• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Last Glorious Ride IC



Lucky Laki Malakis
Abe was lying down on the cool grass of Millennium Park, staring it out to the cloudy Chicago sky, feeling an excitement he had not felt in a good long time. Today was hopefully the start of something wonderful, old friends reunited for the high point in his life. He was all prepared, next to him on the grass a large backpack filled with about just about everything he might need from the journey whether it was swimming or hiking. His guitar case was also there, holding his pride and joy as well as his hidden stash of pills which will hopefully keep him going for the next few weeks. In a nearby parking lot a mini bus was waiting for them to start him and those that would come on their journey.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and stuck it into his mouth before lighting it. He inhaled the smoke letting it calm jitters, easing his worries that noone would come or he would not make it to the end of the journey. He had spoken only a little to everyone since he sent the video out, mostly people checking on him. He had told them, that the tumors he had on his head was removed and he was remission. In truth was, despite several attempts and treatments the tumour was barely dented. His life was measure in months if he was lucky. However he did not want their pity or the cloud of his death over them. This was to be a step back in time at the glory days of fun and pranks, maybe right some wrong within the group and fulfil somethings he thought he had time to do later.

His phone vibrates in his pocket, he took his phone out and turned off the alarm without looking at the message. It was time for his pills and fifteen before his friends were due. He groaned as he pushed himself to sit up, his head began to swim almost immediately at the sudden lift followed by feeling of nausea. He rubbed his eyes with one hand and reached out for a zip in the front of his guitar case taking out a strip of pills. He took two dry and lay back on the grass with a groan.

Violet Price

Violet stepped out of her Lyft, dragging her bags out with her. She was someone who prepared for all situations, which meant packing two large bags and one tote bag. She was exited for this trip. She'd just flown into Chicago from New York, where she was working and attending university. To say she was overworking herself would be an understatement, she spent pretty much every waking moment either on her studies or work. She was at the top of all her classes as well as an excellent employee and she took pride in that. She was a hard worker and usually wouldn't even think about missing a day. But when she got Abe's video she just knew she had to go. It had been so long since she'd taken a break and even longer since she'd seen her friends. She'd gotten some much needed rest on the way over and was in a pretty good mood.

She was walking around Millennium park trying to spot any of her friends when she caught sight of a familiar face. It was Abe. Sure, they didn't leave their friendship on the best of terms after Violet went off to university and became busy, but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of the trip. It would just be like old times. Most of the group would be reckless and Violet would be the responsible one and try to keep everyone from getting thrown into prison. What could she say? With a group like this they needed at least one adult for supervision.

She approached where Abe was laying with a smile. She spotted the cigarette in his hand. "Smoking is bad for you. You know that, right?" she said light heartedly with a small laugh. She knew she wouldn't stop him but Violet simply wasn't Violet without being the one to look out for everyone. She sat her bags down on the grass but stayed standing.

Interacts: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Abe was about to take another puff of his cigarette when he heard Violet speak next to him. He paused, the cigarette just sort of his open mouth before he turned his head to her and gave her a raised eyebrow and a small cheeky smile. Without a word, he replaced the cigarette into her mouth to take a long drawn out puff of the smoke before slowly letting it all out. Done in a way that was clear he was teasing her. He checked his watch."Barely five second and already you gone of on a moan. You cant help yourself can yourself can you?" He said trying to keep a straight face as he sat up again as if chastising her before chuckling. "Great to think nothing has changed."

He stood up slowly and a little unsteadily but managed to do so without a dizzy spell. He dressed simply, wearing blue jeans, white tshirt and grey shirt with a sleeves rolled up to his elbow. Standing up one could see more how the years were not kind to him. His fit frame he held high school was gone to an almost sickly thin. His hair had thinned out and he had a disheveled short beard. "After what I been through i dont think a cigarette will bring me down now." He said trying to sound cocky as he opened up his arm as if he was asking for a hug.

