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Fantasy {๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–“๐–‹๐–Ž๐–Œ๐–š๐–—๐–†๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“: ๐•ธ๐–”๐–—๐–˜ ๐–๐–Ž๐–“๐–ˆ๐–Ž๐–™ ๐•บ๐–’๐–“๐–Ž๐–†} - [CLOSED]

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The life and times of an elite group of aristocratic vampires, set in a religious valley town with the vague threat of divine intervention. What could possibly go wrong?


ษ–ษ›สึ…ีผ ศถึ… ึ†ึ…สษ›, วŸีผษขษ›สŸ ศถึ… ึ…ศถษฆษ›ส€ึ†


"--Have you any idea the hour? What reason could you have for bursting into my chambers with that sorry look on your face?"

"..Look? I haven't got a look. What look?"

"That one, you dullard. Now out with it, before I toss you out the window myself."

"I just-- I saw her again. She was there, clear as day. Like you stand here now. I nearly touched her, and I--"

"Lord above, pace yourself old man. I can hardly follow you. Who are you talking about?"

"You know who."

"..give me strength.. Must we go over this again? These figments of your psyche are just that-- Figments. Fabrications. Dreams, you fool."

"You're not listening to me--"

"I've listened well enough. It's that time of year for you, is it not?"

"Perhaps it is, but I fail to see how that--"

"What is it you expect from me, out of curiosity? To read my bones and tea leaves, and divine you a solution to your guilty conscience?"

"Very amusing. That little pot-shot of yours felt satisfying, didn't it?"

"Most certainly. Get out."

"Not until you tell me what this means."

"It means you're a right bastard."

"..You're correct. It is that time of year. And unless you plan on finding me a shiny new toy to play with-- Someone delectable, like that Florence of yours, perhaps-- I might just have to play with you. But I have a lingering inkling you won't care for my games. I never lose, you see."

"..I'll give her a ring. I'm sure she's available for... one quick reading."


* * *



"If you don't believe, you'd better get superstitious."

* * *


Ajaxius Dygarian sat at the head of a long, intricately decorated dining table; Candelabras dotted it's center, with glittering cutlery and a magnificent chandelier watching him from above. At his side, sitting there in the mansions extravagant dining hall, his family-- Fellow vampire kin from their ever growing undead bloodlines. Each of them wore an elegant, eccentric garment; Designed by the Dygarian Princess herself, Emmulsia, undoubtedly. Coupled with elaborate masks of the masquerade variety, each one more unique than the last. They laughed together, clinking glasses and reveling in the sheer opulence of the night. On one wall, there played softly the sophisticated tune of a string quartet. Well dressed servants robotically maneuvered the marble floors with silver trays in hand, collecting empty glasses and replacing them with fresh ones. Others carried bowls of a thick, red soup, placing them down in front of those seated at the table. They remained unmasked; Mortal servants among a sea of fashionable arbiters of chaos.

It was snowing outside. Pillowy white gathered on the edges of tall, stained-glass windows. The nightly chill that came during this time of year swept through the Valley like a phantom, encapsulating everyone in it's cold grasp. But, inside, a roaring fireplace flickered behind Ajax. When he raised a glass to his lips, his eyes scanned the faces of those around him behind an ornate mask. Some his kin, some not. Some from their fellow clan in Europe, and some he realized weren't there at all. Unsurprisingly, one of his oldest friends, Adrian Sionis had denied himself this, the most exciting day of the year, yet again. How many times was that now? Ajax stopped keeping track sometime after one-hundred. The old man couldn't put aside their past grievances even for Ajax's birthday. A night where he and the rest of their kin do away with social norms and pleasantries-- Tonight was, of sorts, a sport night. The humans had their traditions, and so did the undead. Once a year did he allow them the chance to unwind in this way; Inviting only the most trusted and illustrious of their treaties to his home to binge and indulge. With any luck, the rest of the night would be filled with any manner of debauchery.

His eyes scanned the crowd again; At the right side of the table, closest to him, sat Winona Oriasus, her face clad in a simple white lace. Despite the rich, pleasant atmosphere, she was noticeably quiet, fingers thumbing the rim of a half-empty wine glass. Her eyes had been transfixed to the adjacent wall-- Specifically, an empty space there, large enough to hang a painting. But the wall was bare, nothing in it's place but a faint line of demarcation. During their long, arduous friendship, Winona had visited the mansion more times than she cared to count; Though try as she might, the piece that once hung there escaped her memory. Like many of those from an old world, Ajaxius had a fine taste for art, and when he followed her eyes to that wall, he couldn't help but grimace internally. She didn't seem to realize it, but the piece in question was of unknown origin; One he came across during his travels in his vampiric youth, the artist equally ambiguous. Though, in recent times, he found it's accusing stare to be... distressing, and had it taken down. His face-- What little of it remained visible behind his dark mask-- Remained stoic as ever, and he reached out to delicately place a hand on her shoulder. She came back to reality, like his touch alone sent electricity throughout her body, her head snapping up to meet his eyes. No words were shared between them, but Ajax offered his typical reassuring smile. Winona smiled back, and quickly turned her head to a masked individual at her side, immediately engaging in a conversation with them.

Ajax looked on again for one last time, and noticed an empty seat on the opposite side of the table, directly across from him at the other end. For a brief moment, he stared at it, as if he were envisioning someone in it's place. Someone familiar to him; A ghost of memories past, smiling at him from a time that not longer existed. He quickly shoved the image from his mind, and with that, he decided to stand from his chair. Almost instantly, noise at the table fell completely. The string quartet paused their tune, and all eyes were on Ajax. He commanded attention without needing to utter a single syllable; A sign of his status, surely. He raised his glass with one hand and slicked his dark hair back with the other, flashing them all a bright, charming grin.

