The Beginning

Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Doubtful - Curious
Location :: No-man's Land
Interactions :: Britt-21 Britt-21 Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
His eyes flickered as Clara approached him, and he lowered his gaze to meet hers. Flicking his ears gently as she seemed genuinely concerned for his wellbeing. "Yes, I am alright." He says softly, sitting on his haunches. He curls his tail along his paws and sighs softly. "There..there is something I have to tell you." His voice was regretful, "C-" his word was cut short as an excruciating howl pierced the air. It was terrifying, pure and raw with death. "Clara, stay here. I will be back soon." He began to sprint toward the sound, yet stopped. He looked back at Clara, "Be safe. I'm serious." He says firmly, before bounding into the forest.
He strained his ears to hear anything more, yet nothing came. He ran furiously, this howl seemed familiar to him. He then realized that snow had began to fall thickly, which he hadn't noticed due to the thick trees where the pack had stopped.
He growls, winter was upon them.He continues to run, his eyes stinging from the icy flakes that poured from the sky above him. Until he finally leaped into a clearing. The ground was covered in snow, yet in the distance he could make out a pure white pelt.

"Mommy, where are you taking me?" "Hush my darling. I am taking you somewhere you'll be safe forever." Came the melodic voice. "But mommy.. I don't want to leave you and sister." Fuzen's tiny pup voice squeaked, squirming in his mother's jaws. "I know darling, we will join you soon. I promise." His mother set him down in a clump of bushes in an area he couldn't recognize. "Be quite, my son. Do as they say, we will be here soon."

Fuzen snapped out of the memory he had long forgotten. Was this his mother in the distance? Or was this his sister? He squinted, and through the snow he saw two wolves. One was tall, slender and beautiful. She had powerful golden eyes, and beckoned him with her presence. The second was trapped under fallen ice, and panic flooded the beta.
He barreled through the clearing, kicking up snow as his muscular body twitched and quivered in the cold. He skidded to a halt beside the fallen wolf, yet the second wolf was gone. He twitches his ears, before looking down at ice. He whimpers softly, he recognized her so clearly. She was his litter mate, he would constantly pester and wrestle her. He growls, and uses his massive paws to push at the ice that had fallen on her back. He pushes harder and harder, yet his paws continue to slip.
Frustration claws his belly, until he thinks of something new. He wedges his body under the glacier, and uses all his power to lift. The hunk of glacier was beyond heavy, and it caused Fuzen's legs to ache. Yet he was able to make enough room for Ice to crawl out. "
Hey, HEY!" He barks loudly, struggling with the glacier. "Go, crawl out! I can't hold it much longer!" He barks, gritting his fangs in pain.
That's when a sound reached his ears, the sound of breaking ice. He looks towards his paws, were large cracks had formed. Terror strikes his numb, adrenaline bursts through his body in waves. He hadn't noticed that they were on a frozen lake.
He pushed harder on the glacier, lifting it more in an attempt to give Ice more space to wiggle out. Yet the ice below him cracks more, and he understands fully.
If he wanted to save Ice, his littermate, he'd have to risk his own life to do so.
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Mood: In shock
Location: No Man's Land​
Ice's Eyes snapped open and the adrenaline began to flow rapidly as she shot up and darted out of the glacier and out of harms way. Turning around to see the golden wolf she Barked "I'm out!!!! Run now!!!" As the ice began to crack beneath the golden wolf's paws Ice's eyes flashed Bright blue as the ground began to shake. Then all of a sudden the cracking ice stopped breaking and regained it's solidity. However though, at this point the adrenaline had stopped and when Ice put her hind paws to the ground, She collapsed in pain letting out an agonized yowl. Collapsing to the ground she craned her neck to look at her hind legs. Then shock filled her body as she realized that she had suddenly lost feeling in them.
Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Determined
Location :: No-man's Land
Interactions :: Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
He dropped the glacier with a heavy thud, causing the ground to tremble. He looks towards Ice, relief flooding him. He feels the ice below him harden again, and more memories come back to the beta.
He then watches her collapse to the ground, and shriek in agony. He quickly rushes to her, "Hey, I'm going to help you, alright?" He says softly, looking around frantically. "I'm going to take you to my pack, we have a healer who can fix your legs!" He then begins to nuzzle under her body, forcing his way under the limp she-wolf. Once she is situated on his back, he slowly rises, shifting slightly so she is firmly drapes over him.
He carefully begins to walk across the frozen lake, every step feeling dangerous, as if they could plunge into the water and be lost forever. Yet he wouldn't allow that, instead he begins to hurry, not running but quickening his pace. Finally he reaches the trees and sighs, pushing through. Ice was incredibly light to him, and he worried about how well she has been fed. "I'll take care of you." He says firmly, as he slowly approaches where the pack was resigning
He couldn't get himself to speak to her again, what if she wasn't his sister? Perhaps just a lone wolf who brought back all his memories he had suppressed for so long.​

Location: near the river

Mood: frustrated, in pain, annoyed

Interaction: Tasteless Tasteless


Tundra weaved through the trees, his jaws full of rabbit. Winter was here; snow fell in soft drizzles, the sky was permeated in gray clouds, and the ground was white as clouds. The trees were laid bare, whipped and beaten by the northern winds, and the forest was as still as can be. Tundra loved the stillness, the tranquility. The air came in breezes, fresh and bracing.