-Stella Mason-

Interactions: Lizy Lizy ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

c l i c k
Stella waved at her dad as he drove away from dropping her off. She had asked him for a ride since she didn't want to leave her car near the park for the entire length of the trip. This trip was incredibly important to her. She had missed her friends dearly, but things just fell apart for her after her mom died. She didn't have the energy to get out of bed, let alone maintain her friendships and by the time she was in a place to do so, everyone was already off doing their own thing. Once she got Abe's video she knew she had to go. Luckily, her boss was more than willing to let her go on the trip. They had actually gotten quite close in the time Stella worked at the flower shop. Her time there helped her heal and figure out a direction for her life.

She had a bouquet of flowers in her hand that she arranged herself. Her heartbeat rose as she approached her old friends. She was a bit nervous to see them. How much have they all changed? Will things be the same? Will they still like her? She took a breath and approached them with a smile. "Hey guys! Long time, no see," she greeted. She tossed the flowers at Abe. "Those are for you. You're an asshole for not telling us that you got sick," she commented. Looking at him, Stella could see the toll his illness took on his body. It hurt to see him look like that. But he was getting better, so everything will be okay. "Vi! You look great! How's school?" she asked. She knew Violet would be the one to go to school and do well. She was always so smart. Stella herself had intended on going to school before everything happened. But, now she wasn't so sure, working at the florist's was something she genuinely enjoyed and she wants to run her own shop one day.
code by pasta

Violet Price

Violet smiled and shook her head as Abe took another long puff. Things definitely hadn't changed. "That's my job, isn't it?" she laughed as he began to stand up. She gave him a quick once over. He clearly wasn't at his best but she decided to just let it go. She didn't want to bring up anything that would bring the mood down. "It's good to see you," she grinned, giving him a quick hug. She was glad that she'd finally see her high school friends again. It had been way too long. She felt she was somewhat to blame for that, with getting consumed by school and work, but that stuff was important to her too. She just wouldn't let it get in the way of this trip.

She turned her head when she heard Stella approach. They were always pretty close in high school and Violet tried to reach out to support Stella when she could but again, she got way too busy. She nodded as the girl spoke. "I agree," she looked at Abe pointedly. She felt terrible when she found out that he was sick without her knowing but Stella must've felt worse. Those two were always close in high school. "It's going really well! Definitely keeping me busy," she smiled, "How've you been?"
Interacts: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki copacetic copacetic
Liam MacKenna was glad to be off the plane. He didn’t like it at all—the idea of relaxing in the air while letting someone else do all the flying, navigating, calculating, and worrying, had become so foreign to him. He kind of missed the rush of preflight, spooling up the helicopter rotors, and pushing the throttle to get to point B knowing someone's life was depending on him to get there yesterday. Liam barely slept on the flight to Chicago, but he did get to watch Hell or High Water on the way.

It wasn’t so bad letting someone else drive him though, thanks to Uber. The driver was friendly and they had a great conversation along the way. Liam looked out the window and saw that he had arrived at the park.

“Alright brother,” the driver began, “is this good? Need help with the suitcase?”

“Yeah this is fine—and I got it. Thanks, man, I see them right over there,” Liam said as he passed the driver a few extra bucks, and moved towards the trunk to get his things.

“Oh thanks, I really appreciate that! You got yourself some good karma for your roadtrip, eh? Peace, brother!”

Liam nodded and waved, slinging his backpack over his shoulders. He made his way over to the friends who were already gathered, as best he could. The rolling suitcase in his left hand really helped with balance, as opposed to a handheld one, but it was still slightly cumbersome due to the cane in his right hand. It looked like Abe, Violet, and Stella were already there.

"Hey guys--Abe, Vi, Stella...it's great to see you all again! Who wants a hug first?" Liam put out the best smile and positive energy he could, while shoring up his suitcase by his side.
Barely had his hands open for a hug from violet before Stella arrived, the one he was most looking forward to seeing. Things indeed had not chance as she seemed once more to grab and hold his attention and stir the same feeling as there were in high school. He had pursued most thing he wanted in high school but not her, the reason for it he could not remember. He did not want to risk their friendship he supposed. He was annoying enough as a close friend he wondered how bad he would be as a boyfriend.

