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Fandom Tears of the Phoenix - Previous

NAME - Allura Berger
HOUSE - Fifth Year, Slytherin
BIO - Female, 15, French
LOCATION - Platform 9 3/4; Hogwarts Express, Compartment 3
INTERACTIONS - Fennox Berger; Alison Freed; Sean Wilson; Cassia Gold

Allura felt that same thrill that she felt every year as she ran through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. A moment later, as she took in the sights yet again, she stood amidst a crowd preparing to board the Hogwarts Express. It was one of the last stops before returning to classes, and one she would not be alone in making. Because this year- along with the children of other families- her little brother would be joining the student ranks. She waited barely a minute before deciding that the little rabbit would need to find friends on his own. As she approached the train, she kept an eye out for familiar faces- ones she could call friends in particular. Sadly, none seemed to show. They were likely sitting on the train, though the possibility that she didn't have any friends remained. Ah, no matter. Friends from now likely would not remain through her adult life anyway.

The nagging fear of being alone clung to her regardless as she made her way onto the train. Looking back to the platform entrance, she could faintly make out the form of her younger brother. She took a moment to arrange her thoughts. "Fenn! I'll be joining up with some friends, so you'll need to find some first-years to sit with. Make some friends!" she hollered, ducking into the train.

Allura quickly regretted her decision against wearing robes. As she dodged around and through the horde of people, her mind kept reminding her of the little fact that she stood out like a sore thumb. She did her best to ignore these and instead turned them toward the task at hand. Counting the compartments, she stopped at her lucky number. Lucky number three- though there was some superstition surrounding it in certain cultures. Ah, whatever.

Giving a brief knock before she flung the door open, Allura swooped into the compartment. She landed herself in an empty spot before looking up. Ah. First-years. Well, she presumed they were first-years due to the fact that she didn't recognize anyone, but then again, she never got out much. Either way, she wasn't going to bother with conversation. Not this time, at least. She whipped out a book from the depths of her robes before busing herself in the reading.
[class=link] display: inline-block; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; transition: 1s; font-size: 9px; font-family: Avenir; padding-top: 5px; color: #999; [/class] [class=tag] display: inline; color: #ffb6c1; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Raleway; [/class] [class=dot] display: inline; color: #000; font-family: Raleway; [/class]
[div class=tag]allura berger
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[div class=tag]15
[div class=dot][/div] [div class=tag]female[/div] [div class=dot][/div] [div class=tag]french[/div] [/div]


fifth year. chaser.

platform 9 3/4. hogwarts express, compartment 3.

Fennox Berger.
Alison Freed.
Sean Wilson.
Cassia Gold.
Allura felt that same thrill that she felt every year as she ran through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. A moment later, as she took in the sights yet again, she stood amidst a crowd preparing to board the Hogwarts Express. It was one of the last stops before returning to classes, and one she would not be alone in making. Because this year- along with the children of other families- her little brother would be joining the student ranks. She waited barely a minute before deciding that the little rabbit would need to find friends on his own. As she approached the train, she kept an eye out for familiar faces- ones she could call friends in particular. Sadly, none seemed to show. They were likely sitting on the train, though the possibility that she didn't have any friends remained. Ah, no matter. Friends from now likely would not remain through her adult life anyway.

The nagging fear of being alone clung to her regardless as she made her way onto the train. Looking back to the platform entrance, she could faintly make out the form of her younger brother. She took a moment to arrange her thoughts. "Fenn! I'll be joining up with some friends, so you'll need to find some first-years to sit with. Make some friends!" she hollered, ducking into the train.

Allura quickly regretted her decision against wearing robes. As she dodged around and through the horde of people, her mind kept reminding her of the little fact that she stood out like a sore thumb. She did her best to ignore these and instead turned them toward the task at hand. Counting the compartments, she stopped at her lucky number. Lucky number three- though there was some superstition surrounding it in certain cultures. Ah, whatever.

