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Futuristic The hunt for the Codex


This is based on a project I'm working on right now, I'm about forty pages into it and when I was thinking of a good RP idea this struck me as a good world to have an RP. I will have a map drawn and a more detailed description of each society when I establish the thread but for now this is an interest check.

The year is 2537, almost four hundred years ago the world as it was known came to an abrupt end at the hands of humanity itself. Not many records survive and no one knows who fired the first missile but the results were the same regardless of the party responsible. The world lay in ruin for over a century but slowly, humanity recovered.

Much was lost within the fire of nuclear holocaust but what survived carried on. Humanity now lives in widely varying states of survival, in the north of Europe a massive walled city stands centurion over what had been known as the Russian empire, its massive metal and ferocrete walls encompasing thousands of kilometers of land and almost one hundred million people, the reclusive northern people live in an advanced society and their technology is that of the old world. They are the most advanced society in the known world but their lifestyle is threatened by the rampant cartels and gangs that have slowly moved through the lower districts, wrestling control from the government and establishing their own laws and regulations. As the cartels spread their sphere of influence further into the upper districts, their great city comes closer to civil war, an event that would topple the city state from the inside out.

In the vast dusbowl that was once Germany, the empire of Toth has been forged around the city and oasis of Toth. The empire is one of ancient nobility and trade, specifically the trade of eastern goods and slaves captured from the southern regions often sold into slavery by the Romi. The great walled cities of the Toth Empire are second only to Great Petersburg in the north, and the vast markets of Toth are known to all in Eurasia as the single largest trading hub on earth.

In the south a hardy and violent people known as the Romi have carved a lifestyle out of the desert, their brutal efficiency in battle is unmatched and their prowess in drinking well renowned. The lifestyle ocf the Romi is a hard one and all men are expected to fight for the good of the massive tribe. Massive swarms of Romi fighters pillage and sack surrounding towns and cities leaving a path of destruction in their wake, yet they bring justice and honest rule to the conquered. Their laws are archaic to many but they believe in swift and true justice, often resorting to physical mutilations such as the removal of hands and eyes for various transgressions. Romi soldiers are some of the best in the world, and as a result a captured Romi slave is worth ten times that of the average as their fighting ability is invaluable in the pits, the only sport of the modern day world, a sport of violence and death that is nigh identical to Ancient Roman gladiator matches.

In what had been once called Sweden a haven of life exists where the water runs clear, within this small nation the breadbasket of the known world exists along with some of the only remaining natural beauty of the old world which has been lost elswhere. This land is one of a few that sees constant peace, as the food they produce feeds people from the east of Eurasia to the southern boarders of old Africana and back to the western coastline of Europe.

In the area surrounding the black sea a new and reclusive species has formed from the effects of radiation upon humans. They are the Sythids, an amphibious humanoid species that lives within the deapths of the Black sea, their reclusive lifestyle still a mystery to most scholars. Their massive bubble cities spoken about in myth alone as they can only be reached by the gilled humanoids and their aquatic steeds.

In the far east another great empire has been forged in the ashes of the old world. Within old China the foundries of industry and trade have been started once more and gold flows through the land originating from the west, flowing through the gold road, a trade route that taverses the northern outskirts of the badlands. The empire of Tivach spans much of old china. The people are industrious and honorable, providing one of the few places left on earth where one can expect lawful behavior.

The badlands themselves are a black hole of dust, violence, cannibalism, rape and kidnapping that encompases the middle of Eurasia. Within the badlands, the scum and villanous men and women of the world mix with the mutated beasts of the ruined wasteland and the cannibalistic raiding parties they form crawl through the endless sand dunes, searching for fresh prey. Only one city survives within the Badlands, a city named Pandora. Within the twisted walls of the city the cries of bloody murder are heard on a nightly basis, there are no innocents within the hive city, and while it is perilous to enter the domain of the city, one can find scores of objects and trinkets of interest, along with guns, drugs and various sellswords and killers for hire.

As the world continues on in its ever brutal fashion, rumors of land on the other side of the acid oceans persist, but flight technology has been lost and no man or woman is brave enough to venture into the deep, for the ancient oceanic beasts of the Atlantic and Pacific can destroy the most sturdy of vessals with a single swipe of their mutated limbs.

And all the while a legend persists. Within Eurasia ancient vaults exist, underground cities that are believed to be legend only, but they are real. At the end, when the bombs dropped many took shelter in these vazt underground cave cities. Entire buildings had been constructed within the cavernous halls, yet those who left the cities died off, leaving behind ever increasingly diluded stories as the generations that followed them died away. What is more mysterious till are the tales of the vaults that never opened, their inhabitants unheard of for five centuries. One tail persists over all else, within a certain vault is the key to an ancient weapon, a weapon that will bring ultimate power to the one who wields it. The northerners are leaving their massive walls for the first time in hundreds of years in small hunter killer squads, seeking out the truth for themselves and hordes of people search for the vault as rumors surrounding the codex once again swirl.

It is in this world where your character has been born, Northerner, Desert Dweller, Outlaw, Mutant, Merchant, Sythid or a foreigner from a far off land, it is yours to decide as the hunt for the codex begins.
I will elaborate more on weapons and technology when i make the RP thread but suffice it to say, there are guns and fast modes of transportation for those who are not in the city to the north (land speeders think Star Wars, Dune Buggies, land crawlers, motorcycles etc) Although the northerners do possess flight tech, something that southerners do not have.
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This sound like a really great idea. I wanna see how it turns out.

May the gods watch over you,

Yeaaha, go Sweden ^^

I love the idea of a desert vehicle

and story seem to be awesome!
I love this and I really want to join but I don't know how.This website updated a lot since I've been gone.I don't know what to do.Tell me when I can join and maybe give me a little help on exactly how I'm supposed to do it.:unsure::question:
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yewsyes yes yesy ey sy yesxyy eysye ysyeydsyeyyydyryey s eyrysdyeyysyeysyedy

I would like to inquire in joining this roleplay.
I need to write up the thread for it, I was doing it on my new touchscreen computer and I had written well over two thousand words in a massive description of various cities and societies and then I accidentally swiped the screen which dropped the edit screen and I lost all of it so I've been putting it off because just thinking about it gets me frustrated. I'll write up the thread tomorrow and we can start it up as soon as people put up their CS posts. 
The RP is officially up and open for character sheets. I will post up more information on the universe as the day progresses so keep your head up for updates. http://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-hunt-for-the-codex.69718/

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