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Fantasy The Beginning of a New (IC, Always Open)



To say Godric wasn't paying much attention to the negotiations was an understatement, he was paying them no attention. Wasn't completely his fault, he had no interest in them as he held no power here. Nothing he said or did could benefit Astagorn or his daughter, only harm them, so he decided to do what he did best, Nothing. He did what he could to look attentive, looking at each person as they spoke, stroking the rough hair on his beard, but his mind.. his mind was adrift, sailing on nothing in particular. It was the voice of lust that cut through the haze, but it wasn't truly her voice, no, it was a name. Kharn.

Godric's eyes jumped to the figure that had joined, the man who killed his son. It was a curious feeling, as it was the first time it happened, the unfamiliar sensation of hate. A raw, primal feeling that threatened to overwhelm him. He wasn't used to such surges of emotion, even the love he held for his wife had been a soft-burning flame, one that never went out but never ignited his soul like this. For all the good it would do, Godric wanted to kill Kharn, and when he apologized, it only incised him more. What did he knew of it? Did he even understand what he was apologizing for? Had he ever loved someone like he loved his son? No... He did not know the love of a father. None of them did. Not pride in his ego, not greed who saw them as tools... They did not love their children. They did not watch them grow up, did not change their undergarments, kiss the scab on their knee when they fell.. they did not hold them when they cried after being rejected by their first love. Feel the rush of love and pride when their child surpassed them.

His jaw tightened until he was certain his teeth would shatter, a part of him understood that his son died in battle, a place where many sons had died. He knew that his son had killed other men's sons and that, out there, somewhere, there were fathers and mothers cursing his name and wanting to kill Godric for taking away their children. But it didn't matter. Only the pain did. Only the loss. Only the hate. Deep in his soul, Sloth knew one fact, he would always hate Kharn. He may be able to push it aside it, in a thousand years, he may even be able to ignore it or forget it, but it would always be there, his hate.

But what could he do? Kill Kharn.. and then what? Kharn would be back. The nations would plunge back into war, thousands of mothers and fathers would lose their children, but he wanted to. It would do no good. It would change nothing, he would feel just as empty after, Godric knew this, but still he wouldn't to see Kharn die, or better, to feel the same pain that Godric felt... But he never would, so Godric did what he did best. He did nothing.



Asha closed her eyes and took a moment to herself before speaking. She didn't know why she expected Greed and his Slave Empire to have been willing to give, the very idea of 'giving' was far to beyond Greed's capable to understand which is why it had struck her so much when he hadn't opposed that. Of course, she wasn't sure what the point of waiting till later to say he wasn't okay with it served, but she supposed it should have been assumed, "I'm sure they did," Asha said, her voice even and neutral, "I'm sure they weren't threatened or sent to one of your various camps, and, of course, that your.... records can be trusted and present unbiased information," she didn't need to say what those camps were, most people knew of them... nor their constant need of referring to themselves as 'second to none', if she was more... spiteful, she would infer they were compensating for something.

Envy.. surprised Asha, but unlike Greed, it wasn't false. It seemed he has preformed a complete turn of his earlier stance on her proposition. She wasn't sure if he would do it again, flip flop between supporting and fighting, but for now it was worth something, "Of course, my Lord," Asha said, inclining her head to the adviser of Aurus, "This discussion, if allowed to progress, could take.. awhile, but Astagorn is committed to returning prisoners and land regardless of what direction this goes," which was easy enough as it was something the High Council had settled on before she had come. Asha gave Seraphim a nod to his apology, but did not speak of it. It happened, it was addressed, it was apologized for, there was no need to draw more attention to it especially as Seraphim was a likely ally for her cause.

Of course, Greed's estimate of human life ruffled her as it always did, but she didn't expect much else from a man who used his children as he did. One of the few things she was happy with her own father for was he was a father... Even if she had not said as much lately. But despite Lust's insistence for her to continue, in which Asha had planned to underline why her idea of an organization did not work if land was not given back, the words died in her throat when Wrath arrived. Kharn, the man who killed her brother.

Emotions ran through her, but it did not surface on her face, no, not Asha did not allow herself to show such weakness, she was too trained, too disciplined, too used to life of hiding them. But it didn't stop. Wrath apologized. Here. Of all places. She was torn into different pieces, some of those wanted to throw herself at wrath.. for all the good it would not do, part of her wanted to scream, part to crumble onto the ground and cry, and another to throw herself at her father and cry in his arms like she did when she was a child.

"I... move for a brief recess, if that is fine with everyone?" Asha asked to give herself time to recover, to let the sins and virtues speak to each other if they desired and, well, to check on her father.​
Virtue of Temperance
Aisha Seral

Godric looked at the woman, his blue eyes clouded with confusion.. and little apprehension as both Temperance and Charity made him feel woefully under-dressed, perhaps he should have changed like his daughter had prodded him to do, "Not my idea," he said easily, well, he could see how some might assume it was. Most sins and virtues lead their nation either directly, or indirectly but with a firm hand, he was neither of those. Astagorn was just the place he hung his boots, it belonged to its people, like his Daughter, and he didn't stick his nose into the politics of it, "It is Asha's, my daughter," he explained, turning to look up at his daughter who was still standing, "Don't know where she got that drive, probably from her mother. She was a better person then I."
It was no surprise that the proposal actually wasn’t Sloth’s idea. He was, after all, had only joined this war for to avenge his son. But it was unexpected that he would give his daughter the credit, risking lower the proposal’s weight in other’s eyes. He must really love his children. It was obvious since his pain had surfaced every time his lost child was mentioned. Aisha had never had a child of her own to experience parental love, but she knew it was an immeasurable love that most parents have. She pitied the destroyed father even though her face betrayed none of it.

The daughter herself was an intelligent one, who did have sympathy for her people. But she asked for the impossible: rational thoughts from those immortal beings. The thing about them is, Aisha mused as she watched the girl depressingly starting to realize, the Virtues and Sins may have lived for a long time, but they are merely people who were granted more power than they should have been. What is there to strive for when you are already the most powerful, when almost nothing is out of your reach. Like most, they exist to please themselves, be it materialistic greed or desire to do good, only that they don’t have to work for it. Out of all of them, Greed was the easiest to deal with in a sense, his actions were driven by greed, but not by his emotion. The worst of them obviously was…
"Enough!" Seraphim called out, interrupting the bickering. He threw godsend into the center, a radiant light blinding everyone. When it dimmed down, Seraphim's true form came out, as he stood next to the implanted spear, gripping onto it as the light radiated.

