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Fantasy The Darkened Skies

Kheal continued staring, he was dissapointed that he couldn't have a conversation for more than 2 seconds with somebody, he didn't understand what was happening, so he concluded that he shouldn't bite anybody.

One moment, she was smiling and laughing. The Everet woman was actually kind of amusing; and the Dragon Master took a liking to her immediately. Goofy, and at the same time kind of dangerous. Perfect friend material, in her eyes. "I'm Sera, nice to meet'ya!" She snickered. It was a bit hard to answer every other word that the other said, considering how fast she was speaking. But, overall, she sort of managed to succeed in the art of socializing. "And thank you, yours is...erm... nice as well!" Nailed it.

Sera had followed the woman over to the table, only to have the topic of conversation switch to alcohol. She probably would've taken Everet up on that offer, had things not immediately gone south.

In the time it took for her new friend to gasp, Sera had already spun on her heels. Her eyes narrowed at the scene, and at what the Duelists were saying. Here's a few things that pissed her off about the entire situation. She hated it when she was underestimated. She was far from using every ounce of her power while fighting the stone statues, and the same probably went for others in her new "team." And another thing: Loyalty. To even pretend to have loyalty to someone was like breaking an oath, in her eyes. And, even if she hated the terms of certain oaths, both her human and dragon sides absolutely forbade her from breaking them.

So, in short, Sera really didn't like what was going down here. Although, after a warmup like the statues, she was itching for another fight to occur. It was a bit of a shame that she didn't bring her swords.

The smile from before returned, only a bit colder than previously. Withdrawing the dagger from her sleeve, the redhead stepped forward. "Ey, Everet. Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to crack some eggs here."


He had been late for the start of the banquet, and had barely registered anything during the time of the banquet, much less that moment. Robin was probably the most unprepared for the scene that occurred right then, the Queen only a heap on the floor with the Duelists...well, running their mouth, angering a nearby female.

Worry and mild panic had made a nest within the confines of his ribs, olive green eyes wide in shock as he would stare, listening and watching with disbelief etched into his features. This felt unreal, and totally set up; perhaps a test?


Robin stepped forward, a hand raised to chest-level slightly. "H-hey.." he forced out after deciding that he could, indeed, speak, brows beginning to furrow.


Even through all the commotion, Everet could hear the red-head. She grinned, despite the dire situation in front of them. "Oi, I would very much like to crack some eggs, Sera! Let's show these wannabes what real heroes are made of!" The duelists looked to be in a pinch, with a blade pressed against the Queen's neck, to make matters worse. Things didn't look too great. Righto...what to do. What to do. Everet thought, her eyebrows furrowing in worry. There was no time to waste. "Sera, I have a plan- kind of." It's probably a long shot. "Distract everyone for a moment. Most importantly, the big baddie next to the Queen. If we die...I'll buy you drinks in heaven!" She whispered this, uncertainty heavy in her accent.


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She was probably the best and worst person for the job. Grabbing a poor, random boy to help her--whether he wanted to or not-- she followed through with a bullshitted plan.

Sera hopped onto one of the tables, dragging her hostage along with her. Turning toward him for a moment, she grinned. "Just aim for the main baddie and follow my lead, aight?" She muttered. Grabbing a plate covered in various fruits, the girl picked an apple from the pile. It was a stupid plan, but Everet did say to get everyone's attention. So, without much hesitation, she tossed the piece of food at the Advisor; aiming for his head. "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" She shrieked.

Over and over again, Sera tossed fruit at the man; calling out each and every piece that she used as ammo. "LONG LIVE PEARS. LONG LIVE GRAPES. LONG LIVE..um... PEACHES. LONG LIVE ANYTHING THAT ISN'T YOUR SORRY ASS!" It wasn't long until the girl had to stock up on some more food, so she had to grab yet another plate of the stuff. Well, after she threw the previous platter at the Advisor too.