"I can't begin to express how grateful I am to have you all in my home tonight." He began smoothly, a wave of sympathetic smiles taking over most at the table, "As many of you know, I like to kick off these nights with a small thank you; For being family. Our kind have faced many trials, but ties between The Configuration and our sister families across the globe have never been stronger. Together, we will build a future on the backbone of those that are not worthy of greatness-- Welcome to the family!"

"And welcome to the future!"
They all chimed back at him, raising their glasses and polishing them off with one large gulp.

Though, not everyone shared these sentiments; Winona, particularly scoffed to herself at the idea. Yes, it was no secret they were superior to that of the humans, but a man like Ajax at the top? His iron fist built an empire, large enough for the humans to take notice and welcome him into their society, but it was all a farce-- None of them knew what he truly was, and odds are they would never. Ajax always believed the humans to be senseless creatures, eager and willing to give up themselves at any given moment; "All they needed was a God in the flesh to worship," he'd always say. But him, a God? The notion was laughable. His knowledge of business was undeniable, but to call him a God implied a sense of divinity-- That he was meant for this role. That he deserved it. Any fool with a set of eyes could see the only thing Ajax would ever be worthy of was the grave.

And yet will all this power, he does nothing. Winona thought to herself, Nothing but indulge in the taboo purely for the sport of it. He says the humans crave a living God, but that sounds more his fantasy than theirs.

With his toast complete, Ajax gestures to the arched doorway leading back out in the mansions main foyer. Both he and his guests make their way across the marble excitedly, where waiting for them there was tonight's main event-- A large, padded platform, complete with rubber ropes and bright red boxing gloves hanging off of either side. Handfuls of guests squealed with delight, reaching into pockets and purses to pull out wads of cash, thrusting them into the open palms of designated servants. As if on cue, a masked figure appeared from some other room, and was muscled into the ring by one Daedric Liptin-- Both his bare chest and face left exposed, he wore nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and bandaging around his fists. The crowd cheered at his entry, and he threw up his hands with an enthusiastic laugh. Just off to the side of the ring, cheered Emmulsia Richter; Captivated by her prodigal son with morbid delight. Then, he turned and tore off the mask of the other figure with him, revealing them to be a nameless human man. Daedric, not known to be an unfair fighter, tossed the gloves to him, and motioned for him to put them on. The man looked around the room expectantly. As if he were hoping for one of them-- watching there in the crowd-- would come to his rescue.


Winona watched on with a scowl, arms crossed with displeasure. Daedric and his equally insufferable mother were always too eager to entertain the elders in this way. A needlessly grotesque gesture, packaged as.. what? A reward? A gift? Winona couldn't quite tell; There was a type of ambiguity to Ajax, as well as flamboyant flair he so loved to flaunt at any given moment. There was always significant difficulty discerning what was going inside his mind, but one thing was certain-- It was nothing good. Now, she would be lying to herself if she said she didn't enjoy a shred of carnage here and there-- As their kind tend to-- but Ajax had simple mindgames and cheap displays of vanity. She wanted a full-scale revolution. These party tricks were enough to sate the rest of them, but not her. But, she knew she was not strong enough on her own to enact such a plan. Ajax had centuries of experience over her, and as she watched him casually converse with guests, his cooler-than-ice persona captivating most anyone within his range, she knew of only one person capable of such feats; Who matched in his ambiance and strength...

The night wore on. Slowly, the air shifts; With every inching climb of the moon, the more they shed their shells of normalcy. The foyer guests had split apart into a handful of noticeable groups; Those fully enthralled with the sport and spectacle of the boxing ring, now bloodied by Daedric's unmatched fists. Servants making their rounds had begun to dispense alcohol, and the more rowdy among them had begun crawling into the ring to fight Daedric themselves. There were those wandering off in pairs to the upstairs parts of the mansion for pleasures untold, even those indulging in more.. illegal substances nearby, splayed across the velvet stairs with drooling mouths and rolled-back eyes. Winona vanished when the chaos began, off somewhere where she could hear herself think, most likely. Ajax, himself, watched all this from the upstairs balcony, a tall glass of red and a lit cigarette in hand. Despite countless bodies dancing, laughing, and bustling around him, he looked.. strangely disinterested. As if something was on his mind.

Below him in the foyer, a masked Johanna Manchester whipped her head around the full dancefloor and excited boxing area; Searching for someone, it seemed. She appeared visibly exasperated, though urgent in this nameless endeavor, as if she had miraculous news to share with whomever she searched for. Soon, she too slipped away somewhere in the crowd, never to be seen again. With all these damn rooms, there was no telling what was happening just a few feet away..​

welcome to our first act~ feel free to explore, talk to some peeples, get up to hijinks, and more! assume everyone is here, except for Adrian. you can talk to/approach basically everyone else. ;) lets goooooooooooooooooooo
Evander sat with little to do. These extravagant, profligate parties were nothing but wasteful attempts to feeling like a collective. Some would say it was an effective method to instilling that kind of mentality, but for Evander, he saw it as nothing but an improvident path to a future that is rather bleak. Evander had little care for the collectivism dream his 'brethren' and 'sisters' and 'cousins' had thought up. Perhaps there was more to this celebration; something Evander could not see nor tell. Perhaps he is just overthinking and should enjoy the party. It didn't feel right enjoying this party of greed and selflessness, it wasn't for Evander's taste.

