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Fantasy The Darkened Skies

The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor remained silent, although he knew he slipped up. The flames consumed him. The Sdvisor fell to the floor, clawing himself from the sheer agony. His mask melted, his clothed burned, and his skin burned away. Suddenly the Angelus blade from Robin came down on the Advisor, driving itself into his skull and cutting his head in half, vertically. The Advisor fell to his knees, the flames still burning his body. Black blood fell like a river onto the floor. It wasn't long before the flames died out, considering the light consuming air suffocated the flames and smothered them out. All that was left was a corpse... That... Now held a ghostly aura. Laughing emerged from the supposed dead Advisor. He stood up, his burned body and chopped face laughing maniacally. Flesh began to reform, attaching the two halves of the Advisor's face back together, and healing the burns. "You know what the best part about knowing Death Magic? Borrowing," he said. The new skin, and the new head was not the Advisor's head and skin. The Advisor got a transplant from the next life. He used Sercus' body to regenerate his own. Not only that, but he still has Polorus' body to use as well. The only thing that wasn't replaceable was the mask, which was now deformed, melted, cracked, and even showed hints that there was a human face behind that mask. Suddenly, the Advisor spun, swinging his rapidly. A wave of black energy similar to the blast that hit Robin, shot out like a sweeping tidal wave. If the others didn't jump over it fast enough, it would prove fatal.​
There was no way for him to successfully avoid the wave of darkness that swept out across the floor. Panic nestling in Robin's chest, his only thought came rushing into his skull at a blinding rate;


The Angelus glowed brilliantly for a moment, Robin still positioned above the Advisor from his jump. Unfortunately for the blond, the glow died instantly and the sword could no longer retain any power. The only defense he managed to pull up in that small itty bitty window wasn't very strong nor was it sturdy, withstanding the tidal wave for a short moment - long enough to spare him from the more drastic effects - before shattering, the force throwing him back and away from the reassembled Advisor.


He had no idea how to respond to this. Apparently the trance was much stronger than before, and she was now mistaking him for someone completely different. The boy had no idea whether he should go along with it, or break the news to Lyra in hopes that she'd snap out of it. Both luckily and unluckily, there wasn't exactly time for him to fully follow through with either. Apparently the Advisor had a few other tricks up his sleeve; which definitely wasn't good for anyone else in the room.

Without much thought behind his actions, Daren grabbed the girl's arm; and did his best to get them both out of the way of the wave. Unfortunately, the only real way was up, and picking Lyra up would only add to his weight, so he couldn't exactly jump very high; even with a spell.

He had a small plan, but had to delay it a bit because of the body that more or less shot toward them. He didn't exactly know the blond's name, but he had been fighting the Advisor earlier, so it wasn't like they were on opposite sides of the fight. There was an extremely narrow field of opportunity for him to accomplish two things at once; but somehow he managed. Standing in front of Lyra, the brunet began a small incantation that would strengthen his magical shield, and cause it to create a small dome around them. However, he timed it so that one more body would get to be protected as well.

Reaching forward, he managed to catch Robin before he hit the ground. And, just as he did so, Daren managed to put up the shield as well; muttering the last word a second before the wave of magic hit them.



Remember how she said that Polorus was the embodiment of her nightmares? Yeah, she took that back. This guy easily beat him by several landslides.

Sera's eyes widened slightly at the phenomenon that was taking place. She was conflicted between being extremely pissed off, frightened, and excited that she would get to fight the Advisor. Unfortunately for her, however, her only weapon was kind of gone. Not that it was the best blade to have in this situation, a dagger was better than being barehanded. Unless someone was kind enough to hand her a weapon, then she'd have to rely on Jukk. Which, hardly any offense to him, didn't seem like the brightest idea; due to the fact that any scales that she did manage to produce would be freaking tiny. Strong, but tiny.

That being said, it was all she could do for the time being to avoid any oncoming attacks. Which, at this time, meant jumping stupid high in the air in order to avoid the wave of energy. With the extra strength that she had acquired from her dragon, doing so was a rather simple feat.

