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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC

Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura sighed. She wasn't one for sitting around and doing nothing, but if there was a protocol, then it would not be wise of her to get in the way. Besides, they looked capable. Hopefully, in their panic, the convention goers at least remembered to destroy their cuddlesomes. "Very well," Homura stated to the rhino men. "But keep in mind what I spoke of. Those cuddlesomes, despite their cute appearance, are armed and dangerous. They should be disposed of." Homura bowed, her shield clicked, and she appeared next to the Doctor.
"Well, that's a bigger show that I expected..." The Doctor said as the Judoon attempted to get the situation under control.

"So, what's the plan now?" asked Clara.

"Find Beep..." The Doctor said as he ran off to find the Most-High of Meeps.
Doctor Who Universe: Earth, 2016

The Judoon marched after The Doctor and Homura, overhearing their conversation "Sco fo to-to!" One shouted, demanding that The Doctor stop in his tracks. Another stepped forwards, activating a translation device "You are to cooperate fully while we search for the fugative. If you refuse you will be placed under arrest for preventing the course of justice. The sentence for which is two hundred Earth years. Comply. It is standard protocol."

@theManCalledSting @Assailant

DC Universe

"Something like that." The Woman replied "Just make sure they stop invading planets. So what do you say?"

"Just say yes so we can get this plot actually moving." Deadpool complained

@Barbas @apoliseno


Coulson: Phil sighed deeply, his back to Jason "HYDRA is an organization hell-bent on world domination. They destroyed the old SHIELD and have killed thousands of people just to advance their goals. Every damn time we beat them, they always seem to come back. Sometimes stronger..." Phil paused "When the tears first opened HYDRA went dark. All their bank accounts were emptied and they became untraceable. We were too occupied with the tears to focus on tracking them down."

He paused again, clenching his fists angrily, "We played right into their damn hands by doing that. HYDRA...Ward, that son of a bitch knew we'd be distracted by the tears. He could have killed Mac, Tom, May and Daisy but he didn't. He wanted to send me a message that HYDRA's active again."

Lisa: "This is all grown-up stuff." Lisa told Chara "You're too young to hear about it." She put her hands on Chara, trying to turn her away from the door to the medical center "Why don't I show you your room?" She asked the child "Better yet, how would you like to meet a friend of mine?"

Emma: Emma shot Temmie a fake smile "Hey, Temmie. You find anything new?" She asked. The last thing she wanted to think about now was Tom and what Ward had done to her mate. She told herself that Temmie and her antics would be the best distraction but even as she looked at the creature, the image of Tom covered in his own blood filled her mind. Despite this, she continued to wear her smile.

Fitz and Simmons: "No, I think we'll be fine." Fitz replied "I really just need to work on this. If I start now I could have it finished within twenty four hours."

"I thought you said forty eight?" Simmons asked

"I did. If I was doing it alone." Fitz smiled. He turned back around and started to work on building the device.

Stevenson: Stevenson looked up at River as she entered the medical bay "You sure you should be here?" He asked

@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200

"Wouldn't have been the first time I've dealt with an organization like that." said Jason. "XCOM has had experience with similar organizations. That organization tried to seize power while the rest of us were distracted with the alien invasion. We might be able to help. Where did the attack happen?"

The Avenger

Vahlen shrugged and said. "Alright. I'll be here if you need me." She returned to where she placed the arc reactor and got to work on researching it.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe





"YaYa!" Temmie replied, pointing to an old boom box "teM fOUnd... WEIRD boX thIN!" She said, running back over to the boom box.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

Realizing that her childlike appearance was going to work against her here, Chara decided it wasn't worth trying to pry further. She let Lisa lead her away from the room "Who is it?" She asked, when Lisa mentioned her friend.


Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!





"not like we're doin' much anywhere else." Sans pointed out.

"What happened? Perhaps we could be of assistance somehow?" River asked Stevenson.[/border]




Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura was stopped by the Judoon. She didn't know what this "Standard Protocol," was, but the Doctor didn't seem all too happy. Nonetheless, she too complied. She didn't want more hostility, so as long as it helped track down Beep than she would comply. Of course, the moment it seemed like it was working against them she was ready to go.