He looked at his peers amongst the table, people he would call family if made to. Evander spoke up, "I wouldn't suppose you lot are enjoying this?" He grew stressed. "This party is immoderate, an excessive show of power and status that should not even exist," Evander mumbled under his breath. He was almost ready to simply leave at this point, there was no purpose to his being here. As he prepared himself to leave; the intemperate man himself stood to raise a glass. Evander almost scoffed at the idea of raising a glass to a man such as himself although, it is not like he had much of a choice.

Evander stood with recalcitrance, making use of his mask and smiling with only one side, trying his hardest to hide his contempt. And soon the time came to raise their glasses in celebration of an impudent man, then Evander spoke his mandatory reply with an utterly refractory tone. Once he had downed his drink, he spoke in mumbled tones, "And may the ballroom remain eternal." Evander placed the glass back onto the table as he and other guests were ushered to what was considered the main event of this ball. A fight.

- - -

Evander watched with a rather dejected look. This was the main event? Evander scoffed and shook his head with disbelief. Did people find a man ruthlessly beating another entertaining? It wasn't far from what Evander was believing already, that vampires had gotten so bored they find pleasure in the destruction and harm of another being. Evander couldn't be sure but then again, he was a vampire himself. Evander eventually removed himself from the crowd of cheering spectators to do, well nothing exactly. There wasn't exactly much to do in a massive abode filled with creatures of the night besides indulging himself in the excess amount of blood and alcohol being supplied. Sadly, luxuriating himself in such pleasures wasn't something Evander wanted to do. Evander wanted more.

There weren't things that were more directly in the presence of Evander, and such, he had to look for them. He first explored the second floor, only now realizing how much of a maze this mansion was. He explored only for a little while, avoiding the mess of bodies before ending his expedition of the second floor by making his way down back to the foyer. Evander then spotted his 'mother' looking around, seemingly in a confused state. Evander approached the woman and leaned in to avoid anybody eavesdropping onto their conversation.

"Mother, are you alright?"

Evander had started to become displeased with calling the woman who turned him his mother, he found it more as an insult to his actual mother than a title worth calling somebody. However, his disdain for his family and his kind was something he could not openly share.
mothspit mothspit
(god this post sucks)
Jarius didn't quite like his own behavior by being in the dining hall, partaking in the hearty meals provided by his patriarch in order to celebrate his birthday. It was a bit too childish for Jarius's taste, celebrating a birthday after living for centuries or so. He had stopped celebrating his birthday since he turned 8, fancying there were better things to do with his time than celebrate a life too short to make much of a difference. But after being turned just a few months ago, he had the liberty to ponder about things he didn't have the opinion of before, turning him into a philosopher. If just a few months of his promised immortality caused such a drastic change, he worried what the next decades would bring. A birthday may very well become a necessity to celebrate to keep track of the time that has passed. Or perhaps it was simply the lack of anything to do. Or could these mindless traditions actually be beneficial for the sheep-minded folk, as if events like these made a difference somehow?

Now that these questions plagued Jarius, he simply could not pass up the opportunity to see the Configuration interact as a whole. A whole, that is, everyone wanted to believe it to be. To think that was ever the case would be foolish - there will always be pieces trying to break off. Morals and motivations rarely ran so smooth in an organization as large as this. Which was why Ajaxius Dygarian has earned a hefty amount of respect from Jarius. Not merely because of his power or his charm like most were likely swayed by, but his simple ability to keep this rough house and even rougher sister houses from falling out of line. Most, if not all, questioned his methods, but Jarius could not simply factor it to be as bad as it is made to be. It may be naivety for being a part of this supernatural world too short, but he had seen human nature enough to not think of things as black and white. Humans would go through extreme lengths to get what they want, and oftentimes intention plays little part on the outcome, so would that really be different if you were a vampire who had once been human? Admittedly, the rumors of Ajax's deeds were not very pretty, and Jarius considered some of them downright appalling, but if they all came to be in order to have this Configuration standing as strong as it does today, well, could the demonically-painted patriarch really be blamed?

Those answers were not easy to come by after only a few months of observing their kind. Further study would have to be conducted. His notes and such were back up in the library and he itched to theorize further. Which leads him back to his dislike for his own behavior tonight - discarding his studies to be a part of revelry, the luxury that should not be taken by a passionate yet disciplined scholar.

'Full circle,' Jarius thought to himself, wolfing down his food with a level of enthusiasm he would never admit. The blood was giving such life to his undead veins, making him crave, gnawing at his insides, almost dulling his mind. The effects of his turning were proving to be too slow to subside. Animalistic, instinctual conduct never did settle well with him.

It was not as if he had a choice however. If he wanted to remain in functioning order, he would have to give in to desire. It was simply something he had to get used to. 'A scholarly way to go,' he reasoned with himself.

Despite the rabid attention with which Jarius gave his food, he was quick to pick up the silence that enveloped the room. Only one such man could cause the large crowd to still, and Jarius looked to the end of the table from where he sat to find Ajax standing to address guests and family. Jarius swallowed and dabbed his lips with a napkin, smearing it red, and raised his full glass of wine. He listened, yet did not speak with the rest. He sipped on the wine and brought it back down the table. Alcohol was not something he liked either, and even as undead, his tongue did not acquire a taste for it. Why muddy your mind with substances like that? A ridiculous notion.

And it seems the night was only just beginning. The crowd was then ushered to a ring Jarius was familiar and ultimately wanted nothing to do with. Sport had, of course, spurred the carnal need in humans to release certain chemicals. Its need was inevitable, as it was a way to cater to the majority. The minority broke off, as it always does, and went to entertain themselves elsewhere. It was toward these minorities that Jarius was drawn to. Those who joined in the wagon were easy enough to predict in most cases. The ones that defied it... well, they could bring to light more interesting things about the elusive vampiric kind. Jarius placed himself in an elevated place, one less conspicuous so he may observe properly. Depending on the next few actions done by those around him, he would choose where to engage to get the best outcome for his studies. Should there no promising engagements present themselves, he would probably talk to Ajax.

