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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded in understanding before frowning. "He's being returned to incarceration in a place he's already escaped from? Isn't that just asking for a repeat?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded in understanding before frowning. "He's being returned to incarceration in a place he's already escaped from? Isn't that just asking for a repeat?"
"I can only assume it's because something happened that made Histoire shift her focus on something else... she normally wouldn't let something like this slip..."
theManCalledSting said:
"I can only assume it's because something happened that made Histoire shift her focus on something else... she normally wouldn't let something like this slip..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

"I am unaware of who this 'Histoire' person is... but she sounds very wise and watchful. The way you speak of her indicates that. Whatever grabbed her attention, however, should be secured soon. It would be wise to assure that whatever was enough to divert her attention isn't still an issue."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

"I am unaware of who this 'Histoire' person is... but she sounds very wise and watchful. The way you speak of her indicates that. Whatever grabbed her attention, however, should be secured soon. It would be wise to assure that whatever was enough to divert her attention isn't still an issue."
"Yes, you got a point... I assume it's the tears that caught her attention..." the Doctor theorized.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

"That seems like it would make sense," Homura said. She then began to think... This histoire person sounds very wise. Perhaps she knows a way to save Madoka Kaname? Homura asked the Doctor that exact thought.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

"That seems like it would make sense," Homura said. She then began to think... This histoire person sounds very wise. Perhaps she knows a way to save Madoka Kaname? Homura asked the Doctor that exact thought.
"Maybe... You're not thinking of going to the hyperdimension?"

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

Homura shrugged. "I do not know what that means," she said. "Is that anything important?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

Homura shrugged. "I do not know what that means," she said. "Is that anything important?"
"You want to meet up with Histoire... and Histoire's in the Hyperdimension... I warn though... it is the most dangerous dimension I've ever ventured to..."

Arrow: This guy that Stevenson was talking about was one of the kinds of people Oliver hated: backstabbers. Maybe, before he left this universe, he'd help SHIELD take him down and bring Hydra down with him.

"I'm very sorry to hear that," Oliver said as he put a hand on Stevenson's shoulder. "I've been betrayed myself a few times, and I know that it hurts. Listen, I'll help you guys out in any way I can, but a lot of this science stuff is over my head. I did drop out of college."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @LegoLad659

Mars-Machinist Universe (I didn't know what to call it)

Goku: After Goku had finished eating, he barely got a word in before that woman transported them all to some desolate red world. Actually, there were living things here. Aliens, by the look of them. They begged for help with saving their city, which was under attack by that Machinist guy the Woman mentioned before transporting them all here. Since Deadpool, the Main Man, and Goku were going to be fighting machines, Goku couldn't sense their energy. He stepped forward and ignored Deadpool's conversation with himself regarding how they were all able to breathe.

"Don't worry little guy, we'll save your people," he reassured. He stepped back momentarily, bending his arms and legs to charge up energy. The act of charging his energy created a small bit of wind around him that kicked up dust and started to blow his hair around very softly. After he had reached his cap, he stopped the motion by flexing once and standing back up right. He started walking after the Martians and Deadpool once they started off towards the fighting in the distance.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

Seeing that a small alien was asking for his help, Lobo decides to try to get some money."Listen up, geek! This ain't no charity. So if you want the Main Man's help, you gotta pay the price, which is ten thousand credits, and some booze."


Coulson: Seeing Jason leave for the armoury Coulson ordered Daisy and a team of SHIELD agents to follow him.

"You're good with talking to other Inhumans. I don't want Jason running into this situation not knowing what he's dealing with."

"How do we know what we're dealing with?" Daisy asked

"We don't. All French authorities told us is that there was an Inhuman sighted near this tear." Coulson explained

"So we're going in blind...Some things never change." Daisy shook her head "What about you?" She asked

"I need to hold down the fort. One tear opened in Tokyo minutes ago. Either they're becoming more frequent or tears opened like this from the beginning...We just haven't had a way of tracking them until now."

