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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!


Ragnar noticed a person who flew directly to the island. He wasn't expecting it. He was expecting a helicopter.

"Hello sir. Weren't you given the chance to be flown by a helicopter?"

He wondered if the man missed his flight or something.

((Trippy, I specifically required you to be in a helicopter. Please don't do anything silly again. It's irritating.))
@RomanticDaffodil @Thalia Raiz @Fear Fates

((Reminder to RomanticDaffodil: We skipped some time. You can be wherever you want right now. My character Rodney is now alone in the Garden.))

Rodney sat alone in the Garden. He never really liked gardens. He wasn't a green thumb or anything like that. He hated plants, and he hated vegetables. It was one of the few things unhealthy about him. However, he loved company, and he figured that the Garden would be a favorite hangout spot by a lot of the students. He looked up at the clear blue sky and noticed some clouds shaped exactly like his stool.

((As far as what and where the Garden is, let me quote myself here...

The Gardens, as it was called, was central to the academy. It was in the middle of the school and was exposed by the tropical sun. There were lots of trees and plants in here and it was huge. Enough to be occupied by a thousand students at once. Rodney noticed this and he felt a sense of freedom being there. He was still with the naga, whom he followed. He noticed the beauty of the creature's tail as the sun shone on her. He didn't like beasts to be his girlfriend, but if it weren't for her anti-human anatomy, he surely would've hit on her. He then approached her.

"Where are you from?"))

Ragnar noticed a person who flew directly to the island. He wasn't expecting it. He was expecting a helicopter.

"Hello sir. Weren't you given the chance to be flown by a helicopter?"

He wondered if the man missed his flight or something.

((Trippy, I specifically required you to be in a helicopter. Please don't do anything silly again. It's irritating.))

(Sorry, I just want to do something.... I-I can change it for you ;-;)

"My helicopter was out of service... I had to take the long way and carried my haul."

"Can I go to my dorm now?"
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((Reminder to everyone: Once things start to settle down, an announcement through the intercom will happen. It will signal everybody to go to the cafeteria for everybody's lunch time.))
@Thalia Raiz 

As Max turned his head he finds the muscular student," Oh hope there's the student I mention, Shall we introduce ourselves to him?"
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A tall teenager was making his way to an island - medium dot on horizon - through the sea. Although, that verb is not quite right - he was actually walking on jumping sea surface. How could he manage that? Welp, a little bit of repulsive force on his feet, and he easily stood on any liquid. Why he wasn't zooming through the skies like a rocket? Lenar wasn't an ancient demon to waste his energy on such stupid things (okay, lie, he was planning to crash into the island like a nuke, but mother told him that it would be too much).

"Damn, if I keep my tempo this slow, I'll arrive to the school only by tomorrow's evening" Lenar breathed out, stopping over and resting. Minus of walking on the water was the heat - and water didn't compensate that. After thinking for a while, teenager decided to fly. It was relatively easy, but hard enough to easily get overwhelmed and crush into something. He fixed his bag straps on strongly, and shut his backpack. After that, his feet lightly disconnected from sea surface, and he was off to the skies.

And it was clearly a good choice - air cooled him down a bit, and he arrived much faster. While choosing where to land, he noticed a helicopter ramp with a tall man standing there. Gently turning around the island, Lenar quickly descended onto the ramp, and landed. That landing, however, wasn't what you imagined - his feet, with smallest of noises, touched the ground, and almost instantaneously fixed themselves in a normal stance.

"Greetings, helicopter broke and is stuck near Skiathos so I had to fly all the way here, expect for short jog through the ocean" Lenar greeted the tall man, easing the straps of his backpack, and putting his bag on the wheels.

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-In a chopper heading to the Academy-
"Hey.... Hey guy! Whadja think ya doin!? This is a no smokin' flight! Aren't ya a little ta' young to be huffin' a joint!?" The pilot of the chopper yelled aloud at Wesley who was lazily gazing out the door of the chopper.

"A joint!? Nah, these are one of them eh... Watchamacallit, vape thingies! Yeah whatever they're called... Totally harmless.." The formally-suited man lied through his teeth and then tossed his cigarette into the azure sea disinterested. The view of the academy grew closer, pristine cerulean waters surrounded the isolated complex and tiny dots of what looked like people gradually came into Wesley's sight. "Want one?" Wesley offered the stick of nicotine to the pilot.

"Sheesh! You're one of tha' bad influences... E're just put it in my mouth, I'm busy with tha' controls."

"Here's to life eh?" Wesley laughed and placed the cigarette into the pilot's mouth and lit it. 

