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The Dragon and the Fox (1x1) [Telios & Guardia]

Tydre went through all of the mails and packages soon later. He yawned and picked Dusk up to the bed. He took a bath before falling asleep on the bed next to Dusk.

(It's late at night.
Dusk woke up halfway, feeling Tydre beside her and she snuggled close then giggled. "Your fur's wet," she whispered.
"Good. I was starting to get worried about another surprise coma," she sighed in relief and sat up on her knees.
"I'm not. It's just last time freaked me out. You didn't see how I was when you didn't wake up," she looked away, voice growing soft.
Dusk nodded and hugged him tightly. "Wait one day. I'm gonna freak you out as bad as you did to me," she teased.
Dusk got up and kissed his cheek. "I promise I'll be extra careful and be safe, alright?" her voice soft now.
Dusk sighed, feeling bad. She pulled out her phone and smiled. "Liz is getting married and wants us to be there."
"A bit. He's a really nice guy. He even came to visit you when you were in a coma," she sighed. "Do you wanna go?"

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