(No regrets. None)

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Was he crazy if he said this sort of situation reminded him of home? Not the whole...Queen in peril part, but the food fight?

Looking around frantically, Robin hustled across the table, stepping over food, drinks, and possibly fainted banquet patrons. "'Scuse me," he apologized as he went along, so much sincerity in his voice that it was laughable, "Sorry, coming through, make way, I'm so sorry-" He almost stepped on a man and his fallen hair piece.

Which part he was sorry about, the world may never know.

But his target awaited him near the end of the table. The blonde swooped down to grab it, then followed Sera's lead exactly;

"LONG LIVE THE CREAM," Robin shouted, flinging some kind of cream filled whatchamacallit at the main target.

Yes, he had gone through all that trouble just for something that could rhyme with Queen.


Hoki said:
Was he crazy if he said this sort of situation reminded him of home? Not the whole...Queen in peril part, but the food fight?
Looking around frantically, Robin hustled across the table, stepping over food, drinks, and possibly fainted banquet patrons. "'Scuse me," he apologized as he went along, so much sincerity in his voice that it was laughable, "Sorry, coming through, make way, I'm so sorry-" He almost stepped on a man and his fallen hair piece.

Which part he was sorry about, the world may never know.

But his target awaited him near the end of the table. The blonde swooped down to grab it, then followed Sera's lead exactly;

"LONG LIVE THE CREAM," Robin shouted, flinging some kind of cream filled whatchamacallit at the main target.

Yes, he had gone through all that trouble just for something that could rhyme with Queen.


Aisha stopped in her tracks as the cream flow past her face, hardly missing her, she took a step back. Turning her head to look at the table she sheathed the swords and scowled slightly puffing hair into her cheeks she shrugged off the thought that it nearly hit her and with a running jump got on the table to join them. Not really bothered if they needed her or not. She picked something up, anything and threw it.
(Lyra's POV: )

"Hey, don't laugh!" I told the human guy. The one that was not the rum guy. I turned away from him, pouting. Why wasn't anything going according to plan today? I got into a room, and as soon as I was gonna amke friends, the "test" began. Next, I had to be a wuss that couldn't even stand up for herself and needed the rum guy to defend her, and wasn't even able to follow what he told her to do. I had passed out. Passed out! In the middle of the fight! I couldn't help but growl in a low tone as I recalled that bit. The one I DIDN'T want to remember. The one I did want to remember, that, I couldn't. I couldn't remember what rum guy had told me during the fight that gave me courage. And now I was in the most embarassing outift imaginable with the two man staring at me despite I having told them not to (in the way that used to make my father look away), and on top of it all, one of them was laughing! After I had used my own father's words!

I stood and pouted harder, frowning too. Exactly. Daddy's words. I would have understood if they laughed just laughed at me. It would hardly be a change of pace, lately. But laughing at Daddy like that...I couldn't take it.

And so, I did the one thing I actually could: I walked away.

A white haired beast, that I had seen in the battle, ran past me. From the looks of it, he had just come from the banquet's hall. Wad the food THAT bad there?

My mouth widened in terror and surprise as I realized the reason was quite different, actually: one of the Queen's duelists had betrayed her.

With my resolve set to showing my worth for daddy's sake, I began summonning my stone dragons. It was the only ability I could use here, to avoid hurting anyone beyond the bad guy. Everyone was just staring at him, winning, terrorizing. Because he's bigger. No....because he WANTED to be bigger. Just like the dragon...that time...

I felt my heart skipping a beat. One of the forming dragons shattered, turning to dust. My hands were already shaking. I clenched my teeth. I had to focus. My stone dragons started forming faster, in larger numbers...Ten or so in total now. I had to do it, because everyone was just staring, helpless, at the enemy. Like the villagers back then.

Sudden noise called my attention. Somebody said something about the queen and suddenly I saw a spear and pitchforks getting thrown.