Simple things, simple pleasures: they were there to hide something. Jarius had just enough interest to peer at what that was.

โ€œYou should bite you tongue, lest you want the elders to cut it out for your disrespectful ramblings,โ€ Evelina toyed with the obviously new fledgling, though eyes filled with excitement at the proposal. โ€œI dare say it could get rather interesting to watch, though. I have not seen a vampire fight in quite some time!โ€ The young woman sighed, allowing the cool air to fill her lungs. Continuing to practice such human traits allowed her to feel more human and less demon; even with the presence of other vampires, she continued this facade of breathing. The action, though small, provided her with the ability to at least control herself, to at least seem as alive as she felt. Yet, she felt awfully numb. She felt as if someone had raked their nails into her chest and slowly dug in scratch by scratch, peeling layers of flesh away whilst simultaneously chewing her heart as it writhed in her ribcage. Like a caged bird that wanted to escape, but was glued to the bars. Evelina was a horrific daughter apparently in death as well as living, leaving her father at home to mourn without support or comfort, all for the invitation to a ball-like event. All because she was selfish and wished for a dance, to which she hadnโ€™t even been offered one! Not one kind gentleman had asked for her hand in a dance, and she was mortified. Usually at least one person would dance with her, even a friend. But she made no mistake in understanding that she did not have friends in this place, she was not a fool.

Evelina tightened her grip on her wine glass, feeling it splinter under her strength, minuscule shards pressing into her palms. Adrian must have been so upset, yet she and all her siblings were in attendance. Gaze locking on her brothers, she smiled gently, comforted by their presence. Not one person had the ability to calm her like they could. And, as soon as her gaze had slid to theirs, she felt an indescribably warm embrace from the air around her, soothing her from her rigid state. Perhaps if not anyone else, her brothers would allow her a waltz at least. It was the reason she had attended the event after all. The young woman was not ashamed to say she had spent a copious amount of time searching for the right ball gown, and hours deciding what she should do with her hair and makeup. It was the most excited she had been all year, almost handing her a sense of purpose.

The distraught words from the same man once again drew her sage eyes to his, peering from beneath her lace mask, a black so deep it was almost as if it consumed the light around her. She had thought long and hard about her mask, and felt the colour complimented her ominously dark hair. It also brought out the hazel flecks that littered her irises like wildflowers. A smile teetered on her petal lips at the thought. โ€œWell. You really should quieten down.โ€ She advised him, trying to warn him before he spoke similar words to someone with a more patriotic attitude towards Ajax. Leaning towards him, she brought her voice down to a whisper. โ€œIt is all very pompous, granted. But you do not know who is listening, so if you wish to keep yourself intact, Iโ€™d suggest to quit whining and at least enjoy some of the pleasantries this occasion has to offer, Hm?โ€ With a dismissive shake of her head, she took a long sip of her wine. โ€œDo not hesitate to remember youโ€™re representing your family. Do not bring them down with you with your harsh words. I can tell youโ€™re rather new, so this is all the advice I shall give you.โ€

Ripped from her thoughts at the sound of Ajaxโ€™s voice, she snapped her gaze to the head of the table, then rather quickly back to her meal. She toyed with it with her spoon; it was not the same when it wasnโ€™t from the source. Evelina enjoyed eating from humans, the thumping of their veins as she drew blood from them, the beat of their heart echoing into her own system. It was the closest to feeling alive she could ever get as a dead being.

It all happened too quickly and, as she emerged from her mind, everyone was ushered towards a fight. โ€œI really need to keep attention to things,โ€ she snapped at herself, elegantly, and with no rush, moving from her chair, intrigued to see what the main event would be. A freshly topped wineglass in hand, with an inability to socialise sober at events like these, she danced towards the crowd, twirling over with a great amount of amusement. If it was not too late, she would go clubbing afterwards. Though, she found herself irritated rather quickly. Having been slow to join, she had found herself towards the back of the crowd, unable to see clearly what was going on. Her short height didnโ€™t add much to the situation.

A strong, iron scent lingered in her nose and she coughed at the strength of it, stomach churning in response. A human? How interesting. With a sneer of disgust, and a desire to step away from the ring, Evelina drew closer to the group of those who had not wished to witness the barbaric event. Evelina had wanted to watch the entertainment to some degree, but had felt too hungry to have continued to watch it.

Welcoming smile tugging at the edges of her lips, she looked upon the few who had wandered away from the nightโ€™s entertainment. โ€œI donโ€™t suppose anyone would allow me the pleasure of a dance? I was hoping to be asked but beggars canโ€™t be choosers now, can they?โ€ Lifting her glass to her lips, the entire contents surpassed her mouth, and she reluctantly placed the empty glass on a nearby table, wiping the back of her mouth with a soft hand. โ€œI was oh so hoping to not have to force my brothers to have a dance with me, that would be rather embarrassing.โ€ Evelina, quite frankly, was rather embarrassed already to have asked the crowd, but was being fuelled by liquid courage, admittedly. The offer was open, and she was delighted to see who could possibly accept.

