The Force of Justice - OOC Thread

Or maybe those extra points to the base add up to good stuff.

Or maybe you aren't so cruel that I will need luck dice.
It depends on if you want a side base of your own or not. If you do, that is cool. If you just want to say that there is a base out there in the snow that you have access to but is not a full on 'base', I can handle that.

The FoJ base has all the stuff you'll need to be able to maintain and repair any damage done to your suit. But the Antarctic base idea can give me fun evil things to do to your character.
It depends on if you want a side base of your own or not. If you do, that is cool. If you just want to say that there is a base out there in the snow that you have access to but is not a full on 'base', I can handle that.

The FoJ base has all the stuff you'll need to be able to maintain and repair any damage done to your suit. But the Antarctic base idea can give me fun evil things to do to your character.
I'm sold. I like fun evil things.

What can I put in my base?
I am thinking of using the floorplans of an existing base in the Ultimate Base book so everyone has an idea of what the place looks like, but I'm not totally sold on that.
I'm sold. I like fun evil things.

What can I put in my base?
Well, I could probably put an AI computer in it to operate some weapon turrets, or maybe some automation robots. It would be a small base that you can use to run to if things ever go nasty. It would be up to you if you ever want to tell anyone about it or keep it secret.
Well, I could probably put an AI computer in it to operate some weapon turrets, or maybe some automation robots. It would be a small base that you can use to run to if things ever go nasty. It would be up to you if you ever want to tell anyone about it or keep it secret.
I'm down with it.
I am thinking of (once again) moving some points around to give my alien buddy some more points to work with. Would that be ok?
Sure, unless you would recommend spending it on something else.
No, its fine. I just want to make sure that is what you want. It will be a bit, since it is getting close to dinner time here and I need to go get the pizzas in 20 minutes.
Do you want the base to be underground? Or under the ice, to be more accurate?
Having a movement power to get around the combat field is important. Without it, you'll spend half the fight just trying to keep up with your teammates.
Oh. I wasn't really planning on having one, will that be a problem?

I have been PMing with Quick, and he's writing up a mentalist. It is possible that one of his powers will be a group mind link able to give you all silent and secure communications, but I cannot confirm that.
I'd be happy to leave the mind-link to the dedicated mentalist if Quick is interested - it's a little of a stretch for me concept-wise. Would be willing to spend the points if Quick doesn't, though, secure communication is something that can be essential surprisingly often.
Ah, hadn't thought of that. Good idea though. I'll maybe try and have something resembling a prototype sheet today.
Oh. I wasn't really planning on having one, will that be a problem?
Mental powers usually work on Line of Sight, so as long as you can perceive your target (or hit them from a lock-on in a Mind Scan), you can still hit them. However, a relatively low amount of a movement power wouldn't hurt, and depending on how you buy it, it can be rather cheap.
D. Rex D. Rex I have your base written up. It comes complete with an AI Computer to run the place, and three Astromech style robots that help to protect the place and to maintain it. There are four gun turrets with blasters and grenade launchers on them add to the defense. I can type it up for you in a bit.
Woo! I got an underground arctic base!

I shall call it...

Echo Base!

Sherwood Sherwood
The base! Few questions. What does the complocation "Watched by Terranauts" entail?

And does anyone else inhabit the base? NPCs?
It is a small outpost, so at the moment, no one lives there.

The Watched is to represent that the base is under the auspices of the Teranauts, and they want to make sure that you are not using its resources to take over the world.
The only NPCs of the base is the AI computer, called Failsafe.
It is a small outpost, so at the moment, no one lives there.

The Watched is to represent that the base is under the auspices of the Teranauts, and they want to make sure that you are not using its resources to take over the world.

Aw, it's going to be lonely protecting it. Would it be safe to say it's a small outpost further away from the tunnel entrance surface base (which wouldn't be his, just affiliated)?

And of course he isn't going to take it over! He is one of them, after all. But better safe than sorry, I suppose.
The only NPCs of the base is the AI computer, called Failsafe.

Failsafe! Sounds like something I would name a bomb.

Those base skills. How do those work? Do they add to mine while I am in the base, or do I use the lower of the options?

Also! I have a reputation as a wealthy Philanthropist. How wealthy am I, exactly?

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