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Fantasy The Deadlands

Nodding eagerly, Manir picked up a yellow token with a dotted swirl etched in the center. "This one is from Elpice City," he said. Then he raised a green one with an 'X' etched in the center. "Town of Hestar. This one was a bit difficult to get... Bunch of sly bastards, they are. Fight dirty." After letting her look, Manir pocketed the tokens and downed another spoonful of broth.

"So what are you doing out here? This is the longest I've talked to - well, talked with - a Nepari priestess," he lowered his spoon into the bowl, stew nearly done despite how much he talked. "Your Sisters aren't really the talkative type."

- Answer him
- Ask about Elpice City
- Ask about Hestar
- Ask about the Sisters he met
- Change the subject
"We like to keep to ourselves." Dynis responded. "Which Sisters did you meet? What did they tell you?" She knew she sounded inquisitive, but there was no time to go traipsing around the questions. She wanted to find out as much as possible and if Korine's father was not lying, this man had been bothering a couple of her Sisters previously. Perhaps they revealed something to him, though she somehow doubted.
"Plenty of them," he answered, "and not much. The only one that was even remotely helpful was Cecily." Manir scratched his chin absently, staring off into space as though reliving a memory. "We traveled together for a bit, actually."

He then patted his pocket. "She helped me win the double's arena token from Hestar. We made plans to travel the Deadlands, conquering each arena together, but..." Manir's voice trailed off. A frown tugged at his lips. "Then she met someone else. Started back on her pilgrimage or whatever it is you women do. Haven't seen her since she left for Junip."

Manir seemed upset now, shoveling food into his mouth and chewing rather vigorously. This was also the second time someone mentioned last seeing Cecily heading to Junip. From what Dynis knew of Cecily, the girl had protested for the right to refuse pilgrimage. She'd failed - obviously - and was sent into the Deadlands anyway. Whoever the person Cecily met must have had a significant impact on her to convince her to continue her journey. Dynis could ask about the mystery person or push for more information about Cecily, though Manir did not look like he wanted to talk anymore.

- Ask more about Cecily
- Ask about the mystery person
- Ask about the Town of Junip
- Ask something else
- Try to comfort Manir
- Do something else
Dynis saw that the man in front of her was upset. If she disregarded his state it was very possible that he would not divulge any further information to her. So she reached out with her hand, placing in on his forearm as a consoling gesture, willing the kindest and most sympathetic of smiles on her face. "I'm sure Cecily had good reasons for leaving. Could you please tell me the best way to reach Junip? Perhaps I could look for her there, along the way."
He stilled under her touch, spoon halfway to his mouth. Slowly he set the utensil back in the bowl. Dynis' attempt at consoling had worked, somewhat - he still looked lackluster in comparison to earlier, but he no longer ravaged his food like it'd personally offended him. Manir offered her a rueful, albeit grateful smile. Nodded. "Head North from here. Usually takes people between three to four days to reach. Two, if you're in a hurry."

Manir pushed the last bit of meat around in his bowl with his spoon. Fell into a brief silence before asking: "If you're going to look for Cecily, I'd like to come with you."

While Dynis had not decided on when to leave yet, she could agree to let Manir tag along. It would surely be helpful having someone around who knew how to use a sword. She knew a little more about Manir now: hot-headed, confident, not from the Deadlands, a traveler, and somehow involved with one of her Sisters.

- Accept
- Decline
- Don't give him a straight answer
- Change the subject
"Uh..." That had caught her off guard. She should have known that this silly little man would want to come after Cecily after the story he had just told her. It was clear that he had feelings for the Sister and men were very foolish once feelings got involved. Dynis certainly did not want to travel with a man, he would only hinder her on her journey. But then, she realized all the benefits his presence could bring. For example, if they encountered a rabid animal, he would prove a sufficient shield... or a distraction.

"Okay." She nodded, agreeing to his proposition. "Tomorrow at dawn. Meet me at the north gates." Then she stood up to leave. "Thanks for the lunch." She added, collecting her stuff and moving away toward the market to stock up on provisions.
Manir looked pleased when she left but didn't say anything. Perhaps he was content with just that, or feared she'd changed her mind if he opened his mouth again. Regardless, Dynis accepted his request and the two were set to travel the following morning.

Entering the marketplace, as always, was chaotic. By now Dynis had become more accustomed to the persistent merchants pushing their way into her personal space. She weaved through the crowd, searching for the provisions cart. Eventually came across a hooded woman selling smoked meat, which would hold for a few days.

"Three silver per pound," the hooded woman said. A pound of smoked meat would feed Dynis breakfast and dinner for two days. Both Manir and Korine had said the journey to Junip would take only two, but that is if she were quick. It did not account for any delays. As of right then, Dynis had nineteen silver left to spend. She would have to acquire more money soon.