@TheWingedCrusader @Idea (mentioned)
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The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor watched to see who he could target, and who was vulnerable. That was when he set his sights on three of the fighters. Daren, Robin, and Lyra. A few dragons launched themselves at him and he artfully struck them down. They were beginning to become a nuisance and considering the two protecting her weren't exactly at their best, they would be easy to eliminate. The Advisor walked over to them, noticing the shield keeping him from getting to them. He lifted his sword and struck the barrier in the hopes of breaking it. He didn't utter a single word, he wanted more than anything to break the force field so he continued to strike the shield. "Hm?" Suddenly a blur of black feathers decked the Advisor, launching him into a stone column. The Advisor stood up, grabbing a sickeningly twisted neck and knocking it back into place, using Sercus' neck to repair his own. There stood Sirius, Everette dropped off behind them all to give her time to prepare herself. The Advisor dusted himself off. "Everyone listen! The Advisor absorbed two bodies. That means once Sercus' body is completely used up, he'll start using Polorus'. Decapitate him once, Sercus' head is used. A second time will mean Polorus' head is used up. A third time... Will mean he's gone for good," Sirius explained. The Advisor let out a low chuckle that sounded more like a growl. "This isn't like you Sirius. What happened to my loyal subject?" he said. "I am NOT a subject!" Sirius yelled, charging the Advisor at blinding speeds, black feathers rushing through the air. The Advisor raised his blade to block the strike. A loud clash of swords was heard as Sirius was knocked into the air. Another rush of black feathers and Sirius sped towards the Advisor a second time, this time knocking the Advisor back. Now they turned into an X-Duel. The two dashed back and forth, blocking and striking in seconds. Sirius was faster but the Advisor was better. "AARGH," the Advisor cried out as Sirius was able to slip a hit in, cutting the Advisor's side. It recovered quickly but Sirius kept at it. Two of the top three Duelists in all of Salicia were trading counters and parries. Except a single draw of blood from Sirius would spell doom if you take into account the Death magic. Another blow was deflected from the Advisor, knocking Sirius aside. "If we all attack him, we can stop him from taking more of us! This is our chance! We won't be able to beat him entirely but once the Queen awakens..." Sirius said. He didn't need to finish his sentence. He knew it'd be over if the Queen came and so did the Advisor. Hatred seared through Sirius' soul as the Advisor glared at him. Queen Mariavé's magic was a direct counter to the Advisor's. Divine magic. Until then, they needed to stall. If they couldn't kill him, they needed to stall.​
A sudden blur of colors, and whoosh, there she was. Smack in the middle of god knows what. She would probably never get used to Sirius' and his bloody teleportation...thing. It was worse than a hangover. Everet found herself rubbing her temple, attempting to alleviate the aching. When she finally looked around the scene, her eyes widened. Then she perked up, waving crazily at her friends whom were barely standing, and Sirius clashing with the Advisor-- or whatever was left of him. It was hard to keep up with their duel. She felt a sense of relief knowing Sirius was on their side, which definitely evened the odds. But just because the Advisor was outnumbered, didn't mean he should be taken lightly.

Sirius suggested they all attack. Personally, she probably couldn't deal much damage in her current state. Nevertheless, it was better than standing around and doing nothing. With a huff, Everet blew a piece of hair out of her eyes, readying her weapon. "You better not die," She whispered to herself, knowing he wouldn't hear a single word. "we've still got to have that drink together."


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(Lyra's POV: )

"Daddy!" I shouted, as the tall and muscular man took my arm and pulled me away. My eyes widened as I gazed upon the wave of black fire coming our way. I closed my eyes, trying to contain myself so I wouldn't alert the dragon or call it's attention by screaming.

It didn't seem to work, though, as once I opened my eyed again, I saw the dragon coming my way, daddy's way. Next to us both was a villager, which no doubt daddy was trying to protect.

"Daddy, no, don't go, he'll kill you!" I warned. The dragon seemed to be coming for US though. No escape possible...

Suddenly, another dragon showed up and attacked the first. Wait, that made no sense...There shouldn't be another dragon, that wasn't how I remembered it...Remembered it? It was a memory? How could a memory be happening in this very moment?

