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The Dragon and the Fox (1x1) [Telios & Guardia]

"Mhmm. From my account, of course. It's just for...precaution," she shrugged, eyes to the ground.
Dusk hugged him back and sighed. "Now let's see if we can make it home without a disaster," she grinned.
Dusk smiled and walked up to the door. She unlocked it with a key and typed in a code on a new keypad next to the door. It unlocked and she opened the door for him.
"Nothing's changed," she laughed. "Except for that," she gestured to the pile of stuffed toys on the dining room table.
"Seriously, I think they may have sold out the toy store," she tapped her paw against her chin. "Oh!" she grabbed one and held it up, it looking a stuffed version of Tydre's video game character. "Look!"
Dusk laid her head in his lap and looked up to him. "Start going through your cards, cause this'll last all night," she laughed.

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