• This section is for roleplays only.
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The Black Knight

One Thousand Club


Info: Here
See the above link for specific information about Tochigi, Japan.


Welcome to Tochigi, Japan. A prefecture 62.25 miles north of Tokyo and nestled between three other prefectures: Gunma (west), Fukushima (north), and Ibaraki (east). To the south are Saitama and Tokyo.

The story primarily takes place at Satomi High School, and it is April, the month where school starts for Japanese students. Satomi High School is a disciplined school where the discipline is enforced by the students elected into the Discipline Committee. The Discipline Committee, colloquially around the school, are known as The Enforcers. The Enforcers are the ones who catch you being late to class in the hallway and keep the bullies in check. Sometimes, they are the bullies, and sometimes, it is difficult to report an enforcer because they have friends high in the committee who protect them. When you decide to show up to school with your uniform improperly worn, The Enforcers will be there to correct you, and if you're late to class because they had to stop you, then you have two of what are called demerits. Students who receive demerits will have to go spend a certain number of hours in detention. Students with five demerits in a single day are suspended. Students who have been suspended once will be expelled the next time they receive five demerits.

Detention is like a prison, but not as brutal. An instructor sits in the classroom designated for the detention, keeping watch over the students who must sit there for long hours with no means of entertainment. They aren't even allowed to study and get ahead in class because detention is a punishment. One demerit = 1 hour of detention. Try to avoid getting demerits if you can, but this wouldn't be an anime story if avoiding these was possible.

Home Room

All of the Caretakers have the same home room teacher, Mr. Renji Suzuka. He is the apple of many of the female students' eyes, and the nightmare to many males. Suzuka is mild-mannered. He has never been heard raising his voice, and he normally doesn't have to. If a student doesn't get demerits from The Enforcers, Suzuka-sensei will definitely give the students some if they annoy him. Mr. Suzuka doesn't like students. After spending years teaching or being the home room teacher of unruly brats, he has grown tired of their existence. All of the students are the same. They are selfish and care only about themselves. Most of them won't even have a future. Suzuka-sensei doesn't have too many options for another job, and so he remains as an instructor at Satomi High. Lately, unknown to the students, he's been dabbling in the dark arts.

Home Room is different from other schools. It is a hub for all students regardless of grade or year, and they are broken into sections such as Home Room 1-A and Home Room 1-B. The Home Room is the first class every day on the students' schedule. It is where school announcements are received either administratively or from the presidents of clubs at the school. Home Room keeps the students informed of all activities and events that are to occur that month. Students can also meet mentors and senpais to learn from if they are struggling in certain subjects. The Home Room idea was created by the Satomi High Principal, Ms. Jugo Kanagawa. Ms. Kanagawa felt that the students were busy enough with school work and needed a class that was a break in their schedule. Ms. Kanagawa appears to be in her early thirties, but she is actually nearing her fifties. She likes to believe that she is still the young and attractive female that all the boys want, and will often try to butter herself up with her own flattery. She is also quick to assume a young man is hitting on her to boost her self-esteem. What the students in our story will gradually realize is that the faculty are the enemies, and yet, they still need to graduate!


There are various forms of transportation in Japan: metro, train, bicycle, taxi, personal vehicle, or just walking. Caretakers can choose multiple walking buddies as they head to school (this helps with interaction--hint, hint) or utilize other methods to get to class, depending on how far they have set their residence.

Game Time

The story begins on Day One. Day One is also called Episode One, and each day will have a GM event that will involve all or sometimes certain characters. From these GM events, characters can be awarded with power slots. So be sure to keep an eye out for them. If your character is not logically in the area, or hasn't heard about the incident, then they may need to come up with a sensible reason. It is recommended that characters who make friends utilize a group chat on their phones. Add your friends to the group text so that when something important happens, they can be notified via text.


Left to Right: Renji Suzuka and Jugo Kanagawa

Episode One: Day One - What's a Hakkenshi?

Caretakers will be meeting their Hakkenshi for the first time. How your Caretaker stumbles across the bead is up to you. Whether or not Caretakers know each other on the first day of school is left up to the Caretakers.


This is the game tag you will use above each of your posts to tell everyone where your character is, who are they talking to, who is their owner/hakkenshi, or who are they indirectly talking about (talking with another character about someone not present or thinking about them). Please use this tag so that there is no confusion.

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Bead:[/b] For Hakkenshi only. Delete this section if you are not a Hakkenshi.
[b]Master of:[/b] Hakkenshi name goes here. This is only for Caretakers. Delete this if you are not a caretaker.
[b]Grade:[/b] Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior (Caretaker only)
[b]Date/Time:[/b] Day One, Morning (given to you)
[b]Location:[/b] Where are they specifically? (Example: Walking to school. In Home Room 1-A; in the courtyard of Satomi High, etc.; in the cafeteria of Satomi High, etc.)
[b]Tagging:[/b] (@ mention the player if relevant, otherwise none) [b]Mentioned:[/b] (@ tag the player mentioned)
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Character Name: Tsukuda Kana
Master of: Shuzo Inugiichi
Grade: Senior
Date/Time: April 2020 /
Location: Walking to school
Tagging/Mentioned: Jabu Jabu

Another day, another year. Kana walked down the street towards her school, the same street she had walked down for what would be 4 years now. Nothing much had changed. The same stores and restaurants were still around and the dojo she taught at was still standing. Though, it wouldnt be long before Kana wouldnt see these familiar sights. It was her last year at Satomi High, and as excited as she was to graduate, it was also bittersweet. She had made many friends during her time at the school and she was going to miss the music programs as well.

Kana didnt dwell on her thoughts for long. It was her senior year after all, so she was going to do her best to enjoy every day of it. Who knows what adventures and experiences would greet her.

