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Fandom TG - The Underdogs [ooc]

I honestly didn't have a clue on how the rc levels worked so I shot for a what I thought was slightly higher than average lol. I was wrong
Kaneki has a way above average rc count of around 3k rc cells, so we're still kinda pushing it but I think it's alright for now. I'm not THAT much of a stickler for cannon rules. So long as it's balanced in this rp then I'm gud.
All these brutal ghouls and then you have my passive single father.

Edit: Then again I could get really brutal and creative if his daughter was ever put in harms way.
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lol I just find it so cool. It's ok ZiggyZig ZiggyZig Rasu is a pretty passive person as well....when she's not hunting. But she prefers food like kazutos so she doesn't kill often and starves her self majority of the time. I can't wait to write her killing XD

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