- Buy one pound (3 silver)
- Buy two pounds (6 silver)
- Buy three pounds (9 silver)
- Shop somewhere else
Dynis bought a pound of meat and carefully stashed it in her backpack. She really did not want to waste any more money on a room for another night so she decided to stroll to the north exit of the town. Perhaps she could find a quiet spot there to curl up in her bedroll. Though she would also like to be close to the gate guards, just in case.
After finding a place to settle down for the night, conveniently close enough to the Northern gate to be watched over by the guards, Dynis undid her bedroll and lay down to rest. Unfortunately, despite the late hour, the nearby residential area was quite loud and well-lit. It seemed that after dark the bustling energy of the marketplace moved home. Verona was a town just as vibrant and gregarious as its people. She would not be able to read that night.

With nothing else to do, Dynis slept under the stars, safe beneath the town guards' watchful gaze.
The next morning, Dynis woke to a scream. Sunrise had barely just begun, leaving the sky tinted gray and the streets relatively empty. Heavy, thudded boots of patrol guards made their way to the Northern gate. If the scream hadn't demanded her attention, nearly getting trampled definitely did.

From the gates, Dynis heard the familiar voice of Korine. The sound of small children crying.

"I didn't- They- The scorpions came out of nowhere!"

- Investigate
- Wait for Manir
Groggily standing up from her sleeping spot and rubbing her eyes to drive the sleep away, Dynis squinted at the figures passing by. As soon as they mentioned the scorpions she remember the man from the tavern and the cave filled with scorpions he mentioned. So, no one had driven them from the cave at all, and now they were starting to spread. She was not about to go help. Scorpions were only a slightly less disgusting version of spiders as far as she was concerned. There were enough guards headed in that direction, they could handle them.

She yawned again, watching the scene unfold. Then she decided to eat a bit of the meat as she waited for Manir.
Dynis could not discern much more after that, for the group of guards, Korine, and the children moved out of earshot. One of the guards escorted the children away, presumably to their parents - wherever they were. One little girl was covered head to toe in sand, her clothing in disarray, and a scarlet ring of blood circled a young boy's ankle.

By time Manir approached, out of breath as though he'd been running, the sun had already risen. Perhaps an hour after their scheduled meeting time. He waved to Dynis and made his way over. "Sorry I'm late. The townsfolk are going crazy. Did you hear what's happening with the scorpions?"

- Talk about the scorpions
- Leave for Junip
- Do something else
"I heard them mention it." Dynis nodded. She did not comment on his tardiness, though she did not look toward traversing the desert in the heat. And it was already getting warm. "Is it serious?" She asked just in passing, but she was already turning away from Junip and making for the road ahead.
Falling into step beside her, Manir nodded. "Something made the scorpions grow bigger and now they don't fit in the cave East of here anymore. Spreading. We'll probably run into a few on the way to Junip," he said. He looked troubled, though, perhaps even hesitant. After a beat he frowned. "They're saying two kids got dragged away this morning. Guards are having trouble getting to the cave because of how big the scorpions are now." Manir fell silent, something unsaid hanging in the air around him.

If she wanted, Dynis could suggest going to the scorpion cave to try and help the guards. While Dynis was not an experienced fighter, Manir appeared to be and could possibly help in some way. If they were successful surely there would be a reward not only from the guards, but the families of the missing children. Or, if she wanted, she could focus on getting to Junip instead.

- Suggest helping the guards
- Head to Junip
- Do something else
"Ugh..." Dynis growled. She desperately wanted to be on her way. But, this man just had to keep talking about the missing children and acting so concerned! She could just smack him with her staff. Why did she even ask him to go along if all he did was trying to guilt her into helping. Well, it was working. "Fine!" She raised her arms up in a gesture of surrender, perhaps raising her tone with it slightly more than she should have. "Let's go back and get those damn children out." She murmured, turning on her heal and striding toward the commotion, already fuming in anger.
Manir looked surprised at first, then his face split in an excited grin. "So valiant," he mused, jogging to catch back up with her. Upon arriving back at the Northern gate, Dynis and Manir managed to join the expedition just before the last group of guards headed out. The two, along with four guardsmen, made their way to the cave.

As close to the cave as they could get, at least. Giant scorpions swarmed the area less than a mile from Verona, pincers snapping and stingers swinging, and the rescue group could hardly see the outline of a rock outcropping in the distance.


Without warning, one of the scorpions charged at the group. The four guards broke away from Dynis and Manir in attempt to take it on. Meanwhile, another one reared its stinger and began making its way over. Beside her, Manir drew his scimitar and eyed the approaching enemy.

"Stay here," he said. "And keep an eye out. Don't let anything surprise me."

