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Multiple Settings The Founders Ooc/Plotting (Hogwarts inspired)


I’ll work on some plot ideas. But I’m tossing Angelique in.
Sweet, Sebastian's ready too. I love plotting so throw me anything you've got, I'll try to come up with some ideas too

So far all I know is that Sebastian and Nicholas are close from being childhood friends (assuming Pixie still agrees). The Winter family and the Black family have known each other for years too, so Cosmo and Sebastian may be on friendly terms but he and Clara are known rivals / frienemies. I'm guessing Seb and Professor Black have the same relationship we discussed before unless you wanna change/add anything
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I have finally finished my character sheet! ^^ It took longer than I'd like to admit for something so simple...

I'm more than happy to take suggestions for character relationships/plot or make changes based on need; I wasn't sure about applying for both Animagus and Slytherin's chosen, so I left it kind of open-ended.
I have finally finished my character sheet! ^^ It took longer than I'd like to admit for something so simple...

I'm more than happy to take suggestions for character relationships/plot or make changes based on need; I wasn't sure about applying for both Animagus and Slytherin's chosen, so I left it kind of open-ended.

I’m pretty sure her fc is already being and Slytherin chosen is currently taken. I think those are the only things I’ve noticed that’ll need changed. I’ll be home soon and will be looking over everyone’s forms to make sure everything is ok.
I’m pretty sure her fc is already being and Slytherin chosen is currently taken. I think those are the only things I’ve noticed that’ll need changed. I’ll be home soon and will be looking over everyone’s forms to make sure everything is ok.

what are the chances that the one existing sheet I didn't look at uses the exact same face claim as the Pinterest model I chose...

edit: fixed the fc, no intention of going for Slytherin chosen :]
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Eve is great ^_^ I'll message you with plot ideas in a sec if that's cool elie elie
Alrighty I’ve looked over the forms I think everything looks good! So with that I’ll be making the rp thread later tonight
Cool ^_^ Will we be using discord at all?
I think if anyone wants to I’ll start it back up for chatting on discord!

Also sorry for delay with Rp thread I was trying to figure out where to start us off at 🤣
It’s roughly the 9th 10th century era. I think the school was founded in like 990 A.D
hello! i’m here form the interest check. i was wondering if/how many special character slots are still open?
hello! i’m here form the interest check. i was wondering if/how many special character slots are still open?
I think Ravenclaw chosen is open (according to the CS) as well as Veela, Seer and Metamorphmagus
great! The next step is popping on over to the CS, right? 😭

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