Giving a brief knock before she flung the door open, Allura swooped into the compartment. She landed herself in an empty spot before looking up. Ah. First-years. Well, she presumed they were first-years due to the fact that she didn't recognize anyone, but then again, she never got out much. Either way, she wasn't going to bother with conversation. Not this time, at least. She whipped out a book from the depths of her robes before busing herself in the reading.

c h a n a c h a n a Rathian Diablos Rathian Diablos EldridSmith EldridSmith
[/div][/div] https://www.rpnation.com/threads/𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘆-⧾-𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻′𝘀-𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗽𝘆-𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀.454487/post-9951524[/div]
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NAME - Anwen Butler
HOUSE - Fourth Year, Ravenclaw
BIO - Female, 14, Japanese
LOCATION - Platform 9 3/4; Hogwarts Express, Compartment 1
INTERACTIONS - Clairabelle Cartwright; Pierre Guerrer

Barely holding onto the last remnants of a hug from an hour ago, Wen carefully made her way through the crowd. All around she saw joyous reunions as students- no, friends- saw each other for the first time in months. There were some tearful goodbyes and she could hear the promises of writing letters every week, followed by a loving nudge toward other kids. It was heartwarming, being on this side of reality once more. And it was her first step to returning to a completely different world- one which she hadn't had contact with for months.

Anwen held her book bag- a worn messenger bag colored to match her robes- closer under her uniform. She nearly tripped twice on her way onto the train, instead stumbling like the unbalanced fool she was. She paid no mind to this. Instead, as she walked past numerous compartments, most of her focus was directed toward keeping that bag hidden. It was technically legal for her to have it, but it would still take some explaining. Better to just... not get caught.

She began sinking further down the rabbit hole when she realized that she'd made a full loop around the main walking area of the train. Maybe picking a compartment would be a good idea. Now. Entering through the door nearest to her, Anwen waved a shy hello before plopping herself in a corner as far from the other people as she could. She pulled out a book on writing one's own spells- or the spelling-bee, it was hard to tell- and began reading at lighting speed.
[class=link] display: inline-block; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; transition: 1s; font-size: 9px; font-family: Avenir; padding-top: 5px; color: #999; [/class] [class=tag] display: inline; color: #ffadd6; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Raleway; [/class] [class=dot] display: inline; color: #000; font-family: Raleway; [/class]
[div class=tag]anwen butler
[div class=dot]
[div class=tag]14
[div class=dot][/div] [div class=tag]female[/div] [div class=dot][/div] [div class=tag]japanese[/div] [/div]


fourth year.

platform 9 3/4; hogwarts express, compartment 1.

clairabelle cartwright. pierre guerrer.
Barely holding onto the last remnants of a hug from an hour ago, Wen carefully made her way through the crowd. All around she saw joyous reunions as students- no, friends- saw each other for the first time in months. There were some tearful goodbyes and she could hear the promises of writing letters every week, followed by a loving nudge toward other kids. It was heartwarming, being on this side of reality once more. And it was her first step to returning to a completely different world- one which she hadn't had contact with for months.

Anwen held her book bag- a worn messenger bag colored to match her robes- closer under her uniform. She nearly tripped twice on her way onto the train, instead stumbling like the unbalanced fool she was. She paid no mind to this. Instead, as she walked past numerous compartments, most of her focus was directed toward keeping that bag hidden. It was technically legal for her to have it, but it would still take some explaining. Better to just... not get caught.

She began sinking further down the rabbit hole when she realized that she'd made a full loop around the main walking area of the train. Maybe picking a compartment would be a good idea. Now. Entering through the door nearest to her, Anwen waved a shy hello before plopping herself in a corner as far from the other people as she could. She pulled out a book on writing one's own spells- or the spelling-bee, it was hard to tell- and began reading at lighting speed.

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
[/div][/div] https://www.rpnation.com/threads/𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘆-⧾-𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻′𝘀-𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗽𝘆-𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀.454487/post-9951524[/div]
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Name, Age
Hugo Atkinson, 15
House, Role:

Raveclaw, Prefect, Quidditch Player
Pet, Patronus:
Rat (Pet), Wood Mouse (Patronus)
Cypress, 11 inches, Pliable, Rougarou Hair core, Family heirloom (Unknown Maker)


Location: [Prefect’s Carriage]

With: [ Alexander, Zona, Dane, Ramaya, Vincent]

Mood: [Happy, Excited, Confident]

Like normal, 1…. 2… 3… Whoosh! Hugo slid through the wall to push onto the platform. His family never saw him off. Since the fall of He Who Must Not be Named, there was a great shame for them to appear in public. They were snakes to those around them, followers of a murderous dictator from another era, never forgiven nor forgotten. Hugo did love them and wish they could be with him, yet he understood. Atkinson was the name of monsters that you hid from in the dark. Despite this stigma, Hugo presented himself as who he was: a young boy forming intellectually. He was exploring the world, grasping onto its branches in the hope of finding beauty in little eternities. For this reason, there was some sort of undeserved swagger in Hugo’s walk. The look of a first year with the charisma of the Minister himself. It was a different kind of character that you just did not see. Those around him were magnetized to his being as if he needed to do nothing more. When he bolstered his way through the crowds, they broke around, glass shattered by a rock.

