T a r o b i Nov 4, 2016 Uhm--if I may ask, when will the RP start? Do we need more characters? If so, how many?
aresrme May 7, 2016 https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-great-flare-of-lunroc-the-dark.221002/ My good friend. Let us role-play the next chapter of our role-play. Considering this is a side story with it least Both stories.
https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-great-flare-of-lunroc-the-dark.221002/ My good friend. Let us role-play the next chapter of our role-play. Considering this is a side story with it least Both stories.
Thalia Raiz Mar 19, 2016 "They will fight you, ridicule you, and hurt you, yet you will be the one who will win"