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Fantasy The Hunter’s Inn || OOC

Also, am I going to embed one of my favourite songs ever into my IC reply cause I can? Oh yes, absolutely I will.
Loving all the new character bios! 😃

Feel free to introduce them in the main RP thread. They could be arriving at the Inn, or already inside if they have been with the guild for a while.

Percival is just outside the building and Reegan is sat on a stool at the bar.
yeehee I managed to write mine, but I'm scared it is too little because everyone's bios are much bigger than mine haha
I too have put up a guild card. Lmk if you want anything changed.

Question for those playing monster races (@Murdergurl and @redraider so far?): Do you want your character to generally be treated as an outsider/exotic sight, or no? I know some people intend that when they play monster races, and others just want to play a cool race. I think Moira's sheet indicated the former but just want to check beforehand so we can support your intentions for your characters.
This is a SUPER late response, but I'd like to give one nonetheless! Dhampirs are a rare sight considering a vampire's undead nature. I wouldn't be averse to having people treat Alienor with wariness. She may have to prove herself to people, but that makes the writing experience more fun! Nevertheless, I leave the choice up to each character and their backstory. Someone who hates monsters of all kinds might not take kindly to her presence, while a character who is open to working with monsters will treat her how they would treat anyone else.

Also, I'll write up my IC response now! I think I'll have her join the ranks of the hunter's guild as a start. Does that sound okay Genii Genii ?
This is a SUPER late response, but I'd like to give one nonetheless! Dhampirs are a rare sight considering a vampire's undead nature. I wouldn't be averse to having people treat Alienor with wariness. She may have to prove herself to people, but that makes the writing experience more fun! Nevertheless, I leave the choice up to each character and their backstory. Someone who hates monsters of all kinds might not take kindly to her presence, while a character who is open to working with monsters will treat her how they would treat anyone else.

Also, I'll write up my IC response now! I think I'll have her join the ranks of the hunter's guild as a start. Does that sound okay Genii Genii ?

Yes of course! 😁

I was planning on introducing The Guild Master once a few more characters have appeared. Then characters can approach her to enlist.


Just a note to say that it’s ok to describe what other Hunters (unnamed NPCs) might be doing - if your character is hanging out with them. I’d imagine some games/gambling going on. Maybe someone’s had a drink too many and is attempting to slow-dance with a coat stand, I dunno. 😂
God that was a fun start ^-^ If anyone would like to start some interactions with Alienor feel free to do so! I'm open to discussion :]
I have awakened from the realm of slumber, and now, it is time for me to start making some posts for both Markus and Amru.
I already love Beryl. I hope it's ok I don't have a drawing of my character (as a majority seem to be using their own art, you are amazing artists by the way), I may draw him but I take quite a long time because I'm not very good at it yet.
Hey, that's ok. No pressure. A nice description works just as well. 😁👍
I forgot to say - don't worry too much about the length of your first post. I think I only wrote a couple of paragraphs for Percy at the end there.

Equally you can add as much detail as you like if you have the time & enthusiasm to do so. (I know some people are melting rn. lol!)

Mainly, just have fun. ^_^


Unrelated, but how is everyone when it comes to describing gore, blood and violence etc.?

Probably best to ask now before any action happens. :xFsmile:
I don't mind gore, blood, and violence. I won't go far into though to keep in line with site rules.
I'm also having a lot of fun with writing about the place my character came from and "The Fade" so I may not have my sheet up for awhile but I hope to have it up by this weekend. I'm also using images so I hope that's ok too. 💙
I don't mind gore, blood, and violence. I won't go far into though to keep in line with site rules.
I'm also having a lot of fun with writing about the place my character came from and "The Fade" so I may not have my sheet up for awhile but I hope to have it up by this weekend. I'm also using images so I hope that's ok too. 💙
I’m glad you’re having fun and I’m really looking forward to reading.
Thanks to the monster race folks for your replies.

I'm fine with having blood/gore. But I'm also fine without it if there are people who don't want too much.

I wonder if Beryl's ever thought about retiring. But don't tell me since I'd rather bring it up in story sometime. XD

Look at y'all posting now. Fun!!! I look forward to jumping in... after work. 😅
I forgot to say - don't worry too much about the length of your first post. I think I only wrote a couple of paragraphs for Percy at the end there.

Equally you can add as much detail as you like if you have the time & enthusiasm to do so. (I know some people are melting rn. lol!)

Mainly, just have fun. ^_^


Unrelated, but how is everyone when it comes to describing gore, blood and violence etc.?

Probably best to ask now before any action happens. :xFsmile:
Oh! I forgot to respond! I'd say I can describe gore pretty well! I tend to research a lot anyway, so what's one more topic? Although, I'll try to keep in mind the rules of this site when I do so ,':]
Just got home, can't wait to read the IC and hop in!
Yay! 😁 I've taken a little break so people can catch up.

There are a few characters dotted around inside the Inn now, including Beryl the Brave, Stan the Bard (playing his lute somewhere), and the (as of yet unnamed) grumpy dwarven Barman.

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