He would've enjoyed these things if it weren't for one infuriating thing:
his leg wound.

It was Tundra's first time in these parts; the forest was in rather mountainous regions, but Tundra could handle it. He had come from beyond this place, and now, he wished he hadn't wandered so far. Tundra growled in pain as the gash on his leg stung, and he struggled not to limp as he carried the thin rabbit somewhere where he could eat in peace and nurse his wounds. He had fought for this rabbit, against a fearsome badger. Badgers were fierce fighters when healthy, full of energy and strong, but were thrice as dangerous when starved, weakened and tired. Tundra made it out without dying thankfully; winter made everyone desperately dangerous, and that definitely included badgers. Tundra tried to wish the wound wasn't serious, but it was. A long ugly slash ran from his flank to his hind leg, the last desperate attack from that badger before it retreated back to wherever it came from.
Bastard badger, thought Tundra, as he limped into a clearing, spotting a nearly frozen river. He laid his meager prey down, and licked his chops, before pausing. He heard the soft cries of a creature not too far away. His nose caught the scent of a she-wolf, and more disturbingly, the stench of death.
Cautious and alert, Tundra made it to the source---a she-wolf lay in a patch of golden flowers, her body wreathed around another, still body, the same one emanating the stench of death.
Mood: Shaken, Frightful
Location: Forest​
Ice awoke on the back of the Golden wolf as they entered the forest. However, her mind whirled with terror and she whimpered, "Will-will I ever walk a-a-again?"
Without waiting for a reply she Peered over the male wolf's shoulder and noticed that she was near a wolf camp of some sort. Her stomach growled intensely as she remembered that she had last eaten a Month ago. Raising her head as much as possible Ice asked the Golden wolf, 'where are we?" And then patiently waited for a response from her savior.

The Howling of other wolves told her that she was indeed being brought to a camp of some kind. As Ice and the golden wolf entered the camp she was carried towards a cave that smelled of herbs and fresh water. "What is this place?" she thought as she was set down on a bed of soft moss and leaves...
Health /99%

Mood: Excited

Interaction: Affili Affili

Recruit paused for a moment, gazing blankly at the floor. It all seemed to be so overwhelming. On one paw, There was a nerve-racking sense of something out there...watching them. On another paw, The uncertainty of their fate seemed to burn at the back of his mind.
He was mentally surrounded by pressure and nervousness, and the feeling of doom was lingering nearby. He looked up to the landscape in front of him, staring off into the distance for a brief moment.

The nervous recruit finally looked back to the elder.
"We should probably start scouting...we aren't doing much just standing here." He smiled, hiding his frightened thoughts. Even though he couldn't bare the thought of anything else out there, (especially those that could kill), At least he could give himself the illusion of being brave.
Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Confused
Location :: No-man's Land
Interactions :: Britt-21 Britt-21 Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. DemonKitten DemonKitten
He quickly paced into camp, and nearly rushed straight into Clara. His eyes were wide, yet he quickly masked his distress. He could get out a word to the she-wolf, until Ice broke the silence.
Fuzen flattens his ears firmly against his head, and his whiskers fan out in panic. He rushes past Clara, before placing Ice in a small patch of flowers that was lightly dusted in snow. "I will explain soon, just please let me find our healer."
He scans the many wolves, unable to spot Ayka in the crowd, he then sees Yue. He rushes toward the Medic, "Yue, I need you to help me. I found a lon- I found my sister. S-she can't feel her hind legs. I can't find Ayka!" He explains, rambling. Yet he quickly turns and hurries back to Ice, sniffing her hind legs. "We will fix it, I promise. I'm not going to leave you behind." He looks down at her, and knows that she is his littermate.