I blinked my eyes and saw the scene ahead. There were two duelists fighting one another, and one called for aid. The other, was striking an aura of fear, a fear which hadn't left me yet, nor the terror I felt...

The shame I beared...

The anger I grew...

The hate I was beggiging to harbor...

My hair flipped to the side as I grin, baring my fangs. I flapped my wings even as I spat out the intensifying acid which by little missed the forming dragons. With a reptilan eye on one advisor and a human eye on the other, I growled at both and readied my claws, before leaping onto scene to try and claw or bite the advisor.

Frankly he had no idea what happened. For a minute, all he had was a shattering pain and a sudden weightlessness - but the hilt of the Angelus, still in his grasp, was as clear as day - before being sent flying. With his head so senseless, there was no way in heaven or hell that the blond could've cushioned his fall or protected himself again from the wave.

So when something warm caught hold of him, and he felt the very rush of magic energy sealing around him....well, he thought it was some miracle. Wherever he was now - presumably still Daren's hold - Robin forced his olive eyes to open.

By some other stroke of chance, he heard Sirius' call and processed it, but oh how he wished he was bleeding. A flesh wound he could heal and maybe restore some energy with, not this Death Magic stuff.. Huffing as he attempted to regain his own stability, the blond forced a sort of apologetic smile for Daren. "S-sorry.." he croaked out, "But...good catch.."

@TheWingedCrusader @Idea

The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor dashed backwards to distance himself from the small dragon girl. He sidestepped the acid but was now gave a small window for Sirius and the others. Sirius knew exactly what to do. Hit him with everything he had. He hoped everyone else did the same. As far as he was concerned, Sera, Jukk, Lyra, and himself were the four most able-bodied fighters. The others not so much. Sirius charged. He gained so much speed he turned into a blur. Suddenly, black wings spread themselves. Sirius has transformed into an enormous raven. The Advisor moved his blade to block the attack but Sirius was way too fast. The Advisor barely put his thoughts to action before Sirius pierced the Advisor, flying straight through his body, leaving a hole in his stomach. Sirius turned back into a human, feathers fluttering all over the place, and stood, his back away from the Advisor who was now regenerating his flesh. Sercus' body was entirely used up. Sirius turned, out of breath. The Advisor turned to Sirius. "You wretched rat, I will erase you," he said, suddenly dashing towards Sirius. Sirius ducked from the Advisor's blade and landed a punch to the Advisor's stomach. The Advisor lurched back but returned the blow with a fist to the jaw. Sirius staggered back. Being this close to the Advisor's death magic was dangerous. Sirius dashed backwards but the Advisor continued after him, lunging and jabbing, but Sirius was still too fast to be caught. Suddenly, Sirius hit a wall. He wasn't expecting the wall to stop him and the Advisor took advantage of that. He grabbed Sirius by the head, and pulled him close, then slamming his face into the ground. "SHIT!" Sirius cried out, knowing he was in quite the situation. "Now you're mine," the Advisor said, moving to turn Sirius into dust. @everyone​
(Gaudus's POV: )

"Wait...Do you hear something, sister?" I inquired. there definrsly was a lot of noise coming from below. My entire armor was almost resonating to it, as if there was being some kind of coudquake. "I'll go investigate. Stay here."

Withth that said, I opened the room's doors and rushed out, opening my wings to go investigate.

Much to my dismay , though, I couldn't do anything. The doors had clearly been blocked with some kind of magic, one which I couldn't counter. In defeated, I left to go find another way in.

It seemed that was not necessary, though, as I happened to pass by it again after hearing the noise dramatically increasing.

What I found in there was terrifiying, some abomination of darkness, a soul corrupted to it's very core. Yet, it was powerful. As the crow fell, I jumped to the way, getting between them.

"Divide!" I shouted. All the crystals of my body begun to glow and shot rays of energy. All I'd need was one to hit the advisor (standing right in front of me) and a quarter of everything he had would be mine. Strength, speed, vitality, power...I only hoped I could handle the darkness I was also taking.