MENTIONED: Remembrance Remembrance Sereda Sereda
((Open for interaction at end of post))
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Natalia Orlova

Natalia wanted to leave. She'd silently agreed with Evander's muffled statement during dinner, to a certain degree at least, but polite decorum kept her from voicing any such thoughts while the host had been in hearing range. She hated everything about her current surroundings. The extravagance. The luxuries. It all served to remind her of her pastโ€”of the galas and parties sheโ€™d attended while dancing with the entertainment industryโ€™s top socialites. Ajaxius Dygarian, especially, reminded her of the lover sheโ€™d left behind. The โ€˜Fatherโ€™ who had tricked her, spoiled her, and wasted 5 decades of her life.

Natalia did NOT leave Russia to find another Dimitri. She tended to avoid people like him.

Parties in general were like a plague to her.

Yet here she was, decked in a form-fitting, white evening gown as she attended a party suitable for the richโ€ฆand vampiric. All for Johanna Manchester. Natalia couldnโ€™t fathom why the Manchester matriarch would want to go to the birthday party of the man who cheated on her. It was illogical in Nataliaโ€™s mind. She had known Johanna Manchester for 8 years. Not a very long time by vampire standards, but it was long enough to be worriedโ€”worried that the proud woman would get herself hurt. Not physically of course. Emotionally. Sheโ€™d seen Johannaโ€™s weaker side. Natalia wanted to support the elder vampire, just as the woman had done for her when she first moved to White Rabbit Valley. Sheโ€™d intended to stick by Johannaโ€™s side for however long the party lasted.

That was the plan at least. Somewhere along the way, amidst the throng of people, they had gotten separated.

Natalia sighed, accepting a glass of โ€˜wineโ€™ from one of the human servers. Johanna had always been notoriously difficult to find when she didnโ€™t want to be found. Her ability to mirror the appearances of others played a large part in that and, while Natalia could normally detect Johannaโ€™s scent from a mile away, the elder was sometimes clever enough to mask her scent with various perfumes. Well. Natalia wasnโ€™t too worried since Evander, Johannaโ€™s vampiric son, would likely stick by her side. Compared to a vampiric granddaughter she never knew existed until 8 years ago, they were probably closer. Unlike her, Evander was someone Johanna had personally chosen to join her fold after all.

Bringing the wineglass to her lips, Natalia tasted bloodโ€ฆmixed with alcohol and some other indecipherable concoctionโ€ฆas her grey eyes flitted the dance floor, watching bodies move in sync to the music, but not participating. Sheโ€™d already rejected several offers to dance since the party had gotten in full swing and she had a feeling she would have to reject many more before the night was done. However, it was better here than the bloody ring where Daedric was beating up helpless humans. Or upstairs where the drug addicts and pleasure-seekers seemed to be playing.

Could they even feel anything with their bodies immune to sickness and change?

Natalia didnโ€™t understand it.

The desire to lose herself to pleasure, to violence, was something she'd never once felt. Perhaps she was too sheltered by Dimitri and her human parents in her past life--too engrossed in her work. Perhaps she was too human to enjoy some of the things other vampires did. Too young? Natalia didnโ€™t know. She certainly didn't feel like it. However seeing Daedricโ€™s brawl, if only so briefly, Natalia was reminded of the violent expression that had taken over Dimitriโ€™s face when sheโ€™d told him she was leaving. Her image of him shattered then. The loving father. The immaculate, unfazeable being that would always protect her. The God that she wanted to spend the rest of her immortal life with...it had all been nothing but an illusion.

He was just as broken as any other vampire she encountered.

Hand reaching up to straighten her mask, the same mask she usually wore when she went out to sing since she couldnโ€™t be bothered to find a new one, she eventually caught sight of Johanna in the foyer. Evander was with her, as expected, and another vampireโ€ฆwho asked him to dance. Even with the distance between them, Natalia could detect nuances and tone in her voice. It was the same vampire who had advised Evander caution during dinner. The corner of her lips tugged upward in amusement. She didnโ€™t know if Evander would accept, but, if he did, she supposed she ought replace him in keeping Johanna companyโ€”if only for the duration of the dance.

The artist did seem a little stressed as of late.

Moving to where the human musicians where playing their instruments soullesslyโ€”no surprise really given they were under vampiric thrallโ€”Natalia waved them aside as she glided into the pianoโ€™s seat. Words weren't always needed to deliver a message.

โ€œA gift for Ajaxius Dygarian on this day of his birth.โ€ Or death. Whichever. Her bell-like voice echoed in the room, though whether the vampire on the balcony even noticed, or cared given the numerous gifts he probably already received on his birthday, was up to his own discretion.

Natalia wasnโ€™t repeating herself.

Fingers dancing across the keyboard, Natalia played a beautiful, yet somber melodyโ€”one of long lost love. Johanna would recognize it as a song often played for her to ease her depressive moments, a message to the Machester matriarch disguised as a gift for the Configurationโ€™s leader. Natalia didnโ€™t usually like taking center stage, not anymore, but she was in no way shy. Performers couldn't afford to be. She just didn't know what her relationship with music was anymore. She didnโ€™t love it...and she couldn't imagine returning to the world of lights, stages, and runways. However, she couldnโ€™t live without it either. Itโ€™d been her entire life when she had still been alive.

Much the same way Dimitri had been in her death.

mothspit mothspit
(mentioned: Remembrance Remembrance ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion )
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Ida Young 1587179218166.png
This was Ida's first time at an event like this , and by all means was she highly uncomfortable. Although her surroundings where quiet beautiful , what filled its halls was a sinister aura and evil individuals. Ones who partook in violence because their own lives had become null and void , the one thing that made them different from animals was their empathy which her kind had willingly thrown out. She questioned herself. Why was she here? Even in this world she was a nobody and her views vastly contradicted those who even had a less negative view of humans and the society they lived in.It was a celebration of the man who acts as the leader of the configuration. Although Ida never had the chance to interact with the man she was well advised not to , and even to herself the aura he gave unsettled her. So it made her even more uncomfortable that she attended a party hosted by the man.