Almost as if it was on cue, Kana's train of thought was broken as she passed by the martial arts dojo, a glint flashing in the corner of her eye. It was coming from one of the shrubs around the building. Curious, Kana went over to inspect it.

Maybe someone dropped something?

She set her school bag down beside her as she knelt down, trying to get a better look at the object. It was small, thats for sure. Kana reached into the bushes, careful not to rip or dirty her uniform too much. Her hand wrapped around something and she pulled it out, opening her hand to see what exactly was it she found. It was a round metallic ball. On closer inspection, Kana noticed that there was a character engraved into the surface of the object. It read Gi, which meant duty and honor, or something around those lines.

Kana didnt normally collect stuff from the ground, but she decided to make an exception for today. Clutching the bead in hand, she stood up, picking her bag back up and continued down the road to school.
Saori Fujiwara
master of :: ahmya & kogeinu
grade :: senior | date/time :: april 2020
location :: hallway
tagging :: Archie Archie & Ghostiiys Ghostiiys



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It was a bit odd walking down the hallway she’d walked a thousand times before, dodging people’s elbows and swinging backpacks, knowing this was the last year she’d do this. Senior year. Next year, someone else was going to think the exact same thing, and then someone else the year after; life had a way of repeating itself in ways noticeable only if the time was taken to think about them. Saori bit back a sigh as the strange thought left a bitter taste on her tongue. It didn’t matter, anyway, because as soon as she graduated she was out of here.

The familiar vibration of her phone alerting her to a new notification was a welcomed distraction and she made a point to check it. Much to her disappointment, it was an email from an application she used months ago and hadn’t unscubscribed from the newsletter. She really needed to that.

Absorbed in her thoughts and her phone, Saori didn’t see the pencil on the ground and ultimately paid the price for it. The sole of her shoe stepped on the wooden object and sent her foot flying back. The impact shot through her left cheek and hands as they met the floor. Saori groaned and opened her eyes once the stinging pinch had turned into a dull pressure.

For a second, Saori thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. The more she looked, the clearer her vision became and she realised she wasn’t seeing things. There was a fissure in the wall. A small one, but a fissure nonetheless. That wasn’t her concern, though. It was the the object wedged in between it.

The fall she’d taken seemed faraway now that her curiosity had taken over. She tried to carefully pry the object out of the fissure without getting a sliver. Even though she could feel eyes burning holes in the back of her head, more than likely confused or judging her, she couldn’t be bothered to care. It took some effort before Saori finally pulled out the object and sat up to investigate it.

It was a bead. A freaking bead. Granted, it was a pretty bead with the word ‘Jin’ inscribed on it. It must have belonged to somebody once upon a time. For good measure, Saori took another look in the fissure and, sure enough, there was another bead. It was too far back to reach with her fingers.

Considering she’d already taken the first one it seemed almost unfair if she didn’t at least try to get the other one. The idea came to her half a second later, and Saori looked around the floor for the pencil which ended up being behind her foot, taunting her. She grabbed it forcefully and crouched back down to carefully extract the other bead. That, too, took some effort, but soon enough Saori was awarded with another bead, this one with ‘Tei’ inscribed.

Deciding she’d spent enough time on the floor, Saori stood and smoothed any wrinkles from her uniform. It struck her at that moment how lucky she’d been not to have been reprimanded by an Enforcer.

The beads and pencil ended up being stored in the front pocket of her backpack and Saori quickly made her way to Homeroom, making sure she wasn’t the last student in. She took her seat in the back next to the window and mulled over the beads as she organised her notebooks for the day.
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Character Name: Steve Freeling
Master of: Yazawa Shinu
Grade: Sophomore
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Courtyard
Tagging: The Black Knight The Black Knight
Steve had left the house at 6:45 that morning to get to Asakusa Station and board the limited express train, arriving in Tochigi Station at 8:10, after which he'd walked to school. He was going towards the front door now. His twin sister, Christina, known to most as either "Chris" or "Tina," "senpai" to some of the first-year students, had already passed him by to meet with her friends. Only because Mom and Dad won't let me ride my bike to school. Steve's parents, Zeek and Akane, had said they didn't want the uniform ruined by gasoline. I don't see why we have to wear these damn uniforms anyways. Oh, well, at least I keep the extras―which I'm changing into the second school ends―in my backpack. Again, why exactly did Mom and Dad decide to send us to a school 62 miles away from Tokyo again? Then he remembered. Oh, right, because of those bullies. At the half-Caucasian, half-Japanese teen's previous school, he'd had to deal with students calling himself and Christina such derogatory terms as "halfer" and "gaijin." I mean, I could've taken care of them if they took it too far. Steve's parents had wanted to avoid such a confrontation, which served as their reasoning for the switch in schools. I guess it's still better to not have to deal with them at all, though. I'd rather not have to fight when it comes down to it. Isn't it better if we all live? While the teen wasn't thrilled with the 70-minute commute, it wasn't the worst thing in the world. At least the other students aren't bad. Those damned Enforcers, though... Steve inwardly cringed at the thought of them. Those bastards are nothing more than glorified bullies. I can tell Mr. Suzuka just hates us all. And he wonders why no one likes him. I wish I could change things; I don't like the way this school treats its students. Putting a demerit against me for which personal pronoun I use. Homeroom teacher Mr. Renji Suzuka had seen fit to level a demerit against Steve for the fact that he referred to himself as "ore." As opposed to what? Steve, being naturally affable, had taken it like a champ, but in the aftermath, Akane had called the school with some choice words for the offending teacher's behavior. He briefly smirked at the thought when he saw a glint refracting off of the concrete out of the corner of his eye. He walked toward the glint to see what it was. ...A bead?
The tall and slender teen bent down to pick it up and his blue eyes widened at what he saw upon examining it. It's chu, the kanji for loyalty. I wonder who it belongs to or belonged to. He put it in a pocket before heading inside. I guess when a student says they're looking for a bead that has this kanji, I'll go ahead and return it. Before long, he climbed the steps and made it inside through the double doors. Within minutes, he was in homeroom seating himself at his desk and having no idea just how many secrets lay behind the bead in his pocket.
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Shuzo Inugiichi
Bead: Gi
Date/Time: April 2020
Location: With Tsukuda Kana on walk to school
Tagging: FabulousTrash FabulousTrash