Manir planned to take the giant scorpion on by himself - a task that was already giving the four Verona guards a difficult time. Dynis didn't know how to fight, but she could try to get one of the guards to help him. She could also act as a distraction while Manir took out the creature - predators did like to prey on the weak, after all. Or she could stand back and do as she was told.

- Distract the scorpion
- Try to get a guard's help
- Stand back and watch
- Do something else
Dynis did not like the look of them at all. With their jittery little legs they reminded her of spiders. Chills went down her spine and she shuddered as Manir ran off toward one of the creatures.

"And what am I supposed to do? Be a sitting duck out here?" She called after the man, but he was already engaged in battle. She quickly looked the creature over, not really wanting to approach it, but also not wanting to stand there like an idiot. Foe a moment she considered throwing her stick at it. But she did not.

"Hey!" Dynis exclaimed to get the creatures attention as she ran to flank it. She waved her staff. "Come here, you ugly critter." She picked up a rock and threw it at the scorpion, hoping that Manie would make quick work of it once the scorpion turned its attention away.
The rock bounced off the scorpion's carapace and the creature whipped around to face Dynis, legs clacking against one another. It advanced, stinger poised. Behind it, Dynis could see Manir rise from the sand; he must have fallen somehow. Maybe tripped, considering the sand made it hard to move in.

As the stinger cut through the air so did Manir's blade. It severed the link between stinger and tail, the sharp appendage falling to the sand in a mixed pool of blood and poison. The scorpion reared with a screech before backing off. Manir watched it leave, breathing heavy. Then he whirled on Dynis. "I told you to stay put! You-"

Something sharp struck Dynis in the back of her shoulder. Stars exploded behind her eyes - white and hot and painful all through her body - and Manir brought his sword down on a third scorpion's wrist. Another screech, another retreat. From Dynis' shoulder stuck a giant pincer, the weight too great to stay upright. So it fell to the sand, painfully tearing its way out of her skin in the process. "Shit!" Manir panicked and reached out to steady her, "Shit. You're bleeding. Oh, Gods, you're bleeding a lot. Do you have any bandages?"

Meanwhile the four guards who'd seemingly caught on to aiming for the wrists and tail cut through the scorpions around them. Circled the two adventurers, acting as a barrier for Dynis against the creatures for as long as they could.

Because Dynis bought the bundle back at Korine's father's survival stall, she had a small roll of bandages in her bag to use. They'd help stop the bleeding for a while, assuming Dynis took it easy after this. There were still two children to save, though.

- Have Manir bandage the wound, then continue to the cave
- Have Manir bandage the wound, then leave
- Bandage it yourself, then continue to the cave
- Bandage it yourself, then leave
- Do something else
Dynis exclaimed more in surprise than in pain as the pincer stuck her. Only when the pincer fell out toof the sand and she felt blood streaming down her immaculately white robes, dis she feel the pain. And frustration. That's what you get from trying to help. You ruin your clothes and get wounded.

"Dammit." She hissed as Manie appeiached her. "I have bandages in my pack." She waved a hand toward it as she shrugged it off. "What are you waiting for, get the hell on it!" She ordered, turning around so he could wrap her shoulder up. She should never have associated with useless men. But she also did not like leaving something half done. Once she was bandaged up she would continue to the cave, though she will definitely stay out of conflict.
"Right!" Manir startled. Fumbled with the bandages in her back and wrapped them around the wound. Around them, the guards did their best to keep the scorpions at bay. They weren't doing they greatest job, but none of the scorpions had broken through yet. Tightening the bandage, Manir looked her in the eyes. Adopted a stern, albeit worried, expression. "Now stay put!" He said before throwing himself back into the fray.

With the guards in their bulky armor taking the brunt of the blows and Manir darting around, slicing off appendages, the group of six made their way to the cave within the next few minutes. Met up with two more guards along the way, the other half of their party having been killed. Upon entering the cave, the group found there to be a significantly lacking quantity of scorpions to fight. Which was good but, in a way, bad:

"Where are the kids?" Manir asked one of the guards that'd joined up with them. The guard shook his head.

"Somewhere in here. Didn't you see the drag marks?"

"No," he said flatly, "I was too busy fighting for my life."

"...Fair point."


Eventually they reached a part of the cave that held not only a thin stream of water, but even flora. Though perhaps the most curious thing of all were the rocks, dimly growing red. A runic bridge in the distance, though both sides were blocked by long-since fallen rocks. Holes punctured the sand in sets of six - scorpion legs, no doubt - but there were no more drag marks to follow. Dynis could try calling for the children, which might garner unwanted attention from any scorpions in the cave, or she could suggest the group stay quiet during their search for the missing children.

