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One x One The Gathering of Death Eater Children - OOC

Of course, I will let you know 👍

The interaction I need with your characters: Rosaleya, Stephan and Edmund, is Tuesday 11th September, 1) Magic in art and 2) Duelling
Raven will alert Luna of the problem in the Great Hall, but she won't get there on time since she can't use any type of apparition within Hogwarts. Someone else will have to intervene because Crystal is in the bathroom as the incident is taking place. Soren is waiting under a tree for Rosaleya to return with the milk. Claudia won't do anything because she needs to get closer to Leigh. It would be cool if Elias stopped Leigh, but any of the other teachers will do. I want Leigh to be stopped when I stopped my post, and not any time before.
Oh, it would be even cooler of Flynn was the one to stop Leigh. It would be funny for him to have to deal with Lily's rudeness/passive-aggressiveness and then see Rosaleya's gratitude and kindness. (She would be really nice to him if he was the one to help her out, so I think it would be a nice way for her to see him as a nice person and not just another professor. I think that Elias already perfected his Kuudere Headmaster act so he actually shouldn't be the one to save Rosaleya. But it's your choice; they're your characters.)
I have chosen the suitable ones who will save Rosaleya and you will understand why it has to be a certain choice of staff 😎
Since it happened during breakfast, I don't know how long such a meeting would take, so the substitute teachers are just an option, depending on how much Crystal and Luna fills in the meeting. You can have Crystal and Luna leave for their classes in time, however, Elias wishes to speak with Crystal, while Mulciber takes Leigh and Rosaleya to his office. So Elias could speak with Crystal before her class starts or after her class ends, depending on how long the first meeting takes and if you don't want Rockwood substituting for her class. He is only there if she does not have time for teaching because she is occupied by this meeting. The same with Gibbon.

Mary-Jane Gibbon is a substitute for cooking with magic and Rockwood for history of magic. Persephone is substituting for potions.
You're going to need substitutes for everyone; all of my characters will want to stay until the meeting is over. I think that the meetings will take about two hours total because Leigh is very wordy when he's angry. Luna will want to sit in on the meeting with Crystal and Rosaleya, so that is my answer.
Alright, but it is only Crystal, Luna and Mulciber who are affected, so they are covered.

There is a picture of Mulciber in the character thread page 2, wearing one earring and has his coat/jacket open like that and wearing a skull necklace.
Yes, she is so cute....she will obviously look gorgeous in long hair

I am going to double check and see if it is the same actor behind the pictures of Aaron and Mulciber 😂
I have one post to write, it is a scene that will occur outside Hogwarts after dinner the same day. It does not interact with your characters. 😋
Oh, during lunch hour, may you have Rosaleya somewhere alone for herself close to the Great Hall, that's the only interaction I need with her 😎
Okay, I will make sure that Rosaleya is there...would an abandoned classroom near the Great Hall work for you, or does it have to be an abandoned hallway?
Yes do not worry about the notifications, I always double-check the threads so I do not miss anything. Anyway, I will be super busy the entire week because I need to fix my thesis and hand it in very soon.

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