Anime Guy _ Black Hair _ Casual.jpeg
What else was there to do when you were sealed away besides sleep and contemplate? Inugiichi had been a force to be reckoned with many years ago, but now he merely felt groggy and unbelievably hungry. What a force he was now. The Hakkenden warrior couldn't really comprehend where he was, but his senses were gradually coming to. He was sure he was in for a surprise when he awoke completely and was met with the Japan he so dearly missed. Hopefully, he wouldn't find himself amidst a battlefield. That would be a rude awakening. But, it seemed too calm for him to be anywhere near a battlefield. That much he could tell.

While being sealed away, the warrior knew he'd moved from his original place of sealing. He'd been passed from person to person, but the need to reveal himself never came. At least not until now. Something was brewing and he'd been out of the mix for too long. He'd come to this conclusion some time ago and would've revealed himself if he'd had the means to do so himself. Without a master though, especially in a changing world, he wouldn't be much use. Even after coming to his conclusion, nobody seemed to be a worthy master. While a Hakkenden would follow their master's orders without hesitation (at least he world), they were given the important task of choosing a leader that was right and just.

The warrior had been counting the passing seconds in an effort to entertain himself as his mind gradually became clearer and clearer. He knew what it felt like to be carried, so it didn't bother him in the slightest when someone plucked him from wherever his bead had landed some time ago. But, this person was different. In an instant, his mind became sharper and for a moment he thought he'd met his old master. In a flash of complex emotions, which he didn't feel very often, the warrior hurridly revealed himself in a flash of green light.

Inugiichi stood before the young woman that had picked up his bead. He was clad in dark armor that was only ever shown in museums in this age. His helmet bore a crescent moon and he wore a mask that left his eyes visible. The mask resembled that of a snarling canine. In one hand he clutched a tall spear, the cross blade glinting in the sunlight. The warrior's body heaved under the weight of his armor as it was warmer than he'd expected and dark armor certainly didn't help.

His gaze was harsh and judging which masked his true emotion of excitement. He broke the awkward silence and stares as he dropped to one knee and lowered his head. "Mistress!" He spoke loudly with no consideration of his surroundings. Thankfully nobody had passed by yet.

"I am Shuzo Inugiichi! Hakkenden warrior Gi! My purpose is to serve you with the utmost sense of duty! I am at your service!"

By the time he'd finished, he was heaving under the April heat and his stomach churned from hunger. He cursed his weakness under his breath. Training would ensue the moment he was given the chance. How could he fight yokai and protect his mistress while being so out of shape and weak to something as trivial as hunger?
Character Name: Kodama Shuko
Master of: Kogeinu, Inushin, and Yoshikinu
Grade: Senior
Date/Time: April 2020
Location: Hustling to school
Tagging: Vergaan Vergaan CommonMalpractice CommonMalpractice

Shuko barely had enough time to scarf down his breakfast before he was out the door and running for school. The school uniform, however, was not meant to be ran in, so his run quickly became a brisk walk. Which was perhaps for the best, because otherwise he would've missed the two shiny orbs that were along the sidewalk. And if video games had taught him anything, it was to always pick up the shiny. And so, the two beads (something he decided on upon picking them up) were picked up and deposited into his backpack to be more thoroughly inspected later. He had his priorities, and looking at some shiny roadside baubles wasn't one of them. Getting to school on time, however, was priority number one.

Upon arriving at school, he made sure his uniform was straight and free of any debris that he might have picked up along the way, then entered the building itself. He passed by many students, one of whom was reaching into a crack in the wall, probably to grab something she dropped he figured. But, again, he was more focused on not being late, which meant being at homeroom and in his seat before attendance was taken, so he breezed right past the admittedly odd site and bee lined straight for the homeroom. He didn't worry about grabbing anything, this was the first day after all, the first day of school didn't usually lead to homework or needing books. And so he took a seat, any seat, and waited for the day to begin.
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Character Name— Inushin
Bead— Shin (faith)
Date/Time— Day One, Morning
Location— Homeroom
Tagging— Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
Mentioned— N/A

Inushin hadn't done much over the centuries she'd spent in her bead. She'd sat, and contemplated her values. Herself, even. One doesn't quite overwork their character too much, but when you spend years trapped, it teaches you things about yourself that you'd never have noticed before: the way your hair curls around between your fingers or how your nails click together in a steady rhythm. The mundane, what Inushin entertained herself with over the years. Inushin didn't appreciate much that didn't excite her, back in her heyday; but when you're contained in a bead, with nobody to talk to but yourself, what else are you to do?

Inushin wasn't necessarily bored— far from it, actually. She was simply...content. Of course, some days the loneliness got to her, as it would anyone, but she found curling into a ball and reasoning with herself was her best bet to keep from going mad. Inushin liked to think herself a patient person— but even she couldn't deny she was slowly, but surely, losing her composure. She wanted to see the world— if it changed, or not. If what she once knew was gone. And it'd bring her sorrow, to see the new replaced with old: her friends come and gone from the Earth. But, she'd accept it. She'd accept anything to see the light of day.

So, when Inushin was released from her bead, the last thing she expected to feel was a shock.

Of course, she'd released herself— the pull of a new spirit to follow and trust reigning her senses in. So, in all respects, she shouldn't have been surprised in the slightest of her emergence into her new environment. She should be happy, after years and years of being found and not revealing herself because she felt they weren't worthy. Of her as a Hakkenshi, of her as a whole— she finally found someone. And yet, she still felt incomplete, in a way. Her bead— is that what completed her?