"Yeah 'eres to the life worth livin!" The pilot snickered and breathed out a smoke which filled the cabin of the chopper. "Tha boss is goin' ta kill me I swear..."

"Eh, viva la vida while it lasts mate, sometimes life can end shortly. I'm sure your boss will be understanding."

"Lord can only hope so, eh?" The helicopter made a move over the academy, which now was in plain sight. A large man was visible talking to some other students who seemed equally as eccentric as the man in question looked. "I'll be settin' er down shortly, good luck with them er kids eh. Ya try to cause no trouble eh, you seem like a good but misguided-kid. Leave the cynicism to adults..."

"Indeed, I will sir." Wesley stood up in preparation and buttoned his blazer. "Indeed I will..." The doors of the helicopter opened as it touched down low into the bright light.
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((I really really preferred you to just go the helicopter route. But okay...))

Ragnar saw the young man land from flight. It was the first time in his over 100 years of dean that he witnessed someone actually fly. This was refreshing, but he was annoyed. It bothered him that this was the second student who had issues with the helicopter. Nevertheless, he greeted him warmly.

"Welcome," he said. "Wait, let me guess, Lenar Craestus is it?"

Ragnar was already informed of his arrival. He knew he was gonna be a sort of angel-demon hybrid. And angels were known to fly.

((Go ahead and control Ragnar and have one of the servants lead you to whatever dorm room you have. I haven't decided who your roommate will be yet. Perhaps Oddball, or someone...))
((Sorry I was asleep lol))

Whitley was coiled around herself, napping in between some bushes in the gardens. Most of the time, solitude was her best friend. She had her arms crossed and her chins resting on them , and the rest of her body was in her coil. The perfect DIY bed.

Wesley strode with a tired gait and lifted a hand in friendly greeting.

"Hello there, I presume you're the Dean of this academy? Gotta say, this is a pretty swell place. I'm lucky to be here."

Of course he wasn't there honestly, but his intent to fulfill this academy life was present.

"I'm Grimm, Wesley." The young man extended his arm to Ragnar who shook it with such vigour that Grimm's face contorted in slight pain from the sheer force of the shake.

*So this is one of these special  powered people huh? He's pretty amazing... If I were still older, he would've taken out my back too...!*
I am so, so, so sorry. A bunch of unexpected shit happened and I couldn't access the Internet for a little bit. 

"She has five," Mikhail answered. He laughed at Ana, she had an expression on her face that suggested she was very proud of her little noodles. "My brother is taking care of them while I'm away. I'm kind of worried. He is very irresponsible."

@Luxury Hotline

"I mean, snakes aren't that hard to take care of? If they don't eat often?" Hunter bit his lip, wondering how he could ease that kind of situation.
((Reminder to everyone: Once things start to settle down, an announcement through the intercom will happen. It will signal everybody to go to the cafeteria for everybody's lunch time.))
"Baby snakes eat more and have to start off with smaller food, rather than mice and rats. If they say anything too big, they can choke. They are easier than most animals, but you never know with him." 

@Luxury Hotline
@Oddball @MightyRussianFellow

Ragnar shook the young man's hand.

"Heh. I'm a vampire. I'm gifted with super strength," he said. "Anyway, you meant Wesley Grimm, right? Wesley first name? Your roommate is Lenar Craestus. He's just here."

He pointed at Lenar from nearby. "The two of you are, umm (checks his list), on room 227. One of my servants will lead you there."

((Either of you control the servant who'll lead you to your respective dorm.))
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"Yes, I am" He smiled, as he then turned to a man standing nearby - Weasley, was his name? An affectionate man, his mother would say, but Lenar just smirked with his insides, showing no signs of laughing.

"Don't bother trying to spell my surname right - just Lenar" Lenar said, smirking, as he turned over to notice a formally dressed servant. Normally he wouldn't appreciate servants and things, but academy is said to hold many young ones? so it may be a neccesity. He flowed (not walked - he moved like if his feet were made out of water) over to servant, asking.

"May you show us the way to room number 227?" Servant, a tall and cold-looking man, nodded at once, and walked broadly towards the main building. Lenar stroked afterwards, throwing a quick glance towards the Weasley


A few minures later Christian stopped and looked around. "Hmm I whonder where my dorm is..." He said to himself softly. He shrugged and headed in the general direction he knew the dorms were in. @anyone
(Sorry, you caught me just as I was leaving the house.) "Ok," she replied simply, turning her body, seeing the guy that she hadn't noticed. Once she got a good look at the guy she asked herself how she couldn't have seen him. She walked toward the guy, standing in front of him. "Hello, I'm Hope." She gave him a nice smile. 

@Fear Fates


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