Pack :: Mountain
Feeling :: Drained
Location :: No-man's Land
Interactions :: madame moiselle madame moiselle
Sadness had gotten the better of Ayka, and she ventured back to where she laid Ryka. The pups body has began to smell lightly, yet not terribly. She curled around her adopted pup, and rests her muzzle on the deceased pups head. She closes her eyes for a bit, until she hears a the soft tread of paws in the newly fallen snow.
Her cyan eyes flash open, and land on a strange male. His eyes bore into her soul, and the fur along her spine begins to bristle. She slowly rises to her dainty paws, her body standing over the limp pup in a defense.
Her growl was deep and powerful, a frightening sound that was incredibly fierce for a she-wolf of her size. Her lips curled back in a snarl, showing her ivory fangs. The jagged thorn like projectiles on her thighs and shoulders quiver, threatening to expand and shoot out in defense.
Then her eyes wander to the large injury on Tundra's flank, and she straightens up. Before now she hadn't noticed the rabbit in his jaws, and put the situation together. Her body calms and she exhales, "you're injured." She says quietly, sitting beside Ryka's corpse. While she had calmed quickly, she still had a protective gaze locked on Tundra.
Pack: Mountain
Feeling: Calm - Annoyed and worried
Location: No mans land
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.

Clara was shocked at Fuzen's sudden reaction to the howling that she had been picking up. And before she knew it, he was telling her to be safe and that he meant it before rushing off. Of course, she was gonna stay here and watch over the others, but she couldnt help but worry. The She-wolf continued to walk around the area, making sure things had been safe. It had somehow been a while seeing as she was slammed into by a much larger wolf and had managed to knock her off her feet and send her tumbling some. She snarled in annoyance before getting up to her paws and seeing it was Fuzen who had slammed into her. Clara hid her teeth from him, trying not to seem so threatning now that she knew it was him. He then rushed past her, having an injured wolf with him. The huntress watched as he ran around and ran up to a healer.

While he did that, she slowly made her way over to the Injured wolf, Fuzen soon rushing to her side and Clara couldnt help but feel slight jealousy, but that feeling vanished due to putting love away for so long. She went and sniffed the wolf's back legs and then looked at Fuzen "I may not be a healer, but I can give an idea on what might happen. Depending what happened to the legs, she could either walk or not." it was the only advice she could really give "Broken bones heal with time. Painfully, but they heal. I've had my fair shares of broken bones."

Mood: Determined
Location: No Man's Land
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless Britt-21 Britt-21
The Thought of never walking again rushed through her mind and she said "I will walk again. I'm an elemental God Dammit!" Suddenly her body began to freeze over as she was slowly covered with glowing ice. Then the ice began to crack and a Large beam of blue light shot up from her location. and she began to float down to the ground like a supernatural spirit. When she hit the floor Her back was covered with a slab of ice that looked like it held her spine together. As Ice opened her eyes, they began to glow purple and she stood up and said, "Not these bones, Not for an elemental"....

Then she said "What? Is something wrong!!? Why are you staring at me??"

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(Hi guys :) I had eye surgery, and I'm at home, skipping school. I can go on my phone, though not for long. I'm answering now)

Location: near the river

Mood: cautious, suspicious

Interaction: Tasteless Tasteless

Tundra took a step back, body tensing as the she-wolf growled at him, hostility sparking in her blue eyes. His own pale blue eyes glazed over her, seeing how strange her pelt looked. Mysterious marks splashed across her body, unusual but alluring. Her lips drew into a fearsome snarl, a snarl that was surprisingly ferocious despite her dainty size. Tundra's eyes widened in shock as thorn-like projectiles appeared on her thighs and began to quiver, threatening to shoot.
A deep growl began to produce deep in his throat as well, his ears beginning to flatten. For Tundra, he had never seen anything like this. He was a lone wolf, and he did have other encounters with other wolves, but never like this. Usually, when he showed his abilities, the other wolves would run or call him cursed. Maybe he was, but it was startling to see another wolf with peculiar abilities; Tundra thought he was the only one.

However, a moment later, the she-wolf relaxed, her eyes on his injury. "You're injured," she noted thoughtfully, sitting next to the dead body of the pup. Her gaze still sparked with defense, despite her relaxed state. Tundra set his rabbit down at his paws, feeling the pain of his wound as he straightened to face her.
"I don't see a reason why you should care," he answered, his tone cold.

Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Determined
Location :: No-man's Land
Interactions :: Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. Britt-21 Britt-21

He growled softly at Clara's remark, "she has to walk, I'm not going to leave her, not again." His tone was determined. He took a step back, and flinched as the beam of light lit up the area around them. All wolves turned their gaze now, eyes firmly placed on his sister.
He watched her in amazement, and twitched his ears. "That will only last so long, our healers have abilities to heal bones. At least Ayka does, wherever she is." He growled softly.
Ayka had wandered off, despite being given the duty to heal the other wolves. Yet she could do that in mere moment with a soft lick to an open injury, bones took more energy. Energy the she-wolf didn't have, not after losing her adopted pup.
The beta breathed out a soft breath, and a shudder ran through his body. If there was something in these woods, it knew exactly where they were now. The feeling of being watched flooded Fuzen again, and made his fur bristle with anxiety.

Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Remorseful
Location :: No-man's Land
Interactions :: madame moiselle madame moiselle

Her gaze hardens, and she averts her Cyan eyes down to the lifeless pup at her paws. The flawless white fur blowing in the icy breeze, a dusting of snow causing Ryka's fur to become damp.
"I don't see a reason either, except for me being a Healer." She retorts matter-of-factly, merely giving Tundra a side glance before looking toward the chard remains of the territory she used to know.
She shakes out her beautiful pelt elegantly, before locking her Cyan eyes on Tundra's Icy ones. "I'm Ayka, and this was Ryka." She says quietly, gently grazing her dainty paw over the corpse. "Were you in the fire?" She asks quietly, her eyes no longer hostile, yet concern and sorrowful. She was no where near an aggressive wolf, yet after the death of Ryka, she realized that maybe she should have been tougher. Perhaps her pup hadn't died if she had, or perhaps their relationship may have been strained.. no telling now.

Warning ; Unknown Hostiles in vicinity
Crimson eyes raise toward the sky, and narrow in hostility towards the blue beam that shot toward the heavens. Monstrous growls erupted among the dark creatures, before whisking into black Mist.

They approached the scene silently, nothing but dark Mist that blended into the shadows. Not a scent or sound to be heard, as they spotted the massive group of canines. The darkness simply swirls silently, carefully plotting the next move.
Pack :: Mist
Mood :: Alert, Cautious
Location :: No-Man's Land
Interaction :: Tasteless Tasteless Britt-21 Britt-21 Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Alpha Tael raised his head at Clara's words, nodding with a sigh. Yes, but they were sitting ducks as it were... with no shelter and no true coverage - the canopy and treeline were not thick enough to be considered a sense of security. "This is indeed true, but we must start to move once more, preferably sooner than later." At his words, the ice that clung to his fur began to breathe a bone-chilling mist, "Winter is coming, and we are not prepared." Yet as he spoke, absently testing the air as his body continued to release its icy temperature, he heard the howl.

It was sharp, panicked, and incredibly unfamiliar yet before he could act out, Fuzen was already on the move. He made to follow, urgency and consideration in his step, but he faltered. No, if both he and Fuzen left, they would leave the pack wide open. With the concern in mind, he withdrew and turned to begin a count of the present wolves.

Only when Fuzen returned, carrying a she-wolf on his back, had he finished counting the multitude of elemental wolves.

Fuzen set the she-wolf down, and he watched momentarily from the sidelines as the newcomer began to question her surroundings and her well being. Only when her body erupted with light did he make himself known. He dashed toward them, pupiless eyes drawn into a scowl as his ears leveled slightly against his skull. His elemental gift was in full force now, a sheet of ice forming underneath him. "Please, refrain from making such a show, young one. We do not desire to draw attention. It's reckless. This is unknown territory." As he spoke, his body slowly settled into his previous, usual calmed state yet his ears were still flipped backward, gaze still hard.

It was unlike him to jump on someone, but he was realizing that the more they stayed in one spot, the more nervous he grew. That and the starting snowfall did little to increase his worry. Cold was no match for him, although it made him ironically uncomfortable, but the weakened and ill wolves would not fair well.

Hearing - hell, he could smell it - Fuzen's concern, Tael had the idea to summon all talented healers, but refrained. Damn their predicament. Damn it all. Yet when he caught the gentle gaze of his Beta directed to the newcomer, he gave a tilt to his head. "Clara, if you would, could you search for Yue amidst the wolves?" He asked gently before turning his attention to Fuzen, "You know of this she-wolf?" He questioned.

((Apologies, I'm at work and on Spring Break... I feel that my reply is lacking.))

Location: near the river
Mood: bewildered, curious, sympathetic
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless


Tundra blinked, startled as the she-wolf, Ayka, introduced herself as a healer. A healer? he wondered, confused. What does that mean? Can she heal wounds? Tundra glanced at his wound for a moment. My wound?
Tundra's ears pricked at the mention of a fire. He took a second to look around, seeing the burnt, charred land. Trees as black as charcoal dotted the area, and the faint scent of smoke churned in the air. Tundra knew this place used to be full of life, lush with growth and prey. But now, all that was gone. The territory was dead.

Tundra's gaze went back to Ayka's, his eyes filled with questions. Something terrible had taken place here; this she-wolf has seen and felt it. Curious, Tundra gazed into Ayka's sorrowful eyes for a moment, and an instant was all it took for the pained memories of a fire to flood into his mind.
Ayka's memories of the blaze were vivid and clear, and Tundra almost felt as if he was reliving it. He heard the rapid, panicked breaths of Ayka as she ripped through the scorched forest, her heart beating faster than the beat of a hummingbird's wings. Her anguished cries for her pup, Ryka, echoed throughout the silence of the woods.

