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Eternal Jellyfish
the collision.png
I'm sure you've heard of the legends. The fantasies, tall tales and far fetched stories we were all told as children. We would excitedly await this new world where we'd unknowingly have never-ending hardships in, along with a lifetime's worth of adventure's and fun! We would be the creators of our own journeys and outcomes, or at least it should've been that way. As we'd get older some would learn the real world wouldn't be so wondrous and some, the opposite. Earth had it's wonders and it's own magical moments. However, it was still drastically different from the fairytales we expected to watch unfold as we'd grow up. Instead of expectation, there was reality. We'd go to school, work a 9-5 job, choose a family and the list goes on. With this we questioned, some of us begged; pleaded or searched for a meaning in the bland creation we were seemingly misplaced in. The question many of us asked throughout our time and to this day was, "what brought us here?". People believed in many different theories and ideas... What it comes down to is that the world we are in today is nothing like Earth was. The world(s) we've imagined and dreamed about since childhood have merged with our ordinary world. Now we are left with the aftermath and unfamiliarity of the Collision.

What would become our new normal was nothing of the sort. Since every universe has seemed to collide into one, we were in a very peculiar and seemingly limitless new world. No one is the same as they once were and many have lost most of their memories. Families had been torn from each other and millions of lives were taken. If you were a part of this new world, you were considered lucky. Everyone knew the universe was vast and full of possibilities, but nothing; no one could ever have prepared us for this. Even the movies, books and other forms of entertainment containing all types of monsters, myths and plot twists could never compare to living in the actual story-line. We may have wished to be them; to be apart of these stories or to be the main character, but now that it's our reality.. it's bittersweet to many. Whether this was your dream or nightmare, it's become true and we are all trying to get used to our new lives.

Before I forget, I should mention this last thing. It's a rumor so I wasn't sure if I'd tell you or not. The thing is, some people have been saying that very powerful beings exist throughout this new universe. Call them what you'd like superheroes, villains, gods if you must. I've heard a lot of different things. The story goes, as the stars clashed together and reigned upon these people they were struck with enchanted shards or star dust. This left them with some kind of power based from their zodiac sign. Again, this is just a myth and not known for certain... but hey, I suppose every universe has it's own form of fairy tales.

So, with all this new found information I'm left to wonder, what will your story be?

  1. Activity
    We all have lives, family, jobs, etc. to worry about. I want this roleplay to be laid back and fun. I think for activity, we should all try to post at least every 3 weeks. If you have an emergency or real life matter that needs more focus, just post an OOC (out of character) message with your character's art and state you'll try to be back when you can, but you'll be on break for however long you suspect.
  2. Writers Block/Lost Interest
    It happens, if you are experiencing writers block, let me or another person know in the roleplay and hopefully we can come up with something together. If you've lost interest, that's okay too, just find away to exit with your character or let me know and I'll create an exit for you.
  3. Literacy
    All I ask is that you know the basics of grammar try to do your best with spelling.
  4. Posting
    Posts require at least 2 paragraphs, time skipping is allowed if or when needed.
  5. Finally (TOS)
    Follow the website's rules.

    If I have missed anything you may think of or have a question, feel free to message me about it or reply to this thread. I will do my best to answer or if needed I'll make an FAQ in one of my reserved slots.

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