But now, she was facing real sunlight, her vocal cords ceasing to work, and her heart hammering in her chest. When she finally took in the unfamiliar environment, she choked out a fragmented sentence. "What...where am I?" She remembered feeling her bead being put into an enclosed space— a carrying bag, perhaps— and wondered how she'd got out into the open. She took in her surroundings. There were desks strewn about and a few other individuals besides the one she was facing.. Once she ended her brief casing, she stood still, still trying to catch her conscience up with her environment.

And then, she remembered her manners.

She regained her composure as quickly as she could, and cleared her throat. "Forgive me, I was...disoriented." She paused and graced her face with a poised smile. "My name is Inushin. Hakkenden Shin, and advocate for faith." She curtsied. "I am pleased to be at your service." Her voice sounded warm but had a cold tinge of professionalism to it. "Now, if you don't mind me asking..." She once again looked at her surroundings: the beating April sun, the straying of people, and the desks. "Where am I?" As she waited for a response, she tried to identify her feelings— shock, relief, and uncertainty.

All at once.
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Character Name: Tsukuda Kana
Master of: Shuzo Inugiichi
Grade: Senior
Date/Time: April 2020
Location: Walking to school / Arriving at homeroom
Tagging: Jabu Jabu catburglar catburglar
Mentioning: CommonMalpractice CommonMalpractice

Kana could the school up ahead. It was only a few more blocks up ahead. She could see other students dressed in similar uniforms as they walked through the entrance gate. She had one hand in her jacket pocket, the bead she found earlier inside.

I'll drop it off at the lost and found at work later today, see if anyone misplaced it after a lesson or something.

She continued to walk down the street, enjoying the warm air of the summer season. Everything seemed normal as it usually was. Except for the bright green light that suddenly blinded Kana out of no where. She recoiled instinctively, stepping back as she raised an arm up to her eyes, covering them from the suddenly blinding light that appeared out of her. When it faded, she took a peek infront of her to see what exactly happened. To her utter surprise, she saw what looked like some warrior, dressed in battle armor and holding a long spear in one of their hands. Kana was in total shock, standing still, her brain trying to process exactly what she was seeing.
It wasnt until the person dropped down to one knee, almost bowing to her, and called her mistress.

"M-Mistress? Huh?!"

When Kana heard the warrior person mention 'Gi', she quickly reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out the bead to double check what was engraved on it. It read 'Gi', just like she saw before. Her eyes looked between the warrior and the bead.

"H-Hi..I'm Kana."

She coughed, regaining her composure slowly as she put the bead back into her pocket. Kana took a glance at her watch. It was nearing time for classes to start. She had to get moving if she was going to make it homeroom in time. She looked back at Shuzo.

I cant just leave him here...

Kana looked around the area, then back to Shuzo, who was still kneeling. She could hear his stomach rumbling.

"Oh, sorry! You can stand, or rise."

This was still very weird for Kana, but she did her best to act natural about the whole situation. The only thing that concerned her was how she was going to explain this when she got to her class. She began walking again, gesturing for Shuzo to follow her.

"I'm headed to school right now. You're welcome to join, but um, do you have any more less...aggressive clothing you can wear? Kinda like me? The armor is a bit, flamboyant. I guess whatever you're wearing under the armor is fine. That...spear you have, that can't be seen either."

Kana gestured to her uniform when she mentioned clothing. If Shuzo didnt have any clothes, she'd definitely have to help him with finding some after school. She also had to figure out an explanation as to why he was with her, since he probably wouldnt be on the student roster.

I'll just say he's a transfer student or something.


It didnt take long to get to school. Kana still had a few minutes to get to her homeroom, thankfully. She entered the classroom, looking around. Immediately, she caught a glimpse of a girl who was dressed rather interestingly, out of place almost.

Maybe I'm not the only one with a new friend?

Kana looked around some more before seeing Saori, a good friend that she made during her time at Satomi High. Kana quickly made her way to Saori, taking the seat next to her and smiled, waving.

"Good morning Saori."

Kana looked back at Shuzo, who had hopefully changed his appearance and hidden his weapon away by now. She pointed to an empty desk to her right.

"You can sit down there, Shuzo."

Kana got out her materials for the class, glancing up every so often to see if anyone was looking her way.
Shigure Manosuke
Tei - Homeroom

Mano felt like he was in floating through the clouds. It was dark and he could see nothing, but Manosuke could sense that he was off the ground. He also felt trapped, like there were walls around him, but they didn't feel like walls. They felt like books. Was he in some castle where a daimyo with no sense of decoration had put tatami on the walls?

Am I blind? Mano thought. He did not remember anything since he went back into his bead - was it possible that he had botched his second transformation and woken up without sight? He tried to open his mouth to say something, but he could say nothing. He reached for his katana, but there was none.

The zipper on Saori's bag flung open, like it was propelled by some mysterious energy, and the Tei bead rose ever so slightly out of the pouch, before it flashed in a blinding light. When the few people in the room looked back, they saw a tall man in a black Yukata, and he saw them. Mano inhaled, taking in air for the first time in... he had no clue how long.

The people facing him were dressed strangely, like the Dutch and Portuguese traders at Dejima, but much more nicely. Are these the European nobility??? Mano asked himself. Their uniforms were so fine, the womens' hankerchiefs so colorful and well made. No doubt these young men and women were the cream of the crop of whichever part of the world he was in. And this building - the walls were ugly and poorly decorated, but all these desks were finely cut, some with metal legs. The windows were made of glass, not of paper. This was a palace indeed.

However, these people did not look Dutch or Portuguese, and more confusingly, Inushin was with them.

