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Fantasy The Disappearance of Wilfred McMillan

Well, my friend had to go home early because she didn't want to be heading home to Queens while out and about in NYC after midnight so I ended up heading home around 10pm after I couldn't get anyone else to hang out with me. When I got off the train in my neighborhood and started walking home, a man approached me and tried to get me to go get a drink with him. I told him no multiple times, but he kept insisting "It's a date!" "It's new years eve!" but I firmly said no. When it looked like he left, I began walking down the street that would bring me closer to home. Not too long after I took a look over my shoulder and he was following me. So I sped up and decided not to turn down the next street like I was supposed to since both that street and the street I was on was a very quiet and dimly lit residential neighborhood. I just continued on until I got to a brighter lit street that had more cars passing and found myself a 24 hours Donut Delight. I then watched him turn down another street in the opposite direction of me and called the police afterwards. Ended up giving a statement and then head home with no drama 30 mins to midnight.

radiochai said:
Well, my friend had to go home early because she didn't want to be heading home to Queens while out and about in NYC after midnight so I ended up heading home around 10pm after I couldn't get anyone else to hang out with me. When I got off the train in my neighborhood and started walking home, a man approached me and tried to get me to go get a drink with him. I told him no multiple times, but he kept insisting "It's a date!" "It's new years eve!" but I firmly said no. When it looked like he left, I began walking down the street that would bring me closer to home. Not too long after I took a look over my shoulder and he was following me. So I sped up and decided not to turn down the next street like I was supposed to since both that street and the street I was on was a very quiet and dimly lit residential neighborhood. I just continued on until I got to a brighter lit street that had more cars passing and found myself a 24 hours Donut Delight. I then watched him turn down another street in the opposite direction of me and called the police afterwards. Ended up giving a statement and then head home with no drama 30 mins to midnight.
Goodness. That sounds scary. >.<
radiochai said:
Well, my friend had to go home early because she didn't want to be heading home to Queens while out and about in NYC after midnight so I ended up heading home around 10pm after I couldn't get anyone else to hang out with me. When I got off the train in my neighborhood and started walking home, a man approached me and tried to get me to go get a drink with him. I told him no multiple times, but he kept insisting "It's a date!" "It's new years eve!" but I firmly said no. When it looked like he left, I began walking down the street that would bring me closer to home. Not too long after I took a look over my shoulder and he was following me. So I sped up and decided not to turn down the next street like I was supposed to since both that street and the street I was on was a very quiet and dimly lit residential neighborhood. I just continued on until I got to a brighter lit street that had more cars passing and found myself a 24 hours Donut Delight. I then watched him turn down another street in the opposite direction of me and called the police afterwards. Ended up giving a statement and then head home with no drama 30 mins to midnight.
Wow. That is crazy. Some people are just wackos. I am glad to hear that you are safe and sound. c:
Yeah I can't wait either. Hopefully soon. Sorry I've been quiet all week. Just been so lethargic and obviously weekends are bad for me.
Finally read the latest two posts. @SachiGrl I had to double check my post, but yeah, every time I type speech in italics they are speaking in a foreign language. Maybe I made it too confusing with the fact that I don't color my speeches and that the Lazar brothers had spoken in English, but Augustin spoke to the Lazar brothers in Romanian. If you guys want me to, I will color code my speech text from now on.
radiochai said:
Finally read the latest two posts. @SachiGrl I had to double check my post, but yeah, every time I type speech in italics they are speaking in a foreign language. Maybe I made it too confusing with the fact that I don't color my speeches and that the Lazar brothers had spoken in English, but Augustin spoke to the Lazar brothers in Romanian. If you guys want me to, I will color code my speech text from now on.
I think it will be better if you write that they are speaking in a foreign language. Italics or color coding isn't enough. You can actually write in Romanian using google translate. That would be more realistic.
Alright, I will do that from now on. I guess I just wanted to make it easy for you guys to know what's going on even if your character's don't.

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