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The day of the 100th reaping for the hunger games she decided that this would be her first act of defiance against everything that controlled her, this was the choice she made and that choice was death.
wendy wendy
that sent chills down my back holy hecc !! such a complex and intriguing character man - well done girl :>>
i really didn't plan on it lmao but i might
however i won't be able to get on it at school and i don't have a phone nor do i plan on getting one XD

you totally should girl! a lot of rps make oocs in discord and it makes the whole thing so much smoother and easier lol
and yeah dw i've dealt with that too lmao - school wifi is worse than north korea itself

and hold up what?? you don't have a phone?
you totally should girl! a lot of rps make oocs in discord and it makes the whole thing so much smoother and easier lol
and yeah dw i've dealt with that too lmao - school wifi is worse than north korea itself

and hold up what?? you don't have a phone?
yeah i get it
i was on it at one point but i kinda left because it caused so much drama lmao

i mean, i've got a flip phone, but i don't really want a smart phone lmao
i'm getting a fitbit for christmas so i can at least listen to music XD
yeah i get it
i was on it at one point but i kinda left because it caused so much drama lmao

i mean, i've got a flip phone, but i don't really want a smart phone lmao
i'm getting a fitbit for christmas so i can at least listen to music XD

achhhhhhh yeah that's understandable - i've been in a few spats myself but honestly discord is a good enough tool for me to tolerate it

and holy hecc you are one rare specimen
is it something that you grew up in childhood or do you just not like smartphones?
achhhhhhh yeah that's understandable - i've been in a few spats myself but honestly discord is a good enough tool for me to tolerate it

and holy hecc you are one rare specimen
is it something that you grew up in childhood or do you just not like smartphones?
i feel it lmao

honestly i had a smartphone a few years ago but it made me like...a tech zombie to where i never wound up looking up from my phone
my grandma intervened and got me a flip phone
i much prefer the flip phone because it keeps me in the here and the now
Iโ€™m still getting the hang of discord myself haha so for the time being, iโ€™ll keep ooc here! I can still make a discord group but since not everyone has it i donโ€™t think itโ€™d be fair to everyone and iโ€™d hate for people to miss out on plotting!
I assume most of us are going to be busy for the holidays. Should the overall due date be pushed back a bit ?
How many days would everyone need? Beyond the deadline, I mean. Then i can come up with a tentative new one.
How many days would everyone need? Beyond the deadline, I mean. Then i can come up with a tentative new one.
i'll need till the 28th, and do I have a greenlight to take from district 5 male as I currently only have the district 7 female

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