• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Nation Building The Dawn of New Ages

The Creator Prime

Ancient Being
This roleplay has as many spots allowed as the map fits. There are no certain requirements except the fact that a God's dominion may not intersect with another God's dominion. So, no two Gods will be the God of Death, so on, so forth.

My only requirement is that you fill out the Nation Sheet (NS) to the best of your ability. Remember, you rule a nation, you have massive amounts of freedom of which you can utilize at your own whim.

[center][img=Include a picture of your God here][/center]

[border=1px solid #870013][bg=DarkRed][sh][font=Times New Roman][color=DarkGoldenRod]God's Name[/color][/font][/sh][/bg]

[tab=Basic Information]
Self explanatory.

This can range from primordial elements (earth, wind, fire) to emotions to abstract concepts or specifics (nihilism, bad hair, fine art).

Describe your God's appearance here.
[tab=Detailed Information]
The gods approach to ruling should be covered here.

Self explanatory.

[b]Magic Items:[/b]

The conditions of the gods mortality. Can just be very, very hard to kill, or something akin to Dorian's mirror 
or anything within reason or can justify.

[center][img=Insert an image portraying your nations terrain here][/center]

[border=1px solid #870013][bg=DarkRed][sh][font=Times New Roman][color=DarkGoldenRod]Nation's Name[/color][/font][/sh][/bg]

[tab=Nation Information]
Describe the terrain of your nation. If there are natural wonders, or landmarks, describe them here. You may also include a description of your nation's cities here. Basically anything related to the appearance of your nation.

Utilize photoshop, paint, or whatever, to display the location of your nation. Post that image here.
[tab=Inhabitant Information]
Describe the wildlife of your nation, if there are any significant animals, then mention them, etc.

Unconventional or original species should be followed by a description/picture.
[tab=Societal Information]
The finer details of the nature of your nations inhabitants. Basically, describe how your people behave, and how your people function. What are they good at? What do they enjoy, and how learned are they? Things along those lines.

Not needed if nation is of nomadic nature. Include a fine description of your capital if your nation has one.
[tab=People of Importance]
[b]Important Individuals:[/b]
People within your nation that hold either political power, military power. These are amongst the few whom you can write about in the IC. These are individuals people beyond your nation would know of.

Remember people: keep it detailed.
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Hasushi-bano, Ushibano'o

  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    The Six Lord-Swords of the Sun


    Honor, Duty, and the Sun.


    The Six Lord-Swords of the Sun, the Hakabi, are weapons of immense creation, whilst on display their edges glow with power, the sharpness of the blade seeming able to pierce even the air around it whilst stationary. The handle of each sword is unique, going from intricate ornaments such as silk and high quality wool- to unique handles made out of a small metal ingot decorated with unknown kinds of runic carvings. Each blade is unique, each blade holds it's own personality and worst of all: each blade holds it's own morality and feelings- and hatred. The blades personality is displayed by the appearance of the blade itself- the lenght, the sharpness, the appearance, the bending, all this plays an important role in the blades personality.

    When three or more swords are gathered together in the same immediate vicinity, the swords unite their personalities into one deific entity which wields them, this entity is known as Hasushi-bano. Hasushi-bano is a union of three or four of these god-swords, the Hasushi-bano holds the quality and appearance based on the features of the swords that summoned him.

    The Ushibano'o is the ultimate entity which can be crafted by these swords, being a union of 5 swords, the Ushibano'o is the most powerful form of that these swords can craft, however, there has never been a 6 sword union before. The Ushibano'o is clad in a Hassai soldier's armor, however it is twisted to appear far more magnificent and lordly- Ushibano'o is known as The Ussai Lord, the Sun King.


The Hassai Princepality

  • Terrain:

    The Hassai region is a land of fairy like scenery with trees bearing blue leafs and rivers flowing like pure magic. Waterfalls and other pseudo-divine landmarks fill the land, and wonderful architecture bless the houses of the Hassai Principality. The Hassai Region is known as a spiritually active region where the barrier between mortality and spirituality is closely entwined, therefore many shrines, temples and religious palacades are raised to honor the local spirits of varying power, the most famed being the Chackled Palace which is located at the very heart of the Hassai Principality at the center of it's capital; the City of the Pheonix. But there is also the famed Lightning Temple located at the top of the Masah Mountain.



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  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    The Burdened King


    God of Burden

    Father of Beasts

    God of Hunting

    God of Mercy


    His true appearance is unknown for he is shrouded by his great cloak and the bone mask he wears about his face. Scholars and priests have theorized that Hamarreth is nothing more than the cape and mask. His truest and most trusted servants know that he appears this way to those he mistrusts. To his faithful he may appear as a Red Mjollak or as an old and withered man draped in tattered rags with silver eyes.


Canef Hirria

  • Terrain:

    Dominated by a great forest separated by large mountain range from an expanse of tundra the Natural and mystical wonders of Canef Hirria are well hidden from those who are unfamiliar with it's twists and curves. From a cave filled with singing crystals to a gigantic tree sprawling with life there is much to see. There are subterranean rivers and lakes and an old ruin protected by ancient magical constructs that few enter and from which fewer still return.