Homura looked around her at the chaos. Some people had calmed down, many were still panicking, but destroyed Cuddlesomes were a frequent sight. Some still refused to destroy or detain their Cuddlesomes, par for the course, but it seemed her message had gotten across in some effect.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura was stopped by the Judoon. She didn't know what this "Standard Protocol," was, but the Doctor didn't seem all too happy. Nonetheless, she too complied. She didn't want more hostility, so as long as it helped track down Beep than she would comply. Of course, the moment it seemed like it was working against them she was ready to go.


Homura looked around her at the chaos. Some people had calmed down, many were still panicking, but destroyed Cuddlesomes were a frequent sight. Some still refused to destroy or detain their Cuddlesomes, par for the course, but it seemed her message had gotten across in some effect.
"Homura, meet the Judoon, gloried hired guns... they remind me of a certain 'Freelance Peacekeeper' I ran into long ago... but that's besides the point... The real point is who sent you here? Beep's known to cover his tracks very well..." The Doctor asked the Judoon commander.

"We were sent by the Shadow Proclamation, to detain an inter-dimensional threat... and retrieve stolen technology on the behest of the Oracle of Planeptune..." the Commander explained.

"Histoire? Beep's been here for a while given the scale of how many cuddlesomes he's sold... let me guess..." The Doctor said before begin interrupted by the Judoon Commander.

"The Oracle was able to inform us of his location and this mission exactly Three Earth Years from Beep's escape from their dimension..."

"Oh of course it took her three somethings..." The Doctor rolled his eyes.

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Location: Doctor Who

Interacted: ~

Around: @theManCalledSting and anyone else with him

Condition: Fine
Rapunzel was happily skipping alongside Flynn, on her way to see the Floating Lanterns for her 18th birthday, when she saw some sort of swirly portal thing. "Hey, Flynn, what's this?" she asked, pointing to the portal. She began to edge closer to it, looking at it curiously. Flynn frowned. "I don't know, but it can't be good..." Ignoring this warning, she stepped into the tear, and was transported to a different universe as Flynn screamed her name, over and over again...



Location: Doctor Who

Interacted: ~

Around: @theManCalledSting and anyone else with him

Condition: 10 hearts, 10 hunger
Steve placed the final block of obsidian down, and lit the portal with his Flint and Steel. He had worked so hard to get to the Nether, and nothing could stop him now. He had his full set of diamond tools with him - not the enchanted ones, just in case he died and lost them - and he had been training to fight the hordes of monsters there. However, the portal looked... strange... It wasn't lit up in the way the Wiki described. But did Steve care? Of course not! What could possibly go wrong? Steve stepped into the portal, and found himself not in the Nether, but... in another world he never knew existed.
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Doctor Who Universe: Earth, 2016

The Judoon turned their attention to two new tears as they opened, speaking in English one of the Judoon stepped forwards "Identify yourselves. You have forty Earth seconds to comply or I will be arresting you on preventing the course of justice and travelling to another universe without a warrant or passport. The sentence for both of these crimes amounts to one thousand Earth years."

@theManCalledSting @amybri18


Coulson: "The Siberian Region in Russia." Mac cut in "Just as we finished off those Wendigos Ward and twenty of his guys jumped us on the way back to the Qunjet. Never saw him coming. He'd be in the emergency room if I had."

"If Ward went personally, he must have knew you'd be there." Coulson added, anger in his voice

"Maybe he just followed the trail those Wendigos left." Mac suggested

"It seems too coincidental." Coulson muttered

Fitz and Simmons: With Vahlen working on the arc reactor both Fitz and Simmons got to work on the device, as well as it's power source.

Stevenson: "Unless you know where that bastard Ward is, I don't think so." Stevenson spoke through gritted teeth "Sorry." He sighed "As far as things in here, no. Unless..." He paused "What can you two actually do?" He asked "I read Lisa's report so I know you can handle yourself in a fight, River but you." He turned to Sans "I'm honestly not sure."

Emma and Lisa: "Oh, her name's Emma." Lisa smiled, still trying to distract Chara from the medical bay. She also has a new friend called Temmie. I reckon you two might get along."