"No!" I screamed, raising a hand at girl. Throwing those pitchforks was only gonna make him angrier! The dragon was gonna eat her, the villager...wait...no...It was just a guest,one of us from the test, throwing fruit not pitchforks...just fruit. Just...fruit.

I grabbed my own chest, breathing heavily as I leaned against the wall. Just fruit, no pitchforks. Just guests, not villagers. Just a bad and treacherous guy, not a grave dragon. Even my dragons were dust again, since my attention had been averted by the people throwing fruits.

"People throwing fruits. No..." I repeated with a sigh. Suddenly, I heard a really loud sound, a house crumbling to pieces!

"DADDDY!" I called put, sitting dwon and closingoaing my eyes and covering my ears, just in time to miss the flying shards of a plate that scattered nearby.


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(Jukkreknaxter's POV: )

I nodded as she proposed we headed, rubbing my belly.

"Well, I am kinda hungry..." I stood and grinned at her. "So, I guess I'll see you there...if you can keep up."

I bent and sprinted ahead without hearing the answer. I struggled against my urge to let my tong out as I felt the windy breeze of air hitting my face while I sprinted.

As expected, I arrived before her...panting. Still, the scent of food was irresistable. And this time, I wouldn't have to steal it! How convinient was that?

I nearly leaped onto the trays, holding my self back just enough to not actually climb on of of any. The other guests that were already there (well, some). I wasn't sure if they looked so disgusted by the fact I wasn't properly dressed or by the fact I was grabbing full plates of meat and other juicy meals with my bare hands, while stuffing myself, making my mouth appear as a squirl's. Or maybe it was due to fact I was a beast. a beast from outside their precious cities.

I couldn't have predicted what happened next. In fact, even after it happened, I was still half-guessing it was sone kind of act to spice up the mood here. The fruit throwing kinda contributed to it, as I started laughing, rolling on the ground...Until I saw the girl's stone dragons forming. I stood, understanding at last the fruit was merely distractions.

Now, the thought of harming the queen, I wouldn't let it pass. NoT for real. She still hadn't pet...Wait, no, I couldn't let it happen because it wasn't fair.

I clenched my teeth and pulled out my slingshot as I sneaked around the guy. He was likely looking at the flying fruit now, so he wouldn't see my shot. It wasn't harmful, but if I landed it near his eyes, anywhere near his eyes, the small explosion of gue should blond and him hin enough for the queen to escape. I aimed, the substance forming a sphere as I did. Then, I fired, and hoped it'd hit. Just in case it didn't, I sprinted off, and exited the room, heading to mine. I might neeed a new weapon




The Grand Royal Ballroom

Well things certainly became confusing. The Advisor himself wasn't sure what was happening so he just began cutting down the objects being thrown at him with relative ease. This was target practice for him. Eventually... "This is becoming tiring," the Advisor said, annoyed. "Cut the Duelists down," he commanded. Suddenly everyone snapped back into action. "With pleasure," Sercus said with a smirk. He took control of the chandelier and forced to fall on the girl that called out to him. It'd teach her to keep her mouth shut. Clarise suddenly moved to attack Sercus but was stopped short. Slowly, she looked down. "Clarise!" Sharra yelled, wide-eyed. A blue blade, held by a third arm had sprouted out from Polorus' chest. That was the demon inside him. Polorus didn't even have to move. Blood trickled down her body and Clarise fell to her knees. Pressa was the first to react, lunging straight for the Advisor. The Advisor turned and parried her strike. Pressa used the deflected momentum to dash to the side and sidestep the Advisor's counter. Sharra finally snapped from her stupor and gripped her broadsword. "You!" She yelled as she charged Sercus. Suddenly, the area was covered in black feathers. Sirius swiftly teleported to Sharra and hacked her calf. Sharra fell. Out of anger, Sharra focused her energy into her sword which then held a golden aura. Suddenly she struck the ground causing the floor to shake and an invisible explosion to launch Sirius strict into a pillar. "Gah!" Sirius cried out on impact. Pressa and the Advisor were still dueling but while Pressa was giving the fight everything she had, the Advisor hadn't taken a single step and held a graceful posture, holding one hand behind his back, silently parrying and countering Pressa's every move.​
With everyone's valued support, Everet nearly became distracted during the distraction. She couldn't help but to giggle uncontrollably, eager to join in on the food fight but also eager to not die. With a thumbs up directed at Sera, Everet finally relaxed. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. The duelists were too preoccupied dancing about, slashing and hacking at their enemies- the Queen just idle. It was the Queen the baddie wanted most of all, right? Everet focused her mind on a particular creature, something, anything, that looked fierce and ready for battle. Cerberus. No. That seems a bit too flashy. Killer bunny. No. That seems a bit too evil and cute. Ah~

