The Avatar Above You Went To Jail, Why?

Grand larceny of seventeen separate glasses stores, fourteen jewellery stores (primarily diamond cutters), seven antique stores and the clothing section of a Macy’s. They then proceeded to pedal the stolen goods through several hundred different sales, all using pseudonyms to hide fall guys behind a further three, remote operations in international waters with a signal being bounced between seven separate data centres and back again and numerous fatal ‘accidents’ of anyone and everyone related to the case. They then hid the money off-shore on the coast of Borneo, mere hours before the FBI, MI6, ASIS and the FSB cornered them in a safe house. Of course, all the evidence inside the house was long since destroyed, and as they could only hold them to suspected crimes, they only managed to snag them on a minor charge. After serving eight months in a minimum security prison, where it’s said that they managed to become the leader of the largest gang of prisoners ever seen (but never confirmed), they were let out and promptly vanished.

The only trace left is a suspiciously similar looking individual worth an estimated 2.4 trillion American dollars. But that’s just a story, right?
Go ahead. What’s MY crime, then? I’m certain whatever you say cannot hide your own guilt.

Ate the moon and sunprincesses of Equestria ☠️ which caused all the ponies to die cause themoon and sun wasn't rotating normally anymore--
Not a dragon, thankfully.
I will happily take this into DM’s to… decide this /j
Member of a criminal street gang known as the ''Cutie mark crusaders.''
Destruction of property, smuggling of illegal substance from Zecora, and grand theft scooter.
Poisoned someone's drink

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