"Great news for us." Daisy replied sarcastically

As the two spoke, River entered the room catching the attention of both Coulson and Daisy.

"Coulson." He replied

"But you can call him Phil." Daisy smiled "How are you finding this place? I know coming to a different universe must be odd and all...I suppose that's obvious."

Mack: Mack, taken aback by Temmie's response simply shrugged and hugged the creature for a few moments "Yeah. One of Emma's friends got hurt." He explained "He's my friend too as well. He's fine though so Emma went to check up on him. Don't worry."

Stevenson: "If it means anything, so did I." Stevenson shrugged "Doesn't make me or you idiots. I dropped out because I couldn't afford it, or keep up with my classes. Had this professor who was a real dick. About two years of working odd jobs and being a dime away from being homeless, SHIELD found me. Long story short, HYDRA tried to to take over the world, a lot of people stabbed me in the back and I ended up here." He shrugged "And that's my tale of woe." He added sarcastically, only to see SHIELD agents walk into the command room "If you want to help, I'd see what's going on here." He spoke, walking towards the command room himself

Emma: Emma sat by Tom's side, a bandage covering part of the left side of his head. Tom weakly looked up at Emma with a smile "Hey Red."

"What?" She asked, concern in her voice

"I'm holy." Tom joked weakly

"What?" Emma replied

Tom pointed to the side of his head "I'm holy. Dub me St Tom and name a holiday after me...Not like we'd get it off anyway." He joked

"Hey. We got Christmas off last year." Emma added

"Amsterdam." Tom grinned weakly "Hmm. I want to go back there with all my holiness."

"Oh, stop it. You're going to kill me with cringe." Emma replied

"I can do what I want. I got shot, remember. Last time you got shot I had to bring you ice cream...Oh, which reminds me..."

"What do you want Tom?" Emma sighed, dreading what her friend had thought up for her

"I want you to sing for me."

"What?" Emma asked, taken aback "A brash Scottie voice like mine and you want me to sing? What did the doctors pump into ya?"

"Oh...I dunno. I lost track." Tom chuckled "I want you to sing the witch doctor song."

@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200
Marvel Cinematic Universe





Temmie nuzzled into Mack's hug for a few moments before he spoke, and she looked up at him "okI! hyOOMan nO SLeeP ANYmoR. teM HAppi for HYOOMAN!"

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​





"Right, of course." River said, in response to Coulson correcting her "Yes, it is taking a lot of getting used to... Your facilities are much different from the camps I'm familiar with." She told them, before turning her attention to the screen "So, what's this? Trouble?"[/border]



Mars: Peaceful Mars Universe

Two of the Martians glanced at each other before one handed over a bottle of whiskey and another searched his pockets...Even though he wasn't wearing any clothes. He managed to take out a small loan of a million dollars, handing over Lobo his Tesco clubcard as well as a library card. "Here you go." The Martian spoke "Now, please save us."

"Okay little guy!" Deadpool replied enthusiastically, jumping into his space Sedan and honking the horn "Alright you two, we have a planet to save and I want to do it before Golden Girls!"

@apoliseno @Barbas

Jason finished grabbing everything he needed from the Armory. He was about to step onto the Skyranger as he noticed a team of SHIELD following him. "I'm guessing Coulson is sending you guys with us. Get on the Skyranger and strap in. We'll be leaving in a few minutes." He said as he nodded at the plane. "Did Coulson tell you what we're dealing with?"

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Stuffing his payment into his pockets, Lobo jumps into the space Sedan while drinking his booze." Alright, lets get this party started!"

