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Fantasy The Amazingly Misguided Adventure

Jameson lifted his staff into they air taking the full brunt of the bats hitting him "agh... damnit... if the brat wont help" he slams the staff into the ground then falls to the ground, tremors begin moving through the cave, and a roar rings out echoing through the tunnel
Faye almost lost her balance amidst the tremors, but she managed to keep herself up. Her ears went back as the echo of the roar rang through them. She readied her bow and arrow yet again.
Soon the source can be seen coming from the direction, a large red dragon charging down the tunnel directly at them, forcing the bats to flee as it continues down past the party, You can hear Jameson chuckle "did it work...."
Azri-Shi - Of His Own Accord -

Azri-Shi wobbled lightly with the tremors then pointed at the large red dragon. "OH MY GOD." Azri-Shi screamed as he grabbed his staff, clinging for dear life. The after-math of what had happened was terrible. Bat carcasses littered the ground and the rest of them had only been pushed back so far. "YOU HAVE TO TEACH ME TO DO THAT JERKSON!" Azri-Shi exclaimed, still attached to his staff.​
Buxton fell onto their back from the tremors, lifting their head as the dragon came past. “Jameson,” they repeated quietly to theirself
"The dragon should be getting there soon" Jameson replies obviously tired, and as he says it the dragon tears past Ivan as well
As Ivan is struggling to get the flying mice off him he feels a tremour, 'No,' he thinks, they didn't blow up the cave did they, instead when he struggled to look he saw a dragon charging them, "By the Gods..." He mumbled to himself as he quickly dove to the side, covering his head with his hands, the dragon seemed to go deeper into the cave and the floor was littered with dead bodies of bats, Ivan stood up, obviously shaken by what just happened... "A dragon? A. Dragon. A FUCKING DRAGON!" He called out as he rushed back to the group, he knew one of the had to be responsible to this, "Explanations. Now."
Azri-Shi - Jerkson -

"Right, Jerkson!" Azri-Shi peeled himself off his staff and grinned. He then looked down noticing a tiny baby bat that hadn't been killed, it had an injured wing. Azri-Shi bent down and picked it up, cupping the small creature in his hands. It's large innocent eyes stared up at him. "Hey guys-! I found something!" He held up the baby with child-like glee. Little did Azri-Shi know, the bat had a mirror shard stuck in it's side as well.
And as far as I'm aware- none of you use mirrors to fight.
Buxton slowly stood, then pointed to Jameson. “Jameson makes dragons.” they said to Ivan
“Wasn’t it brilliant idea, Ivan?” Faye said. She walked over to Jameson and sat beside him, offering her canteen. “Would you like some of this? I’m not surprised that you’re tuckered out!”
"Its alright, i have my own, thanks though" Jameson reaches into his bag and pulls out a canteen taking a drink "that used up just about all my magic though, it will take me awhile to recover"
“Go ahead and rest, you’ll most likely need it for whatever is next.” Faye then directed her attention to Azri-Shi. She got up and stepped closer to him. “Whatcha got there, Azi??”
Azri-Shi - Baby Bat Daddy -

Azri-Shi smiled happily "My new pet! I'm gonna call her Xel! Right Xel?" The baby bat let out a pained cry of agony, clearly still bleeding from the mirror shard in it's side. "She's a little hurt- we oughta take her to the vet when we get outta here." Azri-Shi looked genuinely worried for something for once, gently petting her when his cloth caught on the shard and with a soft rip he finally noticed. He raised an eyebrow "Did anyone cut them with- mirrors?"
He asked as he pulled the shard out of her very slowly, careful not to damage any baby bat organs. He then held up the shard for the party to see.
“Mirrors?” Faye asked, stepping closer to look at the shard and the little bat in Azi’s hands.
“My arrow heads are made of steel, not... mirror glass.. and I didn’t even fire any. What the hell, where did mirror shards come from?” She asked, looking towards the rest of the party for an answer.
Ivan fell on his ass from running and struggling for so long, he was to out of breath to even be bitter, "N--no, I wa-wasn't even here." Ivan stumbled his words as he caught his breath, slowly leaning back to lie on his back.
Azri-Shi - Knock-Off Sherlock Holmes -

Azri-Shi put on his best fake Sherlock Holmes accent after sliding Xel under his hat, "Well, dear Faye, it looks like we have a mystery on our hands! We ought to investigate for clues!" He smiled to himself, getting giddy for some sort of mystery adventure brewing. Of course, his side kick was Faye and not Tough Guy or Jerkson. Those two sucked. Faye was cool, and smart. The perfect Wattson to his Holmes!​
Faye smiled at Azi. She adored his outgoing little personality. Although, she WAS curious about the mirror shard, and thus she was totally ready to play detective with him. Maybe there was more to this quest than she thought?
“Okay, Azi! I’m right with ya!”
Ivan slowly gets up from the cold rough ground after he caught his breath, still a bit exhausted he went over to jameson, offering him a hand, "Seems these two are eager to start looking for some sort of glass shard attacker or whatever, this means we won't be standing around for long, so best to get up." He offered his hand down to him, his right hand that didn't have his weapon on it of course.
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