In a couple moments, the transformation began. A big green giant. A shield behind its back, pointy teeth with pointy ears, and a face grotesque enough to scare a child. Yay! Nevertheless, Everet made quick work while everyone was distracted, darting forward and picking up the Queen-- bridal style, and running away to a somewhat safer area. Actually, she had no idea where safe was. Maybe a room? The garden? Who could cure her, and how? Somehow, she'd ended up hiding behind Sera, still holding the Queen ever so casually. Like they were merely taking a walk in the park. "So, uh, what do we do with the Queen?" Grunted the ogre. Really, she'd be open to any ideas from someone.






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Flinging a serving plate of peas, Robin's attention snapped over to the-- Ogre? What? Either way, he was back to jogging across the table and over to Everet.

With any luck, he would, hopefully, not look completely stupid/useless.

"He had a sword, right?" the blonde asked, looking at the Queen in the beast's hold, "Is there any blood? Open wounds?" Waiting for an answer, the hybrid was looking for himself but didn't want to touch the body; not in fear of cooties, but more so that he wasn't by any means permitted to lay a finger on her.

Him and his damned technicalities...

@TheWingedCrusader @EveryoneElse

In the end, he ended up following the kid. Partly because he felt bad for laughing, to which she seemed really upset about, and partly because she was heading toward his destination. Trying to think of something to say, Daren followed with his hands shoved into his pockets. It wasn't long until they reached the ballroom; but by then all hell had broken loose and had thrown a party. Food was being thrown, fights were breaking out. And, in the middle of it all was the Queen herself; supposedly unconscious.

Unsure of what to do, the boy pulled out his silver stick. It didn't take much energy to turn it into a spear, and for him to prepare to jump into whatever fight was occurring. Although he had wasted a good portion of energy on the previous fight, at the very least he could still defend. Now would probably be the case where he would actually have to go along with the whole "teamwork" portion of the Queen's plan; and possibly help someone else take down one of the enemies instead of him taking it on himself.

He was ready to hop into the action and start kicking some butt, but something else caught his attention. Lyra seemed to be having a panic attack or something; and was definitely scaring him in doing so. Putting up one of the weaker defensive spells that he knew of, Daren turned most of his attention toward her; but made sure to at least be wary of where everyone else in the room was.

Kneeling beside her, the brunette placed a gentle hand on her shoulder; hoping to shock her back into reality or something. "Hey, deep breaths, okay?" He had skipped the whole 'are you okay?' bit, as she obviously wasn't. "Focus on my voice and just take your time."