"This has all been over selfish desires. As kings and queens, you should think how your people are hurt from this war. I have gone across the lands, carrying out my mission in all of your holds. It's all the same, everyone is torn from war. Hungry, scared, and dying. If you truly care for those whom you rule over, you'll put this all to an end. There's never a reason for war. We are kin, brothers and sisters, not by blood, but by soul. I love all of you, and I know you all love eachother to some extent. Not only does it hurt me when I see all this fighting between us, it hurts the people of the land. We can find another way around this. I've gotten to know all of you personally, so I know how none of you truly want this deep inside. You may call for it, you may think you want this, but I know in all your hearts, you want this to stop. Don't listen to me, listen to your heart, your deepest desire."
His voice echoed and radiated throughout the hall. Hundreds of people outside gathered around to hear his speech. This was his effect, this was the power of humility. Of compassion. Of a true desire for happiness for all.

Seraphim went back to his human form. He scanned the room, meeting eyes with everyone. He meant every word of his speech. He would never lie in his talks of inspiration. He truly wanted this to all end; peace for the people.

Her face remained unfazed after the overdramatic display of Humility. Seraphim probably didn’t realize how similar he was to his counterpart, Pride. Righteous and selfless were his action. But in believing in the righteous justification of his, he blindly followed this absolute justice, the self-proclaimed ultimate truth, such arrogant! He acted selflessly, or more correctly, gave up himself to serve an ideal that he believed to be objectively true, and in the process, impose that ideal on others, demand them to reach his standard. Too bad he is no fool, Aisha thought, I can’t simply butter him up with some empty words about justice. If worse comes to worst, she would have to set other against him, which probably… won’t be hard.

Things got worse, Lady Lust openly flirting with Sloth, Seraphim dragged her out of the room and then Wrath came and faced Sloth. Things weren’t getting out of hand just yet but they really did need to calm their head, so Aisha immediately accepts the suggestion of Sloth’s daughter for a recess. This might be her chance to make some moves.

Aisha got out of her seat and, with her beast-man companion, approached Gier and Naveah. Between them was a girl, given her awkwardness and the similarity to the other two, she probably was their rumored daughter. A girl with the bloods of two opposite Sin and Virtue. While nothing was showed on her face, Aisha was very curious about her, but bringing her up might not be the best action in this situation.

“I want to express my appreciation for your generous, Charity. While Callipolis is not in need of your blessing, but I’m sure your gifts of life will surely help others who have suffered much from this war, and this land in general.” To Charity, she said, offered her sincere words. She might have said some questionable things in today, but Charity was still one of the few who actually cared about the people in this room.

In the language of the desert tribes, Aisha spoke to Gier. “I believe Charity’s goodwill will be a great compensating for the land you’re willing to offer for our lasting peace. But If you are to change your mind and agree to give back the land you conquered in this war, Callipolis will also happy to offer our support as well as a lasting alliance with Gierlands in the future.

Serena's anger surged up with a passion once more as Seraphim pulled her aside. What on Xiola was he doing?! Her anger only increased further when he called her by her real name. "You will not call me by that cursed name!!" She yelled, her eyes narrowing at him. "But since you insisted on getting me alone, where did you hear that name Seraphim? Who told it to you?" She demanded as she stared him down, her hands shaking from rage at this man. The man who somehow knew her real name and dared to call her by it. This man who ruined her game only to drag her aside, and for what? Did he just want to get her along so that he could 'make moves' on her? Was that was this was? Ugh. He was CERTAINLY going about this wrong if that's what he wanted. In all the years he knew her, he surely should know how to woo her. Though he really choose a strange time, but that didn't matter. What did matter was how did he know her name and what the fuck was he doing? As he pulled her into an embrace, Serena's body when rigged. What..what was he doing? He had only done this once before, many years ago when Serena was..lost, but not in the way one would think.

Serena had lost herself in the war, her mind completely wiped of whatever she had done. When she awake, she found herself in the arms of Seraphim, her face wet with tears. To this day he still won't tell her what happened or why nearly a thousand corpses lay behind him. What had she done? She still wanted to know to this day. Why were so many dead? Did she do it? Serena did not know, but Seraphim did. So why hide it? She knew what she was. She knew she was a monster in human-ish form. He could tell her. So why? With a deep sigh, Serena pulled away from him, keeping him arms length away from her as she stared him in the eyes, his last words hitting hear in the face like a brick. Pride and Wrath in love with her? Lies. Pride did not love and Kharn likely hated her for everything that had transpired. "You lie. Love does not exist. Not in my world or their's. Pride and Wrath could never love someone like me." She sucked in a breath before speaking once more, "A monster who can never have enough." The truth of those words haunted her forever. Didn;t he know she wanted someone to fill the hole in her? Didn't he know she wanted nothing more than to settle down and be happy? No. Of course he didn't. Serena couldn't tell anyone about her true desires..because they simply weren't totally true either. Part of her would always want more, crave more. That was her Sin, her folly of man. Lust. To never be happy with just one, but instead want all. "Stop trying Seraphim. They deserve better than me, and I cannot love. I cannot have just one. Everyone knows this." She said, her voice flat as though she was only stating a fact. "If I could of stopped this war, don't you think I would of by now?"
Seraphim knew Lust hated hearing her own name, but it was one of the very few selfish desires he had. He was closer to her than anyone else. She wasn't a god to him, she was his dearest friend. "I never forget. Even if so, I keep track of history. I know secrets between the 13 of you that others would never wish to know. Those secrets would only come out when we all fall." This was true. He carried an infinitely large book to record history, so that it could never be forgotten, and hopefully, learned from.

As he held her, not only did he remember back to what she had done last time, but what he had done. Like a thousand lashings, it would be permanently embedded in his mind. Seraphim did not skimp the details in his writings, what he had done was something beyond even brutality of Wrath. Most people who could tell of this tale were long gone, and only to become revelations turned into an old wive's tale to demonize the "symbol of hope." He was conflicted on the history of the incident. One on hand, people still looked up to him so that he could continue his eternal mission; on the other hand, people forgot of the demon he had become at that time. He did not deserve his praise, he deserved to rot in the ground with the bodies of those who's lives were taken by his hand, for all of eternity. He didn't want Lust to know either, as to lose her, would mean he truly had nothing left. That was his other selfish desire. Seraphim didn't want Lust to leave. Is it love? Hard to say, as he hasn't truly known what love felt like for 700 years.