Calandrist Von Talismora

  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    God of souls,

    God of the Daemons,

    The Haunt,

    The Warlock,

    The Devil’s Voice,




    The Warlock stands the average human height, as he was once a mortal man. Hundreds of years ago, a man named Calandrist Von Talismora made a contract with a race of creature called Daemons, a spectral entity that roamed his country, Essentially Daemons are soul collectors.

    Talismora wears garb from that era plus two skulls around his waist, one of his sister and one of his brother, Talismora sacrificed them both as binding for his contract with the Daemons.

    In his younger days as The Warlock, Calandrist would become frequently possessed by the spirit entities that now lived inside of him, granting him powers when he needed them most.

    The Daemons had underestimated the Mental strength of this Mortal man, soon we was able to control the Spectors and tap into unbelievable power at will. When Calandrist Turns Spectral his body gives an almost see through opacity, his left hand glows blue as he draws power from the daemons.



  • Terrain:

    The Terrain on Talismora is a ghastly sight, fog, dark features, dead woods and black jungles, a true scene from a horror film. It is often referred to as the land of the dead. However, there is plenty of life on the isles. Towns full of people, it is no secret that Daemons exist. For the people of Talismora it’s a simple fact of life, this brings comfort to the people and empowers the worship of The God of Souls. He has the power to bring loved ones back to say final goodbyes… IF he wanted to.

    That is what the Terrain would look like to an outsider. The Terrain holds a normal colored spectral to all occupants who live here. Keeping nosey people out of the lands.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/the_arrogance_of_man____by_blackmatter234-d7jzjb8.jpg.1f3b93484ffe901efbfe8e785b237319.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/the_arrogance_of_man____by_blackmatter234-d7jzjb8.jpg.1f3b93484ffe901efbfe8e785b237319.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/biollante_erika_regailias_by_deadpoolrus-d8tj9fi.jpg.e51dc5a651d2bd28bb1571170e855089.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/biollante_erika_regailias_by_deadpoolrus-d8tj9fi.jpg.e51dc5a651d2bd28bb1571170e855089.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/biollante_gijinka_by_mizuki_dono-d41gtqf.jpg.38d25e9624fc1dd87bdd227ecfa8b69d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/biollante_gijinka_by_mizuki_dono-d41gtqf.jpg.38d25e9624fc1dd87bdd227ecfa8b69d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    Mother Nature, Mother, Matron, Flower Goddess, Earth, Terra, Hist, Plant Queen.


    Nature, Life, Reptilia, Dinosauria


    Mother takes many forms to the mortal eyes. As a being of both flora and fauna, her most common appearance is that of a marshland alligator or crocodile with vines, flowers, and an array of other plant-life sprouting from her scales. For children, she is often seen as a naked humanoid woman with black and yellow eyes, a bioluminescent torso, and green hair that falls around her like vines. To those who are true seers of her faith, Mother’s appearance is that of a colossal flower dragon, with a great glowing womb and many smaller heads. Her face is of a furious beast, thousands of teeth lining the entire inside of her mouth. When truly threatened, her face will bloom into the red flower of her people, mouth smaller, but all the more deadly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/venus_exile_by_blinck-d5koiyn.jpg.b70d76e6332a9d7dba6fa81af7c05d55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/venus_exile_by_blinck-d5koiyn.jpg.b70d76e6332a9d7dba6fa81af7c05d55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/among_the_trees_by_rachopin77-d767ng6.jpg.ba3f87f365993b804ddac2aca7e1f06e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/among_the_trees_by_rachopin77-d767ng6.jpg.ba3f87f365993b804ddac2aca7e1f06e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/commission___elf_forest_by_cassiopeiaart-d57xbaq.jpg.44e66a3919955e4bec90e1dc9d0d64d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/commission___elf_forest_by_cassiopeiaart-d57xbaq.jpg.44e66a3919955e4bec90e1dc9d0d64d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/marsh_by_syarul-d4gi4cw.jpg.ee77f0f320595abb4a448537e748c49a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/marsh_by_syarul-d4gi4cw.jpg.ee77f0f320595abb4a448537e748c49a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/the_marsh_by_johnofthenorth-d5wajrj.jpg.71a1ad825bddcdb984f46636ed5b13ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/the_marsh_by_johnofthenorth-d5wajrj.jpg.71a1ad825bddcdb984f46636ed5b13ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/woodlands_by_jonasdero-d721ppy.jpg.01f8b7c5c73fdfe1fb542677dc995243.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/woodlands_by_jonasdero-d721ppy.jpg.01f8b7c5c73fdfe1fb542677dc995243.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/yggdrasil_by_blinck-d4rdbxf.jpg.378dc4f5f14b164f2d3adb1fa1e5c27e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/yggdrasil_by_blinck-d4rdbxf.jpg.378dc4f5f14b164f2d3adb1fa1e5c27e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Black Marsh



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  • Title/Nicknames/Alias: The Goat God

    Dominion(s): Winter, Production & Order


    In sharp contrast to the people he leads Fenristyr has a small light build. Usually appearing in the form of a goat like child. His legs are oat like with two hooves protruding from them, Light gray fur going up his legs and stopping near his torso. He has light gray skin that seems to host no blemishes. His head has a mess of white hair adorning it, with long gnarled horns sprouting out. However his most notable feature are his amber like eyes, which shine like gold. His hands are also somewhat inhumane, being claw like and only possessing four digits.