(Jukkreknaxter's POV: )

At first, the flames seemed to work, but we soon found that it wouldn't be the case: this guy was using his former allies as shells for his ghost or something. I grinned.

"Was that meant to spook us?" I inquired while I easily dodged the wave of magic by jumping upwards. We beasts had excellent bodies indeed. Others didn't seem to be so lucky, but they had their little magic to defend them.

To my surprise, another duelist joined the fray, on our side this time. I shouldn't have been surprised , considering what this "advisor" was doing...but I was still agape for a bit, until we were told to strike. I pulled out my daggers, sparked together, which set them on fire.

"It worked the first time... " I commented, before charging at the advisor.


"Lyra, hold on a seco-- God dammit..." He sighed. It had been a simple task to protect her before, seeing as though her dragons had been doing all of the fighting. But, now with the girl moving around, it would literally take all of his concentration to continue to shield her. Unless he personally enchanted some sort of item that she could keep on her person at all times, Daren would have to give up for now.

Which seriously bummed him out.

Glancing down at the body that he had decided to catch on a whim, the brunet flashed the other a reassuring little smile. "No problem. I'm an expert at this kind of thing." That was a complete lie and anyone who knew him could immediately recognize that. Daren was actually surprised that he had managed to pull it off, in all honesty. Adjusting the blond so he was more or less positioned in a standing position, he was careful to keep a firm hold on him just in case. "Can you support yourself alright?"

@TheWingedCrusader @everyone
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Before Everet could even take a step forward, the others, with their combined efforts, took the initiative. Things couldn't last much longer, could they? Surely, everything would come to a 'peaceful' end. There was no need to shift, at least not yet. Watching the duel before her, Everet dashed forward, a fiery look in her eyes. At this point, the Advisor was surrounded and had more than Sirius to worry about. Gripping her blade with sweaty palms, Everet aimed slightly below his neck, a couple inches away from Sera, just in case they end up clashing blades by accident.


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The Grand Royal Ballroom

The Advisor looked to see a flurry of bolts charging in every direction. He suddenly dashed back and began dancing between them to avoid getting hit. However, when Jukk charged, he lifted his blade to block his strike. The flames seared his hands and he was forced to step back, allowing his hands to recover. However, when moved to dodge yet another of Gaudus' bolts, he was suddenly decapitated by the other two. Falling to his knees the Advisor grew back a second head. He was breathing heavily and... His mask remained on the severed head, not the new one, revealing his face. He was pale, white as paper, and abnormally gaunt. He had high powerful cheekbones and sunken eyes, as if he hadn't slept for the last several days. The Advisor's eyes were smokey grey, like a stormcloud, and they glared frantically at everyone. He no longer had bodies of the dead to protect him as Polorus' body is now all used up. "If I can't defeat you as I am, I might as well die for my cause," he said. Suddenly, massive chains clung to the Advisor's wrists and ankles. He was lifted off the ground and suspended in midair. "I sacrifice my soul to Death!" The Advisor cried out, the room suddenly erupting in fury of howling wind. Sirius stood up. "Break the chains! If he succeeds and Death accepts, he'll take our souls with him!" Sirius yelled, his voice getting lost in the ghastly whirlwind. Suddenly, a roar shook the rooms and black energy shot up the chains. Sirius moved to strike the energy filled chain but when his sword struck it, an invisible for launched Sirius straight into a column, where he richocheted to the ground, unconscious and with a head wound. The black mist began to thicken, further suspending everyone into darkness. Suddenly, a blinding light pierced through the darkness. "What?" the Advisor said. "Stop this madness, Alexander. I brought you in in the hopes that you would not follow in the fooststeps of your master," Queen Mariavé said, her voice steadfast and strong. She walked forward, her posture upright and noble. It was no wonder she was the most powerful of all the Duelists. "The monsters murdered everything I've ever loved. I would have been a corpse had he not taken me under his wing. I owe him my life. And I WILL take vengeance for what those beasts did to my family," the Advisor said, his voice filled with hatred. "You are looking for revenge with your heart in the wrong place. You deceive yourself and place yourself in the shoes of the Advisor. The Advisor responsible for you family's murder," she said. The Advisor's eyes widened in shock. His eyes began to fill with tears. "It's too late. Death has accepted my soul," the Advisor said. The Queen shook her head. "No, not quite," she said. Suddenly, the Queen threw her blade that then pierced the Advisor's heart. Light poured out of the Advisor's eyes and mouth, the chains cracking. Then they shattered, the entire room illuminating and the black shroud expelled. The Advisor knelt. "I ought to kill you all," he muttered. Queen Mariavé grabbed the Advisor's battered, melted, and cracked mask, which lay in a pile of dust that used to be a severed head and put it on the Advisor's face. "Stand. Your master led you down the wrong path," she said. The Advisor stood. Guards came into the room and stood by the Advisor. "Take him into custody, I will determine his punishment later," she said. The guards began to grab Sirius as well and they began to drag him away. "He will be treated before I give him his punishment as well," the Queen said. She sighed. "My what a mess," she murmured. "It seems I was right in choosing you all to defeat the Advisor," Queen Mariavé said, with a smile. "You have proven your strength. Sending you in this journey will have a better chance of success than most of us thought." She looked around at the mess that was the Grand Royal Ballroom.​

