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Fantasy The Calm After War (Always Open and Accepting)

"I didn't mess it up. I make better" He said poking fun at Ryan's concern for his hair. After their brief conversation Willow had dragged the boys to the kitchen. Uriko had no complaints. He found himself a seat at the table. His eyes darted around the room. He was checking to ensure that Ari or Alison weren't around. With no signs of either of them he began to grab food with his hands and stuff it into his mouth. He passed over the muffin's pancakes and breads. His focus was the sausage, bacon, and fruits.
Valtohmir, still standing with a fist to his palm, shook his bowed head. He spoke in a calm and quiet voice, "I cannot call myself honorable. But my secrets are my own. You have my spoken word." As he said this, he closed his eyes. Valthomir felt pathetic. Where had his mind gone? All of those years of training, and he broke a sweat over such a thing.

At the mention of Naom's break being up, the swordsman lifted his head. So the Adventurers are his family...? An interest was piqued in Valthomir, but he would speak no more. He now knew that his bounty was spreading to second countries, and soon enough, the world would know. Even royals would gasp at the price on his head. After all, he knew things that the Queen, now King, would rather remain hidden.

When Naom turned to someone else, speaking of magic, Valthomir stood up straight. He picked his clothes up off of the ground, and slowly backed into the Inn while watching the show of magic. It was quite impressive, indeed, but the swordsman felt exposed. He wanted to hide away for a moment, clean himself up, then be on his way after a decent meal for once.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Ari Waesmor
Outside -----> Waesmor Manor

While carrying Arabelle, a voice came to Ari's mind. "The terms have changed, Mr. Waesmor." The voice was unheard by anyone not Ari himself, except probably Ryan or Elaina.
What do you want, Ari thought back
"Nothing. Just check your contract. Terms have changed........" With that, Ari heard no more. He couldn't check the contract with Arabelle in his arms. Hell, he didn't want to right now. He needed to get on the road. Looking up at the sun, they've been here too long. It's past the 7 O'Clock hour and they should be out right now. "Fuck! Time to get moving, Arabelle."

He dashed into the house and sat Arabelle in a chair, not even bothering to punish or even reprimand the kids for eating before everyone else without permission, and started shoving his face. They were gonna be late if they didn't leave soon, and neither him nor Bailey couldn't afford that right now
"Let's go!" Ari yelled. He ran outside to all the stuff packed already, courtesy of the house service, on the back of Misty, who would be Ari and the kid's transport (and Arabelle's if she so desired). Misty was grinning in her massive form, big enough to fit that entire family, even with the newcomers. To prevent added weight though, Alison had a Pegasus and Uriko would ride with her. Everyone else had their own rides figured out. They were going by air. "Mithras, if there aren't enough pegasi and you have no method, I can summon you a flyer."
P Paint The Wind
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Birdsie Birdsie
Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
BackSet BackSet

"I believe that would be a long story kid. To make a short story I'm looking for magic to bring back to my homeland. Only issue is having magic is such a severe crime that even cold blooded murder seems tiny in comparison. A friend of mine sent me here to find magic. Only issue is... I don't know anything magic related accept for this sheathed blade on my back." Selra half hazardly explained more so wanting him to show her more. And how she herself could possibly control it.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Noam Waesmor

So she was from one of those places where the Inquisition basically ran things. He soaked it all in before continuing. "If you want to find magic, it's abundant here. People are free to use it almost however they want. Emphasis on almost. If you want to find out about magic, the best place to go right now is the library. You'll find all types of books on magic, from history to actually casting it. Why do you want to find magic if it's a crime in your homeland?"
"I do have a method," Mithras returned shyly. "But you might not like it. It involves demons and a fee in blood. So yes, the summoning would be preferable."

Hell's forces were more than capable of providing a transportation service to any potential summoner, however, there was often a price in some kind of summoning materials, mundane gold, or even a certain amount of gold. In rare cases, such as traveling to other realms, demons might even except a toll of souls stolen from other people. It's generally not a very neat thing to participate in and Mithras preferred not to associate with demons, despite his liking of black magic. That said, Mithras could have summoned a flying denizen of hell to himself, but he had no knowledge of spells of that level.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ari Waesmor
Outside -----> Waesmor Manor
While carrying Arabelle, a voice came to Ari's mind. "The terms have changed, Mr. Waesmor." The voice was unheard by anyone not Ari himself, except probably Ryan or Elaina.
What do you want, Ari thought back
"Nothing. Just check your contract. Terms have changed........" With that, Ari heard no more. He couldn't check the contract with Arabelle in his arms. Hell, he didn't want to right now. He needed to get on the road. Looking up at the sun, they've been here too long. It's past the 7 O'Clock hour and they should be out right now. "Fuck! Time to get moving, Arabelle."