Lust's words reached Seraphim's heart. It stung worse than a millions blades through his heart. "Everyone can love, some just forget how to. I know your heart is damaged, but time heals all wounds. Compared to when I first met you, you've become so much more passionate. Letting me into your enclosed environment, and telling me things that you would damn me to say out loud."

"Stop trying Seraphim. They deserve better than me, and I cannot love. I cannot have just one. Everyone knows this."
"If I may speak my mind..." He hesitated. "They don't deserve better... You do. I want you to have who ever can truly make you happy. And those two are driven by their primal wants. They see you as a status symbol." Seraphim lightly held Lust's cheek, trying his best to not overwhelm her with his radiance. "You are an amazing, wonderful, beautiful woman. And I pity those who cannot see that for themselves. If I may ask..." He hesitated again. This speaking out loud was against his nature. Seraphim believed in finding your own path, not dragging you to it. "Don't choose either. And if They wish to hunt me to the ends of the world, so be it. I would gladly make this my last act, for you."

"It's your destiny. And I'll be by your side, hand by hand, all the way through. Because I believe in you. I will help you find that person to help you feel love once again."
Soliron's golem perched on his father's chair, hidden by a charm that a fellow mage had allowed him to use. Soliorn himself sat in his workshop, miles and miles away from the peace summit, secure in the knowledge that his father could contact him directly if anything specific needed doing, as well as serving as a communicator between the empire itself and his father. Soliron let out a mental sigh, the talk itself was trivial, as he knew his father would undoubtedly gain the upper hand and make a great profit for the empire. Perhaps his father would gain more land and resources, or forge a steel-clad alliance with the other 13. He did, however, notice both Lady Lust and Seraphim were taking a long absence, and he decided to investigate. Moving silently, his golem flew down the hall they had adjurned to, and, finding their room, perched in a far corner from the pair.

He had landed just in time to see Lust push away from the Virtue. Soliorn smiled to himself. 'So that's the game; Isolate the threat and neutralize the need for massive negotiation.' A smart plan, provided they had privacy. As he listened, he grew to understand the situation more and more. He had guessed that Seraphim had been making a strategic move. However, it was obvious now that he was only concerned, as he always was, with the moral high ground and had no real ulterior motives. Never the less, this incident could prove most valuable if Lust ever needed to be 'convinced' of siding with Greed on a matter. Content to see the scene play out, Soliron simply watched, all the while recording what he heard in a small notebook he kept​
"Don't listen to his bullshit." A voice said, and Pride appeared, eyes blazing and mouth curled up into a sneer.
"I value her. No matter what form she takes, or who she loves, or who she chooses, I will always love her. I've loved her from the moment I heard her laugh. I know her dark side, her hungry side, her loving side. I know Lady Lust, and I know who she once was. I started a war over her, and I am not afraid to do it again. Who can please her like me? No other."

"You will NOT be by her side, hand by hand. I believe in her. She is mine. I don't care if she cannot just have one, I accept all of her. However, she doesn't want you. I will share her, but you are not worthy of a goddess such as she."

Pride was quite a sight to behold, hair flying as if it were in a storm, his face darkened with a murderous look. He'd kill for Lust...
A sword materialized in his hand, gleaming and glistening.

"Leave her be, or I shall handle you like I did Wrath."

Serena only grew angrier, Seraphim had avoided her question. It was one thing if he would of lied, but her totally avoided it, basically avoiding to tell her what it is she wanted to know. This was important to her and he knew that! HE knew how much she hated her real name, how much she loathed it's very existence. Why was he doing this? This was not like him. Wasn't Seraphim supposed to be one of the good guys? Tck. Who would of known. Serena's eyes narrowed at him once again, but before she could ever even speak, Pride had busted in on them, luckily Seraphim wasn't holding her anymore, as there probably would of been yet another war. At the thought of another war, Serena's stomach twisted, her face paling slightly. Pride's words about starting another war for her was true, and he'd do it now if she didn't act fast, the last thing she needed was another war on her hands..another death or millions. That's not what she wanted. "Stop!" She shouted and place herself between them, her eyes darting to Pride. "There's no need for another war. This one should not end because of another one beginning." She scorned before stepping towards Pride, her hand lightly resting on his hand holding the sword. "Remember what I said to you at the beginning of this? Before we ever came inside the cathedral?" Her eyes were pleading as her voice was soft. She wanted this madness to end. This war to be over. Seraphim was right about one thing, and that was that she was the key to the end. No more war. All she had to do..was commit. Commitment was hard..it was perhaps the hardest thing for her to do thanks to her Sin, but if war would be ended because of this..then she would eternally punish herself. She would commit. That was the least she could do for the sins she had committed. That's how she would atone, but only if it came to it. Only if she absolutely had to.

Serena's hand reached up and lightly touched the spot she had kissed on his cheek before they entered the cathedral, the light stain of red still there where he had not yet wiped it off. "Please stop this." She begged, her words so soft that perhaps only Pride could hear them. If she was the one thing that could end this, then she'd do it now. She would let no one stand in the way of peace. Not Pride, and not that damned man Gier. She would fight for this till she died trying. Peace would come and no one could stop it! There was a small fire in her eyes, but it was likely Pride would think that was for himself, which she was fine with so long as it stopped this madness. Serena didn't mind a little competition for her lovers, nor did she mind a man to man fight over her, but now was NOT the time or place. Seraphim and Pride could fight over her another day when the world wasn't hanging in the balance. "Let's all return to the meeting." She said, pressing herself against Pride just a bit to further encourage this action, though it was likely he might try to take her here, which..wasn't a totally bad idea..but no! Not now. Later. Serena glanced back at Seraphim, her eyes narrowing once again, her anger not totally dispersed. She would have her answer from him. How did he know her real name? Serena never told anyone, and the one person who knew her long before had not arrived yet. "I am not through with you just yet. I will have my answer." She threatened.
Pride seemed to calm at her words, the pleading in her eyes making him soften for a moment. But his pride was once again hurt, and he hated that he kept lowering his standard for her in hopes for... For what? Nothing he could do would make her stay. Lust wanted what she wanted, and Pride wasn't on the menu anymore. However, she was delicious. All he wanted to do was take her on the table right there, make her cry out his name in ecstasy- but no.
Torn, Pride ran his fingers through his hair. To continue and try to win the woman before him, and allowed himself to continue to be hurt, or leave, which would hurt the worst, but heal in the long run. Pride closed his eyes. Was there ever a time he wasn't pride? A man before, or had pride taken him in his clutches as a child, and it was all he knew?
Suddenly, hands reached out. He had pulled Lust close by her hips a little roughly, pressing her hard against him, to where there was no space between them. His hands, skilled, journeyed up and down her sides, teasingly and perhaps a little tauntingly, before delicately tilting her chin up. For a moment, it appeared as if he was going to kiss her, but rather, Pride planted a kiss on her jaw, and another, lower down, on the side of her neck, and that kiss turned to a nibble. He then pulled back briefly, mouth hovering by her ear, eyes flaming with desire.
"I'll agree for a peace treaty for one simple agreement- you come home with me tonight."
He said, not really asking. The beautiful man then turned briskly and left, perhaps to return to the table.