Lisa approached the room Emma and Temmie were in and knocked on the door, getting a look from Emma in response "Yes?" She asked, faking a smile

@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200
Marvel Cinematic Universe





Temmie heard the knock on the door and looked in its direction, though she stuck near the boom box because it was more interesting to her.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

Of course. The one place she didn't want to be. Still, Lisa was leading her there anyway "Ah, no, actually, that's okay..." Chara replied "I remember Temmie. I'm, uh, actually allergic to them." She explained quickly. That wasn't entirely false. She could get away with that. She just didn't want to be anywhere near Temmie.


Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!





"me? i'm just a skeleton that likes to crack jokes, really. i'm sure you'd get a kick out of 'em."

"I doubt it." River replied, before turning to the others "Armellans such as I do have a connection to the Wyld - Magic, I suppose you'd call it. My connection isn't nearly as strong as it could be, but if you need assistance in healing I could cast a regeneration spell. Though the healing is not immediate, I can only cast it on a single person, and my connection will only allow it to be cast a single time... Until the sun sets, anyway. I imagine it could still help one person, though." She explained to them. She would've mentioned her bottle of Wyldsap, but that was more for healing injuries that need urgent attention. And she only had a single bottle. She was not going to waste it if it wasn't absolutely needed.

(Yes, Sans is intruding on River's macro ( :P ) If he has more to say or is by himself again I'll bring the plain border back.)[/border]



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"Could someone have tipped him off?" Suggested the Commander. "If it helps, XCOM has a covert operations division. We used it to fight a similar organization. I can reactivate it and have them help with HYDRA."

The Avenger

An engineer walked out of storage and over to Fitz and Simmons. He placed a small crate next to them. "It's full of Elerium. You said you needed some, right? Said the engineer. "Don't worry, it's safe to handle."

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Location: Doctor Who Universe: Earth 2016

Interacted: @theManCalledSting

Condition: Perfect
Rapunzel looked around curiously at the city that beheld her, then looked at the man who had spoken. He was kinda ugly, and looked scary, but Rapunzel didn't say anything about his appearance. Still, she staggered back slightly, before giving him a small wave. "Hi, I'm Rapunzel," she replied, trying to sound happy. She looked around again. "What is this place? It looks so different than where I was before..."



Location: Doctor Who Universe: Earth, 2016

Interacted: @theManCalledSting

Condition: 10 hearts, 10 hunger
Steve frowned as a weird alien dude came and asked him to identify himself. A girl next him had already replied, and she seemed happy to do so, but Steve wasn't so sure. What if he was the enemy? He tried to shake off the feeling. If he was the enemy, Steve would've lost at least one heart by now, but he still had all his hearts remaining. "I'm Steve," he replied. "And I'm pretty sure this isn't the Nether, so don't even try asking how I got here, because I don't know."
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"Homura, Clara, can you two chat it up with our friends while I go somewhere and be clever?" The Doctor asked before slipping away from the Judoon.

"Of course..." Clara said with a roll of her eyes, she then turned to a Judoon and extended her hand to him, "Clara Oswald, the Doctor's Friend..." the Judoon growled in response, "Okay, not a hand shaking person... Got you..."
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Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura bowed. "Homura Akemi. I've traveled with the Doctor. As an aside you needn't worry, I'm not one to shake hands either."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura bowed. "Homura Akemi. I've traveled with the Doctor. As an aside you needn't worry, I'm not one to shake hands either."
Clara then noticed the new arrivals, she wasn't sure if they were cosplayers or the real deal but wouldn't really hurt to ask, "Hey Homura, do you think those two might be the real deal..."


SHIELD: Lisa nodded understandingly "Alright. At least we have a better idea of where you're from. It'll be a bit easier to get you back home that way." She shot Chara the same reassuring smile she'd been wearing for most of the day.

Inside the medical center the male nurse approached River "By the looks of things, Tom's going to be fine. He just needs to rest up."

"I'm here too." Mack cut in jokingly

"Looks of things you'll need to rest for a few days." The male nurse explained "I know how badly you probably want to go out there and punch Ward in the face but for now..."

"Yeah, I get it." Mack sighed

Emma: "What's that you've got there?" Emma asked Temmie

Coulson: The Director of SHIELD nodded in response to Jason's words "In that case, you should know everything we do about Grant Ward." Coulson spoke in a grim tone, handing Jason a tablet with files about Ward on it "Ward's planning something, otherwise he wouldn't have gone dark for so long. With the tears opening up at random and with The Doctor disappearing so suddenly we're going to need all the help we can get with Grant Ward."