He dashed into the house and sat Arabelle in a chair, not even bothering to punish or even reprimand the kids for eating before everyone else without permission, and started shoving his face. They were gonna be late if they didn't leave soon, and neither him nor Bailey couldn't afford that right now
"Let's go!" Ari yelled. He ran outside to all the stuff packed already, courtesy of the house service, on the back of Misty, who would be Ari and the kid's transport (and Arabelle's if she so desired). Misty was grinning in her massive form, big enough to fit that entire family, even with the newcomers. To prevent added weight though, Alison had a Pegasus and Uriko would ride with her. Everyone else had their own rides figured out. They were going by air. "Mithras, if there aren't enough pegasi and you have no method, I can summon you a flyer."
P Paint The Wind
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Birdsie Birdsie
Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
BackSet BackSet
Tyr was currently standing next to Misty, reaching up to scratch behind her ears. Over the years, Tyr and Misty had gotten to be buds. Especially after Sakaga left to find a mate a few years prior. Although he still missed the swamp strider, the owl griffin had stolen his heart as well.
"Goooooood girl!"
Ari Waesmor
Outside -----> Waesmor Manor

While carrying Arabelle, a voice came to Ari's mind. "The terms have changed, Mr. Waesmor." The voice was unheard by anyone not Ari himself, except probably Ryan or Elaina.
What do you want, Ari thought back
"Nothing. Just check your contract. Terms have changed........" With that, Ari heard no more. He couldn't check the contract with Arabelle in his arms. Hell, he didn't want to right now. He needed to get on the road. Looking up at the sun, they've been here too long. It's past the 7 O'Clock hour and they should be out right now. "Fuck! Time to get moving, Arabelle."

He dashed into the house and sat Arabelle in a chair, not even bothering to punish or even reprimand the kids for eating before everyone else without permission, and started shoving his face. They were gonna be late if they didn't leave soon, and neither him nor Bailey couldn't afford that right now
"Let's go!" Ari yelled. He ran outside to all the stuff packed already, courtesy of the house service, on the back of Misty, who would be Ari and the kid's transport (and Arabelle's if she so desired). Misty was grinning in her massive form, big enough to fit that entire family, even with the newcomers. To prevent added weight though, Alison had a Pegasus and Uriko would ride with her. Everyone else had their own rides figured out. They were going by air. "Mithras, if there aren't enough pegasi and you have no method, I can summon you a flyer."
P Paint The Wind
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Birdsie Birdsie
Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
BackSet BackSet

Noam Waesmor

So she was from one of those places where the Inquisition basically ran things. He soaked it all in before continuing. "If you want to find magic, it's abundant here. People are free to use it almost however they want. Emphasis on almost. If you want to find out about magic, the best place to go right now is the library. You'll find all types of books on magic, from history to actually casting it. Why do you want to find magic if it's a crime in your homeland?"

Arabelle just kinda let Ari jostle her around. She ate quickly and then got on Misty’s back. She was sitting in a row that went Ari, Willow, Ryan, and then her, so each child could be comforted by whichever parent they needed. She was quiet and just let Ari handle everything, she just didn’t want to get in the way.
Selra's eyes widened at the mention of why she was doing it. "I committed heinous crimes in the name of my empire. I was left for dead but now I've been given a second chance. And let me tell you kid. Death is a great teacher. It opened my eyes to the acts I committed. And I am intent on bringing magic back and showing the people it's not all evil. And then... rebellion."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Theo was hovering over the group as they were getting ready to leave. Please let this be a boring job. He thought to himself. Please don't let Assasins attack this group and nearly kill them because they're invisible.
Quickly swallowed what food was already in his mouth and packed his pockets with pears and apples. He hoped out of his seat and ran outside behind Ari. His eyes sparkled with curiosity when he saw the Pegasus up close. All of these large mystical creatures amazed the boy. He had never seen such things before. After his failed attempt at jumping onto the winged horse he was given assistance with mounting it. He took the reins in to his hands like he saw people around town riding horses do.
Bailey and Herah were securing luggage to the largest Pegasus out of the bunch, the second largest belonged to Herah herself. Bailey was still in the dress, and her kids were ready so Bailey was perfectly fine on moving out now. Tyler was riding with Bailey, Alex by himself, and the Scarlett with Tyr, the twins wait g for their parents already saddled up. "Tyr! Stop petting Misty and get ready!" Baliey called over to her husband. Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Bailey and Herah were securing luggage to the largest Pegasus out of the bunch, the second largest belonged to Herah herself. Bailey was still in the dress, and her kids were ready so Bailey was perfectly fine on moving out now. Tyler was riding with Bailey, Alex by himself, and the Scarlett with Tyr, the twins wait g for their parents already saddled up. "Tyr! Stop petting Misty and get ready!" Baliey called over to her husband. Safety Hammer Safety Hammer