The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor noticed the Queen had just been taken. He grew impatient then. Suddenly an adhesive glue was fired at him, the Advisor did a limbo, keeping his feet on the same spot they have the entire fight but narrowly dodging the adhesive glue. Pressa lunged again, taking advantage of the distraction and going at the Advisor in an angle he was vulnerable at. Realizing this, he turned, took a step and narrowly dodged Pressa's blade. He slit her cheek, ever so slightly. No deeper than a paper cut. Pressa stopped. Her blood wasn't red, it was black. Realizing with horror what the Advisor's magic now was. "Where did you learn Death Magic?!" Sharra roared in rage, struggling to her feet before Serous knocked her down. Pressa's veins were now turning black and she was shaking uncontrollably, her eyes rolling up into her skull and she gripped her throat as if gasping for air. The Advisor turned to Sharra. "It isn't perfect. Or absolute I should say. That cut is only deep enough to give her a coma for perhaps a week or so. Where I learned it is for me to know and for you to find out," he said, walking up to Sharra and kicking her face like it was a soccer ball, knocking her out. Two Duelists were injured to the point of immobility, and one lay bleeding out, soon to die if no one helped her. Clarise lay in a pool of her own blood, barely moving. Now the Advisor, Sirius, Sercus, and Polo us turned to the remaining fighters. "Get me the Queen," he said. "With pleasure," the others said in unison.


Salician Duelist Ranking:

8th- Clarise- ELIMINATED

7th- Sharra- ELIMINATED

6th- Sercus

5th- Polorus

4th- Pressa- ELIMINATED

3rd- Sirius

2nd- The Advisor

1st- Queen Mariavé- ELIMINATED

Happy Dueling! :D )​
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The ogre nodded at the blonde boy, a grunt escaping her lips as she spoke; "The Queen wouldn't go down so easily, it's likely they'd been planning this moment for a while." The Queen herself weighed heavy in the ogre's arms. Everet would imagine her to be lighter, even with the brute strength of the beast she'd transformed into. Upon closer inspection, she felt the spot of blood centered around the Queen's back, where the poison had entered. "Yep. She's probably going to die if we don't do something quick." Everet nodded, as if just realizing this very crucial detail. Considering Sera's idea, Everet looked around hesitantly. Most of the duelists were wiped out. If she ran around aimlessly with the Queen, she'd become a huge target. Probably be the first to die. Probably. And where exactly are the servant quarters? It wasn't as if upon being summoned to the castle they'd received a map-- it would've been nice, having a layout of each nook and cranny.

Everet considered asking a nearby guard, whom to her dismay looked hesitant upon conveying any information whatsoever. It wasn't as if it looked suspicious that a giant beast was holding the Queen or anything, right? She had only pure intentions. The guard was a fidgety mess, fear riddled his eyes as all the events unleashed into a chaotic mess. "Snap out of it!" She yelled, but the ogre's voice was anything but feminine. Frightening, to say the least. "Now, unless you're keen on the idea of your Queen dying in my arms, I suggest you tell me where I can find the safest area to hide the Queen-- your Queen." She snapped, waiting for a response.


Brow furrowing, Robin held his hands out, palms directed toward the Queen. "Wait," he muttered, "Give me a second..."

His eyes focused intently on her body, and soon scattered, glowing particles of white with a blue glow rose up from the Queen, appearing to stream from the center of her back. The same glow had soon appeared Everet-Ogre's hands that had come into contact with the trickling crimson, as well as from a splotch on the polished floors where it had spilt. Moving as sort of one unit, the white drifted over to the Queen, gathering at her back.

Mother, cleanse her blood and save her...

His hands retracted, fingers curled slightly with anxious nerves. There was no more blood, no more wound, and healthy, living color had returned to the Queen's face. "That... That should do it.." Robin gave a slightly tired smiled up at Everet, head cocked to the side. "She'll wake up soon enough."

He cast a glance back, towards the growing tension of battle. Robin's hands lowered, one drifting to the sword he had brought to the banquet initially for show. God was he glad he had... "Now would be a good time to make a break for safety, huh.."

@TheWingedCrusader @Everyone

Her eyes widened slightly at Robin. Don't get her wrong, what he had done was incredibly amazing. But, that's the thing: it was freaking dazzling and it was more than impressive. While the Queen had looked to be maybe a third of a way toward death, she now appeared to be perfectly healthy. Well, unconsciousness was still a thing that was happening; but the male had assured that she would awaken soon, so that was one problem out of the way. It was an extremely random thought, but the redhead was glad to have picked this guy to be her partner in crime for the food fight.