Charity had stayed at the table to discuss further means.
Fury filled Seraphim. He hadn't felt this kind of anger for hundreds of years. The audacity of pride made him want to kill such scum. How dare he, and in front of Seraphim.
Seraphim launched godsend at pride, narrowingly missing him. The impact in the wall made a small explosion. His true form came out as seraphim's voiced deepened and echoed. "Ceasar, you will let go of her, right now. Comply or suffer the power of a true God."

The air in the room became heavy. Nothing mattered, only that Pride took his hands away from the last thing Seraphim had. If he didn't, Seraphim wouldn't hesitate to make him cry for mercy.
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A shiver ran through Serena's body as Pride pulled her close, running his hands down her sides, and his voice when he spoke..mm~ He knew how to drive her crazy. She almost wished he did actually kiss her, as it had been a very long time since Serena had actually been with someone even more so since she last had sex. A light blush crossed her face as her breathing grew unsteady; god the things he could do to her! God did she want him. Right. Now. But that would have to wait, right now she was face to face with Seraphim. He would tell her everything, whether she had to beat it from him or not.

Then it all happened in a blur. The sound of a sword being drawn and the next thing she knew she was doing was pushing Pride out of the way as Godsend, Seraphim's blade came soaring through the air. At some point she had screamed out his name, "Azazel!" As she moved him aside, the blade grazing her cheek before it stuck into the wall behind her. Lightly raising her hand, she placed it on the cut, slick blood coating her hand in a matter of seconds, her eyes wide as she looked at it. Was..he planning on killing Pride? What..what exactly was the purpose of attacking him? For jealousy? Pure anger? This was not like Seraphim, but that mattered not right now, what mattered now was keeping them apart the rest of the evening and preventing the fight that was likely going to happen if she didn't act fast. Than another thought hit her, what if she just let it happen? Let them go at each other? Seraphim deserved it for what he had done. Openly inciting a fight between him and Pride..and over what? Serena's anger came back in full burst as all twelve tendrils rose around her, sharp and ready for the kill. "Seraphim you absolute idiot!!" She screamed, her hands trembling from rage. "What EXACTLY were you trying to do here?!" She yelled at him as two of the tendrils soared through the air, forming themselves into hands as they pushed his chest, hopefully sending him into the wall nearby. "WHY ON ALL OF XIOLA WOULD YOU ATTACK SOMEONE AT A PEACE MEETING?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, no longer able to control her emotions like before she marched forward, her feet stopping against the hardwood floors of the cathedral. "I believed you when you said you wanted the end of this war! I truly trusted your word! But now I see the truth. You come here armed. You are not here for peace at all. Instead you only wish to see it last longer." Her words were harsh, rage from emotion and the pure rage that had exploded from her.

At this point it was likely that the others were alerted to the situation, but at this current moment Serena only saw red, the same color as the blood that dripped down her face, landing on her chest, shoulder, floor, whatever it could find to pool itself on. "This is not like you Seraphim." Those were the words she would leave him with before turning on her heel and strutting back to Azazel. Gently she squatted next to where she had knocked him down, her eyes finding his. "You okay?" She asked, her voice calmer than it had been with Seraphim. It was quite astonishing how easily she could change modes, though there was no doubt that she could just as easily revert back. Serena would not allow a fight, not now or ever at this peace meeting. Like she had said before, peace would happen here today. The war would end and there wouldn't be another so long as she could help it. Still, with the tone of her voice could not hide the fire and rage in her eyes.
He didn't want to be here. If he hadn't already promised her he would go, he would have just found himself a nice little farm to munch on. Except that he did assure her that if he didn't go with her, he would be there, so he did go . . . Although just because he had said he would go, didn't mean he would be on time nor would it be out of his nature to go on a detour. Ottos had arrived on location a little after things had already started, and simply because of how he was he didn't make his presence known to anyone because he was a bit grumpy on the trip. Even though he had packed a bag full of snacks for the trip, he ran out in mere minutes and had to drag himself the rest here, so of course he was going to make a detour and find himself something to eat. It wasn't a war he started, and the only people who really needed to work things out were the drama of three. The rest were just here for their own small reasons.
Even if it was a peace meeting, he took his sweet time on a bundle of corn he had found. Shifting into a smaller form just so he could pig out as much as he could, hoping that by the time he arrived at the meeting itself they would have settled their differences. Ottos snorted a little when that thought came to mind, already knowing that things would not be handled so easily with this lot, and certainly they wouldn't finish before he finished his bundle. By the time the chaos had unfolded with Serena and the men who were with her, he had gotten down to one corncob and was just waddling through the halls with it in his mouth trying to savor it as much as he could.

Ottos knew Serena had an knack for getting into trouble, but even he didn't expect to stroll by on her drenched in blood and possibly a fight. What was even more surprising was that it wasn't the usual goobers, Pride and Wraith, it was that other man . . . What was his name? He munched on the cob in his mouth, trying to recall his name. One of the virtues-- oh, Humility. Now it made more sense why those two would be fighting, it was in their nature. Not that he really cared about those two, he was more focused on Serena who was checking in on Pride. Shaking his piggy head a little at this, he trotted over to Serena's side, dipping his head as he released the mostly eaten corn cob out of his mouth and at her feet. If it was anyone else, this would have been an offering but since it was Gluttony himself, he was merely just setting his meal down to speak.

