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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC





"Right. So we're not going to be able to even
search for my universe for a while, let alone find it." Cadence replied "Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the help, I'm just... I don't know. Discouraged, or something. I guess I just don't have my father's adventuring spirit, huh?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



LegoLad659 said:
"Right. So we're not going to be able to even search for my universe for a while, let alone find it." Cadence replied "Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the help, I'm just... I don't know. Discouraged, or something. I guess I just don't have my father's adventuring spirit, huh?"
"Well... you still have that fighting spirit? Right?" Rewind said in a rather awkward attempt to cheer Cadence up.




"I guess. I also at least had the determination to head to the crypt in the first place to find him, though after I fell I didn't exactly have the opportunity to turn back..." Cadence replied.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



theManCalledSting said:
"Please... you're exaggerating... Senpai..." Naoto said with a blush.
"Oh don't be so modest, Naoto-kun... Senpai has a point, you are a 'badass'," Yukiko argued.
"Uh-huh," Coco agreed. "A persona as a semblance is unique. I mean, every semblance is unique, but that is REALLY unique. And cool."
Assailant said:
"Uh-huh," Coco agreed. "A persona as a semblance is unique. I mean, every semblance is unique, but that is REALLY unique. And cool."
"And each Persona is different, Naoto-kun... we wouldn't have been able to beat Izanami without you..." Yukiko said.

"Please... You're all giving me far too much credit..." Naoto said with a bright red on her face.
"There you go again," Coco says with a playful shove on Naoto. "Getting all flustered like that."
Assailant said:
"There you go again," Coco says with a playful shove on Naoto. "Getting all flustered like that."
"Noato-kun always gets like that... she must really like you, Senpai..." Yukiko giggled.

"Uh... Yes..." Naoto said faintly
Coco chuckled. "Aw, sweet. I like you too, Nat," she said as she tousled Naoto's hair playfully.
Assailant said:
"Yes," Coco said with her trademark grin. "And we shall rule with an iron fist."
"Uh, what do you mean?" Naoto asked a bit confused.

"Wait does this mean you guys are going to have a prom soon?! Count me in! I even..." Teddie joined the conversation and tore his cloths off to reveal another outfit underneath... "Got this so I can rawrle the Dance floor!"

Coco furrowed her brow. "I swear, being that strange must be a semblance of its own. And it was just a play on the use of the word 'prince,' Nat."
Assailant said:
Coco furrowed her brow. "I swear, being that strange must be a semblance of its own. And it was just a play on the use of the word 'prince,' Nat."
"Oh yes... Sorry about that..." Naoto said feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Oh that's our Naoto-kun..." Yukiko giggled.

"So that's a no on the prom thing... right?" Teddie asked.
"Sorry Teddie. We had one a few months ago, so I'm pretty sure it isn't happening," Coco simply responded.
Assailant said:
"Sorry Teddie. We had one a few months ago, so I'm pretty sure it isn't happening," Coco simply responded.
"Aw..." Teddie said as he returned to his seat.

"So, Coco-Senpai... Are there any places in Vale both teams can Hang out? I mean besides the Cafeteria," Yukiko asked.
"Really anywhere," Coco said with a shrug. "Usually, because of school, Cafeteria's the only place we end up meeting. But as long as we aren't doing classes, we're free to roam."
Assailant said:
"Really anywhere," Coco said with a shrug. "Usually, because of school, Cafeteria's the only place we end up meeting. But as long as we aren't doing classes, we're free to roam."
"I see..." Yukiko said.

"Coco-Senpai... about the other teams... do you know anyone who would prove to be useful in our investigations..." Naoto asked.

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