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Fantasy The Amazingly Misguided Adventure

Azri-Shi - Azri-Sherlock -

Azri-Shi smiled at her as he gave the finger once again to Jerkson, he wasn't any fun. There was definitely some mystery behind this, and they were going to figure it out even if it took all day. Thus was the life of an adventurer and the life Azri-Shi loved! "First, dear Faye, we must look for any more mirror shards and come up with a hypothe- hyposeht- hposrh- hypoteh- A Detective theory!" Azri-Shi explained, getting tongue tied when trying to say 'Hypothesis'.
Immediately Azri-Shi got down on the ground and began searching for shards in the other bat carcasses, managing to find a few smaller ones in several of the bats. "Dear Faye- look at all the shards!" There was a small handful of them after only a few minutes of searching.​
“Weird.” Faye said, simply. “And.. you’re only finding these shards IN the bats, Azi?” She asked, leaning down to look at them herself. Azi was onto something, there was definitely more here, and she’d like to figure out exactly what that was.
"This is dumb." Ivan expressed his dis-taste for this, "It could be anything, lets just leave and get our money, plus, if it was glass it had to have been someone who was here before us, we basically have no way of even finding them now. Just, come on, let's go."
Azri-Shi - Bat Mangler -

"Yeah! That's why I put Xel in my hat, she shouldn't see her own kind mutilated like that-" He points back to the pile of bat carcasses he tore into to find the mirror shards. He continued to ignore Jerkson, who was being no help during his detective streak. "Someone must've put them there, but how? They were clearly able to fight just as hard as regular bats!" He looks down at the mirror shards in his hands and thinks hard for a moment, staring deep into his own disjointed reflection until it began to shift.
His reflection still looked like him, but older, and a lot more manly. He turned to snap at Ivan, "It's not dumb! This is adventurers work! Why did you even become an adventurer if you didn't want this kind of thing?!"
The reflection echoed him, but with a voice that sounded deeper but still his own.
"It's not dumb! This is an adventurers work! Why did you even become an adventurer if you didn't want this kind of thing?!"
Azri-Shi looked back down at the glass shocked.
"Ivan... i think there is more to this... bring them here Azri, i know a little identification magic, might take a few minutes in my current state"
“But, Ivan, what if this wasn’t caused by a person? Aren’t you just a little curious?” She asked him, looking over at him. “What if this had something to do with the bat’s agitation? Something just doesn’t seem right.” She directed her attention to Azi as soon as she realized something else was going on. “Azi? What is it?”
It was obvious convincing them was futile, and heck, maybe following this dumb and absurd bread crumb trail back home could maybe reveal better treasure, "Fine. I'll stick around, Only because none of you know the meaning of the word quiet and might need me." he tried to justify as this being the reason he was staying, but truth be told he was quite intrigued, "Speak boy, what is it?" He answered to Azi as he looked at the mirror shard
Azri-Shi - Adventurer At Heart -

Azri-Shi brought the glass over to Jerkson, giving him the shards carefully. He was still in shock, was that what he could look like when he was older? He was hot! He really wished puberty would come already- then again what kind of magic was on that glass? What could it have possibly been? "It... was like me. But more who I wanted to be like." Azri-Shi tried to explain but found himself having a hard time. He hated being a child, and he hated being as feminine as he was. Was the mirror showing him what he wanted to see? What... was that magic?
"You guys should look in it! It's really cool!" Azri-Shi suddenly smiled, reverting into his happy, outgoing persona.​
“What is it, Jameson?” She asked, almost afraid to look into the shards herself. Something felt off about it, but Azi seemed to think it was really cool. She studied Jameson’s face for any indicators of what was going on.

The shards themselves looked rather normal, they were small mirror shards. However any cursory glance and one would see the surface desires they held being fulfilled. The mirror shards themselves were packed full of magic, so much so that they set off almost every alarm in the book. They were supposed to show whomever looked into them their desires, however in such small portions they could only show the most surface desires of that person.
Our little party was about to get a dose of themselves through these shards, and as Jameson looked into them to identify them, what could he see-?
Jameson saw him looking back at him, not much had changed as a whole but the power and strength that the reflection gives off is much higher than he himself, he only desires magical knowledge, and with magic knowledge is power
"Hey pass us a try," he put his hand out, hoping jameson would pass him the shard so he could see what he would see back.
Jameson hands the shards around "they are fairly basic magic, and quite powerful, they show us what we would look like if we got everything we desire:
Faye waited patiently, watching her fellow adventurers and hoping to have a turn with the shards after Ivan. She felt indifferent to them before, but she had grown quite curious.
"Let me say this though, what we see in those is a best case scenario, do not take it as destiny, they do not show the future, dont go crazy over them"
As he looked into the shard nothing reflected back, he gave the piece a flick a couple times but still no reflection, "I don't get it, the stupid thing won't show anything." Ivan tried to figure out what that meant, "Maybe it doesn't work on me, here, Faye." he passed the shard to her.
Azri-Shi - Best Scenario My--

"'Best scenario'...? NO WAY!! I am totally going to become that manly! I just need to grow up a little more! I'm a late bloomer!" Azri-Shi complained very vocally. "I'll be really manly though- just you wait! Wait..." He looked over at Jerkson and Tough Guy, then sighed. They wouldn't be alive to see him like that, it'd be impossible. Humans didn't live that long, maybe Faye would be but Azri-Shi didn't know how long Elves typically lived. He shook it off and smiled instead "And I'll be the best adventurer there ever was with Xel!"
Despite his returning to his cheery demeanor, it was clear there was a kind of sadness in his tone. Everyone he'd ever known had either died or had disappeared, and knowing it was bound to happen again-
It was kind of hard to stay cheery when that was the inevitable.​
Faye held it in her hands, gazing back at herself. Not much had changed, except the Faye looking back at her was a much more respectable version; someone who would never be underestimated, someone bold, a leader. The person Faye always wanted to be, but couldn’t be due to her short stature, because who could take such a little person so seriously as a figure of authority? She grew embarrassed and simply shrugged it off. “I don’t think it’s working for me either,” she muttered.
Buxton was bumbling around off to the side and looked up when Azi mentionedbeing the best adventurer. Oh.. okay... the little one didn’t need Bux too much after all. Bux noticed by their feet were some more of those shining shards the three other were looking at; they bent and pinched some into their palm. They walked over and presented the shards to the others. By now Bux had cooled off.

“more of the glass?” the shards were broken in ragged shapes, some could probably be fit together. When Buxton looked at the mirror, they saw only their rocky reflection; they desired nothing truly.
“Maybe,” Faye responded, clearly discouraged and a bit insecure. She tried to move her focus to something else, like Azi or the bats or literally anything else.
"Or it could mean that we die." Ivan simply responded, "Think about it, you stare in the mirror and nothing stares back, its supposed to show the you after you get what you want, but nothing stares back, we die. Either we never are able to get what we desire or what we desire is death...?" Ivan tried to rationalize the anomaly

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