"Aren't you all supposed to be a peace meeting right now?" He asked, his piggy nose twitching at the heavy scent in the area. Although he addressed all of them, his focus was mostly on Serena, tilting his head slightly at her in a small gesture of concern. Nudging himself against Serena lightly, he began licking at her. Yup, definitely blood and it was definitely hers. After a few more good lickings he stopped and looked up at her to properly address her. "M'lady," He began rather calmly considering the settling around him, "You look worse than a cow that has survived the slaughter house." Ottos stared up at her blankly as he plopped himself down on the ground, his head laying on top of his corn cob.​
The attack knocked the breath, and some blood out of Seraphim. What was the worst of it wasn't the physical damage, it's that, for the first time, Lust attacked him. Seraphim caught a bit of the blood in his hand, glaring down at it. Serena did this... He thought to himself. That thought echoed in his head like a choir. In all the years he knew Lust, the two of them were... close? Her kingdom was Seraphim's favorite to visit, so the two would see each other regularly. She had her moments, but never attacked him. Seraphim was heartbroken.
Painfully, he brought himself to his shaking feet. His wings dropped dead, with him no having the will to lift them off the ground. He stumbled past the three, holding his chest in pain. With a slight struggle, Seraphim pulled the spear out of the wall. He turned his head to Lust, a tear down his face. Apparently, even as his true form, he could not stop the tears. "I haven't felt love since the lost of my wife, the only person who truly mattered to me. I thought I might have loved you. But obviously I was just being a fool." His voice was soft and brittle. The others weren't even there for him. All he could think of how foolish he was to, not only befriend lust, but also possibly fall in love with her.

Seraphim proceeded to the exit, wings dragging on the ground. He came to where most of the others were taking their break. He came up to Asha, leaning into her ear and whispering. "Please inform the others that I'm departing from this war, and consider my missions abandoned. I will no longer be coming to the cities to provide aid."
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Did... Did that just happen? Did this failure of a god actually attempt to harm pride at a peace meeting? And right after he walked in on him flirting with his woman? Pride's blank face darkened with a cold rage at this disrespect. He was PRIDE, the god among man! The one who single-handedly won the war, who raised his nation from the depths of despair, who gave him something to believe in! Who made woman cry out his name in ecstasy and men pray to be- the man every woman wanted and every man wanted to be! He was Pride... And he wasn't about to take this disrespect sitting down.

Infuriated, he shoved Lust out the way- not quite pushing, actually, more stepping in front of her. It wasn't quite easily to discern whether he did this to protect her, or take the spotlight for himself- but he then noticed the blood on Lust's cheek. His own blood ran cold and he took a breath, as if centering himself, and suddenly, a sword materialized in his hand. He raised it, and then suddenly, there was a blast of light, a small explosion, and Pride went flying back a few feet.

"STOP. I will NOT have weapons on my land, nor ANOTHER war started at a PEACE meeting." A voice said angrily, and the light faded. Charity stood there, eyes blazing.
"I have protected my nation from the strain of war and welcome you all into my nation, and you have the audacity to bring out weapons, and yell and scream like children?!"
Charity lowered her voice, and Pride had never seen her like that.
"Lust gets hurt, Pride nearly attacked, Humility starts throwing a fit over Lust- can we just slow down? And realize that Lust, no offense, Pride and Lust, but, realize that if Lust doesn't want you Pride, it is SO not the end of the world. Same for you humility."
"She's not a freaking object sold to the highest bidder. Also, there are so many other women out there, guys."

She sighed, still enraged, but there was no giving up in her tone- it was the tone of the mother who had listened to her children bicker long enough, and she was done. Pride gulped, raising his eyebrows, looking at her in new light. This was charity, the girl who never did anything besides give out shit like it was Christmas? How many times had he heard Lust call her the Charity Case, and he laughed? His eyes brightened. This wasn't the old crybaby charity. This charity looked like she could put up a fight. He began to grin at the idea of a new conquest... But Charity ignored him, focusing on everyone in the room.
Wrath watched as the others dispersed, his very presence seemed to sow discord among living beings. He began to think back to his childr- No. he thought, he had promised himself to never think or speak about what happened. That part of his past was buried, but it was too late, he had already thought about it. He had started to walk to the table to converse with Charity, he needed someone to confide in before his emotions tore him asunder, but then he heard Pride, mouthing off as usual. He heard him make a remark about how he would do the same thing to Seraphim as he did to Kharn. He tried to hold his tongue, but his nature got the best of him. He chuckled and after he finished, he turned over his shoulder and said rather loud so that all could hear, "That's a good one, Azazel, maybe we could have been friends if we met on different circumstances, but you couldn't do jack shit to me even if you tried." His ego was taller than the highest mountain, one thing Pride never learned was humility. He let his threat hang in the air, but saw lust and pride enact in some risque activity, he felt the dull throb of hurt inside of him, but he had learned to accept what she was. He resumed his return to the table but heard an explosion, he looked over stunned and saw Humility's spear sticking out of the wall. He looked over and saw Seraphim in his true form, and Serena and Azazel standing together in shocked silence. He struggled to control his temper, and his displeasure began to manifest as an aura of dread began emitting, and he was the epicenter. "Silence." he uttered in a threatening voice. His face betrayed his temperament, a dark expression forming. "You will all sit down, and shut up." he growled, his anger barely contained, he finished his walk by the door and kept it shut, not allowing anyone to open it "That goes for you too, you're not going anywhere." He said to humility as a sense of dread began to fill the room, you could cut the tension with a spoon the way Kharn had gone resolving the current situation. he turned his baleful gaze to charity, clenching his hands so tightly his knuckles popped "Get the rest of those ambassador's back." He was getting tired of all the whining and bickering between them. They acted like children who didn't get their way, well children had to be disciplined by someone, and it might as well be him.

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob
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Serena sighed deeply as she scooped up Ottos in her arms, holding his little piggy form against her bosom, his corn cob in hand, as she stepped away from Pride and Charity. She didn't really catch what all Charity said, as her main focus now was Ottos. He was late, just as she predicted, but that was her fault, as she had asked him to watch over the kingdom for a few moments to gather her some information before he left. Simply shaking her head at Wrath's attempt to control the situation, a small smile coming to her face and staying for a moment against the stinging pain it caused. It had been quite the while since she had actually sustained a cut or ever been harmed. "Children will only listen if scorned. But what do I know about that? I despise those things." She said in passing to Wrath on her way top stand away from everyone. For now she would listen to the rest of the meeting while her and Ottos talked, as what he had to report was just as important as the peace meeting.