The room fell silent as the same man who lingered in her mind stood up , maybe it was because vampires did not breathe but she could of sworn she was in outer space where no sound could be heard. Not until Ajax spoke. At first it just seemed like something he would of said thousands of times , thanking everyone for attending. It wasn't until he heard his last sentence that made her freeze.

"Together, we will build a future on the backbone of those that are not worthy of greatness-- Welcome to the family!"
His sentence lingering in her mind , what type of family is this? almost felt like she was in some horror movie.

"And welcome to the future!"
Ida jumped as they spoke in unison. It was as if everyone shared this sentiment , clearly someone must of shared the same thoughts. At some point everyone would of been considered "not worthy", vampire kind was not the judge, jury and executioner of the world and its inhabitants.

She sighed in relief however , if it wasn't for her full faced mask she might of stuck out like a sore thumb with her expressions of confusion and contempt. Even on the bright side all of this thinking distracted her from partaking in any "drink" if she could even call it that as well as the mask masking any smells. All of this was just another reason for her not to come , but she wanted to partake in what Winona had to deal with , Ida thought it would make her transition into her new life easier if she just went in face first.

Before she could cloud her mind anymore Ajax led outside his estate , herself and the crowd following him outside. Ida didn't know what to expect.

"A boxing ring?" she muttered to herself. But seemingly everyone was excited , Ida herself was a bit intrigued , what exactly was going on? She thought this was some ball of sorts , the gowns and masks told her so. It wasn't until she saw two men come out of the ring , one she recognized slightly , but the other was human , she could hear his heart pounding , the blood rushing through his veins , he was mortified. It wasn't until the punches started being thrown that she flinched and closed her eyes , this was too raw for her , it reminded her of her own death. Blood splattering in the ring didn't help with her hunger as she trembled her hand covering where her lips would be if her mask was off.

Ida at first walked away , but began to jog , underneath the layers and pounds of dress and accessories was a woman who felt completely vulnerable and an emotional mess.

However within the chaos surrounding her Ida could hear a piano being played , something to pull her away from the bad auras , the bad people , and even herself. she followed the noise and watched the woman played. It was as if she was telling a story through music , while sad it was beautiful.

She waited until the musician finished playing before she spoke.

"You play beautifully." Ida said sincerely.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel



Location | Ballroom
Mood | Irritated
Outfit | Dress & Mask
Mentions | mothspit mothspit QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Interactions | - - -

Why must Agnes suffer through this wretched banquet? Such formal settings, though the girl may look as if she was made for them, irk her to no limit. She promptly refused any offers to dance, and would taper off any conversations she managed to trap herself in. The last thing Agnes would want was to attend yet another extravagant banquet, which would only bring back the dreadful memories of London and the Montcroix sect. The name was accompanied by a bitter taste within Agnesโ€™s mouth, causing an involuntary gag.

No matter, Agnes was to ensure that she would not be ensnared within the trap of this banquet. Her light brown eyes did manage to find themselves lurking upon the one and only Ajax Dygarian, his voice was enough to induce yet another ill response. Another gag, worse than the last one, immediately contorted Agnesโ€™s face and mouth. Though Agnes had to admit, the generosity this man had shown to a โ€œdamsel in distressโ€ was surprising. Initially, Agnes was well-convinced that the vampire would utterly deny her request for help, and yet she was proven wrong (something she would rather not be). However, amidst the charismatic facade Ajax puts on, Agnes was fairly acquainted (with the rumors circling around) with the wickedness that was his true nature. However, Agnes can not blame him, clawing oneโ€™s way up the hierarchy requires multiple hats to be worn.

โ€œAnd welcome to the future!โ€

Charming, was Agnesdrawn to these cultish organizations or might it be mere luck that she happens upon these groups? A shiver of disgust ran down Agnesโ€™s spine, causing her to grip both sides of her arms with a visible sneer tugging at her lip corners. She might as well remain lurking along the outskirts of the main event and watch from a more secluded location. What Agnes could make out amongst the many heads of guests was a human.

A human? How interesting, and what exactly do people receive from watching a battered human fight for his life? Is it in order to quench the unending, insatiable thirst these people have for torturing the weak and poor? They are no different from the Montcroix sect, clearly. Oh how Ingrid would express her disagreement at once. She would most likely do anything in her power to save the poor man left to battle for the amusement of those higher than him. Unfortunately for him, Agnes was not such a person, neither will she risk her protection and wellbeing for a human who has no value to her.

Agnes rolled her eyes and continued to watch the main event drag out, from time to time her gaze found a new target to criticize. A woman, it seemed to be, was frantically searching the ballroom area for a reason unbeknownst to Agnes. Being the curious sleuth Agnes was, she watched intently. Perhaps she was hoping for something other than the vexing performance taking the main stage of the banquet to entertain her. With a disappointed expression, and a tightening on the grip she had on her slim arms, she watched the woman vanish into the numerous bodies that blocked her view. Even upon stepping up, attempting to balance on her toes, did nothing for her to pinpoint the mysterious lady. What a shame. Agnes was truly betting on an โ€œeventโ€ worthy of her own eyes, but what can one do when so much was transpiring at the same time?

