The Inn at the Edge of the World (OOC)

I thought we were all there, I assumed Bavric and Lyke were operating together within their now defunct company.
Just tidied up my stats.

@Silvertongued I assumed 60XP, but do you think with the training and experience of the background 80 is warranted?

Also what Logos and points? Logos 3, given the actual training, makes sense to me, but it's your call. Hrm. I'd also like to go into XP debt for the School is possible.
Hey, @Teh Frixz , what languages does Lyke understand fluently? She has no points in Language, so what is her native tongue (hehe bad joke), would it be Kelene or Tradestongue, assuming her background?
An undisclosed location kept top secret by Kelen noblemen sworn to silence North of the Black Forest and Southwest of the Border, by the village of Dakgrove just left of the Old Henderson place.

But seriously, east of the Frontier, north of the Black Forest, south of the Hell's Teeth, between Ymon and Regar. The battles were mostly by vassals of the Delats and the Farriden, a whole celebratory thing about the armies of the crown and that sort of horseshit.
Oh cripes, I thought I replied to this ages ago, turns out it didn't even save a draft and I somehow missed the last bunch of posts D: I'll get on it shortly, I just missed it... somehow... thanks, notifs :P
So I was told about this campaign by a certain Grey individual, and I was wondering if you had any room left in your merry band of miscreants? If so, was there a specific role you'd like to have on hand for your mercenaries? I'm very flexible when it comes to play style, and I think I can work my character's personality into just about any job you'd suggest.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Party balance is a lie


So am I correct in assuming that there is no mage in the group currently?
Ah, nevermind then. I kinda had a hard time figuring out who was what from the character sheets, since there's no defined 'class' designation.
I believe we have one dedicated fighter, one knowledgeable type who'd be good for training recruits or a bit of quartermastery, a disgraced noble with administrative skills, a disgraced noble who is charming and agile, a bard, and a sniper.

A hedge knight would not go amiss.
Not familiar with a hedge knight. Are they something akin to a professionally trained fighter?
Lyke is fairly sneaky and frontier savvy too buddy boy~

And I think a Hedge knight is a Knight without a lord? Sort of an honorable Ronin type
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