Finally, Ayka made it to a clearing, blackened by fire and ash. Tundra, through the she-wolf's eyes, saw a motionless body of a pup midst the singed ground, it's snow-white fur a stark contrast from the burned grass, despite stains.
For the next few moments, Tundra felt the ache of a mother's loss, the numbness of grief and pain spreading like wildfire. Ryka was never even her pup, yet Ayka risked everything for her. Tundra had never experienced a love like that. So fierce, it created a grief so agonizing it was beyond comprehension.

Just as quickly as it came, the memories disappeared. Tundra blinked, his heartbeats suddenly ao loud, he was sure Ayka could hear them. Tundra's cold facade melted, replaced by sympathy. He hesitated for a moment, glancing at the thin, meager catch he had made. He glanced back at Ayka, seeing how starved she looked It didn't take a mind-reader to know that she had no strength to catch anything. If she didn't have something soon, Ayka would die of hunger and grief.

Something of a sigh escaped Tundra. He nudged the piece of prey to Ayka. "Here," he said, his tone soft and understanding, despite the obvious note of regret that could be discerned. "You need this more than I do." After a moment of silence, he added, "Tundra. My name's Tundra."

Little did Tundra know, a threat loomed over the distance, dark and malicious. Despite it's silence and no discernable scent, the Mist's vindictive intentions were loud and clear. All it needed to do now, was wait.

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Location: near the river
Mood: On Guard, Impatient, Nervous, Curious
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless Panzer Panzer Affili Affili

The white wolf grinned at Virgo's words. His ears pricked to the sudden shifting of the older wolf's attention as if his pelt was being burned. Etu gazed around for any signs and scented the air, but he could only catch the scents of the other pack members and couldn't see anything abnormal, though now his fur was slightly on edge. We should probably get to scouting sooner and not later, he thought feeling uncomfortable about the thought of being defenseless to other creatures. Etu tried to prick his ears for anything, but still even the sounds were just of the wolves he knew. His gaze circled the treeline again as he wondered what could be hidden beyond them and thought he noticed purple orbs floating in the shadows. He blinked his golden eyes and they were gone. Shaking his head in slight confusion, Etu started to walk towards recruit and the old elder, though it seemed like a lot had occurred during his momentary lapse.

"I don't know what it is, Virgo, but I feel like something is out there," he voiced his concerns. "A good scout might make my mind stop play tricks on me," Etu noticed Recruit waiting eagerly to scout and quickly joined him.


Location: near the river
Mood: Unsure
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. Anyone Anyone else around because I am not going to lie I am little unsure what is going on. I just need to post something and get back in it.

Yue had been gathering herbs down the far end of the river. He gazed out upon the still water that only seemed to voice potential doom in his mind then again he was rather pessimistic in nature. Ayka being around hadn't helped brighten the mood like she normally did and actually only dampened it since it seemed like the she-wolf was feeling rather overwhelmed and stressed. He would to if he didn't really worry about things too much. He was more about getting things done and not fretting about things he could not. The cold wind phased through him as he became mist unconsciously. Yue's ears pricked back as he felt some need to hurry back to the others. I guess I should carry what little I found, he thought as he gripped the bitter herbs between his teeth and headed back to where the others were located.

As his paws lead him closer, Yue could scent panic among the wolves, but more so on Fuzen which was never a good sign. Scanning the clearing, Yue found the yellow streaked wolf and quickened his pace towards him. A strange scent entered his nose as he took notice of a stranger with an injured leg near Fuzen.
"What has happened?" he asked not really concerned with who the wolf was since formalities were not his problem.