But, while they were having their own little party in the background, a battle was still taking place. While protecting the Queen was a very important task, without Sera there were still two more warriors; assuming that Everet and Robin chose to stick with the job. So, with selfish thoughts included in determining her next course of action, she decided to stay in the ballroom and fight. At the very least, she planned to take down one of the former Duelists.

Holding her dagger firmly in one hand, the girl took a step toward the crowd of opponents. Her eyes locked onto one, Polorus, and stayed there for a moments before she turned her attention back to her two allies. Lowering her voice to a volume that only they could hear, she became deathly serious for a moment. "Try one of the rooms; I think I saw a small door that the servants use to quickly get to guests." And the brainpower returned. Given, that little bit was just a guess, but at the very least they would be away from the main fight. "Once you get outside, go for the stables. Get a cart or something, and get outside of the city. Don't stray too far, but stay out of sight until its safe."

Whether they listened to Sera or not was completely up to them. As long as the duo succeeded in one way or another, she didn't really care what methods were used.

She flashed her new friends a quick, cocky smile before disappearing. Darting towards her chosen target, the usual excited grin managed to snake it's way onto her expression.

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Her eyes darkened to the colour of almost black and she moved with a swiftness most would be envious of. Wheedling two blades she span them, the Advisor her new target. Keeping her distance he crouched growling quietly, it was a low cracking sound. She began to spin the blades listening to the whoosh of air they created.

She arched her back, almost fully bent over and ran at him full force only to jump, land on her back and slide through his legs. Rolling onto her stomach she swung the force of her body around and took his legs from under him.

Everet watched the Queen being healed by the little blonde boy, amusement dancing in her grotesque features. The light was so pretty and enchanting. The ogre smiled, revealing rotting teeth and probably bad breath. Okay. I probably shouldn't smile anymore. She was about to give the healer a pat on the head, but realized in doing so, the Queen would fall. Soon, she'd awaken, and hopefully with a new tactic up her sleeve. For now, though, she would be taking Sera's advice, and the blonde boys'. She had to flee. Now. With yet another nod, Everet whispered a rough "good luck, don't die" to Sera, and fled the premises. Upon leaving, she could've swore she smelled...dog. A familiar dog. He probably wouldn't recognize her in her current...form. Either way, she wondered at the back of her mind what he was up to. Probably sniffing his-- okay, I really need to focus. Looking down at the subconscious Queen's face, Everet felt the bravado wash over her. Perhaps it was false bravado, but she had to be confident in her abilities.

She passed a couple of corridors, noting how the paintings adoring the walls only grew stranger. In the smallest corner up ahead, was a door. She opened it, making sure to close it behind her, and began walking down the descending staircase. The guard said taking this route was safer, and would lead her quicker to the servant's quarters and a direct backway to the outside. It was a dark, narrow room, dimly lit by torches hanging along the walls. It was almost hard to breathe, but Everet couldn't complain. She was so close.



(I would like to participate in el dueling c;

Although I guess Everet's opponent would be whoever decides to follow her? Either way, I'm fine with the role she's in now, in case there isn't any duelists left to fight :3

(Jukkreknaxter`s POV: )

I kept searching my stuff, looking for anything I could use in that battle. I did not expect close scale battles, unfortunately: Most of my weapons were either aimed at small-scale utility or at large-scale fighting. Some of them were good for protection, but I wasn`t sure if being able to block attacks would do us any good. After all, I had no idea what kind of powers those people had. What was the important here? Get the bone or do away with the enemy so they can`t take any other? But could I really take the bone at all? It would be too difficult on my own... I`d likely be deemed a murderer if I didn`t though, and that would be trouble while I was standing in the middle of the palace...