- Call for the children
- Stay quiet
- Investigate the glowing rocks
- Do something else
She did not need Manir to tell er to stay put, she was damn well not going to risk getting any more injuries. Her nose wrinkled as the saw how ruined her robes were, she looked like an insane person now. Her shoulder throbbed, but not too badly, or at least, she focused her attention elsewhere, not allowing the thoughts of pain to sink in and make it worse.

As they entered the cave, Dynis could not help but let out a small gasp. That was the strangest cave she had ever see. She muttered to the guards in a hushed tone, "How could you have this big of a cave so close to the town and forget to maintain it? Anything creature could have made its nest here, no wonder you are under attack." She shook her head in disapproval. That's what happens when you entrust your safety to men. These people were really so far from civilisation.

She squinted into the distance trying to make out the details of the bridge, wondering why the hell would there be a bridge in a cave and just how big this cave was. Perhaps it was once a home to a different people, long gone? For a little bit she perked up, wanting to explore the cave. But she quickly remembered that it was infested with scorpions, and even worse, crying children.

"Best stay quiet." Dynis said, to anyone who would listen as she slowly moved ahead, approaching one of the glowing rocks, peering at it, but not risking a touch.
The guard Dynis had spoken to said nothing in response. Simply narrowed his eyebrows and brushed by her. At his absence and Dynis' request to stay quiet, Manir leaned closer to whisper: "Look at you, making friends with the guards." He did not give her time to respond, however; with no enemies in sight, Manir left the group to do some of his own exploring up ahead. Dynis and the guards could still see him, but he'd outpaced them significantly. He looked like a very tall man-child, the way he flitted around looking at things.

Within a few minutes Manir came bounding back. "Hey, I found a small tunnel in the corner. Big enough for a couple kids to go through, I think."

"There aren't any footprints in here." Said one guard. He pointed to the big alcove over the bridge, leading to another chamber. "The scorpions probably brought them up there."

Manir crossed his arms, frowning. "Possibly. Or, you know, the scorpion tracks could have covered human ones." He rolled his eyes.

"If you want to go chasing imaginary footprints, by all means, be our guest," said another guard. "We're going up, though. With or without you."

Both sides had a point, though who she'd go with was Dynis' choice. She could follow Manir through the small tunnel or accompany the six guards through the large alcove. Or, she could try to convince either side to travel a certain way.

- Go with Manir
- Go with the guards
- Advocate for the small tunnel
- Advocate for the large alcove
- Do something else
Dynis did really want to pretend to be Manir's ally because she wanted someone to watch her back on her journey to Junip. However, he was really making her job difficult. She peered through the tunnel and shook her head, turning to him with a very final. "No way."

Then, to add some sort of explanation, in order to try to make him see some sense, she spoke. "Look, if you go through there, you will not be able to move. You will not be able to wield your sword properly to defend yourself and if you even manage to reach the scorpions, there's just no room for maneuver. Even if you wanted to change your mind while in there, you will not be able to run." She placed her hand on his forearm, in an attempt to tug him along. "There's strength in numbers. We should not get separated now."
Manir frowned, crossed his arms. Adopted the stubbornness he'd shown the guard back at the Verona arena. It didn't look like he was going to budge - at least, not until Dynis started pointing out the more important reasons not to go through the small tunnel. Still, Manir looked ready to protest. "But it's-..." His voice trailed off as she attempted to tug him along. With a scowl, Manir shrugged away her arm. "Fine. Have it your way."

Despite his griping, Manir followed the group underneath the bridge and up towards the alcove, though he let the guards lead the way instead. The slope was steep in the direction they'd chosen, forcing all eight of them to grab onto the rocks to steady themselves at some point. It would be difficult - not to mention painful - for Dynis to climb that with her injury. She could ask Manir for help, though he looked particularly miffed at her right now, or one of the six guards. Dynis could also try to climb it on her own.

- Ask Manir for help
- Ask a guard for help
- Climb independently.
Dynis tried her best to keep silent and not pay any attention to her injury, but the pain eventually caught up to her. When she saw the next obstacle, she groaned. Then she turned to Manir, hoping she would be able to appeal to his compassionate side.

"I don't think I'll be able climb up there on my own." She said, with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Can I hold on to you?" If he refused, she would simply stay there and wait for them to come back.
Slowing down, Manir narrowed his brows at her. Exhaled through his nose sharply. "Oh, so now you want my help?" He looked none too happy with her, but rolled his eyes and turned his back to her anyway. Crouched a little. "Climb on, then. And don't squirm. If I drop you it's because you insisted on going this way. We could be crawling through a tunnel, but no..."

There it was, the childish snark she'd glimpsed outside the arena back at Verona. At least he'd agreed to help her, though Manir didn't look like he'd stop complaining about having to do so any time soon.

- Climb on and tell him to be quiet
- Climb on and let him complain
- Stay there instead
- Do something else

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