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New Member

The year is 2020, it has 24 years since the end of the Second Wizarding War to most A painful memory to the youth an important but, non-relevant piece of history. Much has changed since the dark times the old prejudice is all but dead new laws have granted protection to demi-human races Techomagelogy (the art of merging magic and technology) has led to many muggles gadgets becoming avail to the wizarding world and muggle culture and slung has become common among the youth. The ancient vampire clans have broken their isolation had have become a common sight in wizard society.

But between the cracks of the façade of a progressive society, the darkness of the old world grows like a virus. organized crime and street gangs gained a stronghold during the years of the post-war government and continue to run in near impunity. sighting of Angles and Demons have become commonplace and rumors of death/demon cults have started to spread. the Death-eaters have been Gathering in strength, united under a new leader. and in Void, the space between the dimensions, the ancient ones are starting to wake from their slumber.

but you don't have to worry about that, right?

You should get some sleep you have school tomorrow.​

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