I sighed. My knifes would have to do as offense. I picked up a razorgrass boar tuskax (or just tuxax, as I called it) just to be safe, and my two giant turtle shields. They were a bit fragile, since it`d be impossible for anyone who wasn`t a god to carry a shield made from an adult giant turtle (even young adults reassembled large islands), and turned. I heard steps and sniffed someone. Should I follow? The scent was lightly familiar, but at the same time a little odd. The girl was a shapeshifter right? She might smell differently...But did I really have time to chase her?

I walked out of my room. I knew the trail of her scent now, but she was gone. If I chased her, the queen might be dead when I got back. I needed to hurry. Take that bone.

I ran down the hall, carrying the new weapons I had and hoping whatever had happened while I was gone hadn`t shifted my needs too much. Normally, I would be outside, carrying my huge stack of weapons, picking as I liked even mid battle. But this time, I couldn´t quite do it, we were in a closed space.

I finally reached the room and opened the doors.

(Open for fighting anyone... will probably need help in the actual fighting, though)


(Lyra`s POV: )

Someone kneeled next to her and spoke. That voice...

"Dadd..." I began, before opening her eyes and realizing she was wrong. I felt the salty pressure on the tips of I eyes as the tears rolled down. I smiled just for a second and begun taking deep breaths, as I was asked to, nodding. After a couple minutes, among which the queen seemed to be rescued, but the duelists were dropping like flies. Only the bad ones remained. I stood, faltering for a second and almost falling, but managing to actually get myself up.

"I`m ready...I think." I turned to the human next to me, giving puppy eyes. "Please, I don´t want to go through that again. So..."

I blushed.

"Please help me. If I get scared." I begged, and turned away from him, taking one last deep breath, before starting my actual work. I raised my hands and focused on the ground. The dragons began to form, and I glanced around, seeing the other guests (many which didn`t seem like capable fightrs at all, although some of us actually were), I realized something. "We`re gonna need someone evacuating."

The dragons woke from the earth and rose. There were about seven of them, as many as I could manage, as I was still not entirely recovered from the shock. It was hard to look at the guy in the middle, the one that had taken the queen before she got herself rescued. I kept thinking back at the dragon. At the dragon that killed as he pleased, as that guy did.

I wanted to stop him.


(same with Lyra)



The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor set his sights on the girl that seemed to step forward to challenge him. His white, simple mask revealed no emotions and he silently awaited for the girl's move. Suddenly, she dashed straight for him. Then she swiftly leaped into the air and the Advisor watched her, aware of her movements. When she slide under him, the Advisor was rapidly placed in a situation where he was now off balance and likely to fall. Reactively, the Advisor placed his blade under him and balanced on its very tip. The Advisor used the momentum to backflip and land on his feet again. "Quick girl," he said, calmly. "What else do you have for me?" (@JustCallMeAimee)

Polorus caught Sera's eye. He instinctively accepted the challenge. "You wish to duel me," he said, a bored expression on his face. "So be it, but do not blame me for your demise," he said, his voice now fused with a second one. Certainly that meant the demon inside him was now ready to fight as well. A blue outline, or what looked like a second torso would occasionally appear for no longer than half a second, showing that the demon was raring to fight, but was still tethered to Polorus' body. He unsheathed his blade and pointed it to Sera. "Give me your best." (@Aridis)

Sirius watched Everette flee the scene with the Queen. After having healed her of the poison, they were now in a much shorter time limit. Not good. "Where do you think you're going," Sirius muttered, a rush of black feathers surrounding him. Suddenly, Sirius was gone, chasing Everette and the Queen at a rapid. He knew just as much about the castle as the guards did and had no trouble trailing her. (@kokochii)

Sercus noticed everyone was beginning to settle into the heat of things. Now that Sirius was off chasing the Queen, he could formalize business here. Sercus raised his hands, palms facing the floor. Suddenly all the doors and exits to the ballroom slammed shut. A few champions, so to speak, remained. "You there! Dog!" Sercus called to him, jumping onto a long dining table and walking down it's face, kicking aside plates of food and elegant candles still lit. "Don't you look like you've got plenty of fun toys of your own," he said, mockingly, a light chuckle escaping his lips. Sercus' blade was held loosely in his hand as he stared down Jukk (@Idea nickname for you xD Lyra is free to help in any of the other fights)​
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TheWingedCrusader said:

The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor set his sights on the girl that seemed to step forward to challenge him. His white, simple mask revealed no emotions and he silently awaited for the girl's move. Suddenly, she dashed straight for him. Then she swiftly leaped into the air and the Advisor watched her, aware of her movements. When she slide under him, the Advisor was rapidly placed in a situation where he was now off balance and likely to fall. Reactively, the Advisor placed his blade under him and balanced on its very tip. The Advisor used the momentum to backflip and land on his feet again. "Quick girl," he said, calmly. "What else do you have for me?" (@JustCallMeAimee)

Polorus caught Sera's eye. He instinctively accepted the challenge. "You wish to duel me," he said, a bored expression on his face. "So be it, but do not blame me for your demise," he said, his voice now fused with a second one. Certainly that meant the demon inside him was now ready to fight as well. A blue outline, or what looked like a second torso would occasionally appear for no longer than half a second, showing that the demon was raring to fight, but was still tethered to Polorus' body. He unsheathed his blade and pointed it to Sera. "Give me your best." (@Aridis)

Sirius watched Everette flee the scene with the Queen. After having healed her of the poison, they were now in a much shorter time limit. Not good. "Where do you think you're going," Sirius muttered, a rush of black feathers surrounding him. Suddenly, Sirius was gone, chasing Everette and the Queen at a rapid. He knew just as much about the castle as the guards did and had no trouble trailing her. (@kokochii)

Sercus noticed everyone was beginning to settle into the heat of things. Now that Sirius was off chasing the Queen, he could formalize business here. Sercus raised his hands, palms facing the floor. Suddenly all the doors and exits to the ballroom slammed shut. A few champions, so to speak, remained. "You there! Angel boy!" Sercus called to him, jumping onto a long dining table and walking down it's face, kicking aside plates of food and elegant candles still lit. "Don't you look like you've got plenty of fun toys of your own," he said, mockingly, a light chuckle escaping his lips. Sercus' blade was held loosely in his hand as he stared down Jukk (@Idea nickname for you xD Lura is free to help in any of the other fights)​
Her eyes where dark as she straightened from her crouch, swinging the twin blades she made a gruntled noise in the back of her throat and a approached him circling the man before her with long strides.

The blades knocked against each other making a deafening scrape along their silvery metal, she moved forwards again.

The Grand Royal Ballroom


The Advisor continued studying her every move, wary of her blades. When she stepped forward again, the Advisor dashed and lunged at her. "Hyaa!" He cried out, moving with blinding speed. Even the slightest scratch was lethal, as Pressa's defeat gave example of. The Advisor fought much like a fencer. He currently had an upright posture and a hand behind his back. His white mask stared blankly at her, his eyes lost in the darkness behind it. A slim smile was permanently etched onto it, eternally tormenting his opponent. The bland emotionless expression in his mask only relayed one message. 'Here you die'​


He was a bit surprised by her reaction, sure. But, overall, Daren was just happy that she had snapped out of it. There were several times where he had considered jumping into the fight during the time that the girl was recovering, but had decided that things weren't quite helpless enough that such an action was needed. A blonde boy seemed to have healed the Queen, and the Shifter from their previous fight was taking her somewhere safer; hopefully. So, until his presence was no longer needed by Lyra, the brunette just decided to stick around her.

Smiling a bit at the other's request, he nodded. "I've got your back, don't worry about a thing." As she turned her attention to creating a bunch of epic little dragons, he turned his towards defense. He worried a little less about Lyra, and a little more about where to put his remaining energy. Daren decided to weaken his defensive spell a little bit, and to save his remaining magic for when attacks actually started coming their way.


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