He went to say hi before the flowers she held were thrown to him. He caught the easily and gave them a sniff. "Oh darling you should not have."He said jokingly." Well what can say, I needed rest while I healed. You two hens clucking away by my bed would have detracted from that."He added with sly teasing wink before taking Violets hug." You girls look amazing. " He gave a loud wolf whistle and gave a slight lecherous growl. Though he spoke to both, Stella held his his eyes.

As the girls went on to there girl talk, Abe saw Liam approuch. "oh I think your main bro gets first dibs, soldierman." He said approuching Liams arms outstretched and with a wide smile.

-Stella Mason-

c l i c k
Stella gave Abe a mock annoyed look when he whistled at them. “Don’t be gross, Abe,” she teased. She rolled her eyes at his response about why he didn’t tell them he was sick. “You would have loved the attention and that is a fact,” she stated. She was deflecting the fact that she would probably be on his case nonstop about getting better. When she found out that he was sick, she immediately called him and bombarded him with questions. Of course, immediately after she apologized and explained why she got so worked up about the health of people she cared about. Her family understood, but they got sick of it real fast, so Abe likely would have too. It didn’t help that she had a massive crush on him back in high school. It probably would have amplified her concerns.

She never pursued her crush on him. She didn’t think he returned her feelings. She was sure he liked someone else, probably Elora because they were always close. She never told anybody, except her therapist, how she felt about him either, not even Violet. She didn’t want to risk him finding out or worse: having someone else tell him. It’s not that she didn’t trust her friends, she trusted them with anything, she just wasn’t ready to tell anyone. She wasn’t even sure when it started, they had been friends for such a long time. She didn’t even remember coming to the realization that she liked him, it was just something she knew, especially through the second half of high school. Of course it faded when everyone went their separate ways, but she wouldn’t be surprised if old feelings came back on this trip.

She was snapped out of her thinking when Violet responded to her question. “That’s good to hear! I’ve been... I’ve been good. It took a while to get back to just being okay, but I think recently I’ve been feeling good for a change, I still have some bad days, though. I’ve actually been working at that flower shop around the corner from my place and I love it. I think I want my own shop one day. I’m there pretty much every day except weekends and when I have therapy,” she explained. After her mom died, she had a pretty big backslide in her mental health. She got to her worst point with her anxiety and OCD. Depression also developed so it was a lot of work to get back to how she was before everything happened. She was having daily panic attacks and her compulsions were stronger. She still wasn’t quite back to how she was in high school, but she was getting there, day by day. “Enough about that. It’s really good to see everyone again,” she said honestly. She looked over as Liam approached. One by one, that gang was getting back together. She gave him a warm smile and a wave.
code by pasta
Liam chuckled at Abe's answer. He closed the distance with a step or two, and embraced Abe briefly, with a mostly-light slap on the back with his free hand. It was clear to see that Abraham had had a rough time of late, just looking at him. Liam remembered the boy having a much more distinguished build back in school, but when Liam hugged Abe, he could feel a difference. It's probably why he didn't give as stout a slap as he might have in high school.

"Alright I guess you're bringing us all together here, so you deserve first hug, brother," Liam said as he embraced, "it's been a little while, but we're here now--what about El, Gus, Ardyn, Jamie? Do you know if they're coming?"

Liam had noticed the flowers being thrown to Abe, but only now did he lean in to sniff them.

"Asking someone to prom?" he added, almost straight faced.
Abe hugged Liam in the back slapping Liam's back in turn though he didnt hold back like Liam did. He went hard only because in his current state he doubted Liam could feel anything lighter especially as Liam had bulked up since high school. He broke of the hug quickly, not wanting Liam to dwell on his emaciated body"Being a tool of the government and military industrial complex suits you bro. What are you doing? Driving airplanes? I need to consider joining too now, I have muscle to regain."

