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Fandom TG - The Underdogs [ooc]

Some of these ghouls have way too high an rc cell count than makes sense. Ken Kaneki at the end of Root A had like less than 3k and it afforded him incredible regeneration. Either y’all are all cannibal kakujas in your spare time or you’re all binge eaters like my ghoul. :/
Yeah, I've been thinking so as well. I think however that everybody will act like their 'rank' though.
So on Ichibis way home I kinda want her to interact with a CCG anyone up for that?
Yeah, it's just so that the characters can still grow throughout the rp. And I think this is the best way to deal with that.
I wasn't complaining about it since I understood the need for balance. Afterall if a character has that balance exceeding 4000 from the beginning then it's quite uneven.

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