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Fantasy The Devil's Orphans


Laugh Like You've Won Always
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
400 years ago, the human Hero Lucas struck down the last of the Devils, Amiya. This brought an end to the age of demons as humans became the dominant race, and we are now in the age of man.

300 years ago, the Kingdom of Arro was established and built around where the hero was laid to rest, the city of Ensis'Lucas serving as its center.

200 to 30 years ago, other human kingdoms and countries formed surrounding Arro. Though these nations fought and warred among each other, Arro was left untouched because of what it represented for all humans. Because of such longstanding peace, the kingdom grew lazy, corrupt, and weak.

30 years ago, the King Almus Lucius Arros took control of Arro. Almus wasn't content with letting his kingdom grow old and fade, so he bolstered the military slowly, and then when two neighboring countries were weakened from fighting each other, he invaded.

30 to 15 years ago, the Kingdom of Arro, having broken its stance of peace and proven to be a threat, now became a target for attack from all sides. Years of constant defensive warfare and raids wore down all support for the king, and Almus was gradually made into a tyrant as he attempted to maintain control.

15 to 8 years ago, the other kingdoms infiltrated Arro and turned the people against the king. The Kingdom of Arro was eaten away at by the other nations, until all the land it could still claim to control was the city of Ensis'Lucas and what could be watched over from its walls. For a siege of a half-dozen nations against a single city, the outcome was predictable.

8 years ago, the citizens of Ensis'Lucas revolted against the king. Knowing there was no way out, Almus accepted that he'd failed in every way, that he'd ruined his kingdom and would now die. It wouldn't just be his life though. His entire bloodline, all of the children he'd fathered as king, would be executed.

8 years ago...

The king summoned his children to dine with him. This was highly unusual. He was a father that rarely acknowledged, let alone interacted with, his children. But now they were all gathered at one table to share a meal. It was awkward, not pleasant at all. The king did not know his children, so they had little to genuinely talk about. But he was speaking to them, more than he'd done before. At the end of the meal there was a toast, "to kingdom and to blood", and all of the children drank. It was a nasty dark drink that burned going down, but none dared complain. Only the king drank alcohol.

After the children had imbibed the devil blood and spasmed onto the floor and fallen unconscious, the king ordered the few servants and slaves he still thought loyal to take his children away, as far as they could go.

Your character is one of these children, one of the lost children of the Almus the Tyrant that went missing 8 years ago. On the eve of his own death, your father gave you two gifts: He gave you a chance at life by escaping Arro, and he gave you the power to take everything back if that was your wish. The blood of the devil he had you drink that night transformed a part of your body into the devil's body. Arms, legs, tail, horns, wings, eyes, mouth... The children of the Tyrant King and the Devil itself are now both scattered to the winds throughout the nations of men. Either could bring ruin, both are sure to.

The plot will involve characters being hunted, both because of who they are and what they are, and what those characters choose to do in response.

My current ideas for what different body parts of the devil might involve:
Horns (Raw Magic)​
Eyes (Mind Reading)​
Mouth (Mind Control)​
Left Arm (Death)​
Right Arm (Healing)​
Wings (Flight)​
Legs (Strength)​
Tail (Automatic Defense)​
If anything here grabs your interest, let me know down below. I'll check back in to answer any questions and expand info as needed.
Sounds cool and original, I'd like to claim the horns if "raw magic"
is basically the same as "extra chakra/mana/energy"

Also if it's a group rp with the cast split up would it be more like a race against each other without knowing whose in it with you responding to each players location etc

Could split the characters into groups of two to make it easier on being GM and having the orphans work towards meeting their siblings to team up
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Sounds cool and original, I'd like to claim the horns if "raw magic"
is basically the same as "extra chakra/mana/energy"
So my thinking for the horns right now is that they'd draw magic power from the surroundings, so yes it would work as a power source for magic. But there is a disclaimer: humans in this setting are mostly non-magical. So rather than fueling flashy spells it would be more of... magic power go boom. (Think "Geodude used self-destruct.") Hence "raw". Not to say that would always be the case, but yeah, temper initial expectations. All of the parts will have difficulties and drawbacks, and for the horns that's having massive power and no control. Well that and having big obvious horns in a place where that's not exactly a welcome sight.