Misty started purring loudly as Tyr scratched her sweet spot behind her ears. "You are an artist, Tyr. Don't listen to her. I will have master repay this favor." Misty loved Tyr about as much as she used to love Ceralder. It reached the point where her legs started shaking. She was actively fighting the urge to drop.

Ari Waesmor

"I've fought many a demon, Mithras. If you want the Summon though, I'll be of assistance." Ari's eyes flashed red and a huge owl flew out and landed. "You called?"
"Aye. Give this man a ride."
The owl nodded. "As you wish." With a flare of its humongous wings, the owl stoodby to receive the rider

Ari got on Misty's back. "Stop shaking, Misty," Ari said, annoyed at the lack of stability.

"I-I-I'm tr-trying master," she stuttered through her purrs. The stutter she got when she was feeling good never changed.
Birdsie Birdsie
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Selra's eyes widened at the mention of why she was doing it. "I committed heinous crimes in the name of my empire. I was left for dead but now I've been given a second chance. And let me tell you kid. Death is a great teacher. It opened my eyes to the acts I committed. And I am intent on bringing magic back and showing the people it's not all evil. And then... rebellion."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Noam Waesmor

Images of the war with the endless demon army flashed in Noam's mind and he smiled. "That sounds like something I can get behind," he said. He was a bit more shy and uncertain about what he wanted back then. The Endless Demon War was a turning point for him and it was at those moments that he decided that the warrior path was best for him
"Out of the question. I am not bringing a child with me. No matter how magically powerful you are. Tera would personally have my head if I willingly brought a kid. I mean no ill will. It's just I have my orders, find someway to get magic or find mages who aren't killed by Fenrir of the four fangs on landing in Tyrin." She appreciated the Noams enthusiasm but the thought of the Mage killer killing the kid in one fell swoop made her stomach upset.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
"Out of the question. I am not bringing a child with me. No matter how magically powerful you are. Tera would personally have my head if I willingly brought a kid. I mean no ill will. It's just I have my orders, find someway to get magic or find mages who aren't killed by Fenrir of the four fangs on landing in Tyrin." She appreciated the Noams enthusiasm but the thought of the Mage killer killing the kid in one fell swoop made her stomach upset.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Noam Waesmor

Noam shrugged and pulled out a geographical map of Rivinia. "Short of learning it, good luck to you. Magic isn't something you can just give like a sword. You learn it. I can't be of assistance if I can't come with you, because everything you'll need me to do otherwise, you can easily do on your own, so I guess we depart here." With a bow, Noam started to walk away. Maybe her second mission would be a bit easier?
Selra Windrivver

"Actually... maybe I could allow you to come if I could meet your teacher. That is if you are alright with it. Because if you are as skilled as you say I bet your teacher is triple that. And as such he could help me on the frontlines while you stayed and supported us."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Selra Windrivver

"Actually... maybe I could allow you to come if I could meet your teacher. That is if you are alright with it. Because if you are as skilled as you say I bet your teacher is triple that. And as such he could help me on the frontlines while you stayed and supported us."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Noam Waesmor

"My teacher is my own father, and I refuse to stay on the side while my father risks his life on the front lines. Plus, we're about to go to the country of Faylen. I'm also go to Battle Mage School there. You're free to come as my guest. Elves are magic powerhouses. If you're not exposed to magic on a regular, Faylen can be fairly overwhelming. Follow...... "

Noam took off towards the huge manor that was visible from where they were standing
"I can handle myself on that front. Even if it is overwhelming I can look at it like this. All of this magic is a sign that five long years of war can finally come to an end. Magic will give us an advantage assuming Fenrir never shows up to the important battles." Selra suddenly remembered the fact the boy was enthusiastic to help her. "Also why are you so willing to help me?"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
"I can handle myself on that front. Even if it is overwhelming I can look at it like this. All of this magic is a sign that five long years of war can finally come to an end. Magic will give us an advantage assuming Fenrir never shows up to the important battles." Selra suddenly remembered the fact the boy was enthusiastic to help her. "Also why are you so willing to help me?"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Noam Waesmor

"I'm a battle mage. Battle is what I do best. Plus, I love a good rebellion. Let's move it you want to meet my father. They're leaving fairly soon and I don't want to get left." As part of his battle Mage Training, he had to undertake a grand quest. Mostly it was getting some artifact or killing some beast, but fueling a country wide revolution seemed a bit outside the box, which is why it would help his training incredibly.