Pack :: Mountain
Feeling :: Sorrowful - Confused
Location :: No-Man's land
Interactions :: madame moiselle madame moiselle
Her ears twitched when silence fell over the pair, until he spoke softly. She turned her cyan gaze towards him, yet she frowned slightly. Her eyes on the rabbit at Tundra's paws, but she didn't move to pick it up. "That's very kind, thank you." she begins, her voice smooth and soft. "But, I'm not hungry." she finishes, averting her gaze back to Ryka. She didn't lie, she truly wasn't hungry. She was far to upset and distraught, all she could think of was her dead adopted pup.
Suddenly, a sound erupted from the tree line. It was melodic, alluring to the healer. It was the voice of Ryka.
"Ayka?" it called softly. The healer was struck with shock, and she hurried towards the tree line. Her paws carried her swiftly, and she looked around frantically. "Ryka? Where are you?" she whines, only to hear her deceased pup once more. "Ayka, I'm over here!"
Ayka bounds toward a patch of white, where a white pup laid. "Ryka, I'm here baby." she whimpers, quickly stopping in front of the white pup, who laid with shut eyes. "Ryka?" she says softly, reaching out one of her paws. Ayka hadn't noticed the dark fog that swirled in the shadows, or the heavy feeling of evil that made the air dense enough to choke. Before her paw even touched the imposter pup, its eyes opened to reveal a terrifying emerald color, not Ryka's golden eyes.
Ayka was frozen in fear, as the white pup turned black and began to morph. The creature exposed its true form, its lanky legs extending longer than any wolf ever seen, the fur and skin around it's muzzle ripped with a sickening crackling to expose its bare skull. Its body was long, its fur so thin Ayka could see its ribs showing through the skin. The demon towered over Ayka, who had began to tremble and whimper.
The creature shifted, its bones popping and cracking, before it opened its mouth to screech. The sound was blood curdling, and echoed throughout the land. It sounded nothing like a wolf, or any animal that should be living within the world. Before Ayka could turn tail and run, its whip like tail extended and wrapped around her front leg. She shriek in terror, and attempted to pull away. Yet the grip as to tight, and the creature lifted Ayka off the ground by her paw. Its Emerald eyes burned with hate and cruelty, before it thrashed her side to side.
It then slams her on the ground with a sickening thud, and dives forward the sink its horrendous fangs into her flesh. Ayka turns onto her side, and braces slightly. The thorn like objects on her shoulders and thighs shoot out. The sharp objects slice through the creatures rotten flesh, causing it to shriek and falter, before vanishing in a plume of black fog.
In the same moment, several pairs of crimson eyes emerge from the shadows, before stepping out and showing themselves. There was several of the creatures, who were smaller yet just a terrifying as the creature who must have been the leader. They shrieked and began to run toward Ayka and Tundra.
"Run!" she barks at Tundra, turning towards him and sprinting, the beasts following her with terrifying speed.

Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Concerned - Terrified
Location :: No-Man's land
Interactions :: DemonKitten DemonKitten Britt-21 Britt-21
He sighs softly, before Yue shows up. "She had a glacier land on her spine, yet she currently has her power holding her spine together." He looks towards Clara, "Clara-" Suddenly, a shrill screech erupted from the forest. He flinches in shock, the sound drove terror deep into his belly. His eyes grew wild when the sound of Ayka shrieking reached his ears. "Something is very wrong." he says, perking his ears. There was a horrendous scent in the breeze now, and he knew he had to check it out. "Come on!" he barks, before swiftly hurrying into the forest. He continued at a strained trot, until another shriek causes him to begin to sprint. He reaches the edge of the clearing, and freezes. A massive beast with emerald eyes poofs into fog, before others form from the shadows and pursue the now fleeing Ayka. "w-what is that" he whispers, his eyes massive, his fur bristling in terror.
Without thinking, he runs toward Ayka. He leaps over her, and comes face to face with the crimson-eyed creatures. He braces himself, and volts of electricity shoot out of his body in the form of incredibly bright light. The creatures shriek, before vanishing. Only to reappear. Some were at the edge of the tree line, some were behind Ayka, some appeared on Fuzen. Shrill shrieks fill the air, as a pair of beasts leap on the beta. He was shocked, their skinless jaws snapping for his throat. He forcibly shoves one off with his paws, the other one had managed to sink its fangs into his scruff.
He growls loudly, before an orb of electricity forms around his body and causes the creatures who were attacking him to disappear again. He takes this moment to get to his paws and run after Ayka, blood staining the white fur on his neck. These creatures have not come from Luna.

Pack :: Mist
Feeling :: Worried - Terrified
Location :: No Man's land
Interactions :: DemonKitten DemonKitten
Virgo looked towards Etu as he spoke, and nodded briskly. "I feel that as well, its as if eyes are on us currently." he glances around, before a shrill unholy screech rang through the forest. "That cant be good." He then heard Ayka shriek, and his pelt begins to bristle. "Ayka is in trouble, we have to help Etu." he says firmly, before rushing toward the sound of shrieks and horrendous growls. He halts at the edge of the tree line, watching the monstrous creatures bombard Fuzen, only to disappear before his electricity could even touch them. When the creatures reappeared, his thoughts concluded. "What have you done." he says quietly to no one in particular. It was like watching wolves chase rabbits, as Ayka fled from the snapping jaws of these demon beasts. "You cannot fight them!" he barks, catching unwanted attention.
He was suddenly thrown to the ground, one of those creatures standing over him with hatred burning in its crimson eyes.