Taking a seat where she started out, Serena set Otto's cob down, her eyes becoming very serious as she leaned down and whispered into his ear, "What's the situation at home?" She asked, her voice caring a tone of urgency. The longer Serena was away from home, the longer they could advance on Zodia..or worse. The thought sickened her to her core, but she would deal with them as soon as she returned home, there would not be another Dimscar. Not now or ever. Hopefully, for the moment Pride would forget about their 'evening' together back in his nation, or wherever they would wind up. Hopefully..just..for the moment, he would focus on the actual peace meeting like he promised. Or perhaps he would do it just so he could sneak looks at Charity. Jealous spiked through her at that thought, but she couldn't tend to it now. Zodia mattered a lot more to her than petty jealousy, or the still bleeding cut on her cheek. Speaking of, she had quite a bit of blood on her and Ottos at this current moment due to that. Perhaps Seraphim had cut her just a bit more than she had originally figured. A shame, but one little cut mattered not to her. What mattered was much more improtant, though the stress of helping keep things..calm was suite the challenge, even if Charity didn't see her 'helping'. It wasn't Serena's fault men wanted her so bad. It wasn't her fucking fault that she could not control her folly. Did they expect her to be a fucking saint? Probably. Assholes, but whatever..they were the least of her concerns at this very moment. "Ottos please tell me there is good news at home..I don't think I can handle much more.." She sighed deeply, her hand lightly petting his head and scratching behind his ear. This was probably extremely odd to the others, that Serena was..well petting another Sin, but..he was a pig. How could she not? Besides it would get back at Pride for his looks at fucking Charity. And after she had saved him. Hmpf. What a dick. Maybe she would pay her beloved Ottos more attention than Pride. Pride deserved that. She would knock his ego down a notch, or at least try, and if he tried anything with Charity..then whatever he had planned for tonight was off. Hm. That was fair. Maybe, then again..Serena could be leaving right after the meeting to take care of some things at Zodia if Ottos's report was bad.
Soliron smiled, seeing the scene clear before him. He took the opportunity to move his golum now, flying it quietly out of the little room, praying that no one could feel the light breeze as it flapped its wings. It sped toward his father, Lord Greed, with great haste. As it flew, Soliron considered all he had seen. Humility seemed very fond of Lust, and yet seemed to be rebuked by her. Not surprising, seeing as he was brash enough to use her true name. Gier had given Soliron very little advice in his life, but one piece of it was to never address the lady Lust by her first name. There was Lust herself to consider as well. She seemed as... alluring as ever. It was no wonder that every god of the world desired her. Had it not been for Soliron being miles away, he doubted he could have withstood her draw. Still, it was quite fascinating to see her stand up for pride, and yet to show much more attention to Gluttony. Perhaps those two had a good reason for being so close. Soliron decided that he would investigate it further after giving his father the report.

That brought Soliorn to Pride. The sin lived up to his name. Sol had never seen a more proud creature in his whole century on the planet. Yet there was something about him, the way he held himself, the surety of his superiority. It radiated like raw energy from the sin, and even through his golum, Soliron could feel his vast power. It was unsurprising that he had put up such a tremendous fight for Lust's hand. It was almost a pity that he should be spurned so. Almost. Whoever he one would be lucky indeed, if they could survive his ego.

Spirited by his appreciation for Pride, Soliron's golum flew softly to his father, perching atop his shoulder, not making a sound. Softly, inaudibly to any but the two of them, Soliron spoke. "Greetings, my illustrious father. As per your orders, I have been keeping tabs of many of the gods of note. Particularly lust, as she seems to be the lynch pin not only of the war, but of the possibly peace as well. She seems to have a storied past with humility, to the point where the virtue would strike Pride out of anger and jealousy. Honestly, I could have never imagined the sin of humility acting in such a manner. Lust stepped in front of his blade, and the wound on her cheek is proof enough of how serious Seraphim was about subduing Pride." Soliron broke off for a second, a momentary doubt about giving information on pride flickered in his mind, but he new it was folly. "Pride seems to be as domineering as always. He threatened Humility's life, only to be stopped by Lust herself, further evidence that their relationship should be investigated further. Gluttony seems to also have a close relationship with Lust, and judging by how they're sitting, I'd say they're about to disclose some very vital information. I'll investigate that further after my report. Wrath also interrupted Humility, however he was quickly silenced by charity, as I'm sure you heard from out here. This concludes my report, father. I am at your command." The bird gave a bow, though obviously greed could not see it.​
Wrath's attempt to stop Seraphim annoyed him. As well as Charity's loud presence. He lightly laid his hand on Wrath's should, whispering to him. "I'm done with this. This never should have been more than you and Pride. Besides, with how long I've been entertaining this, I've already paid my debt, and then some. I do want one thing from you." Seraphim grunted in pain as he pulled Wrath against him. "Pride... make him suffer... take everything from him, and I'll eternally stay in your debt."

His attention switched to Charity. He looked down, not sure what words, if any, to say to express his sorrow. This was supposed to be a peace conference, and he let his feelings get the best of him. He looked back into Charity's eyes. All Seraphim could muster out was a small, pityful "I'm sorry." He nudged his way past the two. Why did he ever get involved with any of this. Why did he pin himself to the lords of the people he swore to help. Why did he ever trust that Lust were be by his side. Maybe it was pity, but he felt obligated for it. But not anymore. She was like the rest of the sins, only involved in herself and her own desires. She's a slave to her wants. Seraphim didn't usually disregard the life of a person, but Lust made her way into that exception.

Seraphim eventually made his way to another room, empty of any occupants. He took a seat, holding his bleeding wound deep in his hand, his spear erect in his other. This was all too familiar. He was horrible at making the right decision, it always lead to pain. Physical and emotional. The only thing that could keep him happy would be the image of his later wife. But... what did she look like? Blonde? Tall? What color were the eyes that he fell in love with hundreds of years ago? He forgot it all. Not even distant memories of happier times could help him.

