was around. Because fucking somebody had to.


a person or animal that hunts; a person searching for something.

on the road -> lowe's
a good witch (?), the witch with sense, prophetic partner, sweet witch and her snake, the scientist, the battle blonde
also ryan + edana ofc < 3

delivery dutyyyy also kayden's in the RV defo


It hadn’t been too long since the headquarters, since Reina saw the smoke coming from the clearing as they all drove away, as she was saddled beside a young witch she hadn’t had the pleasure of knowing and the prophet she already knew all too well, as two witches she hadn’t met in the action sat in front. They drove in silence, Reina keeping her eyes on the road instead of anywhere else, keeping her mind off the impending amount of stress surging through her veins. When it became a bit too much, Reina shut her eyes and buried her face into Caleb’s neck, taking in a slow breath as she felt Caleb rest his head on hers and give her hand a squeeze. He was so good at comfort - she didn’t deserve that. She didn’t deserve something so nice, it felt wrong. If she couldn’t find her cousins, was it okay for her to be enjoying the company of someone like this? Shouldn’t she be more focused?

"So... you're telling me that those savages had those rifles lying around in storage but chose to charge you guys with chains, clubs and the occasional handgun?"

Reina looked to the white witch in the front seat who’d spoken, Reverie. What an interesting tone of disbelief for one who wasn’t there, she thought. How odd. Reina hadn’t purposefully brought out the weapons, but when she looked down, she noticed her fingers - the ones not entangled in Caleb’s - wrapped possessively around her new rifle. At the acknowledgement, her grip loosened on the gun a bit. She hadn’t even realized - had she been holding it like that since they’d driven off? A little embarrassing to have one of her ticks be out in the open like that.

She opened her mouth to answer Reverie, but before she could speak, though, the witch driving snickered in response to the question.

"Ya think they went 'ta Harvard before the world's end?” The witch, Allea, spoke as if her voice was laced with a healthy mix of honey and venom. “Got those degrees at Yale? Or mayhaps they toured Princeton with those high IQs."

The dark witch seemed to understand it. It helped to relieve the spike of anxiety Reina had first received at the question. “So you already noticed how reckless the raiders were." She said smoothly, gently tracing her thumb against the back of Caleb’s hand to steady her nerves even more as he nuzzled her hair. “They were liable to shoot off their own feet if they weren’t careful.” Reina sounded pleasant, but it was unnerving to deal with such a different type of snark. Reina was used to the Caleb type of testiness - it never meant anything to her, and that she could brush off. She knew those words were harmless. This, however, felt like Reverie was judging them.

Reina didn’t feel like being judged so soon after finding her freedom. Especially since Reverie hadn’t been one of the people held captive. But her family had judged her for less - just for even existing - so why would she assume a basic stranger wouldn’t? Reverie didn’t know her, and didn’t seem to want to; as much as the witch tried to act like she was a blank slate her voice betrayed her irritation of having more people in the car.

If only she were as lucky as the witches and had some inner ability, so she didn’t have to rely on weapons as she did. They could just do as they pleased and she had to worry about limited ammunition, had to worry about her humanity. Had to worry about others. If only she were stronger. Weapons unfortunately made her feel like she could be that strong, because they were more effective than her fists against the supernatural.

“What an interesting question for you to ask, though, already knowing all of that.”

What a waste of time, she meant.

But it wasn’t necessary to admit it.


It was nice to be out of the car. After Reverie’s question had brought a little tension into the air, Reina had made sure to include Theta and get to know the other witch beside her, especially after her snake made a loud hiss at the way Allea drove. The witch had seemed quiet, but friendly; something that seemed rare in this vehicle. She found herself thankful for Theta's kindness. Reina made a mental note that when they found food, they’d need to find some for Epsilon as well.

Her attention, however, was pulled to checking on those who had been injured, and on the young goth witch who had shown her a moment of vulnerability before building up her walls once more. It shouldn’t have mattered much to Reina, but it wasn’t something she’d expected from Edana. Caleb was an unfortunate tag-a-long, although he didn’t seem to mind much. He told her to not be long with a smirk and a hand squeeze, leaning against the RV as she went in to make sure everything was alright.

The blonde she’d met earlier was with Namri, sitting on the bed around the unconscious afflicted as they continued to make sure his wounds were properly healed. Edana must have already headed out from the vehicle, Reina noted as she walked over to the back, towards the three. She could always check on her later, when things were a little less hectic. When the unconscious were conscious.

The scientist looked worn out, but her eyes seemed full of determination. Reina just hoped she wouldn’t hurt herself with all the work she was doing. It didn’t seem like anyone else but the blonde was interested in helping the healing process; if Reina had some skill with it besides disinfecting and bandaging she would have offered. Namri had obviously done well; everyone else who had been hurt looked absolutely fine now, starting with the blessed blonde in front of her.

“Do you...three need anything from inside the store?”