Mano, however, was a man of culture and learning. His master, Yagyu Sekishusai, had informed him that the Portuguese had one Asian colony, in Macau, where there were many rich Chinese traders who assumed Catholicism and Portuguese customs. This suspicion seemed confirmed by the words written in Kanji (Chinese) script on the wall. He smiled, proud of himself for his quick wit.

He only knew a little Portuguese and Chinese, but he was eager to impress the merchant elite of Macau. Quickly, he bowed to Inushin, before straightening his back and addressing the merchant lords.

"Ola, Ni Hao" he greeted. His instinct was to bow 15 degrees as was customary in Japan, but he remembered that the Portuguese did not do this, so he crossed himself instead.

"I hope you all speak a little Japanese" he said.

"You must tell me. Which way to Osaka castle?" he demanded.

"If you tell me and pay for my voyage, I shall slay an enemy of your choosing" he promised.

He had no idea how long it had been since the Siege of Osaka in 1615, but he had a duty to fulfill to the Toyotomi clan. He grinned, glad to be back on Earth and sure that he would avenge his brothers and bring down the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Among the merchants, there was one - the girl closest to where Mano had morphed - who he felt an intense connection to. Could she have been the one who awakened him? Was she his caretaker now?

You have got to be kidding me! he thought to himself. A Chinese caretaker? This day was getting crazier by the minute.

FabulousTrash FabulousTrash CommonMalpractice CommonMalpractice Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
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Character Name: Shinu Yazawa
Bead: Chu
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Homeroom in dog form.
Tagging: Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Mentioned: Everyone else who has awakened in homeroom


Kyaaa~ a girl next to Steve cried in adoration. She reached down and picked up a golden-haired Shiba inu. The dog stared into her eyes, panting happily as his curled tail wagged behind him. She turned to the side so that the dog’s feet paws could settle in her lap. She then proceeded to stroke the dog’s head between his pointy ears. The girl cast her amethyst eyes to Steve as she asked, “Is this your puppy? Is he a boy or girl?”

The Shiba inu’s face shifted slightly into a personified expression of shock. The dog’s eyes widened and his tail stopped wagging. Boy or girl? It wasn’t obvious? The Shiba inu then turned around in the girl’s lap to face Steve. His black, canine eyes regarded him briefly before one of them closed in a wink—an odd gesture for a dog to make.

You must be my new master, the dog spoke to Steve in a young voice and neither the girl nor anyone else seemed to hear it. The dog’s muzzle curled with a pleased smile before he bowed his head. Yazawa Shinu. You can call me Shinu or ‘Shi.’ I am your shinobi. Your Shinigami.

Shi glanced at the other warriors who seemed to be waking up in the middle of the class. Shi regarded the students briefly, realizing they were dressed oddly, but also realizing the big picture. This environment was not secretive enough for he and his master to hold a decent conversation.

Forgive me, my lord. I wish to ask your name, but this may not be the most appropriate environment. I will leave you for now, and I will meet you la-

The student squealed in a bout of adoration that compelled her to grasp the Shiba inu’s fluffy cheeks. She dragged her fingers back across Shi’s face, causing his teeth to bare and eyes to squint in an odd expression.

All right! I need a break from this! Shi declared as he suddenly jumped from the girl’s lap onto Steve’s desk top. The Shiba inu turned to the others who were waking up and barked at them: Hisashiburi! (Japanese: Long time no see)

The Shiba inu then jumped swiftly from desk top to desk top toward the door. His body was a yellow blur until he landed in front of the doorway and disappeared around the corner.
Ahmya inu
jin - Day one , homeroom
Tagging : catburglar catburglar Mentioning : Everyone else in homeroom

How many years had Ahmya been stuck in a state of half sleep and half imprisonment? In this situation its so hard to keep track, sometimes it felt like years and sometimes it feel like a matter of days. Granted Ahmya spent most of the time sleeping as she figured even trying to stay awake and aware no less would drive her completely mad.

However during her brief moments of consciousness she would always be bombarded by her own questions, wondering if her homeland had changed , if her mortal companions where still alive , or how long had it been since their passing. And what of her brethren , her fellow hakkenshi ? All of these thoughts would make her head throb , and that's why she preferred to sleep. In the bead slumber was almost like not being born yet , nothingness and oddly warm like a baby being coddled in a blanket.

who knows how many passerby's found her bead , only for Ahmya to be slumbering without a care in the world. For all she knew her bead could be in a river or buried with a dead family member as some ugly necklace.

All until now that is.

Ahmya dazed but awoken from her slumber could feel herself , her bead being risen up, it was hard to discern sight or sound as she had been unconscious for decades? hours? She didn't know. However this time was different as she could sense , feel that the others where emerging and materializing out of their small glass containment and into the physical world. Part of Ahmya didn't want to leave she had grown weak and accustomed to the routine of slumber. But if everyone else was leaving it must of been a sign a reason , something. Perhaps part of Ahmya was scared of submitting to whoever picked her bead up. Scared of a new age and new world.

So many emotions resurfacing Ahmya was fully awake enough and decided to not be a coward and emerge from her bead.

a red glow could be scene , intesifying in the backpack it was emanating from until finally dimming a woman standing next to the desk.

appearing as an almost armored geisha , a fox mask concealing her painted face. Ahmya looked around in confusion , she never seen desks like these before , it was almost alien to her , but as she continued to look she could see other hakkenshi , Manosuke and Inushin
even Shinu in dog form. She even saw Shuzo.

Her confusion and nervousness seized when she saw the person who picked up her bead, her master.

A beautiful young woman with pink hair and porcelain skin. Although her clothes looked foreign they looked like someone of nobility would wear.

Ahmya went on her knees , bowing and crossing her arm clenching a fist and putting it on her chest. Her head faced down as to not make eye contact and she her upmost respect.