Unfortunately for them, they both caught sight of a bunch of flying creatures taking off from the manor
"Crap........" Noam stopped and said with a sigh

Ari, Alison, Willow, and Misty
Outside - - - - > Skies over Loudwater

When everyone was ready, they all took to the skies. Their sky bound journey was underway. As they ascended, Ari held Arabelle's hand. It wasn't that she would fall. It was just to let her know he was there. Ascending to the altitude they were about to fly at could get unnerving if one couldn't see...... At least that was what Ari thought. He was in his element, especially when the flight convoy reached over the clouds. The sun that was being smothered by the clouds if you looked from the ground suddenly gave way to a brilliant shine over multiple fluffy clouds, like a vast desert of white sand dunes. Riding near the clouds kept the convoy from overheating from the sun's overjoyed mood this morning, and the view for anyone not used to flying was a once in a lifetime view.

"We're about 39,000 feet in the air now. Time to cruise."

Ari stood up on Misty's back and placed his foot on her head, as if overlooking the vast skyscape ahead. He had absolutely no measures to ensure stability or safety from such an insane fall. The rest of them on Misty's back had Riders Bond to keep them from falling even if Misty turned upside down. He exhaled in happiness and relaxation. "Ahhhh, I love the feeling of adrenaline you get knowing that the only thing between here and looking like a water drop hitting the ground is a lot of air and the lack of sympathy from the God you serve. This is what a mage lives for."

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
BackSet BackSet
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Birdsie Birdsie
P Paint The Wind
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"What in the name of Tiamat? They can fly!? Uh look if you were supposed to meet with them I am sorry. Maybe there is a fast way to this Faelyn place. Or maybe they'll realize you are gone. Just give me ideas on how to help." Selra said obviously feeling bad the kid was left behind because of her.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
"What in the name of Tiamat? They can fly!? Uh look if you were supposed to meet with them I am sorry. Maybe there is a fast way to this Faelyn place. Or maybe they'll realize you are gone. Just give me ideas on how to help." Selra said obviously feeling bad the kid was left behind because of her.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Noam Waesmor

"No worries," Noam said. "There's a way out of every situation."
The problem was that he didn't know the solution right now. The only thing he could think of right now was...... "They're gonna stop at the halfway point. Toron. The best we can do right now is to meet them there by land travel, unless I think of something else. Let's get back there." Noam kept walking to the manor

When they got there, he strapped up the horse and got on. "Just get one, except that black one. That's my dad's horse."

He looked up to see them gone, ascended above the clouds. Looking back towards loudwater, he caught something else. Airships. Merchants have started using more of those lately due to the influx of bandits. They were coming out of the clouds, but didn't seem to be moving towards the ground
Selra Windrivver


"Uh I guess I'll use the brown horse then. I'll have to apologize to the owner once I'm done using it." Selra jumped on the Horse and managed to move it forward. "Lead the way. If anyone attacks us let me handle it. I may know very little magic but I know my way around a greatsword."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Tyr hated flying.

There was no doubt about it. It absolutely terrified the herculean bard. Being this high in the air, clinging to nothing more than a horse with wings, and zooming at ungodly speeds made Tyr not only sick, but also made him want to cry. The only reason why he was doing this was because Bailey said they had to.
So, Tyler ended up asking if he could ride on Misty instead because he didnt like heights. So, Bailey was on her pegasus named Mavric by herself flying next to Alex. This was the Second time he was flying solo, and while Bailey was proud of him, she didn't like the idea of her not being close. Scarlett would be with Tyr, who would have to worry about her accidently falling off because she liked to look down as they flew to try an see whatever it was she wanted to see.

Bailey smiled, the feeling of flying was wonderful, freeing. Unlike Tyr, she loved it. She looked over to her husband, and laughed, leading her mount closer to him, "Are you okay?" She called over. Safety Hammer Safety Hammer

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