Namri glanced up at her while the blonde stayed close to the man, much more focused on if he was still breathing or not. ”If you could bring us some medical supplies for Ryan, and maybe some sustenance, I’m certain Penny and I would be grateful.” She said gently. Reina wondered how Namri could do all of this without eating, and it seemed the moment she’d asked that to herself Namri had slid a piece of chocolate into her mouth.

Ah, so she’d gotten lucky during the drive. Good. If anyone deserved food, it was her. Reina nodded with a smile. “You’ve got it.” She patted Namri’s shoulder, giving Ryan and Penny a once-over before heading out of the RV.


Reina’s hand found Caleb’s once more as the prophet spoke, opening his eyes from the little rest he’d given himself while she’d been inside. She smiled, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “We have to grab some med kits and food for them.”

“Have to? You’re too nice. We could just find a bed.” Reina rolled her eyes as the smirk came back to Caleb’s lips. “Get some rest, or not. Depends on how frisky you’re feeling, gorgeous.”

She knew there was a hint of seriousness to his words, but she couldn't help but smirk back. "We can talk frisky after business is handled."

"Well, I do love a woman who knows what she wants...lead the way, sweetheart."


The aisles were, surprisingly, lined with items. There were a few things spilled over, haphazardly so; paint dried as Reina stepped in it, assuming it had been recent. When was the last time someone had visited this store? She could see the dust piling up on some of the shelves as she passed by them. It seemed like it had been at least a year. Maybe after the original shock of Times Square, people didn’t bother. Why risk leaving the safety of your home when you could be attacked?

Caleb got her attention as they reached the right aisle. Reina could vaguely hear the skidding of wheels, coming from another, but she moved on with Caleb anyway. She let go of his hand to grab three med kits and went to grab bandages until she heard the prophet suck on his tongue. She turned to him as he came to her side, shaking his head a bit.

“Now, babe, if you hold too much, where will my hand go?”

Reina couldn’t keep the smile from her face as he took two of the med kits from her arms and stuffed some of the bandages in his pocket. He probably thought he’d be home free with that. “You’re right. It’s too bad, I guess we’ll have to hurry and deliver all of this.” She added two large bottles of hydrogen peroxide into his grasp, her smile becoming a grin as he let out a soft groan. She grabbed two bottles of isopropyl alcohol to fill her own arms, giggling softly as he replied to her with slight exasperation.

“Why do you have to be right?”

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Location: Lowes
Interaction: BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
OOC: A response to Nik's interaction/fluff?

"...well, aren't you fuckin' precious?"

Words that were not her own caused the goth to stop mid skid. Thank Lucifer for the darkness or the individual would have seen an illegitimate gush of humiliation scattered widespread across Edana’s face. A foot lifted in the air in preparation to skitter across the ground in her socks was now redirected into a poised tree stance. Repositioned against the side of her knee and gliding its way down to the ground, the goth lolita being turned in the direction of the voice, a hand at the ready over her necklace. “Who’s there? Who are you?” She had been unfamiliar with the voice. The closest thing she could surmise had been the grown blonde male calling out to the rest of the ‘kids’ as though he were some elderly man. The back of her foot met with the front of the displays as the witch prepared some sort of fighting stance before the newcomer had revealed his name.

"I'm Niklas by the way, I don't know if we got a chance..."

“We have not.” Edana said matter of factly. Come to think of it, his voice and demeanor had seemed more familiar. Squinting in the cutting blackness and the goth was able to make out the silhouette, faint features of the male and his cigarette. Always the cigarette. At least from what she’s seen, that is. Watching Niklas inhale and breathe out a stream of smoke had an oddly subduing effect on her. Not to mention the level of exhaustion that had ridden the male’s face. Had they not been where they were now, experiencing the things they had Edana would have surmised Niklas had just finished serving his time at war to come home to a newborn child. There were an insurmountable levels of depletion that seemed to be overbearing even their apocalyptic state. "Merriweather. Edana Merriweather. I suppose it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"I have to go check on my Coin and make sure the afflicted hunter is taken care of… .wanna race?"

At least, that was how Edana had heard it. Granted there have been pauses and self reflection even some more puffs of tranquilizing smoke that continued to allure the goth like some naive child; but she knew he had places to go and be. Feeling herself tense a bit she had almost forgotten about Penny and Ryan’s current state. Hell, she was sitting beside the two during the RV ride. Hopefully they were alright. It would be common courtesy to check on them. Perhaps her prayers to Lucifer for the two had been received. If not by Lucifer than by some other deity. Her blood sacrifices from worship a few weeks ago was not about to go in vain.

The witch shook her head once to refocus onto the current conversation. Skates. Checking in. Assisting. Yes. Yes she was going to accompany the blonde grandfather male in finding his . . . family and ensuring their wellbeing.

“I will accompany you.” Her words were stiff, unpolished from lack of social experience. She had meant her words wholly, however. Sitting herself upon the work scooter, knees tucked to her chest Edana heaved a small sigh before looking over the folded cap joints as if to fumble how to maneuver her new ride. It was not long before she had worked around using the tips of her toes as propellers while pushing off of the ball of her slippy, sliding foot.

“You’re on.”

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