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Futuristic The Golden Age of Rule (Open~)

I know that option is not for everyone. I had to get hurt in Iraq to live the life of games and anime to the exclusion of everything else. I do go out. How else would I be able to see Imax movies and gather supplies? I just don't go out often. I have class and games for social interaction. Plus my cons. I'm more of a moderately shut in Otaku than a full blown hikomori. At least my Wii U tries to keep me moving and I don't just sit and eat junk food all day *Noms the twinkie*
Just a story of how serving the country sometimes does not turn out as as you would like. In a perfect world I'd be an officer by now raising the next batch of privates. Instead I got hit by friendly fire, got a brain injury, was medically kicked out (I fought to stay in) and now they pay me to do nothing. I'm only going to school because I have the GI Bill and frankly I'm bored doing nothing all day, anime, and games only take up so much so I chose to do something I like. I joined the army at the start of the war. I fought in some of the worst battles Iraq had to offer. So I gave up on most of humanity and chose to live a life of games. Much like Sora from No Game No Life though, I believe in what humanity can be so I donate to science charities and children's groups. I also donate to Child's Play every year. Just because I saw the worst we have to offer doesn't mean that that's all there is to us. I like to think that a kid is able to open up a brand new game because of me. It gives me the feels.
it sounds like you've been through a lot, I don't have a really interesting story but I can say that i'm glad recently joined and anime/manga group and I hope to make friends because the one I do have isn't much fun as a person.
Lmao. Don't feel bad for me guys! I'm plenty happy. I have my family (My sister is my VA appointed caregiver.) so I'm not alone in my dungeon plotting. I teach my nephews, so I don't waste my education and I'm a pretty happy guy. I just keep to myself. I'm just a warning to those that join combat arms that think it's only kicking terrorist teeth in. In the words of Hedonism-Bot "Less Reality More Fantasy! Huahaahah!"
On a completely unrelated side note, I'm going to be leading my eldest nephew in his trick or treating this year he's 8 and this is the first year he'll be in town to be able to go house to house so I want to dress up to make a memory for him. Should I go fox or bat dress up?
I'm digging the fox too. I think dressing as a fox will cause some people to go "Whuu?" and bonus I get a new cosplay outfit should the need arise.
I hope this doesn't come over wrong but after today it will be 3 days inactive is it because off the other ship loseing crew and such
Yeah we got a fair bit of off time. A bit here and there's no issue especially for me (The kids were hellions today) but I would like to progress. My winter court is winding down and my buddies game's on hiatus until he gets situated into his new job. This is all I got cause rpol sucks lol.
Yeah don't feel bad! Life is a thing that exists even if I ignore it. I'm out of communication 10 to 3 EST everyday cause of the kids, you don't cater to me. Though a little nudge never hurt no one. :P Note: Do mention if standing next to cliff or other high place. May get pushed.
Joke you have been accused of being obtuse!

"No! I Swear!"

Your sentence is death. Carry it out Lord Rantos!


Joke Executed
No the joke did. My humor is strange and it doesn't come through in text very well. You killed the joke, that was my over complicated way of saying that. Now I should have a reply in to the main game before school. If not I'll try to push it out during lunch or something.

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