He thought back trying to remember to when he spoke to the others. He found it difficult to remember, he remembered bits and pieces that were irrelevant. "Eh yeah, from last i heard they were coming." He bluffed before remembering the flowers in his one hand. "Oh these. A new age we live in, Stella gave them to me. Asking me out. A little immasculating true but hey saves me the trouble of asking her out." He said jokingly. She turned to Stella."Even if she denies she cant help herself liking all this awesomeness." He said loud enough to hear and he waived his hand over his body as if presenting it.
Winter_Wolf Winter_Wolf Sook Sook Epyk Epyk Mentallynot Mentallynot sophie. sophie.
Gus drummed his hands nervously against his thigh as he sat in the back of his uber. Luckily, his driver wasn't much for conversation but unluckily this left him alone to his thoughts which were frantic with worry. It had been such a long time and Gus had moved so far away. To be honest, he was surprised to even hear from Abe, Gus thought that he'd done irreparable damage to his friendship with all of them when he'd left overseas for this fancy new job. Well, that job was over now for good, and it was time to focus on what was important, which was making sure this trip was just like old times. making sure he was there for his friends this time. Gus pulled out his phone and checked the time. He was running a little late, his flight had been delayed thanks to bad weather (Bad weather England, what a shocker). But upon checking the Google Maps on his phone, he was approaching the meeting place.

his heart was pounding. He sat in a way that made him look hunched, he always had a habit of trying to make himself appear smaller than he was. It had been around since highschool. As they turned the next corner, he saw them and his heart skipped a beat. It was like he'd stepped back in time. Hurridly he got out of the Uber, hitting his head painfully on the door frame on the way out. "Need help with you bags, mate?" Asked the driver "No, thank-you I've got it" He grabbed his suitcase from the boot and then crossed the park towards them in a couple of long steps, a giant grin on his face, probably the first time he had genuinely smiled all year "Hello guys" He said joyfully as he approached them. His dark eyes swept over the crowd. The was Abe, looking in good spirits, but noticeably unwell, and much thinner, Liam, who had buffed up considerably since his time in the military, Stella, beautiful as ever and probably just as crazy and finally Violet. His heart skipped an extra beat seeing her again. God had he missed her, more than any. "It's so great to see you all!" His gaze lingered on Violet for just a seccond longer then he moved towards Abe and reached down to give him a warm hug "Good to see you man" He said as he did so.

Violet Price

Violet simply rolled her eyes when Abe whistled. Immature as always. She gave Stella a smile when she spoke. She knew the girl had a really hard time after her mom passed and was happy she found something she enjoyed. She glanced over as another approached. Liam still seemed to have his usual positive energy, cracking jokes right away. She was glad that he didn't seem completely miserable after the incident with his leg. "Hey Liam," she nodded in his direction with a smile. Being with her friends like this again gave her a sense of familiarity. She didn't feel unhappy in New York with school and her job, in fact she was quite happy with how it was all coming together, but she felt extremely relaxed when she was with her friends. They all knew her and it didn't feel like she had to work as hard to seem all put together, though that was partially because they were all huge messes. She didn't have any work to do, she just had to try and have a good time.

She once again looked over when she heard someone else approaching. It was Gus! She had to admit, she was looking forward to catching up with him the most. She wasn't sure why exactly, but she was always closest to him in her high school years. "Gus! It's good to see you!" she grinned.

Interacts: Sook Sook Winter_Wolf Winter_Wolf copacetic copacetic ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Ha, No," Liam replied to Abe's question about what he did, "not planes, but helicopters...alright let me get to some of the others."

In the time that Liam had been conversing with Abe, Gus had arrived, and Liam was receiving salutations himself. In reality, greetings were flying all over the place, as everyone was excited to reacquaint themselves with each other. Liam wanted to give a hug to everyone, but he was already falling behind. He decided on Violet, as she was one of the three who was there when he arrived. She was greeting Gus, but Gus went to hug Abe. Going chronologically, Stella would probably have to be next, although maybe it would be Gus.

"Mama Vi!" Liam grinned as he made his way across the short distance to Violet, holding out his free arm for a hug, "how are you doing these days? Still not too cool for school, right?"