"It is an honor to serve you master. My name is Ahmya , representee of benevolence and sympathy."

Character Name: Steve Freeling
Master of: Shinu Yazawa
Grade: Sophomore
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Homeroom
Tagging: The Black Knight The Black Knight FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Archie Archie Mentioned: CommonMalpractice CommonMalpractice catburglar catburglar Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
It seemed as though everything and a half was happening at once. A boy and girl had appeared to Saori, saying she was their master. A boy and girl had also appeared to Shuko saying the same thing. A dog had also appeared to Steve. The dog, Shinu, spoke to Steve with what seemed to be some sort of telepathy, also saying that Steve was his master. Okay, I'll come find you later. Kana had also entered homeroom with a strange boy wearing strange clothing. What should I do? First I'll answer the girl. It was such a strange situation that Steve wasn't sure how to answer. Suddenly, it was as though a light bulb turned on. I got it!
"Yes, he is. He's a boy. He must have followed me onto the train this morning." He chuckled, his calm demeanor selling it as believable. That took care of that. I wonder what the deal is. Could it all be connected? The bead I picked up? Shinu? Those four people? Kana's new friend? Wait a sec, the girl named Inushin mentioned shin, the kanji for faith. I guess it's better if that one guy knows everyone speaks his native language. He turned to the boy with a friendly smile.
"Don't worry, pal. Everyone here speaks Japanese. It's kinda required since this is a Japanese high school out in Tochigi prefecture, after all." There's something I have to ask Kana, too. I know she won't have a problem being honest with me if her new friend came from where I think he did.
"Hey, Kana. This is probably gonna sound weird coming from me but did you pick up a bead outside, too?" He asked this in a voice just loud enough for Kana to hear.
Character Name: Shuzo Inugiichi
Bead: Gi
Date/Time: Day 1, Morning
Location: Homeroom
Tagging: Directly: FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Indirectly: Everyone else

Anime Guy _ Black Hair _ Casual.jpeg
Less aggressive? Shuzo thought to himself at the mention of his clothes. He stood and looked at his clothing, seeing nothing wrong with it. Reluctantly though, he would do as he was told. The spear and the parts of the armor would vanish into thin air. Should he need them later, he would summon them. Shuzo was left with his underclothes, while not any less weird they were certainly less intimidating. His face and hair were now visible as he'd gotten rid of the mask and helmet, clearly showing his miserable expression. His hair was stuck to the back of his neck from sweat and his cheeks red from the heat, though it was certainly much more bearable now.

The attentive Hakkenden would follow closely near his lady on their way to school, his mind racing. It's changed more than I expected. Shuzo paid close attention to his surroundings as they moved. Not only in the case of a threat, but out of innocent fascination. He wasn't very expressive unless he was amidst a heated battle or showing his distaste for something, so his expression didn't change much. The change of the world around them was almost scary.

Upon entering school, Shuzo's brows furrowed. There were too many people and he hadn't managed to get his bearings quite yet. He would shuffle a bit closer to Kana as they walked the halls, so to better protect her should anything happen. When he entered the classroom, he immediately sensed the other Hakkenden and groaned to himself. Just about all of them were here and gradually made their presence known.

Shuzo watched in silence as his comrades made their entrances, just as confused as he had been earlier. Shinu would make his entrance as a dog, not surprising. Mano's entrance was just as attention-grabbing, with whatever he'd said in another language. The others were certainly a bit tamer, as tame as appearing out of thin air could be.

Shuzo exhaled loudly at his comrades and turned his attention to Kana after she had offered the seat next to her.

"I must respectfully decline," he stated.

"I'll merely be a distraction to you and your...peers. I'll wait outside the room." Waiting for her all the way outside would've been too far, so he'd settle for outside the door. He couldn't wait to get out of here though.

As another student neared, the Hakkenden narrowed his gaze. He carried Shinu's bead, but that didn't mean Shuzo trusted him yet. It seemed leaving would have to wait. With little hesitation or thought, he placed himself in front of Kana protectively, his sharp hearing picking up on the boy's question.

"She did," he answered in her place.
Character Name: Tsukuda Kana
Master of: Shuzo Inugiichi
Grade: Senior
Date/Time: April 2020
Location: Homeroom
Tagging: Jabu Jabu Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
Mentioning: Everyone Else

Everything was happening so fast. In almost the blink of an eye, there were three new people that just...appeared, out of thin air. There was a male, a female and...a dog? They were all dressed in weird clothing. The female had a fox mask covering her face and was wearing what seemed like ancient or traditional clothing. The male was no different, and he had swords with him. Kana looked at the newcomers, then back to Shuzo with a curious look on her face.

They cant be related, can they?

Her mind was pulled back into reality when she heard Shuzo decline her offer to sit down. Kana looked back to him, about to insist, but he had already began to walk towards the door of the classroom, saying he was going to wait. Kana quickly reached into her bag, digging around in one of the pockets

"Shuzo, wait. Before you go, I-"

She stopped her sentence short, hearing Steve's question from behind her. He was another friend that Kana had made during her time in school. Kana turned to face where Steve was, but instead she saw Shuzo's back to her as he stood between her and Steve. He was in a defensive stance, like he was protecting her from Steve. Kana heard Shuzo answer Steve's question. Gently, Kana placed her hand on Shuzo's arm, nudging him to the side and smiled up at him.

"Its ok, Steve is a friend of mine. Here, before you go. I have something for you."

She held up a small plastic container box. The box itself was clear and inside there were some salmon sushi rolls. Kana also gave Shuzo chopsticks.

"I could hear your stomach earlier today, so I figured you would want something to eat. And I'm not taking no for an answer."

Kana took Shuzo's hand, wrapping his fingers around the box and chopsticks to make sure he held onto it. She didnt tell him, but that was part of her lunch for the day. But she could just get something from a vending machine or mooch off one of her friends.