It was over? Just like that?

Sera took a back. Not necessarily to put distance between her and just the queen, but between her and everyone else as well. She was still buzzing from adrenaline from the fight. The world still seemed to be spinning in ridiculously clear quality. However, the longer that she stood still, the more her exhaustion seemed to catch up with her.

The girl started to look a bit more human with every passing second; the dragon-like qualities that she had acquired over the course of her battle with Polorus began to disappear. Despite the fact that she managed to ignore it near the time that her focus had switched to the Advisor, that didn't necessarily mean that the gash on her arm had disappeared. In fact, without the energy rush, she was beginning to feel light-headed from the bloodless; and it didn't exactly help that Sera had neglected to wrap the wound or at least continue to put pressure on it.

Taking another small step back, the redhead rested her stolen sword against the wall. She reached up and pressed her hand against the cut in hopes that she could go back to slowing the flow of blood. And on top of this, she was breathing a bit hard as well. The magical toll from using power from her dragon's soul was a bit heavier than she had intended. Don't get her wrong, Sera was super excited that she got to be a part of a good fight. She was even stoked that they had managed to win in the end; and also a bit disappointed that the Queen had stolen the Advisor's official defeat from her. Because that didn't really help her already ginormous ego at all.

@TheWingedCrusader @everyone
(Lyra's POV: )

I could only see...Could I see? At all? Could that blurry cloud of darkening steam that crossed in front of me, showing me only the things I hated, the dragon I despised, be truly called "sight"?"

Yet, I could feel it. My claws were swinging and my wings were contracting against my ripped dress as I duck and jumped to the sides to avoid the beam that were misssing the advisor. I growled: was that angel even on our side? For some reason I felt and even greater hatred towards him than anyone else. Somehow I felt it: he was the reason why everything had been wrong.

As the beams stopped, I leaped ahead at the angel, trying to claw or bite his neck off. The armor dodged me and hit me in the stomach with his elbo. I stood and fell on all four's, coughing blood. I looked straight at him and growled, staring with both by reptilian and my still human eye.


(Jukkreknaxter's POV: )

I'd expected something horrible yhappen when the advisor prepared to tribute himself to this deity of his, but I appeared to be quite wrong: The advisor was quickly stopped by the queen who against what I would advise, didn't kill him.

I took a deep breath and allowed myself to relax. I wanted a little praising, though I knew I didn't douch. I also kinda needed ut to avoid bursting at the dragon girl for inquiring what I needed and then leaving me not just empty-handed, but also without an answer on the matter.

I followed a familiar scent to the shapeshifter girl (for some trails are harder to put off than one would think) and grinned while giving her a thumbs up.

"Great job! We got him good, huh?" I told her "Did you get a personal opponent too?"