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Feeling:: Defensive:: Defiant
Location::No Man's Land
Interactions:: Tasteless Tasteless

Ice leaped up in defense as the shadow beasts flooded into the center of the camp. Turning to face one that was on top of another wolf, she curled her claws into the ground and the snow around her began to freeze. Which the n started to crack as shards of bright glowing ice floated around her, Then upon saying the word "release" the ice shards left her side, at speeds that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The shards of ice soon hit home and the shadow suddenly vanished with a loud agonizing shriek. She then turned toward another three mist monsters and stomped her paw into the ground which caused more tall spikes of ice to effortlessly rise from the ground immediately. and then she sent those larger spikes toward the three mist monsters...​
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Location: No Man's Land
Mood: On the attack, on edge
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless

Kyomi could feel the impending doom as she heard the howls in the distance. As if all her self wallowing had dissipated, She raced towards the sounds to find creatures even more menacing than she was. Their eyes were crimson and their head was no longer that of a wolf or if it was, it was just half. She had always though herself no longer of her own kind, but at least she still had the body of a wolf. Kyomi growled and prepared to launch herself towards some in the distance, but her gaze faltered to another. As the poison transformed her body, she found herself staring at eyes of green like that of her own. It sent shivers down her spine more so than that of the crimson. There was something about seeing the color green on these creatures that made her heart hurt. The beast had situated himself on top of Virgo and before even Etu could do anything, the she-wolf leapt across pushing it off in surprise. The poison on her paws dripped and melted the ground as saliva fell to burn the spot where the beast should lay, but it was already gone. Like she had seen the medicine Wolf Yue do time and time again, these beast had just transformed to thin air.

Location: No Man's Land
Mood: Defensive
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless

Etu watched these odd beast form around the wolves. He had never seen creatures corrupted to such a point that they could no longer be seen as wolves, but just some unknown beast. He felt a growl rumble inside of him as he watched Fuzen try and take a few down. The similarities of mist that they formed into only made him feel rage burn inside of him.
"Cowards!" he howled at them with the rage he felt. How many times had he had that same trick pulled on him, but he could not deny that, unlike Yue, these beast could actually harm them. Etu was too blinded by his own thoughts and rage to react when Virgo was knocked down by a beast. He prepared to attack, but the she-wolf Kyomi launched at it. Her body dripped green as some splashed towards his paws and killed the grass below it.
"Virgo, are you alright?" he barked, checking to make sure the poison had not managed to drip on him as well or that the beast hadn't managed to do any considerable damage. He looked over to where the beast should lay beneath Kyomi's paws, but of course it was gone.

"We cannot win on the defense like this," He called loudly to Fuzen. "They are well prepared," yet, Etu didn't know what else to do. He feared if they ran back to the others that they would only lead them to attack all the wolves. Etu pricked his ears to Ayka's call to run towards the mixed colored wolf, Tundra, and he feared that was all they could do.
"We need to at least stop them from chasing, Ayka," he barked to Kyomi and Virgo. Fuzen had the most on them, but he knew that Ayka was more important to the packs right now.

Location: No Man's Land
Mood: Irritated
Interactions: Tasteless Tasteless Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. madame moiselle madame moiselle

Yue quickly placed a paw down upon Ice's spine forcing the she-wolf to lay down. "If you are injured, you should rest..." he growled in irritation at the white wolf. "Using your powers will only cause your inevitable demise," he lectured a little more softly now. He could here Ayka's calls and turned to where she was running. "I want you to stay here... What ever your name is," he barked. "If you can keep the ice on your spine, I might... MIGHT be able to help you," Yue leaned down closer with blue eyes looking more intimidating then normal. "But if you dare move, I will make sure you never walk again," he smiled as he transformed into mist and disappeared towards where Ayka was.

She was running along with Tundra with a beast on her tail. He quickly solidified in front of the creature causing it to barrel into him as they crashed to the ground.​
Mood:: Irritated, Defiant
Location:: No Man's Land

Ice Turned her head and said Defiantly, "Fine! but even so I will still fight. Just not from as close as of now. Besides you don't even know what it's like to loose your mother!" Then Ice began to crouch into a leaping figure and forced herself to jump as far as she could and resulted in herself landing on the other side of the camp, a decent range from the mist creatures. Then Ice lined up a shot, and a piece of bright ice flew from the ground. Ice zeroed in on her target, a mist creature this one much larger than the others, and released the shard. It shrieked like a high speed train going through a tunnel, and then With a loud *crack!!* the massive shard hit home...​

Pack :: Sangue
Feeling :: Concerned - Powerful
Location :: No-man's land
Interactions :: Meine , DemonKitten DemonKitten
She had been watching them before, she knew that these strangers would not know to seek shelter in the night. They were similar, yet different.
She had been walking with her brother, Meine, when she heard the screeching. "They have been found." she says softly, quickening her pace. "Genere, perhaps we should let them have them." the foreign she-wolf stops, turning her powerful gaze towards her brother. They both shared the Traveler rank from their tribe, and both of them disagreed with the pack morals. "I mean, it would be better than-" "I will not let them die to those.. beasts." she snaps, before turning tail and hurrying towards the sound of shrieking. Her paws carry her swiftly, yet incredibly silently. Once she gets to the clearing, she watches the white wolf from earlier, Etu, is to focused on his friend to notice one of the creatures approaching from his flank.
A soft beep rings out, then another. Suddenly, Genere has appeared at Etu's flank. She bares her fangs and a violet light emits from between her slightly parted teeth, before she opens her jaws wide. a violet beam of light flashes from deep in her throat, before smashing into the approaching beast. It shrieks, clawing at the ground as the rotten flesh dissolves and drips onto the grass, causing the grass to sizzle and become char.
The beast crumples to the ground slowly, twitching and growling menacingly, before the Crimson light fades to a dead black.
Genere pants softly, before looking toward Etu, "I have no safe place for you all, these beasts require different gifts to be able to be killed." She says softly. "I just need wolves to distract them." She says gently, her violet eyes powerful, yet incredibly gentle.

