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Fandom The Extinction Cycle


One Thousand Club
(Based on the book series by Nicholas Salisbury Smith)

During the Vietnam War the United States created a super soldier serum VX-99. They tested it on a group of marines. Instead of creating Captain America they created monsters that tore a bloody path threw Vietnam. The US was able to cover up the event until now.

On an island southeast of California a group of scientists worked on the serum adding Ebola to it. Making it become a deadly combination of man and nature. While working on it a vile erupts exposing two scientists. One scientists Dr. Phelps thinking he was clear he got on a flight to Chicago. The man that Phelps was no more. He attacked the the passengers as they landed.

Within days Chicago falls. Within weeks the United States government is disbanded. Within a month humanity is on the break of extinction .

The virus turned people into monsters. Not your typical zombies. These variants are highly adaptive apex predators. They're smart, fast, cunning. Able to lead people into ambushes.

In the town of Nightswan Ohio a rural town with two hundred hundred people. The town was completely unaware of the nightmare coming their way.

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