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Lizy Lizy (interaction)

Sook Sook copacetic copacetic (mentions)
Abe didn't have a chance to see Stella's reaction to his teasing as Gys had arrived. He smiled at his friend as he noted him staring af Violet for a moment. Good to know he was not the only one remembering an old flame. When gud finally came to him, he return the hug the same way he did Liams while trying to keep it short and sweet. "Oh you remembered all of us here from fancy snobby England? The prodigal friend returned fecking brilliant!" He said before leaning in and whispered in Gus' ear. "Or is it one in particular you remembered?" He added slyly before pulling away and winked at him.

He placed his hand on Gus`back and gave him an encouraging shove towards the approaching Violet. In truth, the concert he was playing with is only half the reason he called them together for this roadtrip. This group was one of the best things he was part of, it was criminal the broke up in such away. He was determined that his last act or bucket list would be finding a way that group at least remained in contact in some sort of way. Getting Violet and Gus together was a good start.


The ride to the meeting took a couple of hours. Though those hours felt short as he spent most of it catching up with his brother who was on the front seat beside him. Though, not exactly chatting. It was more like they were trying to strike a conversation but failed to keep it up with the tension in the air along with the train of thoughts that popped into Jamie's head. Perhaps, it was his own fault for not trying even though his brother flew himself over just to check on him before flying back home to spend some time with their parents.

What was worst for the two was that Jamie would have to be away for the next week and that kind of sucked. But then again Jamie could just pick another time to talk? Maybe even go home for the first time in a while? Nah..probably not when he haven't said a word in years. Until then, he would just have to focus on the task at hand.

Speaking of tasks, Jamie never liked going to concerts unless he was going backstage but he did go there for personal reasons and one of them being his old friend. He could barely remember how he looked like but everyone called him Abe while Jamie always called him by his first name, Abraham. The two were close but that kind of changed once everyone went on their separate ways. Something that Jamie had anticipated before he graduated from high school.

Pulling the car over to the nearest parking spot, Jamie kept the key on the ignition while he took the seat belt off. His brother, Jason, only kept his mouth shut and got out of the car to open the trunk with Jamie following him from behind. Upon opening the back of the car, Jamie had his face straight the whole time and Jason had a trick up his sleeve to change that. The other twin impersonated a trumpet like sound before pulling the trunk up to reveal Jamie's bag. Jason only took the bag and held it over to Jamie with the most big grin that young man could ever make. As for Jamie, he only cocked a brow at him while both corners of his lips slowly curled up as he watched the scene unfold. There was a light chuckle that slipped from Jamie's lips as he went to grab a hold of his bag that contained everything but he didn't plan on swimming so he only brought a couple sets of clothes in case he did go into the water. Swinging the bag over his arms, Jamie only gave a slight silent nod to his brother before walking away.

Jamie was nervous but there was something else that seemed to weigh on his legs as he marched to his group of old friends. It was like back then where he didn't know anyone and he would just spend most of his time with his brother. Just as he arrived upon all of them, Jamie stopped in his tracks and quickly looked back to see his brother still standing near the car, waving back at him. 'What the hell?' Jamie thought to himself. It took a minute for him to take a deep breath before he opened his mouth. "Give me a second." Jamie rushed as he turned around and jogged back to his brother that seemed to have a puzzled look on his face. Maybe even with a hint of worry stuck in his eyes. "What's up?" The other asked as he went to scratch his head, unsure of what Jamie was trying to say or do. And then Jamie just took his chances, He went to give the other a hug. It was rare, very rare, perhaps almost never for Jamie to hug his own brother considering it would always felt so weird whenever they do share some brotherly moment. But heck, Jamie did missed him a lot. The hug was a long one, most of the time Jason just laughed at him for it. But that laugh seemed rather bittersweet for the situation. When Jamie did pull himself away, he could feel there was something warm rolling down on his cheek. He didn't want to shed a tear and be a crybaby about it but hey, the two laughed it off. Though Jamie could see that Jason was also in tears but had his fingers to keep it from dripping.