If he couldn't help himself, then he would have to depend on others. Seraphim hated that, the thought of being an emotional leach. Maybe it would be best to venture back up at the mountains to have decades to think upon himself. Here he was again. He wasn't humility, he was pity.​
This is one of the many reasons why he would always return to her. Her warm embrace that made the void inside of him shrivel up a little as her presence engulfed him. If it wasn't for the situation at hand, he would have gratefully nuzzled against her bosom. When she had first asked him about the status at home, he couldn't find the words to answer her right away. Could she handle hearing his report? Without having to be told anything, Ottos could tell she was past her tripping point and was just barely hanging in there. Straining his piggy neck to see her face, the blood still dripping from her cheek. For a moment, Ottos wondered briefly if it was just normal for friendships to be this straining at times, or if it was just something that came with being one of the 14. Regardless of the answer, he knew deep down that no matter how much trouble she gave him, their friendship would never lose flavor . . . Even if she put it on him to be the bearer of bad news.
Lowering his piggy head as she started to scratch his ears, hearing her pleading words spoiled the sensation slightly . . . Just slightly, it was still his favorite spot to be scratched in this form.
"Things are looking as good as a table is going to look if Wraith stubbed his toe on it . . ." Begrudgingly he pulled away from her petting so he could face her more, lowering his voice in his attempt to keep the matter between the two of them. "They've got the dragons all worked up now, and I don't think I need to elaborate on the level of havoc that is causing."
Ottos knew how much she already had on her plate, and he hated that he didn't have anything good to report on. If only his report could have been about the problem having a change and baking cupcakes for all of Zodia instead . . . Mmm, cupcakes were a good comfort food, perhaps a basket full of cupcakes for him to eat would make her feel better-- Shaking those thoughts from his head, he shuffled on his stubby feet for a moment before laying down comfortably. A part of him wanted to change into a more humanoid form so he could hold her instead of being held, but he knew from experience that unless they started to serve a buffet for him that it was safer to remain in this form. Such terrible hosts, Serena would never have them speak on empty stomachs . . .
"Finish this," He began with a sigh, "while the situation is admittedly starting to deteriorate, there is still time for you to ensure that Zodia doesn't have to deal with this silly thing here." The silly thing he was referring to was the war of course. If Serena wasn't an important player in this, he would have insisted she just focus on Zodia, but because Wraith and Pride had to throw a fit over her, she was forced to take part in the meeting. Even if he thought little of the whole thing, he couldn't ignore the devastating effects the Great War had, and he knew that if this peace meeting failed that Zodia would struggle against two threats at once.​


Asha sat in her chair and tapped the fingers of her left hand against the table. She had entered this meeting extremely pessimistic, but it was worse then she feared. Children leading nations, children causing the deaths of thousands, children who, even know, were throwing tantrums in the next room over. Charity and Wrath had both just left to do... something, hopefully, Charity would be establishing some kind of order, but she wasn't so sure given how the Goddess had acted this entire meeting. Part of her wanted to just leave. To throw her hands up and just go home as that would be more productive then this. Another part of her wished that they could die, truly die, as, at least, when they inevitably killed each other the world would be a better place. She blew a lock of her dark hair out of her face as she looked at her father, he hadn't moved since before, still starring out the window. She opened her mouth to say... something and then closed it.. This was a mess.


Serena sighed deeply as the words spilled from Ottos's. So they did make a move while she was gone. Damn it all. It was no small move either, they were riling the dragons up, and eventually they would push the wrong one..an ancient one. The last thing she needed was to tame another monstrous dragon for days while also fighting the cultists. This..this meeting had to come to an end, and quickly if Zodia was to survive, but then..there was Pride. That damned man would try to keep her here as long as he could after this meeting so that he could fuck her, which..would greatly help her stress levels. A good fucking always did, but..she couldn't afford to waste that time right now. If the meeting ended soon, then she could head back to Zoida, eliminate the threat..and maybe be not exhusted by the time she came back to please that man. Yes..this could work. Unless..another sigh came from her as her eyes fell top the ground, her face showing just how tired she really was. If they got to the nest..then Zodia would have to be taken care of now. She couldn't be here any longer..if they were even remotely close..then..the issue would need to be resolved immeiately, but how fast could she reach Zodia? Zodia was a mere day and a half away from here, Drakora was exhausted from the flight here alone. Gods be damned. How..how could she be there..unless her mages could lure the cultists into the shadow realm..Serena couldn't make it home fast enough to save the nest..or the village near it. "Damn it all." She whispered, her voice so quiet one might think she hadn;t even spoke.

"Ottos..how close are they to the nest?" She asked, her eyes darting around the room before they came to rest back on his little piggy body. She didn't need anyone hearing this, more so she didn't need Wrath, Pride, Charity, or anyone really to know what was going on. This was Zodia's problem and it would remain that way so long as she could help it, getting the3 other's involved in her problem was not something she ever planned on letting happen, so..as long as she hid the cultists from the rest of the world..then there would be no issues..right? Right. She just had to..rush this meeting. But how? They all acted like children, and getting them to behave was hard..harder than she could ever handle, but then..Seraphim's words came to her mind once more. 'Only you have the power to stop this war.' He was right. But how? How did she stop this war, end the peace meeting, and get all the way back to Zodia in time? It was damn near impossible. At this point, Serena had stopped petting Otto's and her mind had began to roam with thousands of ideas. She was going to end this peace talk, even if she had to beat Gier. He was truly the only issue here, the only one resisting peace. Wrath had yet to even hear the idea that Sloth's daughter had pitched..so maybe he would be willing? Gods. He had to, or Serena would somehow make him. Peace must come first, or..did she leave and save Zodia? This was no easy choice. If she left now then it would be obvious that she had something more important than peace, but nothing was more important than peace. Then again..she couldn't let what happened at Dimscar happen again. DAMN IT!! Her mind raged as she slammed her fist into the pew's cushion, a light thud being heard but nothing more. How was she supposed to hand all this bullshit?! Hopefully she had time. Hopefully they weren't advancing on the nest. Hopefully they weren't that smart. Serena could only hope.

August August
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Ottos shrank a little as he watched Serena process the news, and he couldn't blame her for it. Things were bad, of course she would react like the but it still made him cringe just a little. Watching her eyes dart around the room as she asked how close they were to the nest, the pig barely managed a deflating whine as he turned his attention to what was left of his corncob. In other words, it was bad and he just didn't have it in him to vocalize it fully but his body language alone and avoidance of the question was enough to give her an idea.
"Inching closer with every hour . . ." He finally mumbled in between gnawing at the cob, trying to not think too much of it. Worrying over stuff made him hungry, and he was hungry enough as it is. Within seconds, his cob was completely devoured, leaving the pig with nothing more to eat. Ottos looked up at Serena irritably as he licked the the bits off his mouth, "I want this over with as much as you. I'm going to go crazy if they keep starving me." It was hard to tell if he was being serious or not with his monotone voice, but it was obvious he was hungry as he continuously sniffed the air, his stomach grumbling impatient for more food. Someone had food here, and someone was making the mistake of holding out from him. If he transformed into a human form now, he would surely go on a rampage until he got his fill, so that left him in his piggy form on Serena's lap.
Looking around the room caused him to deflate even more. Humility had left to a corner of woe, Wraith was subtly baiting Pride even if it wasn't his intention, and who know what Greed was up to . . . Maybe Greed was the one holding out on him, it was definitely in his nature. With that in mind, Ottos turned his head into the direction of Greed staring him down with his piggy eyes. Someone better share some food with him, or he was going to eat the table itself without apologizing, which to Ottos was a mean thing to do. Not the table part, just the part on not being sorry about it.​