While donning a scornful look, Agnes took it upon herself to search for her own entertainment. Surely there must be something of merit she can find pleasure in. She carried herself with elegance as she crossed the dancefloor, her long dress (and her heels hidden from view) giving the impression of gliding. The sound of a piano did prevent Agnes from going any further and she stopped, turning her head slightly towards the ghostly music. It took Agnes back to a time when contemplating the likelihood of never seeing another tomorrow was nonexistent. A time when Ingrid would try her own hand at creating beautiful music on the family piano, the notes would echo throughout the manor and always uplift Agnesโ€™s spirits. No, this was no time to reminisce in what โ€œhas.โ€ Agnes needs to focus on what โ€œwill,โ€ instead. She shook off the trance that the piano had captured her in and continued to make her way to the other side of the ballroom. There, she picked up a full glass of blood with delicate fingers. Upon tasting the mixture, she felt her face screw up into another look of pure distaste. The bitter, abhorrent taste of blood still managed to nauseate her; despite the vital role it has in her survival.

As revolting as the drink was, Agnes needed to retain her nonchalant expression, else she wanted to come off as troubling to any passersby. She peered through her mask, watching and paying close attention to anything that may strike her as interesting.
Natalia Orlova

Many images flew through Natalia's mind as she played. Recollections, both living and dead. All the memories that Ajaxius's mansion, in its grandeur, spurred forth, Natalia let the music wash them all away as she focused on the song. When the song ended, the vampire's mind cleared. Her worries. Her doubts. All the tension she'd accumulated since the party began melted away, leaving behind only what she saw in front of her eyes.

A dark haired girl behind a mask.

Vampire, judging by the scent...Oriasus?

One couldn't live in White Rabbit Valley without at least recognizing the four major Forebearers of the Configuration. Natalia did, but only so she knew who to avoid. Or, at the very least, not pick a fight with.

"You play beautifully"​

Unconsciously, a smile found her way to Natalia's features at the other girl's compliment, "Thank you."

It wasn't so much the compliment itself, as she was used to those, but the sincerity in the other girl's tone. There was an innocent air about her. Natalia couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but murderers like Ajaxius, and most other vampires, had an aura about them. Even she, who did not like over-excessive violence and didn't often kill her prey, had taken a life in her past. Anastasia Petrov. Natalia didn't really regret doing it at the time. She'd hated the human. However, as the years pass, Natalia came to realize the source of her unhappiness.

She'd never actually beaten her rival.

And, now that Petrov was dead, she never could. She'd let Dimitri sway her into taking the easy path. What did she have to show for it? 78 years of life and what had she accomplished? Most people would've married by now. Had kids. Grandkids. What about her? She couldn't even get an omelette done right.

Johanna would tell her she was measuring herself by human standards, and Johanna would be right, but it was easy for the Forebearer. The woman had centuries of watching humans come and go. As for Natalia, she hadn't quite separated herself yet. The her when she was alive. The her when she died. They were still the same. She used to be human. If she could let go of that, her life would no doubt be much easier.

But did she want an easier life?

Natalia stood from her seat and curtsied as a performer would. Glancing over at the human musicians, Natalia frowned when she noticed they just standing their in a daze. This was why she didn't play often in front of crowds. Or, at the very least, human crowds. When she poured too much emotion into her performances, her miasma sometimes unconsciously leaked through. She'd gotten better at controlling it, but she still lost herself in the music from time to time. It was funny. When she'd been alive, she'd worked so hard to make herself beautiful. To perform well so she would be liked by humans. However, now, if she so much as wanted it, she could be liked with little effort. A little snack was all it took for a healthy glow to her skin.

And Johanna wondered why she grew bored.

"I'm finished with my gift so you can go back to playing as you did before" Natalia shooed the human musicians back into their positions before looking back at the vampire that complimented her. She took off the mask, since it would be rude to wear it while introducing herself. "I'm Natalia Orlova. You're from the Oriasus family, aren't you?"

A slight tilt of her head as she appraised the other girl consideringly. The accessories. The slightly disheveled dress as if she'd been jogging. "What's your name?"

Ghostiiys Ghostiiys
Act 1: Prophetiae


That was the look on Johanna's face; Strangely visible though it was, she was one of few who bore no mask. She did often detest these parties-- Not for their grotesque nature, but for the man of the house who commanded them. Only seeing fit to attend for the sake of appearances. The kiddies need not be privy to her own tragedies when they are meant to play. Yet, tonight, her heart was set on fulfilling some important task. One the artist could not understand; At least, not now. Not in this way.

Evanders voice called her attention, her heeled footsteps coming to an abrupt halt at the word 'mother.' She had been pushing past the various drunken, intoxicated, dancing bodies in an effort to complete her task, and found herself whipping her form around with a quickness when he approached. Her full, bouncing red curls and elegant black ballgown made her look something of a porcelain doll; Delicate, yet undeniably eerie, as if the look in her eyes-- Stark and far away-- Showed she was not fully present, something much more important taking precedence. The elder had a soft spot for many of her kin, and those that were young and not her own, especially the begrudged artist. With a delicate frown, she brought both palms to her heart, her expression softening as though she might cry. So little of them called her 'mother' these days, some children growing out of her home since.

"Oh, la mia dolce musa giovane," She cooed in his native tongue affectionately, her ringed hand reaching out for his, "Just look at you. Such a handsome young man. How is the night treating you? You've kept an eye on your sister, haven't you? I do worry about her, what with him running around this place, you know."

She spoke quickly; Too quickly, her tone riddled with a mixture of somber pleasantries and anxious attempts at conversation. But she weren't really intent on listening to anything he had to say in return-- Continuing on without a proper pause to allow his response.

"Everything is quite alright, my love. Mother needs to have a word with her friends, is all. If you've seen Ms. Whitechapel or Winona around, do send them my way, won't you?"

With that, she dropped his hand with a short, pleasant curtsy, her head dipping respectfully before she turned and effortlessly slipped back into the crowd. This time, her stride looked.. determined. Confident. As if this time, she knew where she was going. Whatever it was that was eating away at her, it would not come from her lips, it seemed.