All Hell was about to break loose, until just the opposite happened. A sudden light appeared, taking shape of the Queen herself. It was then that the Advisor was taken away, along with Sirius. Everet found herself looking at the Queen, wondering what she'd do next. Would she kill them? Unable to feel relief, she looked around the battle field like dance floor. Perhaps she didn't feel relief because there was still a larger threat out there. Or maybe because she was too tired to decipher was she was even thinking.

With a tired smile, she offered doggy a lazy thumbs up back. "Aha....yeah, something like that..." Honestly, what she needed right now was sleep. And food. But mostly food. Having absolutely no clue on how to approach royalty, Everet walked over to the Queen, nervously playing with the hem of her dress. "Um, hello....so...what happens now?" She asked, referring to...everything. Their next objective, mostly.



The Castle of Heaven, Salicia

Several days have passed and Queen Mariavé quickly brought order back to the city. The Advisor, Alexander, was removed from his position and stripped of his title as a Duelist. However, Alexander was pardoned and wasn't sent to serve a sentence. Sirius was also taken from his position as one of the six Royal Duelists but not of his title. In fact, Sirius was given an opportunity to redeem himself by joining the other champions of the Queen on their missions across the continent. The other Duelists were still being nursed from their injuries. In fact, the Queen had called for everyone to a meeting at the castle. She has received a request from the city-state of Zeial. She was prepared to send them to their first mission to see how they fair with traveling as a group.​

Daren, compared to many of the other people, actually had it pretty good. Aside from just plain exhaustion from overexerting himself with the magic, he was actually perfectly healthy. No injuries or any of the like had taken part, as he hadn't physically fought at any point in time during the drama with the Advisor. So, over the last couple of days, he had been mostly sleeping and exploring around the castle a little bit. His favorite place to hang out had become the library; and when it had first found it, his need for adventure had ceased almost completely. Books were more than enough to entertain him, and there were freaking hundreds in there.

He had also come to be friends with the blond guy that he had caught during the end of the fight, Robin. After that incident had ensued, the two had started hanging out with each other a bit. The blond seemed like a nice guy, so of course a couple of conversations here and there took place.

Still, it was a bit of a relief when the Queen had called for everyone. Even though lazing around was one of Daren's favorite pastimes, it was getting a bit unnerving to have to sit around for such an extended period of time. The brunet understood that many of the warriors had to heal, which was why he never really voiced his concern for it over the past couple of days.



On the other hand, Sera was not happy about the couple days of rest. Despite the fact that she had a bullcrap-nasty gash in her arm from the battle with Polorus, she saw almost no need to just sit around. The girl wanted to explore and train and just get up off of her sorry butt to do something. She hated the fact that she pretty much wasn't able to mess around with her weapons due to the injury, and found it to be a complete relief when the wound had healed up enough for her to actually be able to use it again. Given, any and all complaints of hers were almost nonexistent for the first day or so after the incident with the Advisor, due to her being so tired from the half-assed dragon transformation that she could barely move. But, when Sera was able to wake up enough to voice her complaints, they came almost non-stop.

So, you have no idea how happy she was when everyone was called in. The redhead all but skipped to the meeting, excited for a chance to finally do something.

@TheWingedCrusader @everyone
(Gaudu´s POV: )

The attack bounced back, and I felt the power rummaging through my body. I intended it to be consumed by my will, a spear obeying my hand. Instead, it was more like a worm digging into the ground, which can restrain it, but not stop it from twirling inside albeit in agony. My hands reached into my face, pushing. I dared not say a word or utter a sound, but I knew it, I knew it too well.

I fell to my knees, just as the queen arrived. Unfortunately, it was not out of respect. She dealt with our enemy, to which I felt more rested, but still disgusted. I saw the tiny girl, growling at me. Her eyes were full of hatred and I knew right away that whatever was taking over her, it had something against me. Perhaps even, my kind, as I had against them. I raised a hand to summon a spear for my defense, but the queen got to the girl first. Somehow, she was calmed and went to sleep.

I returned to my room, without a word, without talking to anyone. I wasn´t too shocked too find that my sister had left after our awkward meeting, and my worse departure. I just hoped I´d have another chance.