Kana gave a small wave as Shuzo would leave the room, then turned her attention to Steve, bowing slightly.

"Sorry about that. But yes, I did find a bead outside. It was on my way to school, near the dojo I work at coincidentally."

Kana looked around the room once more, then back to Steve, moving closer to him and spoke at a lower tone of voice.

"Its so weird, seeing them here. I wonder how long they've been around.."
Character Name: Steve Freeling
Master of: Shinu Yazawa and Inutsuyo
Grade: Sophomore
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Homeroom
Tagging: FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Mentioned: The Black Knight The Black Knight Jabu Jabu
"Uh, thank you, I guess." Steve was taken aback slightly by the boy's somewhat rude behavior. He remained calm, simply looking perplexed at his behavior. I'm not the enemy, pal. Before long, Kana said as much and gave the boy some lunch, after which he took his leave. Huh.
"It's okay. I'm just glad we could get everything cleared up. I found one outside in the concrete just before the steps." He considered Kana's musings on their strange friends, their origins, and how long they'd existed before dropping his own voice to a whisper. Those stories Mom told.
"Y'know, I remember some stories Mom told about the feudal era where she told of the hakkenshi. The hakkenshi were apparently warriors who had both a human form and a dog form. I wonder if..."
Suddenly, something under Steve's chair caught his attention.
"Huh? What's this?" He picked it up and his blue eyes widened for the second time that day. "Another bead? This one has kanji on it, too. It's 'ko,' the kanji for devotion." Something is definitely going on here.
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[class name=container] margin: auto; height: 250px; width: 400px; [/class] [class name=containercont] height: 240px; width: 390px; [/class] [class name=chapterpic] background:URL(https://i.pinimg.com/236x/3f/85/04/3f85045dab16b3a35bbb2416c5f37949.jpg); float: left; height: 240px; width: 190px; background-size: cover; [/class] [class name=scroll] float: right; height: 240px; width: 190px; overflow: hidden; margin-left: 5px; [/class] [class name=scrollbox] height: 98%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 17px; [/class] [class name=text] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name=title] font-size: 18px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; color: #b7c7d4; [/class] [class name=codetag] font-size: 9px; text-align: center; margin-top: 3px; [/class] [div class="container"][div class="containercont"][div class="chapterpic"][/div] [div class="scroll"][div class="scrollbox"][div class="title"]Saori Fujiwara[/div][div class="text"]This day was quickly proving itself to be the absolute weirdest day of her life. First, a tall, handsome boy materialised next to her and bowed before firing off questions that made no sense and worrying in nature. Slay an enemy of her choosing? What? Her speechlessness made it hard to do anything but stare, dumbfounded, as Steve and Kana interacted with these strangers and themselves.

Second, in the midst of all this, a girl appeared out of thin air wearing a suit of armour and the most beautiful mask she’d ever seen. A small sound of surprise escaped Saori as the girl dropped to her knees. She scooted her chair back a little and nervously glanced up at her fellow peers for some sort of reassurance that she wasn’t the only one weirded out by all of this.

Admittedly, Saori stayed silent for a few more long moments. How could her classmates act so casually about this - especially Kana?‌ She watched as the girl offered a meal to one of the boys who’d just appeared whose name slipped her mind already. Was she the only sensible one here? How did a dog get here?

Her attention was brought back to the girl on her knees and the tall man closest to her. She decided to address the girl first. There was something deeply unsettling about being bowed to by somebody on their knees calling her ‘Master’. “Get up,” She said, her voice curt. Finesse wasn’t particularly her strongsuit and she wasn’t about to start now. “Who are you?”

Glancing up at the man with a raised brow, she addressed the both of them, deciding to focus on them rather then the exchanges happening with the others. “Why Osaka castle? And where did you come from?”

tags: Ghostiiys Ghostiiys Archie Archie FabulousTrash FabulousTrash [/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class="codetag"]coded by ukiiyo[/div]
cottonball-173405.jpgCharacter Name: Inutsuyo
Bead: Ko
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Homeroom in dog form.
Steve Freeling Steve Freeling The Black Knight The Black Knight

The bead Steve picked up would Imediately glow, before a blue light shot out away from Steve and towards the ground, before the light condensed into a small canine shape. The light would disperse as there was now a tiny white Pomeranian there, sitting as it wagged its tail.

Are you my master?

Steve would hear a calm female speak, as the Pomeranian would then stand and lift its head to the air to smell. It would then turn towards the door Shinugami left through, before tilting its head in confusion.

Shinu? Is that really you I can smell right now?

The Pomeranian would then Sprint off, faster than the Shiba Inu did, becoming a streak of white light before exiting the door.

Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Home Room and Hallway
Tagging: Archie Archie catburglar catburglar CommonMalpractice CommonMalpractice FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Jabu Jabu Ghostiiys Ghostiiys Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Mentioned: Steve Freeling Steve Freeling

Renji Suzuka
The door to the Home Room class opened and entering carrying a black suitcase was none other than Mr. Renji Suzuka. He headed straight over to his desk, lifting his suitcase and dropping it firmly on top of it as though the loud thud would silence any chitter-chatter. His slender fingers rose to adjust his black-framed glasses as his brown eyes flicked from his suitcase to the rest of the classroom. Silently, he regarded all the non-smiling faces. Most of the students had surprised and confused expressions, which made Suzuka’s thin brows furrow similarly. He then noticed the oddly dressed students. He couldn’t recall if he had any foreign students this year. Thumbing in the passcode, he unlocked his suitcase, opened it, and removed a roster that he started to read off in his mild-mannered voice: “Miyazaki Kamui…”


“Tanaka Noburo…”


Suzuka would continue reading through the attendance roster and when he finished, his eyes returned to the oddball students (The Hakkenshi) in his class. “If I didn’t call your name, then you are foolishly in the wrong class. You can see your way out and be sure to collect demerits from The Enforcers in the hallway,” Suzuka ordered.