The young man pushed his way into the crowd only to slink his way onto the prefect’s carriage. There he saw them all, his peers. Most were strangers to him as it was his first year as a prefect, but he intended to let them know who he was. He was the wind on which brooms flew, the greatest wizard of this era. Okay, maybe there was some delusion of grandeur to the young man, but how could he help it? It was as if he could see the future.

Outside the carriage, a bolstered argument rang out about the nature of the House cup. He slid under the arm of Vincent Volkov as he entered the door, sleeking his way inside the carriage. The poor kid didn’t understand how much he stuck out, a boy amongst men and women. One comment from that Slytherin he has just bulldozed let him into the conversation as he rang out with a bellowing I think that you heard that Ravenclaw is going to be snatching the House Cup. Again, the boy was not starved of confidence. A big grin slid over his face, a mask to hide nothing but to show off overt happiness. His eyes darted around the cabin, waiting for the next one to pop off with something new meanwhile, his hands slid out his Tarot cards, flittering them between his fingers with unimaginable excitement. He wanted to play, and a bunch of strangers! Aha! What could be better than this? Meeting new people! Starting friendships! Trash talking the opposition! Only one fear stuck in his mind here yet he dared to think that it would never come to fruition.

OOC: Sorry for my long response time!
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Name, Age:
Xavier Davies, 16
House, Role:
Hufflepuff 5th year, Prefect

Pet, Patronus:
White Cat, Eagle Owl
Yew wood, unbending, Unicorn Hair Core, 10 3/4, Olivander


Location: [Prefect's Carriage]

With: [Alexander, Zona, Dane, Ramaya, Vincent, Hugo]

Mood: [Nervous]

'Oh no, I'm going to be late. I knew I should have left Olivander's earlier.' The thought slipped through Xavier's mind as he ran to get to the platform. He dragged his trunk behind him that was filled with his essentials in his right hand and held his white cat, Lester in his left arm. Lester wasn't too happy about the bumpy ride as Xavier raced to get to the train. Sure he wasn't entirely late, but he was usually punctual. His eyes darted around once he got there, the amount of people standing on the platform made his heart rate slow down. As long as the train was there and there were people he wasn't that late. "Whew." He sighed, deciding he didn't really have to rush anymore.

Looking down, he pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time. Satisfied with his running time, he slipped it back in his pocket and made his way to the prefect's carriage. Stopping along the way to drop off his trunk, Xavier heard talk of the House Cup coming from inside the carriage and smiled. They weren't even at Hogwarts yet and the trash talking had already begun.
'Excellent,' Xavier thought as he entered the carriage. "What is this I hear about the House Cup?" His Australian accent was slight, but it wasn't prominent, "Hufflepuff is going to be the obvious winner this year. Don't worry, I brought plenty of tissue for you all to dry your tears with." He said with a laugh. Lester, his cat meowed, as if agreeing with him.

Lester hopped out of Xavier's arms and Xavier shut the door to the cabin behind him, following Lester to an empty seat. Once he sat down, Lester jumped on his lap and laid down. Xavier placed his hand on his cat's back.
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Name, Age:
Ahn-Xuan Arbor, 16

House, Role:
Hufflepuff, Sixth-year
Pet, Patronus:
Toad, Albatross

Oak, eleven inches, slightly springy, unicorn hair

Location: [Prefect's carriage]
With: [All the prefects]
Mood: [Excited]

That morning, unsurprisingly, Ahn was running around everywhere trying to gather her things for Hogwarts. Over the course of the summer, they had spread all over their cozy flat and even parts of the store. Ahn had tried to pack the night before but, of course, discovered she had forgotten many things by the time the next day rolled around. Her father ran around helping, her mother assisting as much as she could while also running the store. Once they were reasonably convinced that she had everything, Ahn kissed her mother goodbye, promising to be good and do well, and then she, her father, and her pet toad Alvise stuffed themselves into a cab, along with her school trunk and awkwardly-packaged broomstick. The driver kept giving them strange looks, but restrained himself from asking any questions as he drove to King's Cross. During the ride, the by-now familiar mixture of emotions was rising inside Ahn: the excitement of going back to Hogwarts, seeing all her friends, practicing magic, and playing quidditch again, mingled with the sadness of leaving her parents and her neighborhood for a whole term.

