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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC


"I agree." Said the Commander with a nodd. "The aliens showed up with their own superpowers in the form of Psionics. We responded with an improved versions of their powers. The chance of getting to use these powers are low. Only several people have them, including myself. Several alien adaptations were also given to almost every soldier through genetic modification. I have several of the adaptations. That evened out the playing field and made things a bit much more fair," He explained.

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Lisa: "I'm just saving the world." Lisa smiled "Seems to be a thing SHIELD does a lot. We're going to Paris...Then again I'm not sure if you have that city in your universe."

A SHIELD agent from outside of the room shouted for Lisa and she turned her head "I gotta go kid. We'll talk later, alright?" She smiled, leaving the room as the male nurse Chara had encountered earlier walked in.

"Hey kiddo." He smiled "What book have you got there?"

Mack: Mack grinned and led Temmie to the medical center where Emma was talking to Tom.

"Oh hi." Tom smiled weakly "I'm St Tom and you must be Temmie."

"He's not really a Saint...He's just on a lot of painkillers." Emma joked

"And I thought you were going to sing for me." Tom added

Coulson and Daisy: "Right, I gotta go save the world." Daisy smiled "Tell me about your world when I get back, okay?" She asked, running towards the ship and overhearing the conversation between Jason, Hunter and Bobbi.

"I know you might want to run into this thing guns blazing." She began "But this Inhuman is nothing like the aliens you fought against, alright? He or she is still a person. Probably scared out of their mind, freaking out over their new powers." She paused "I did." She shrugged "So when we find them, let me do the talking. Okay?"

"Well talking isn't really my strongest suit anyway." Hunter replied

"I know." Bobbi replied

Back in the room with River, Coulson turned to her "Daisy can handle herself." He reassured her with a smile

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659
Marvel Cinematic Universe





"hOI!!!" Temmie greeted Tom, jumping up next to him on his bed "im teMMIe!"

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

"Ah. See you when you get back, then." Chara said, smiling as she watched Lisa leave. She turned to the male nurse as he approached, and looked down at the book in her hand "Oh, this? Lisa wanted to give me something educational to read, so she gave me a bunch of books like this one." She answered, shrugging her shoulders.

Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!





River nodded to Daisy as she left, turning to Coulson "That's always a good thing to hear. It's not exactly ideal if you have a soldier who cannot fight for themselves."[/border]



Assailant said:
Homura nodded. That's not what she'd meant, but it mattered little. When she'd heard "dimensionally unstable," and "incredibly dangerous," she'd imagined something more akin to a witch's labyrinth. What was so dangerous about this?
They arrived at Planeptune's Basilicom, the Doctor then turned to face Homura, "Listen, we're about to meet one of the most powerful entities I've ever met, bet on your best behavior..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura stared stoically at the Doctor. "Unless given a reason not to, I will be on my 'best behavior.'" Homura went out of her magical girl form in order to appear less intimidating.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura stared stoically at the Doctor. "Unless given a reason not to, I will be on my 'best behavior.'" Homura went out of her magical girl form in order to appear less intimidating.
The Doctor gave her a nod and knocked on the door, "Hello! Histy! It's the Doctor! I've solved your meep problem and I'm here for a favour!"

The Door opened and the Doctor turned to Homura, "Well, you go first..."

"Fine." Said the Commander "If worse comes to worse, we have tazers that can keep something stunned till the return to base. There's still a tear to deal with too. We can handle that. Are you guys ready to go?"


Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded and stepped inside, not knowing what to expect.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded and stepped inside, not knowing what to expect.
Suddenly an odd looking fairy appeared before Homura, "Why, Hello...are you a friend of the Doctor's?" she asked.


Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura took in what she was looking at and nodded simply. "I suppose you could say that. We've been traveling together for a small amount of time."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura took in what she was looking at and nodded simply. "I suppose you could say that. We've been traveling together for a small amount of time."
"Oh? Then tell me, why has he brought you here?" Histoire asked.

The Doctor entered the scene, "Well, Histoire, in truth it's my friend who needs your help."