Pack :: Sangue
Feeling :: Cautious
Location :: No-man's land
Interactions :: DemonKitten DemonKitten
He watches his sister sprint toward the battle, yet he holds back. He creeps silently, as he was taught to due given his traveler rank. His piercing green eyes scan the clearing, as his sister immediately protects a massive white wolf. His sister was not the kind to protect a male, why had she chosen to defend him?
His eyes then stop on the black she-wolf, her emerald green markings similar to his. His ears twitched, until he noticed the leader of the beasts tip its back, before releasing a black orb toward the she-wolf.
Suddenly, he was running towards her, his paws carrying him as quickly as he possibly could sprint. Once he gets close enough, he leaps towards her and shuts his eyes tightly. He simply hoped he could slam into her, to keep her away from the acid like substance the foul beast had produced.
Health: 99%
mood: Depressed, Scared, Confused.

The Patrol
Not even a few minutes on his journey did he suspect something wrong with the team. There was, infact, no team at all! Recruit was all no man's land...with no powers to protect him from what ever could be waiting for him out here. He immediately started to panic. He was shocked that they left him like this. After a few moments of panicked thought, He realized that he had forgotten to check behind him to see if they were there. IT WAS SO SIMPLE! Yet he managed to mess it up. By now, he was shaking, fear paralyzing him where he stood. He looked around him, switching to anything that even made the slightest of movements.

His heart felt heavy and cold, his lungs were burning with every hyperventalated breath, and his body was shaking rapidly.
Reality soon set in on him, as tears began to drip down from the bottom of his eyes. He couldn't handle it.

A sudden far off scream sent him down to the floor. He curled himself up in a ball and proceeded to whimper and cry. He did not want to go any further. Half of him wanted to stand up and run. The other half wanted to stay and fight this....thing. Yet he didn't move.
"S-stupid-stupid..." He whispered softly to himself.
"I want my mommy.." He repeated silently as he tried to calm himself down.


Pack :: Mist
Mood :: Protective/Defensive
Location: No Man's Land
Interaction :: Britt-21 Britt-21
Tael heard the awful, bloodcurdling shriek, and nearly suffocated on the stench of death and raw decay that abruptly mixed with the scent of snow. It was sudden and it brought a heart wrenching pain to his chest, a worry that radiated off of him in puffs of cold. It had drawn the cold from within him, coated his fur with a thicker layer of ice than the icy tendrils that dripped from his body. Fuzen went into action, a response that he was most proud of, while he took to tending to the wolves.

Yet as he moved to round up what little remained of the joined packs, he was struck with a sense of foreboding. He turned then, paws spinning on a sheet of ice that his paw pads had made, and barely missed a blackened, bony paw that had reached for his throat. The white alpha spun, dancing on the ice as he quickly backed up and away from the sudden enemy. The beast before him, an entity that seemed a remnant of wolf, assaulted him with the same stench that tangled in the wind. It drew him to curl his lip at the foul odor as he quickly took to the defensive. With a tap of a paw the earth beneath him vanished, a glistening sheet of ice devouring it whole as it spread like the wildfire that had taken their home. The exert of power made his white eyes glow as the ice beneath the beast shot upward like a wall, effectively shielding Tael and the wolves at his back from the second try at a blow. Yet when the beast struck the icy wall, an action that Tael felt from the tips of his toes up to his ears, did the wall of ice disintegrate. It cracked, shattered like glass, and vanished in a sickening hue of red.

Never before had such a creature easily bypassed his ice, not this quickly, this easily. My Luna... what are these abominations? He lunged, trying for a frontal attack, as he bared fangs that were coated with icy shards. Yet as he charged did more beasts appear, like shadows they materialized, and he found himself thrown to the side.

The large alpha smacked into a tree, his head cracking against the bark. Yet he quickly recovered, jumping back on his feet as he attempted the wall of ice once more. As the second attempt at a wall happened, doing little to keep the growing masses of beasts at bay, he turned to Clara. "We must regroup, quickly. We are too vulnerable like this, too spread out."

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