Also if it's a group rp with the cast split up would it be more like a race against each other without knowing whose in it with you responding to each players location etc
My plan is to have one IC thread, so players can see where others are and what they're doing. Players can choose to meet or avoid each other, and I may push them towards or away from each other on a whim, or as drama demands, whichever.

Could split the characters into groups of two to make it easier on being GM and having the orphans work towards meeting their siblings to team up
What happens happens, but given the kids will start in different situations and nations, don't count on them meeting or teaming up for a while.

Wow this sounds fascinating! I would maybe like to claim the mouth, if you’ll accept.
There's no character thread just yet, so no hard reservations until I get to that, but welcome.

For the mouth I'm thinking not-quite mind control. More a physical control or forced obedience. Your words can be understood regardless of language, and others are compelled to obey your commands. So a normal voice with Morgan Freeman's charisma modifier. Oh and sharp teeth... and probably a taste for raw meat... and I'll stop before I'm pushing cannibalism onto a poor character. Devil mouth has weird tastes I'd imagine.
I mean if the guy with horns can explode without hurting himself by drawing in energy from others via big noticeable horns you have a kid whose only resort is to kill and run lol I'm still down. That or the tail I guess
Okay, it looks like I managed to grab some interest. I'll get to work typing up some extra lore and setting info and some character sheets.

I'll take the right arm if the post requirements aren't too much
For post requirements I'm thinking 1-2 posts a week, multiple paragraphs. Combat and conversation obviously permits smaller posts or more direct collaboration. To keep events aligned I may ask different players to slow or accelerate their pacing, but that's a future consideration.

For backgrounds and NPCs you'll have a lot of freedom. I don't plan on painting the entire canvas of a world by myself. And while your orphan prince or princess will be your main character, I have no problem with anyone creating and fleshing out any characters they need to fill out the world. Again, we can work through that as needed. I'll probably have more details about that once I get to writing the character sheet.

And finally, claiming characters... or rather which body part of the devil you want. I'm not a huge fan of first-come, but as thanks for showing interest I will reserve whichever piece you ask for, but only for a day from when the character thread is posted. I'll be sure to tag everyone who showed interest then. If I don't hear anything from you for a full day then I'll open that part for someone else to ask for. I know a day is short, but if you have something up as a work-in-progress or let me know you're still around but need more time to get something posted I'm fine with holding for longer. I just don't want to be waiting on someone who's lost interest.

The Character thread is up now. I plan on working on the lore now. If there's any questions don't hesitate to ask, I'm pretty much throwing things together as they pop into my head, so bug me with whatever info you want and I'll focus on getting that out to you first.
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I would love to snag the role of strength
Just an FYI, the super strength only applies to the legs specifically, not the rest of the body.
So jumps, kicks, handling hard landings and the like. You can also treat any surface as if it was the ground, ie walking up and standing on walls and the ceiling.
Interested! Would you kindly hold healing for me, please?

Edit, I saw someone else took it, nevermind. Whoops.
Interested! Would you kindly hold healing for me, please?
The part with healing is currently on hold for someone else. If they don't put up some form of WiP sheet or let me know they need more time that part will be back up for grabs tomorrow.

I'm not sure which one NeonFlow NeonFlow is aiming to take, or else I'd take the horns.
Okay I'll put horns on hold for you. If the healing arm does open up and you want to swap just let me know.
The OOC Thread is now up if anyone feels like collabing while making their characters or wants to ask questions about anything without cluttering the interest check thread. Not that I mind, it's free publicity bumping it back to the top and all. There are also links to all the other RP threads at the top of the OOC to find everything else you might want.

Something I added to the Lore thread that I might not have made clear in the interest check is that humans in this setting are a non-magical race. So for now none of your characters will be upcasting any rank 9 fireballs. They'll have to rely on their own mental and physical skills to get through things, or they can rely on their devil body part for an extra edge if that's their choice.
So I only have the tail left? Welp, the premise is intriguing enough so I’m in.

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