Arrow: Nodding at Stevenson's statement, he Oliver gave him a consolitory pat on the back as he followed him into the command room.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @LegoLad659

Mars-Peaceful Mars Universe

Goku: Powering up just briefly in a crouch, Goku leapt into the air with a glowing gold aura around him as he soared up.

"You guys start goin, I'll fly there!" he yelled down to Deadpool and Lobo as he sat floating in the air, the aura disappearing.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
theManCalledSting said:
"Oh? Then tell me, why has he brought you here?" Histoire asked.
The Doctor entered the scene, "Well, Histoire, in truth it's my friend who needs your help."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded, and began to explain the situation to Histoire. "Well, back where I come from, I have been stuck in a time-loop. For around 100 years now I've been attempting to rescue my friend, Madoka Kaname, from a fate of despair and death. In doing so, I'm also attempting to save my world. Every attempt I've made has ended in despair. From what the Doctor has said, you appear to be wise. I ask of you if you know of any way to remedy my situation."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded, and began to explain the situation to Histoire. "Well, back where I come from, I have been stuck in a time-loop. For around 100 years now I've been attempting to rescue my friend, Madoka Kaname, from a fate of despair and death. In doing so, I'm also attempting to save my world. Every attempt I've made has ended in despair. From what the Doctor has said, you appear to be wise. I ask of you if you know of any way to remedy my situation."
Histoire looked into Homura's eyes and gave her a sympathetic look she refused to say anything in fear of hurting Homura's feelings... there was nothing the tome can do to save Madoka... Historie instead patted Homura's shoulder.

"Histoire, you can save her... right?" the Doctor asked.
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theManCalledSting said:
Histoire looked into Homura's eyes and gave her a sympathetic look she refused to say anything in fear of hurting Homura's feelings... there was nothing the tome can do to save Madoka... Historie instead patted Homura's shoulder.
"Histoire, you can save her... right?" the Doctor asked.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: In Denial

Homura's eyes widened and she shook. Despite not having said anything, the message came across. "N-no. No no, you CAN do something, right?" She said. Sadness was creeping into her voice and tears were already forming in her eyes. "I... I haven't done this all for n-nothing... r-right?!"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: In Denial

Homura's eyes widened and she shook. Despite not having said anything, the message came across. "N-no. No no, you CAN do something, right?" She said. Sadness was creeping into her voice and tears were already forming in her eyes. "I... I haven't done this all for n-nothing... r-right?!"
"I am sorry, but... even if I can... such a task would require much of my attention for three whole centuries... and by then Planeptune... and Gamindustri would have fallen to who knows what," Histoire said, "But never be without hope, I am sure in one loop you will find happiness..." Histoire wiped the tears from Homura's eyes...
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theManCalledSting said:
"I am sorry, but... even if I can... such a task would require much of my attention for three whole centuries... and by then Planeptune... and Gamindustri would have fallen to who knows what," Histoire said, "But never be without hope, I am sure in one loop you will find happiness..." Histoire wiped the tears from Homura's eyes...

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Despaired

Rather unfortunately, Homura did not hear that last part. She had stopped listening after the first sentence. She smacked Histoire's hand away and looked down. "I..- I...-" She shook as tears began pouring out. "This couldn't have all been for nothing... I...-" She fell to her hands as she choked on her own tears. "MADOKA!!" She screamed in anguish. Her soul gem was becoming increasingly black.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Despaired

Rather unfortunately, Homura did not hear that last part. She had stopped listening after the first sentence. She smacked Histoire's hand away and looked down. "I..- I...-" She shook as tears began pouring out. "This couldn't have all been for nothing... I...-" She fell to her hands as she choked on her own tears. "MADOKA!!" She screamed in anguish. Her soul gem was becoming increasingly black.
"Oh dear... Ms. Akemi... Your Gem... Ms. Homura Akemi!! I need you to listen to me!" Histoire screamed.