But Florence and Winona.. what was their significance to her woes? One a hair-pulling psychic, the other a quiet, magicked matriarch. How curious.

"Our winner yet again, ladies and gentlemen!" Boomed Emmulsia's voice from one side of the room. Namely, the side with the boxing ring; The group that gathered around it all threw up their hands and cheered, a string of bloodied, groaning vampires crawling from under the rubber ropes. There, in the middle of ring, stood Daedric; His pale body splotched with blood, a cold sweat dripped down his face. Though their kind need not breathe, he panted away anyway, the action second nature. He looked significantly worse for wear, yet remained the victor, his mother raising his muscled arm in the air with a prideful grin. It was no secret the man had trouble saying no to her wishes; That very sentiment was written all over his face, worn out and begging for a break with his eyes. Yet it was also clear he was a money maker-- Bills, coins, jewels, bonds and the like passed between the wealthy vampires as if it were candy with every punch of his fists.

He could say honestly she was not a tortuous woman-- Toward him, at least, her hand was merciful. Still, when they next locked eyes as the crowd cheered their praises, the look between them was very clear; The night is far from over.

"We will have another challenger!" Rang Emmulsia's voice again, her posture stiffening with a regal authority. Daedric's head seemed to hang slightly, disappointed but not surprised, the burly man resigning himself to one corner of the ring as he began to adjust the blood-soaked bandaging around his fists. The fights would continue for now.

Somewhere, an unmasked redhead was visible from higher above; Heavy footsteps marching into one of many unmarked corridors. One, if you were privy to the Dygarian family and their usual practices, that lead to a labyrinth of underground tunnels, stretching across the entire valley. Though the master of the house forbid the fledglings from traversing the tunnels during times such as these, Forebears were not bound by such rules. Still, what business did she have down there, where so many are forbidden to tread, on a night as illustrious as this?

Just as she vanished, though..

"Hey beefcake!" Cried one voice, slurred and drunken, interrupting any investigative notions the more keen might be experiencing. Florence Whitechapel was never known for her more.. delicate sensibilities. No, all that pomp and flair suited women like Emmulsia far better than she. Clutching a half-empty crystal bottle, filled with some unidentifiable substance (equal parts alcohol and sanguine, undoubtedly,) she gestured toward Daedric and his mother with it; Though she was most certainly shitfaced, her wiry frame swaying causally from foot-to-foot, her expression looked... strange. That was the only way Daedric could describe it. An odd mixture of anger, perhaps fear, and a type of wistful disregard for ones own well-being. A drunkards look, to be sure, but it was also the look of a fighter. Someone suffering, that needed a release.

But a release from what?

"I'm gonna kick your ass."
She said finally, downing the contents of the bottle before thrusting it into the random hands of another guest.

"Ohoho, now would you look at that?" Emmulsia giggled delightfully, "So good of you to join us, cousin. Do climb up, then. This can only end wonderfully."

Daedric grimaced. Fighting a drunken man was one thing, but a drunken Florence? It's not as if the pair were well-acquainted with each other.. Hell, had he even said a word to Florence in the last decade? And had the girl ever been in a proper brawl in her undead life? Still, she forced her body into the ring anyway, all but tripping over her own feet and garment. She soon shed the unnecessary layers-- Gloves, heels, and a feathered boa, passing them off to expectant servants.

"What do I get if I win?" She asked plainly.

"..What would you like?" Replied Emmulsia smugly. As if she stood a chance against Daedric.

"A fortune."


Suddenly, Florences expression became.. grim. As if a dark cloud had passed over the plains and angles of her face. Slowly did her eyes fall on the Dygarian princess; A hazy, malicious gaze that could all but peer into her very soul, "..If I win, I get to read someone's fortune of my choosing. Here. In this room. In front of everyone."

"And just who did you have in mind?"
Emmulsia chuckled nervously, "Surely you needn't create a spectacle for something so private--"

"My fortunes require blood,"
Florence interrupted starkly, "Blood of the damned. I aim to earn that blood. Who I choose will not matter, because the future includes all of Doriene's children. They can only show me the truth of reality, and what is to come. Do you fear the truth, cousin?"

This is sounding more like a threat than a proposal. Daedric agonized internally, For being completely drunk, she speaks like a muttering old wise-woman.. Was he really going to be made to fight this mad lark of a woman? The muscled vampire dwarfed her in comparison, it seemed the fight would be over before it began. Hopefully.

"Consider it a gift," Florence continued with a raised voice, "For our impeccable leader. Something to entertain him on the night we celebrate his glory. What's a little humility among family, hmm?"

Emmulsias pointed smile fell. Such a rude girl. It was no wonder Ajaxius interacted with the other families only when necessary-- They lacked refinement. But if there was one thing she wasn't about to do, it was to stop a crashing train with a suicidal conductor. Perhaps when Daedric rearranged the girls internal organs, then she would learn some manners. Speaking of the man of the house in question, he seemed to take notice of the display-- His masked face craning over the second floors railing to watch from above. His eyes seemed to lock with his prodigal daughters, who stared back at him patiently, awaiting his approval. With a simple, short nod of his head, Emmulsia whipped back around to face the drunk woman.

"Very well." She grumbled pointedly before turning back to face the crowd; She gestured to them with wide spread arms, soon commanding the attention of the ballroom and those that watched on the second floor, "And who among you would care to see your fortune this fine evening? Go on, make yourself known. Not every day a witch offers you the future, is it?"

for those simply watching and waiting + response to evander (and anyone else keen on interacting here)

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