Serena bit her lip at Otto's words. How many of them were there? Where they grouping and attacking? Surely her troops could hold them..just a little while longer. The question was..how did she get back home fast enough to secure the nest? There was no guarantee she could even rush this meeting, at least not without it looking like she was forcing it..and forcing peace after a hundred years would be no easy feat..but how?! How could she stop this. What did Seraphim mean? How could she alone stop this? DAMN IT!! The answers..they seemed so far from her at that moment..like they were just drifting in the sea of unanswered questions. There had to be a way. She could easily manipulate Pride into peace, but how did she get Wrath to agree? He would say no out of spite..hell he started a way because..well they all knew why. Gods be damned. There wasn't much time left for thinking. Maybe..maybe somehow someone would pick up on what she was doing..help her get the ball rolling on this meeting. Then it came to her. Sloth's daughter. Perhaps..perhaps she could help her get this meeting going and over with before there was any room for debate. Yes. She was a very intelligent girl. She had to have a plan of action to get Wrath to agree. Right? She formulated a brilliant idea for what was to come after peace..so surely she had a plan of attack for that man.

Zoning back into the world around her, Serena barely caught the last of what Gier said. Ugh. He should of just stayed in his precious little 'Empire'. With a sigh, she look one last look at Ottos. "If you venture out to Drakora, look in his left saddle bag. There's something in there for you." She stood up, giving him a small smile and wink before leaving him on the pew. Loudly, she clapped her hands together before lightly stretching. "Alright, let's get this peace talk back in order, okay? Okay. Great. Wrath, you're new to the party, so I'll let Charity fill you in on the details. Right, Charity?" She grinned a little, her eyes becoming unreadable as she looked toward Charity. Serena then made her way over to Sloth and his daughter, giving him a bit of a longing look before setting her face straight on his daughter. No matter how hard she would try, Serena would always have a part of her that lusted for all things, Sloth being the main cause of her desire at the moment, but she couldn't let that get to her, she would have to control her desire and lust for that..god of a man. NO! Zodia. Have to save Zodia. Right. We can do this. She thought to herself as she stopped beside Sloth's daughter, her eyes glacing around her before she whispered to her, "Look, we're all getting really irritated being around each other. You can tell this, hell I just dealt with a good bit of it. Let's get this peace talk over, shall we?" She paused, her smile fading before she continued, "Our biggest issues here are going to be Wrath and Greed. Just about everyone else is ready for this to be over, and I'm fairly certain I can easily get Pride to follow along. So with that said, plan of attack here? or ya just winging it?" Serena asked, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand and not on the way Sloth's daughter smelled. Which, quite frankly..was delicious. If Serena wasn't repeating the mantra of, 'Zodia needs help' in her head, she might of tried something more with this woman, but she couldn't..as much as she wanted to.

It was killing Serena to be so close to both Sloth, and his beautiful daughter. She wanted nothing more than to take them both right here. Just lay them down on the..GODS NO!! No more. Controlling herself was hard, especially when she was mere inches from such a ravishing woman such as Sloth's daughter, and the fact that she smelled so delightful only added to the deep desire to fuck her. Serena wanted her but she also had a craving for her father more. Though that man took out one of her favored dragons, she could easily forgive him if he just took her. Mm..yeah. She could dominate him. Make him pay in ways he probably never imagin- SERENA WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH THIS!!! She shouted at herself as she found herself staring at him, eyes filled with lust. THIS IS NOT GOING TO HELP DAMN IT!! IF WE ARE GOING TO END THIS MEETING QUICKLY THEN WE HAVE TO CALM DOWN AND KEEP IT IN OUR PANTS!! Focus. Zodia needs us. We haven't the time to day dream about having sex with Sloth or his daughter.

August August Midrick Midrick CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Probably George Probably George Ilry the Dark Sage Ilry the Dark Sage Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
Seraphim had gone into a sort of meditative state. In just a couple of minutes, he had years of thought to himself. He reflected on the war, his kin, the world outside the world, himself, and everything else. Most importantly, the ringing tone of what his later wife had said to him. "I'm not the end of the world, there's much more beyond me. I want you to find that beauty and show it off to the world." His eyes swelled. After hundreds of years, he finally understood what that beauty is. His mission was now to bring it out. Seraphim went back to his normal form, and quickly limped back to the conference room.

Seraphim approached Asha in her seat. He waited to catch his breath as he leaned on his spear, now his crutch. "I'm ready to do what ever you need of me." Filled with determination, he was ready to kill over, if such to end all of this. He was ready to stop the end of innocent lives. Regardless of how stubborn the others were, he would never give up. Right now though, he didn't think of them as kin, but as monsters. Of course, you can still negotiate with monsters.


Asha blinked a few times, she already said wanted she wanted to do. A few times, having to repeat it because some of them either weren't paying attention or didn't understand, and a part of Asha wanted to tell the Lady Lust off so she didn't have to repeat herself yet again. It was like talking to children. Was she supposed to sum up a hundred years of anger and issues and then outline her solution to that, once again, in under five minutes because, apparently, the Lady Lust had somewhere else that was more important to be? Or how her plan didn't work if Greed and Wrath were against it which meant it could take weeks, perhaps months, of negotiation? It wasn't a spat between a group of people that could be dealt with by five minutes of conversation and buying a round at their favorite place, and she resented how they were treating it as if all of this was just a large inconvenience.

'Plan of attack?' She wasn't sure if she was being asked what the steps would be to enact her proposal, if accepted, or if she was being asked how she intended to get it accepted, in which case, long, drawn out, diplomatic talks highlighting the positives of her proposal and addressing concerns, and this woman just wanted to know if she was 'winging' it so she could get out of here sooner. Asha gritted her teeth, "I am not winging it. If you have somewhere else that is more important to be, leave, and send someone to represent you who has time to clean up the mess," you made, she mentally added. More then ever, she wanted to go home and let them burn each other to the ground and just rebuild from the ashes.

Asha nodded to Seraphim, a kind gesture, but as the being did not lead a nation nor spoke for one, the gesture was not nearly as strong as it could have been. Normally, she would have thanked him, but her mood was soured enough that she didn't trust her voice.

KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa Probably George Probably George


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