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The Angel and The Demon

Snow Princess

New Member
This is for DragonOverlord, and myself

Anastasia was walking through the town, she had to grab some products for her parents, she looked around as she noticed her wrist glowing, it never did that before. She had a white wing that glows without her knowing it, when she is around demons or angels, but she didn't know this. They were on both of her wrists. She had walked into a grocery store as soon they started to glow. She looked around and grabbed a cart, making sure her wrists weren't being shower, and turning her wrists down to the ground and she grabbed the stuff her parents needed, like milk, butter, noodles, meat. Anastasia went to go check out and soon went to walk back home, and her wrists kept glowing as she walked, she didn't know what to do.
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Skylar followed her silently. Life was harder without his wings, but once he saw Anastasia, he knew she was the princess. He had decided to follow her back to her place, but how could he gain her trust? He wondered. He saw her bracelet and wondered if she knew she was a princess? He decided to go for it and shouted, "Princess!" without showing himself.
Anastasia looked at what thought was tattoos that were like birthmarks on her wrists, they were glowing again, she then went to the apartment, being excited that she was going to move shortly. She bit her lower lip, looking around hearing that, she raised an eyebrow. Her parents were the only one who called her that, so she went inside, feeling really weird. She said, " Mom ,dad i brought the stuff." She said and went to put the groceries away. She wanted to go to a cafe though, not wanting to be home, but at the same time she does.
Skylar watched her from the tree in her backyard, noting her schedule, hoping he could get her to believe him. Once she believed, he could take her to Heaven, where she belonged. He noted that it would be extremely easy to go through her mom and dad as they paid little-to-no attention to her.
Anastasia sighed, she was bored already, and she went to her bedroom seeing that her mom and dad were probably in their own bedroom, sometimes she hated being the only child. She sighed as she went to her bedroom and changed before going outside where the pool was, she was in a two piece and she laid in one of the lawn chairs. She sighed as she relaced, putting on tanning oil as she laid back and relaxed and she put her earbuds in her ear to listen to music.
It was then that Skylar fell out of the tree, hitting every branch on the way down. He may not have gotten hurt if he were in demon form, but it hurt like hell in his human form. He looked to make sure the girl hadnt seen him and sure enough...
Anastasia blinked hearing something, she looked around, she had aways kept a pocket knife on her, and seeing her wrists glowing as she stepped to where she heard the noise, taking out her ear buds, she turned around the tree and said, " Who are you? " She asked, " Have you been following me?" She asked again.She frowned, " How did you get up there? "
"Uh..Im...Skylar. Im the new neighbor. My parents told me to come talk to you? But I saw this cool tree in my backyard and had to climb it!" He lied with ease. It'd be extremely easy to persuade the neighbors to be his 'parents' for a while.
Anastasia looked over at him, curiously. She knew that she couldn't hurt anyone but still. She looked at him, " Um, okay well you should get home before your parents get worried." She said to him, putting her pocket knife away, getting uncomfortable she put on a tshirt that she brought out and looked over at him, " I'm Anastasia." She said to him. She sighed as she looked over, " My parents don't pay much attention to me, but as long as i stay out of trouble I am good."
Skylar looked at her. The princess was beautiful! He didn't know how he was going to be able to give her back to the King and Queen.

He smiled at her, "Well, if you ever want to talk or hang out, i'll be next door." He pointed to the house that was on the other-side of the wooden fence, with his thumb.
Anastasia smiled lightly, she then tilted her head, " Alright, I will." She said. Knowing that she will be alone so she will visit Skylar when she wanted. Since she was left alone alot, she felt like she was abandoned, and yet in the very back of her mind she felt like she was somehow suppose to be somewhere else, like she doesn't belong here. She looked over at him and smiled sweetly feeling very insecure about her body.
Skylar nodded and walked to the gate and waved. He walked out and to his new house. He walked in and a woman shouted as a man stood up. He waved his hand, putting them in a trance then said "You're my parents." The woman smiled sweetly, "Hi sweetie! Welcome home!" And hugged him. 'Too easy' he thought.
Anastasia smiled and then went to go back to her tanning. Since she had nothing else better to do. She felt like sometimes like it would be better if she ran away, but she wouldn't make her parents worry that they were not caring about her anyway. Anastasia cooked her family a meal and yelled at them and soon they were all sitting at the table eating dinner quietly.
Skylar had no need to eat yet. So he went and found his room in the house. He flopped back onto the bed and slept, dreaming about the prospect of living in Heaven!
Anastasia soon had cleaned up after eating dinner and soon she had fallen asleep. She went to her bedroom though and she cuddled u[ in her bed, and wondered what it was to be.
Skylar woke up the next morning and poured himself cereal. He found his hunger increasing more and more each day. It was almost as if he were a human himself.

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Anastasia had woken up and she had been making some food, like pancakes. She hummed, knowing her parents were working and left the house for like a month. She sighed as she glanced at the window thinking what she should do today.
Once Skylar was done with his cereal, he decided to go spy on the princess some more. He went outside and climbed the tree again, watching her through her kitchen door, only staying on his side of the fence this time. 'I should really build a swing or something up here..' He thought as he looked at her.

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