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theManCalledSting said:
"You want to meet up with Histoire... and Histoire's in the Hyperdimension... I warn though... it is the most dangerous dimension I've ever ventured to..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Beep, Judoon, Rapunzel, Steve

Status: Stoic

Homura was fairly certain she could handle it. She'd fought Walpurgis Nacht many, many times. Granted, she'd lost every time. That, or Kriemhild Gretchen revealed her ugly face. Nonetheless, she'd survived every time. But... just to be safe... "How so? What dangers are there?"
Assailant said:
Homura was fairly certain she could handle it. She'd fought Walpurgis Nacht many, many times. Granted, she'd lost every time. That, or Kriemhild Gretchen revealed her ugly face. Nonetheless, she'd survived every time. But... just to be safe... "How so? What dangers are there?"
The Doctor guided Homura back to the TARDIS, and turned his head before he opened the door, "Just about everything..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura considered before nodding. "If going there can help me save Madoka Kaname... then it's worth it. No matter what dangers lurk there."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura considered before nodding. "If going there can help me save Madoka Kaname... then it's worth it. No matter what dangers lurk there."
The Doctor smiled at Homura's response, "Then, to the hyperdimension we go..." He said as the two entered the TARDIS and off to their next destination... the Mysterious world, Gamindustri...



Mack: "Me too." Mack smiled, releasing Temmie "Hey, you wanna see him?" He asked

Coulson and Daisy: "Yes." Coulson replied "Another one of those tears opened up in Paris."

"Paris is a big city full of people...Full of wine too, and cheese." Daisy explained, knowing that since River was from another universe there was a chance she had no idea what Paris was "You have cities in your universe, right? Sorry...Things are still a bit weird, with all these different universes. Even by SHIELD standards."

Lisa: "I'm fine, but listen. I've been called on a mission. An important one. I'll be back, okay. One of the other agents is gonna take care of you, alright?" Lisa asked

SHIELD: "Well, a portal to a another dimension and an Inhuman outbreak. Seems like a typical Tuesday to me." Hunter replied sarcastically

"You XCOM guys should know." Bobbi replied, cutting in "Inhumans are people with superpowers. Hunter has a bit of a..."

"I've said it once and I'll say it again, using superpowers against regular blokes like me is cheating." Hunter complained

"Thing with them." Bobbi continued


@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200

Mars: Peaceful Mars Universe

"Hey, aren't you gonna take your bike?" He asked Lobo "It's sitting right there." He pointed next to the Space Sedan at Lobo's bike "I have to do that for you because the writer didn't. He's lazy and forgetful! Also a virgin who still lives with his mom... But, erm... I'll not get into that." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly with one of his pistols and tooted the horn of the car "Hey, hairgel, aren't you gonna get in? Post already! I don't care if you're playing ultimate frisbee!"

"I thought you said you were gonna stop calling him that." The Yellow box pointed out

"What part of he's lazy and forgetful do you not understand Mr Yellow box man?" Deadpool replied

@apoliseno @Barbas
Hyperdimension Neptunia

Planeptune, Gaminudstri

The TARDIS arrived at it's destination... the Doctor was the first to walk out, "Welcome, Homura to the most dimensionally unstable world in all the multiverse!"


Marvel Cinematic Universe





Temmie nodded in response "YaYa!!! TeM WannA SAy hOI to HYOomaN!"

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

"Oh, okay. I take it you can't tell me where you're going or what's happening?" Chara asked, tilting her head.

Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!





River held her hand up in response to Daisy's apology "It's fine, I understand. And yes, Armello has a great many cities across its lands."[/border]




Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura frowned. "Dimensionally unstable? Do you worry these tears could be the catalyst that might push this world over the edge?" Homura stepped out of the Tardis. "It's very blue."
Assailant said:
Homura frowned. "Dimensionally unstable? Do you worry these tears could be the catalyst that might push this world over the edge?" Homura stepped out of the Tardis. "It's very blue."
"It's always been dimensionally unstable, if you're looking for Histoire... We're heading to the Basilicom, where all the important work happens..." the Doctor said as he and Homura went off to the Basilicom.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who(Hyperdimension)

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded. That's not what she'd meant, but it mattered little. When she'd heard "dimensionally unstable," and "incredibly dangerous," she'd imagined something more akin to a witch's labyrinth. What was so dangerous about this?

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