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Fandom The Chuunin Exams!

Oliver Wade

Junior Member
Well you read the title? You know what this is.

The time and place: Sunagakure, the village hidden in the Sand. exactly the fourth Chuunin exams AFTER the Second Great Ninja War. (The end of the series.)

Hosted by none other than the Village's adult Kazekage: Gaara of the Sand.

Now, i'm not exactly an expert on the lore and aspects of the universe of Naruto... okay i haven't even seen the whole series. That, however, will not stop me from being the final authority on what is and isn't OP. I'm telling you all this now so that you won't get wrapped up into thinking out your character (if you're interested, of course.)

- NO Uchiha. Just no. They're just too OP.

- No junkerichi (frick i don't know how to spell it.)

- Custom Clans and Kekkai Genkai is allowed, if i deem them not super OP.

This Chuunin exams will have the chance to fully play itself out, and have it's very own sinister behind the scenes action. You're just going to have to play and find out.

NOTE: Please don't take my shabby interest check as an indication of quality. This will be a high-casual level RP. I picked this time in particular so that no cannon characters will be a part of these exams, however will have the possibility to be Sensei. I'll be roleplaying Gaara, as well as my own character, and NPCs for us to beat up along the way. I'll need AT LEAST two more people for my team, but i'm hoping to gather enough for a whole exam class. Agh i'm sorry this discription is so bad i just really want to get this started, and i need all you true Naruto fan boys to help me out!
Yeah, I'll probably join as well! Seems fun! If the Chuunin exams prove themselves a success, do we have any plans on maintaining an adventure?
Hey I think I'd be interested in this RP if you'll allow me. I'm currently watching Naruto Shippuden now so I'm mostly familiar with how things work and I have a very basic character already made for a Naruto RP which just needs expanding on.

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