Fitz and Simmons: Fitz simply nodded in response and got back to work.

(everyone alright with doing a timeskip after the next post or so to when the device is finished so I can move the arc along a bit?)

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659
Marvel Cinematic Universe

(As long as it's not interrupting anything important, I'm fine with it.)





"dunNO." Temmie replied, pressing buttons on the boom box "weIRd boX THiN. doeSN' do ANYthiN. Oh weLL." She said, moving on to the next interesting thing.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

Chara nodded in response, glad she was able to sidestep her way away from Temmie "Thanks. How long do you think it'll take?"


Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!





"I'm glad everything is under control. It sounds like you guys were ambushed, rather mercilessly I might add?" River replied, looking at Mack.[/border]



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"He seemed like he is quite the character." Said the Commander as he skimmed through the files. "I'll get the covert ops division reactivated when I get the chance."


(I'm fine with a time skip.)
theManCalledSting said:
Clara then noticed the new arrivals, she wasn't sure if they were cosplayers or the real deal but wouldn't really hurt to ask, "Hey Homura, do you think those two might be the real deal..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"I am unaware of what you mean. Steve looks perfectly normal, almost strange at a pop-culture convention. Although I do recall Rapunzel being the name of a fairy tale character, and one that shouldn't appear at a convention like this, so I'm assuming she's the real deal."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"I am unaware of what you mean. Steve looks perfectly normal, almost strange at a pop-culture convention. Although I do recall Rapunzel being the name of a fairy tale character, and one that shouldn't appear at a convention like this, so I'm assuming she's the real deal."
Clara shrugged and said, "I suppose you're right..." she then walked up to Rapunzel, "You're really Rapenzel?"

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The Doctor ran through a mob of people at the Convention Center as he searched for the Meep behind this whole mess with the Cuddlesomes, he then stopped as he noticed something rather peculiar about a My Little Pony Booth... The Heads of the titular Ponies were gone, The Doctor walked up to the display and analyzed it, "Scorch Marks around where the heads used to be... A trademark of any Laser-based Technology, which means... Beep's real close now..." the Doctor said to himself realizing how close he is in finding the Meep.

SHIELD: "I can't say, sorry kid." Lisa replied with a sigh "I know this place probably can't compare to your home, but I'll try to make it as homely as possible." She led Chara along the corridor to a small room where a bed was made up.

Mack: "He didn't kill any of us." Mack replied "In Ward's case, that's just damn unusual. The boss is right, he's playing some kind of game."

"Will I show you where you'll be staying as long as you're here?" A SHIELD agent cut in

Fitz and Simmons: The work process in building the device, as well as connecting it with a power source took just under forty eight hours, a dozen cups off coffee between both the SHIELD scientists and two entire large pizzas. As Fitz fell asleep at a desk, Simmons connected the final wire waking up her friend with an enthusiastic "Eureka!" as the device lit up, starting to scan for tears. It detected one in Tokyo, only for the device to read it as on the molecular level.

"I thought we agreed to say that at the same time." Fitz replied in a tired voice, rubbing his eyes

"Oh sorry." Simmons apologized with a smile "I got carried away."

"I'll get Coulson in here." Fitz muttered with a grin, rubbing his eyes again and leaving the room.

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659



Location: Doctor Who: Earth, 2016

Interacted: @theManCalledSting

Around: @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Assailant

Condition: Fine
Rapunzel nodded. "Of course I'm the 'real' Rapunzel. Why would I lie about who I am? And, also, what do you mean by 'fairy tale'?

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Marvel Cinematic Universe



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

Chara nodded in response "Okay. Thank you." She said, as Lisa led her to her bedroom.


Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!





"We might as well." River replied "If we are not needed as of now, we should take the chance to rest until we are."[/border]




Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor, Steve, Rapunzel

Status: Stoic

Homura approached Rapunzel. "I shall be the first to inform you that you are, presuming you are indeed telling the truth, in another universe. In my own universe, and I believe this one as well, you are a character from a fairy tell: a story that we tell our children."

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