Unfortunately, it didn´t seem to happen. I didn´t see her again for the days to come.

(Lyra´s POV: )

The scent was overflowing, the light burning. I bared my fangs and readied my claws with another growl. However that angel was, I wanted him DEAD!

I put forward a hand, then another. My gaze wouldn´t flinch from the white glowing armor, the one I´d rip off like a hatchling´s scales. I was, in fact, so focused, that I failed to notice the queen herself approaching me. My eyes widened as she whispered those words in my ear, words I would prefer to never have known, and would strive to never forget. My gaze turned, my hatred faltered, sinking into it´s own carved pit inside me. My arms and legs no longer had the strength to keep me up, my eyelids were no longer capable of staying open. I fell to the side, passing out.

I woke up in the room from before. My own clothes had been put back in me, that I knew at first glance. I also knew that I was back to myself since, well, I hadn´t got claws and tail anymore. I wondered what happened, how long I´d been out cold.

I punched the bed.

"Twice in two days, huh?" I complained to myself, disappointed with my own performance.

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(Jukkreknaxter`s POV: )

I wished I liked it. But I didn´t. Now the in-threat was gone, opinions were divided. Some admired my courage, followed me out of it, always around to try to set their eyes on my example. Others thought of me as a criminal still, and chased me around to make sure I behaved. What they had in common was that they followed me, and didn´t leave as much as an hour alone...

I headed to the garden where I chatted with the shapeshifter and sat down, thinking about it. Wasted opportunities. They could so easily have been immended, but no...that guy had to and betray everyone, didn´t he? I sighed.

"Make up your minds. I´m fine with either: Peaceful life of pampering or heated battles. But not this half-assed crap."

He stood brightly as he made his way to the castle at the Queen's request, appearing as nothing short of royalty with his stride and attire; funny, really, how he actually came from the poorest of the poor and was just fortunate enough to have a good father. After the situation with the Advisor, Robin had been resting heavily, accidentally falling asleep that very day and staying asleep for two days - he was quite fortunate to have Daren around, actually, since it was thanks to the teen's nursing skills (aka yelling at the other to eat even if he is dead or something of the like) that Robin felt as good as he did.

The tears in his clothing had been repaired perfectly without any imperfections, and his eyes had their natural glow again, a small smile permanently on his lips. It was a beautiful day, and as much as he wanted to laze around or explore again, the Queen had called for them, so that took priority. After a while, actually, he saw a familiar individual and let his smile grow, hand resting on his sheathed sword and the other arm raising to wave. "Daren!" he called out.

@TheWingedCrusader )
The brunet had taken his usual position of just hanging out at the back of the room; refusing to budge from the wall until things actually began to start up. He had been so excited to finally be able to do something that he had rushed to the Main Hall immediately, not really thinking through the fact that he might have to wait for everyone else to arrive. So, in order to pass the time, Daren had begun flipping through his spell book; trying to memorize some of the incantations that he usually flubbed up on without it.

He wasn't dumb enough to actually say the spells out loud, so nothing exploded during his silent practice. However, he was a bit stuck in Latin-mode when his friend decided to call out his name. It was already difficult to switch back and forth between two languages while consciously thinking about each word. However, when taken by surprise, Daren had found that he usually just swore in whatever tongue he had been speaking in previously.

"Damnat Deus sus stercore!" Even after realizing that he was talking in a way that very few people could understand, the teenager still found himself struggling to switch back. "Sal-- Hey, Robin! What's up?" Nailed it.

Okay, he wasn't one for speaking Latin and was already too used to Daren speaking English that the sudden exclamation surprised him. Robin stared with wide eyes, trying to find some form of translation for what the brunet said. All he got was "God" and maybe "dammit"; other than that he was completely clueless. Was that "your" in there?

Oh good heavens what did the Mage say...

In the end, the blond tilted his head and plastered a warm smile into his face. "Um, hey there," he said, now standing before the other, "You okay?"

God, if Daren called him the equivalent of a damned nerd there was going to be a problem.


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