"See you when I see you." Jamie spoke with a small smile as he just let his sore eyes and dry trails of tears stay on his face. Jamie gave the other one last hug before walking back to his friends while he waved over to his brother when he got into the car. Jamie stood near the rest of the group and let another tear to slide down his cheek as he let out a long sigh and covered his nose with his sleeve. "I'm not supposed to cry but here we are." Jamie laughed, unable to hold some of the tears that kept pouring out. He quickly wiped it out with his sleeves and took another deep breath before clearing his throat. "Alright enough with emotions." Jamie muttered to himself before tugging his sleeves and proceeding to glance at each of their faces. "Good god, Y'all looked so different! I hardly recognize any of you. Or maybe that's just me and my bad memory? Yeah I guess it's just me." Jamie added as he lowered his voice at the last part of his sentence before looking back at each one of them with both of his brows raised.

mood: somewhat nervous
outfit: xxx
mentions: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
interaction: Sook Sook Lizy Lizy Winter_Wolf Winter_Wolf ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki copacetic copacetic
tags: -

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-Stella Mason-

interactions: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki mentions: Sook Sook Mentallynot Mentallynot

c l i c k
Stella paused before reacting to Abe's joke. If only he knew how she felt about him back in high school. She just shook her head with a laugh. "You wish, Abe," she called, but her response fell on deaf ears as Gus arrived. She was never the closest with Gus as he was so quiet and she was definitely not. Though there were some times that she got him to come out of his shell. Some of them were nice and honestly fun. The others were hilarious and documented on her phone. In preparation for the trip, she made sure to transfer those photos and videos (Not just of Gus, but of everyone) to her new phone, so they could look back and laugh at them.

As each friend arrived, Stella realized just how much she had missed everyone. She didn't realize how lonely she was since everyone went their separate ways. Sure, she had a handful of new friends, but she wasn't really close to any of them. They only hung out on occasion. She had watched as the others walked up. The thing that had shocked her the most was seeing Jamie cry. She had never seen him even remotely close to crying before, so she decided not to comment on it.
code by pasta
Sook Sook Mentallynot Mentallynot copacetic copacetic

Abe gave Gus another encouraging shove towards Violet as he heard another guest approach. He turned to face the newcomer with a bright smile at the pair but than froze as he looked at Jaime. His mind just went blank of any details of Jaime. The face was familiar, he knew that he should know Jamie but the information could not be found. He cursed himself, he knew that he would at someone have to deal with his symptoms while with his friends. Yet he never had forgotten friends names before and this was not that time to start.

While trying to maintain his joviality, he wrecked his brain trying to remember. The effort seemed to stir another headache, making him clutch his forehead briefly as he felt a little unsteady. He mastered himself though pushing himself to approuch Jamie with the same manner as the others. "Tears? This is what happens when you are away from me for so long.. You.. You become a girl huh?" He tried to tease al Jamie but finding hard to find the right words. "Oh crab that was terrible.."


Hearing the words that were spilled out of the young man who had invited all of them in the first place, Jamie cocked a brow at him. He wasn't sure why but he felt like the other seemed somewhat puzzled just from the looks of it. The smile that once was prompted on his face quickly disappeared as his expression grew tense. Perhaps Jamie was the first to drift apart from the rest? He couldn't remember if that was exactly the case. But nonetheless, he was there for the man's sake and there was no need to make this harder than it already was. While keeping a rather straight face, Jamie went to cross his arms over his chest and stared at Abe.

"Haha, real funny. Tell that to my brother, he's been crying over anime for like once a day." Spoke Jamie as he went to shift his weight onto one foot. "Actually, scrap that. I prefer to forget about that." Jamie added as he shook his head at the thought before finding himself staring a bit at Abe. There were some details that really bothered the older male especially when he remembered the news. His expression quickly became a bit gloomy. He was quite worried, but perhaps there was a sense of defeat that had sat with him as he reflected upon what happened to most people that fought cancer. It was very much pitiful. Though, he didn't want to let it drown him in guilt. 'what the hell?' he thought to himself as he bit his teeth down before wiping any expression that was on his face with the usual straight face that held no apparent emotions. "So, about this Coachella thing. What are we gonna do there exactly?" Jamie asked. He did knew that it was one of those festival music events which was something that Jamie wouldn't put any time nor mind on unless he had a gig there or something. But then again his band wasn't exactly that active even though Jamie managed to keep it up in the charts.