  • Terrain:

    The land of Helavasco is a harsh and unforgiving one, with long stretches of tundra and mountains that seem to never end dotting the large island. Snow and ice is the most common thing in the entire land. However Sparse forests and salt flats can occasionally be found. Small effigies and totem poles venerating the spirits of winter also dot the barren landscape. The land hosts one natural wonder, which is a massive mountain that seems to disappear in the sky because of it's height. It is rumoured among the local people that at the very top sits the Goat god Fenristyr with a pack of wolves by his side.


    View attachment 139022




  • Title/Nicknames/Alias: Haluk, God of the Harvest, the Giver


    Agriculture, Herding

    Appearance: Haluk appears as an elf and was at some pint a mortal who has since claimed he has ascended the plane of the Gods, as one of the junior members despite the size of his domain on earth. He appears occasionally in the Divine Shrine of Re-atonement, the Queen Dowager’s personal temple, and only to a select few group of nobles or to great men who have risen in talent in his realm.


Holy Demense of Asir

  • Terrain:

    Aamir, the biggest city in the demense, has over seven hundred thousand inhabitants and is considered one of the largest cities in the world, filled with temples, crafts guilds, and blacksmith’s furnaces in a sprawling and poorly maintained urban center, known for its slums and its squalor. Across the lands, the Princes commission gigantic Ziggurat temples to the God Haluk, begging for his mercy and his divine intervention in their harvests. The terrain is mostly flat, with the entire country located in the rich (and enriched) Elikian Plain, separated from the North by the Ivar Mountains.

    Haluk’s lands are planned such that cities are planted largely on the coast and along the rivers. They are allowed to grow to the point of bursting at their seams, while the majority of the land is dangerously deforested plains.


    Change your nations location, this border conflicts with an already existing reservation.

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  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    Lord of the Smithy

    Lord of the Mine

    God of Craftsmen


    Craftsmen, Volcanoes, Community


    Often described as an elderly, male dwarf with a respectable beard, he is most often seen wearing full armor (without the helmet) and wielding a combination of a shield, a pickaxe, a hammer or a sickle. This shows him as a staunch defender, a miner, a smith and a mushroom farmer, respectively. He is most often displayed with a sickle and a hammer, or with pickaxe and hammer.

    When he appears among the living, he is always clad in armor and has a hammer at his belt. Other than this, his armaments often wildly differ. His appearance so far has always been Dwarven, although the apparent age wildly differs.


Nation's Name

  • Terrain:

    Describe the terrain of your nation. If there are natural wonders, or landmarks, describe them here. You may also include a description of your nation's cities here. Basically anything related to the appearance of your nation.


    Utilize photoshop, paint, or whatever, to display the location of your nation. Post that image here.

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  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    Myrmidon, God of the Sea

    The Kraken (To others)


    God of the Sea

    God of the Storms

    God of Safe Passage


    Hovering at over 60 Feet Tall, yet known as the Kraken to many others, able to consume whole ships and conjure up storms, in the form of eight arms in a humanoid appearance but yet the hulking face of a hammerhead shark with the jaws that peek out even the furthest man could see.

Nation's Name

  • Terrain:

    Describe the terrain of your nation. If there are natural wonders, or landmarks, describe them here. You may also include a description of your nation's cities here. Basically anything related to the appearance of your nation.


    Utilize photoshop, paint, or whatever, to display the location of your nation. Post that image here.




  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    God of War and Torment


    God of Honor and chivalry

    God of Glory

    God of Destruction and war

    God of Blood

    God of Strength or courage

    God of respect


    Beros has no face, only a dark like shadow with red eyes can be seen behind the war helmet he wears. The rest of his body however looks human but , he also tends to try looking taller then other's and stronger. He also wears a full suit of armor that he forged with the help of his dominions, and carrying his shield and spear.


  • Terrain:

    Describe the terrain of your nation. If there are natural wonders, or landmarks, describe them here. You may also include a description of your nation's cities here. Basically anything related to the appearance of your nation.



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  • Title/Nicknames/Alias:

    He Who Walks Amongst Men / Peacemonger / He Who Seeks Beauty / Marcus


    Peace, Natural Beauty, Platonic Love


    Six feet tall, a strong jaw, and possessing qualities that would be not improbable upon one suffering from albinism, the Peacemonger does not merely resemble a human, he looks and feels almost entirely human. If it wasn't for the fact that he has been reported to have been seen in multiple places at once, and possesses an almost omniscient view of all his nation, he could have easily passed off as a normal, regular, human being.

    He is often seen as depicted as in the image, with strange clothing. Also like the depiction, he often appears in a cloak of the Haos national flower's petals. The petals he leaves behind are said to never deteriorate or rot away.