"This is very very... bad..." the Doctor said.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Despaired

Homura sobbed and shook her head. "What's the point?! Why bother? I-I can't save her. Even the multiverse has no way to help her." By now, her soul gem was about 1/3rd black.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Despaired

Homura sobbed and shook her head. "What's the point?! Why bother? I-I can't save her. Even the multiverse has no way to help her." By now, her soul gem was about 1/3rd black.
"Must I spoil... everything..." Histoire rolled her eyes, "Soon in your timeline... Madoka... will turn into a goddess who will liberate all Magical Girls from the chains of despair... she did that all for you... Ms. Akemi..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Hopeful, but Skeptical

Homura began to slowly, very slowly, collect herself. That... seemed good? But sacrifice. The child at the convention's words came back. With tears still in her eyes, and despair in her voice, she spoke.

"One of the kids mentioned... Rebellion. That "it" changed the ending. W-what happened? What changed?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Hopeful, but Skeptical

Homura began to slowly, very slowly, collect herself. That... seemed good? But sacrifice. The child at the convention's words came back. With tears still in her eyes, and despair in her voice, she spoke.

"One of the kids mentioned... Rebellion. That "it" changed the ending. W-what happened? What changed?"
"In one universe, Homura... but you have the power to change that," the Doctor said to his companion, his friend, "You have the will to change history!"

"He is correct, the Rebellion was a film that depicted a far more desperate version of yourself... But I can see you are far different from that Homura," Histoire added.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Fighting Despair

Homura nodded, but was also concerned. They neglected to tell her what happened. She was less desperate than that Homura? That wasn't possible. She was more desperate than a human should be able to, and she knew it. Furthermore, Histoire said it was in HER future. Whoever was in Rebellion was most certainly her. She'd have to see for herself what happened.

But for now, she was satiated. Madoka becomes a God (she'd need to see the whole sacrifice part,) and everything ends... well? Homura took some solace in the fact that, what with the multiverse tearing and everything, things no longer happened as they should. Now that COULD end in a worse ending, but it also gave Homura hope for a happy ending. She just... had to keep fighting. It was doubtful this Histoire was the wisest person in the multiverse. Or the most powerful. Someone must be able to help her. It all came down to Walpurgis Nacht. If she would just die, than Madoka would have no reason to make a contract.

"I...- I'm sorry for making such a disturbance." She began to try to clean herself up a bit. "I only have one more question for you, if you would allow me it. Do you know where I should start to change this? If you can not aid me directly, do you perhaps have any idea where I can begin looking for a way?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Fighting Despair

Homura nodded, but was also concerned. They neglected to tell her what happened. She was less desperate than that Homura? That wasn't possible. She was more desperate than a human should be able to, and she knew it. Furthermore, Histoire said it was in HER future. Whoever was in Rebellion was most certainly her. She'd have to see for herself what happened.

But for now, she was satiated. Madoka becomes a God (she'd need to see the whole sacrifice part,) and everything ends... well? Homura took some solace in the fact that, what with the multiverse tearing and everything, things no longer happened as they should. Now that COULD end in a worse ending, but it also gave Homura hope for a happy ending. She just... had to keep fighting. It was doubtful this Histoire was the wisest person in the multiverse. Or the most powerful. Someone must be able to help her. It all came down to Walpurgis Nacht. If she would just die, than Madoka would have no reason to make a contract.

"I...- I'm sorry for making such a disturbance." She began to try to clean herself up a bit. "I only have one more question for you, if you would allow me it. Do you know where I should start to change this? If you can not aid me directly, do you perhaps have any idea where I can begin looking for a way?"
"There is a way... I need you to head to the guild, perhaps aiding the CPU Candidates in their quest will ease your mind on this rather troubling issue and when the time comes, you'll be able to guide you and your friends to your happy endings..." Histoire said with a smile.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Hopeful

Homura didn't know whether the Histoire was just bullshiting to placate her, or if she meant it, but right now Homura had no choice but to believe. She had to hold out hope. Now she had a goal. She didn't know who they were, but she imagined the Doctor did. She bowed to the Histoire. "T-thank you. I s-sorry for all the trouble."

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