As for The Enforcers in the hallway, one was staring down at the gold shiba inu who was staring back up at him. “Whose mutt is this?” The Enforcer questioned. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his black dress pants. His light-blue hair was pulled back into a white handband. The white band was often worn on The Enforcers sleeve as a symbol of an Enforcers status to the rest of the student body. White bands were the lowest ranking Enforcers. The highest were yellow bands, which weren't often seen. Yellow bands didn't deal with tasks as menial as hallway monitoring.

Shinu noticed Inutsuyo and wagged his tail. “Tsuyo! You’re here too?”

The Enforcer then noticed the white Pomeranian and frowned. “Two dogs?! Oh man, whichever student owns you two is gonna get it.” The Enforcer grinned sadistically and sent a fist crashing into his palm to emphasize his point.

Shinu peered up at The Enforcer with raised triangular ears. He tilted his head and asked Tsuyo: “Did this kid threaten Master?”
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cottonball-173405.jpgCharacter Name: Inutsuyo
Bead: Ko
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Hallways in dog form.
The Black Knight The Black Knight

Inutsuyo would encounter Shinu not long after leaving the classroom. Yes, I am here.
After seeing that there was a human looking at them, mentioning her and Shinu's owners, Inutsuyo would apologetically look at Shinu before telepathically speaking.

Excuse me for a minute, I need to knock this guy down a couple of pegs.

Inutsuyo would leap up high, unexpected for a dog of her size, before landing on top of the students head and slammed a paw down. If a dog's strength could be measured in punches, this was enough force to make him fall to the ground crying.
Character Name: Tsukuda Kana
Master of: Shuzo Inugiichi
Grade: Senior
Date/Time: April 2020
Location: Homeroom
Tagging: Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Jabu Jabu
Everyone Else

Kana just nodded to what Steve said. She had never heard of 'Hakkenshi' before, so all this was new to her. She took another look around the room, watching as another dog, this time a pomeranian, appeared. It quickly ran off after the other dog, and Kana just stared at the door for a few moments.

I dont think I'm dreaming...

Kana looked back towards Steve.

"I guess we'll just have to see what happens..."

Before she could say anything more, as the teacher had arrived. There was always something off about Mr. Suzuka, but Kana could never guess what it was. She smiled at Steve.

"We can talk about this later."

With that, she went over to take her seat at her desk. When her name was called, she replied to show she was present. While Kana waited for the rest of attendance to be completed, she glanced at the door once more, wondering how Shuzo was holding up. She had only just met him and even so, she was concerned for him and how he would fit in.
367595EA-954F-4396-96CA-A30206615538.jpegCharacter Name: Shuzo
Bead: Gi
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Outside Homeroom
Tagging: Direct: FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Steve Freeling Steve Freeling ID: Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 The Black Knight The Black Knight

Shuzo gladly took the food that was offered to him, though a bit hastily. It was embarrassing, but he couldn't deny the gesture. It sounded like she wouldn't let him anyway. As a sign of respect, he bowed to her before turning to her classmate.

Seeing as Kana had deemed him friendly, he made no further efforts to intimidate. The permanent scowl on his face probably said otherwise. Shuzo felt it was time for him to leave now that an adult had arrived, presumably their instructor. He nodded a farewell to both Steve and Kana before quickly taking his leave.

Outside of the classroom, the pomeranian and shiba stood out. They seemed to be confronting some students, which Shuzo paid no mind to. He wanted to find somewhere to eat in peace and it didn't seem he'd get it here. While his original plan was to just wait outside the classroom for Kana, he wanted to get a lay of the land.

Brushing past the enforcers, he didn’t so much as utter a word to his comrades. If he stuck around too long they might ask him to share and he had no intention of doing so. Shuzo walked back the way he’d came with Kana earlier, eating as he walked. He took note of how tasty the snack was so he could complement Kana later.

The Hakkenden examined his surroundings closely and also took time to reflect on how different even the smallest things were. Now that he was able to fill his stomach to an extent, he was able to process everything better. It was truly amazing, but he made sure to keep moving and not dwell on one thing for too long.
Character Name: Steve Freelng
Master of: Shinu Yazawa and Inutsuyo
Grade: Sophomore
Date/Time: Day One, Morning
Location: Homeroom
Tagging: FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Mentioning: The Black Knight The Black Knight
Oh my God. Did that really just happen? The bead had emitted a beam of blue light, like sapphire, that materialized into a Pomeranian who appeared before Steve and asked him telepathically if he was her master. I guess I am. He acknowledged Shuzo before he left the classroom.
"Ja mata ne, tomodachi."*
Mr. Suzuka arrived before Steve and Kana could continue their conversation. A glare briefly flashed across the boy's face. Ugh, this bastard again.
"Alright." When his name was called, he simply stood and said, "Present and accounted for," before seating himself once more.
He found himself muttering under his breath without even realizing it. It hardly mattered since no one could hear this. "Baka rokudenashi, baka rokudenashi, baka rokudenashi! Nande ore? Kore ni ataisuru ore-tachi wa nani?"** Steve still couldn't believe such a horrible person was his homeroom teacher. This guy is the worst teacher ever! Why is he even still working here if he hates us and hates being here so frickin' much? Huh? It makes no sense whatsoever. What, is he some kind of sicko who gets off on inflicting pain on others or something? Huh? One thing's for sure, he's a sick diseased bastard from the pits of Hell for treating a bunch of high school kids the way he does! What kind of person does that? Only an evil person. His face gave away none of his thoughts while he had no idea how right he was about Mr. Suzuka being "evil."
*See you later, pal.
**Stupid jerk, stupid jerk, stupid jerk! Why me? What did we do to deserve this?
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