mood: fine
outfit: xxx
mentions: -
interaction: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
tags: -

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background-size: 120%;background-position: 40% 0%;]
coding by: undine
Abe was relieved to have his bad joke being laughed off or his current state questioned. Still both the headache and his forgetfulness was frustrating, making it more and more difficult to keep his amiablity up. "Ah what is to cry about, I am only taking your brother for a couple of weeks. I will bring him back in one piece..."He called out to Walter before looking at James sly and winked at him ." Mostly... "

He looked surpised at James." You don't know, we must have talked a lot about it at least." He said before chuckling." Forgetful aren't you? Well, there is me I am playing on the main stage I am playing after... After... Anyways, There is of course other.. Secondary artists. Also some art installations whatever else you expect from a festivals."He explained.

Mentallynot Mentallynot
Gus chuckled as Abe made fun of him about going off to England. He already had a response ready but when his friend continued his jibe with a comment about Vi and a cheeky wink his response died on his tongue, and his face got hot. Oh god this guy just notices everything doesn't he. He thought, and then shook the embarrassment off his face quickly as he was playfully shoved towards Vi and Liam, who was talking to her at the moment. He approached slowly, psyching himself up for this conversation. When Liam would pull back from the hug he'd go to do the same. "Hey, where's my hug" He said jokingly and somewhat uncharacteristic of high school Gus. But although he was still pretty damn terrified of situations like this one, his longing for his friends outweighed any anxiety ridden thought that might have prevented him. Or, rather, maybe it was Liam who spurred him on. Liam was always the one who, in his head, he was battling for Vi's attention.Wow, she got even prettier. Gus thought to himself as he looked at her, warm smile on his face.

When Jamie and his brother arrived, he turned to give him a friendly wave. Jamie looked like he was experiencing many emotions at the moment. He had cried when he'd approached, he looked gloomy as hell as he spoke to Abe. Gus was trying his best to keep his spirits up, it tended to make others feel better, and at least they were together for now. There would be plenty of time for sorrow, but he wanted to give his friend the most support he could now that he was here.

Violet Price

Violet turned to Liam as he came over to her. "Hey! School is very cool!" she laughed as she returned his hug. Liam could never fail to make her laugh. In fact, that was how she started hanging out with everyone. "I'm pretty good," she smiled. She gave Jamie a wave and a grin when she saw him arrive. He was crying, which was something she'd seen a couple times but she was pretty sure no one else had. He was a pretty guarded person so she was surprised that he seemed the most emotional thus far. She decided not to touch on it now though.

She gave Gus a hug when he came over to her. "Hi!" she greeted with a grin. She was really looking forward to catching up more with Gus on this trip. "So, what have you guys been up to?" she asked, looking at the two in front of her.

Interacts: Sook Sook Winter_Wolf Winter_Wolf Mentallynot Mentallynot
"Alright philosophress, school is cool I guess," Liam faux surrendered to Violet, not evening trying to rhyme, "hold on, I'm getting behind on the hugs." He parted for the moment with a smile and a nod to Violet--Stella was next.

Liam gave smiles and waves to Jamie and Gus on his way over to Stella, resolving to greet them as soon as possible. It was good to see both Gus and Jamie there with the group. Liam figured that it would be good for them...hell, he thought, it's gotta be good for everyone. But nonetheless Liam had never been super close to either of them, so maybe it would be an opportunity. And speaking of opportunities to get closer, Liam MacKenna could barely contain a grin as he approached Stella. They'd always butted heads in the past.

"Well imagine my shock that you were invited," Liam ultimately let his grin shine through, as he approached Stella ready to hug, "how have you been, my friend?"

Lizy Lizy Sook Sook Mentallynot Mentallynot copacetic copacetic

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