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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Jacob looked around and saw a mango hanging from a tree. "Hmm...I don't want climb, so I think I'll just..." Jacob's shoulder blades grew into large, hummingbird wings as his heart shifted to keep up with its speed. He began to hover upwards, kind of zipping upwards until he managed to pluck the fruit and zipping back down, gently landing on the ground as his wings shrunk back into his shoulder blades.
"No, you made sense. What you're saying is true." Leon flipped the fish again, opening them up and letting the inside touch the hot rock to cook. "Well, why don't you go ahead and tell me if you find me attractive at all in my other form. I say attractive in the sense of, you'd consider having children with me kind of attractive." Leon stood and stepped away from anything he might knock over and crush. He growled in pain as he began to shift and change.

Leon growled a little more, the pain subsiding after a bit. He stood there and looked down at Raz, waiting for her to come over to 'look' at him. He remained silent, speaking being rather difficult in this form.

@Scheani (Lol wakey time! Also look at the second image in my character sheet. He is in the four armed form. That is his normal form, then he adapts to others.)
Jacob began to go into the camp, going towards Carl. "Hey...I grabbed this for you in case you wanted it. You're body will need the fluids and vitamins." He said, offering it to him.
(Lol. Wakey time sucks T.T#)

Standing slowly, Raz walked over before extending her hand slowly, coming in contact with his chest she frowned slightly running her hand gently over his newly formed chest, reaching up her right hand she placed it over where the heart would be. Tracing her fingertips over his shoulders, all four of his arms, she simply grinned laughing again. "Your like a Rolly Polly."

Wrapping her arms around him she choked back another laugh, "Still somewhat huggable," She noted as though checking a dog at a pedigree show. "Face?" Her hands reached up caressing his new forms face, "Check, Hands?" She gingerly took his palm in her own splaying out his contorted fingers. "Check."

Lifting her head so she was 'looking him in the eye' she put her right hand over his heart again, "Heart beat? Check." Patting him on the cheek Raz's head rested on his chest as though she were tired. "The problem is not what people can see, the problem is what most people cant see." Bringing her hands up his face to his eyes she covered them.

"Its whats on the inside that counts. Compassion, Will, Strength, Emotion. all of it, good deeds, bad ones, that is what matters." She shook her head pacing back to the bed sighing. "I would not have a problem, because right now, for me your good outweighs your bad," She hesitated before shaking her head, "But I would not bear your children- moreover could not."

@The Master
Leon began to adapt, his body shifting and changing drastically.

Leon blinked and looked at himself, "That's neat..." His voice was smooth and almost melodic. "Speaking isn't all that hard anymore. I wonder what this adaptation is for." He looked at his hands some more. Leon blinked, impressed with how his voice sounded. He looked at Raz, "Well, any human could have children with one of my kind. How do you think I was born? My dad was the human."

@Scheani (Look at my CS to see the newest form)
Forcing a smile Raz continued, "Not every human, if your not given.. The right tools..? Gee that sounds so weird." She laughed again before covering her eyes iwth one hand, and her lower abdomen with her other. "When I was born I was missing two things, one thing is vital to all humans, one is vital for one gender." Lowering her hands, she sighed, "I really am not much help." She muttered before smiling at Leon, "You sound different."

@The Master

@Aeron (My CS is on page 13..? and His is on page 10)
"Even with your 'missing' parts. My body would adapt and you would obtain your missing parts from my assistance." Leon nodded, "Yes, I sound very different. I kind of like it. But I feel weird..." He mentioned. "Well we just met, so I was speaking hypothetically." He felt awkward talking about the subject with someone he just met, he was unsure of what she might think so he tried to defuse it.

Jack left the mango with Carol and began to explore the area, hoping to find someone, or anyone really, considering Jenny said there was more people on the island. @anyonefree
(I am going to be gone for quite a while. At least 3-4 hours. I will be able to respond to posts but it will take a while since I'll be using a phone.)
Skipping the awkward feeling, Raz simply laughed, "My point, my dear friend is no matter what you change into on the outside, the inside is what matters." Holding her hands up she flopped backwards, "Gee we are something aren't we. So weird you know?"

@The Master

(*edit* Do you mind if my char goes interacting with other people? It'l be easier that way... and I kinda wanna get to know the other characters as well ._.)
(I was actually going to say she could go hang with the others while Leon works on the camp.)


Leon smiled and nodded, "Weirdest. Now go off and search for the others on the island. I need to do some work around the camp anyways. When you get back, dinner should be ready." He nudged her gently and playfully. Leon used his sharp claws to start clearing some more area and gathering more resources. He was working hard to improve everything.

@Scheani (Okay, I am off!)

(Bye bye everyone! OwO)
Amaya was suddenly uninterested and started flying off to watch and find someone to talk to... She then lands
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Hitting Leon's shoulder lightly she laughed before wandering off into the dense forest, frowning as she continuously found herself tapping into ankle high twigs, she began to not only hunt for other people, but for a 'Stick.

@ Anyone and everyone :D
Amaya from above saw the blind girl walking and only knew she was because of her aura, Amaya whom was interested to talk to someone flew by her saying "hello!" In a high pitched voice before transforming into her original form next to her "I'm amaya what's ur name?"

Wincing at the high pitched voice, Raz paused turning her head to the girl beside her. "Nice to meet you as well, I'm Razilia, like Raspberry and Godzilla mixed in one Elizabethan era cocktail." Smiling kindly as she nodded to her. "How are you, despite our odd situation?"

Amaya looks at her and smiles "I guess I'm ok despite, but I'm really lonely...... And I hate that feeling... Do you want to hang out with me?" She asks nervously.

Marquist Awoke on the beach and realized he had some unlocked restraints on him. He removed himself from them and and got up looking around he wasn't really sure what had happened he looked around looked around for something.... He wasn't sure what he missed. But he felt like a part of him was missing he shook his head and began walking along the beach untill he heard Voices he started walking towards them and stopped behind some brush to see two people talking. Maquist watched for a moment to see if they were friendly or not. @Am2aM @Scheani
Jacob's eyes widened, noticing someone else on the beach. He turned back to the girl with a grin. "Hey! Are you guys new here too?"
Amaya looks at him "I am but I'm not sure about anyone else though.." She then quizzically looks at the guy in the brush "r u new?"

Marquise stood up his cover blown. And spoke with a heavy Russian accent "hello yes I am new here and I really don't remeber much of anything or how I got here also I seem to be missing my Cello." Marquise walked out of the brush and gave a friendly wave "you all can call me Marq for short if you like"
Amaya smiled kindly "nice to meet you Marq!" She then puts hr hand out to him to shake. And another hand out fr the other guy to shake.
Jacob nodded to the man, smiling as he waved to him. "Your cello? Did the goverment kidnap your instrument too?" Jack asked, a bit confused as he chuckled. He then turned to the other girl, who seemed to be... sightless? "Hi there." He said towards her, then looking back at the guy on the beach and shaking the others girls hand.

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