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Fantasy The Disappearance of Wilfred McMillan

radiochai said:
Alright~ well, it's up to everyone else if they would like to create another female. If not I'll make Silvia play a bigger part. I can't garentee she'll survive though.
I love writing death scenes<3

I don't mind my character dying either ^.^
Was hoping to get another post up today, but I had an appointment then took a nap at home, then a nap at my parents and then got sucked into watching a movie while eating dinner. I think you get the point.... I'm sorry ): I'll see if I might try typing a post on my phone at some point, but I'm not sure I'll have time. Tomorrow will be hella busy with work and then an employee Christmas dinner afterwards, then I need to rush to bed to be at work by 11. I'll probably have a post up by Saturday evening.
Hey @papachan I'm just curious if you're still interested? Everyone seems to be eager to post a lot (except for me, since I've been working all weekend) and you are the last one who has yet to make an opening post. I'm not trying to rush you, but I just wanted to know if things have been busy for you too?
@radiochai @SachiGrl

Please know that I am still interested, even though it does not look like it at all. I have been out of town due to a funeral. These things came at a very short notice so I couldn't really give a warning. I will post today.
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Okay! I completely understand! Sorry if we sounded like we were nagging you. I understand going to a funeral is a tough time and they can be quite short noticed, so don't worry about it.

Oh no, I understand completely. I live in the South of the United States, so there are still a lot of places around where I live that just do not have internet beyond crap fests like Hughes Net to name one. Otherwise I would have at least tried to warn you in advance. I am, when things go to plan and it is possible for me to do so, the type of person that likes to let people know what is going on in advance. Unfortunately, death is not always predictable. No one close to me died, but my best friend's mother died. So, to me, it was very important that I be there.

Moving past all of the sad and depressing stuff! I hope my post is too your liking. I tried to write it well but quickly so that we can move on without people feeling like they have to wait.
Oh no ): I'm sorry for your and your friend's loss.

I'll check the post out in a bit. I'm about to start packing to spend the next three days at my parents' place (I'll have internet access, but it's the whole getting ready to leave and take a bus thing)
papachan said:
@radiochai @SachiGrl
Please know that I am still interested, even though it does not look like it at all. I have been out of town due to a funeral. These things came at a very short notice so I couldn't really give a warning. I will post today.
Yeah, sorry... I've been quite impatient lately, but pay no mind to me. All the RPs I'm currently in are torturing me and all my pending RPs are driving me insane.

Oh, and happy holidays everyone.

All this free time is killing me.

No need to apologize. I know the feeling. I get accepted and then nothing happens or I even get ignored. Maybe not the same, but still frustrating.
Happy holidays to everyone too! Well when we all start the discussion our posts can be shorter and faster if anything to move the plot along. I want to get into the forest! This is basically a prelude or the hook that draws us all into the forest.
radiochai said:
Since you are busy, would you like me to hold off on starting the discussion that's about to happen? Or shall I go ahead and post?
You can go ahead and go. I'll be free this weekend. No need to wait lol I'm carrying a two person job by myself until the end of next week xD
Hallo~ been wanting to post all week but things just haven't worked out ): It might be likely that I will have a post in tomorrow.
radiochai said:
Hallo~ been wanting to post all week but things just haven't worked out ): It might be likely that I will have a post in tomorrow.
Same here! I'll do my darnest to post tomorrow.

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