She stayed even closer to her father than required by the small, cramped space, a few tears making their way down her cheeks. Her father put his arm around her and they rode in silence enjoying these last family moments together before Ahn's departure. When they reached the station, it was the usual mess trying to get a trolley and pack everything onto it, and of course they were running a little late. They made it to platform nine-and-three-quarters in time, where the gaggle of students and noisy pets was thinning out in favor of the remaining parents. Ahn hugged her father tightly and jokingly instructed him to help his wife with the shop and not give away too many free items. He told her to take care of herself and to have fun. With one last hug, Ahn turned away quickly before she could start crying again, hopping onto the train. She made her way to the prefects' carriage, jamming her trunk and broomstick onto a rack before joining her fellow prefects and catching the end of the conversation (Alvise had already settled in for the trip).

Sitting down next to Xavier and giving Lester a casual scratch on top of the head, she grinned at the rest of the assembled prefects.

"F'get the House Cup," she said in her familiar East London accent. "This year the quidditch cup's got our name on it. So I hope you all practiced hard over the summer... to lose to us." She stared defiantly at the others- especially Hugo, who was a Beater for the Ravenclaw team.

OOC: Toad's probably asleep ;P

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Name, Age:

Abigail Ann Wickerson|16

House, Role:

1st year hufflepuff
Pet, Patronus:

Melanistic Barn Owl named Tabitha|Grizzly Bear


A supple 11 inch willow wood wand with a thestral tail hair core made by an unknown wand maker

Location: Hogwarts Express Lavatory, compartment 4
With: Rin ( Triforce Triforce )
Mood: Sad and stressed

After a moment Abigail finally managed to pull herself back together. She got up and wiped away the tears and cleaned up her runny mascara to the best of her ability. Before long she opened the door to find Rin still standing there.

"Let's go find Midna, I probably scared the poor thing so bad that he lost one of his nine lives"

She said as she forced a smile on her face. She squeezed through and head back to compartment four. She grabbed a few of her things and then began walk the train loom for the cat. She came up to compartment three but before she opened the door she noticed a similar face. Deciding against starting another incedint she decided to move on the the next car.

OOC: I'll have Abigail in compartment four by next post.


Sean Wilson

  • 1576033547303.png "Well now that we have everyone..." He says as anotherpersob enters the room and starts reading. "Would you like to join us?" He asks politely. (OOC)

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Name, Age:
Rin Lavesier, 11

House, Role:
1st Year Slytherin
Pet, Patronus:
Bengal cat named Midna, Ocelot

Dogwood wood with a unicorn hair core, 14 ½", surprisingly swishy

Location: Compartment 4
With: Abigail ( BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss ), Clary ( SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles ), Trevor ( L0ck0n L0ck0n ), and Fennox ( honeylemon honeylemon )
Mood: Agitated

Rin nodded as the older girl came out. They could at last hunt for Midna. She waited patiently for Abigail to come before starting down the train. "Great. She shouldn't be too hard to find." Rin nodded. She followed Abigail down the hall and sighed. Compartment three seemed to be having fun but there was no going in there. Not with the glimpse she got. "We're not going near that brat again." She huffed as she spotted Midna. The all black cat huffed loudly she was scooped up and shoved into Abigail's arms. At least Midna seemed to be alright and happy enough with the situation.

"Ugh. You just had to find this compartment, didn't you, kitty?" Rin asked her cat in Abigail's arms. She rubbed the cat's ears and nodded. Alison wasn't in the footrest compartment they had been in, number four. "Let's go back to compartment four. There were others there and the rest of our things are there." She reminded, heading back.

OOC: Extremely busy for the next two weeks.

Name, Age:
Rashaad Travers, 42 years old
House, Role:
Ravenclaw alum., Professor of The Study of Ancient Runes
Small Rashaad.png

Pet, Patronus:
Pet: Lionhead rabbit named Owen, Patronus: wyvvern
Hornbeam wood, 11 inches, dragon heartstring, inflexible

Location: Hogwarts, Divination
With: Leonard ( EldridSmith EldridSmith ) & Egeria ([USER=37429]@Rathian Diablos) [/USER]
Mood: Joking

Rashaad chuckled as the three of them wrapped up. "That depends. Assume cheating is happening and act as you usually would. Or we can agree to not cheat and be paranoid. Or, third option, not care either way." Complicated, perhaps. But it was amusing and these two were good sorts, it seemed. They were three of a kind indeed. "We could even assume we are each going to cheat a certain number of times but have penalties if caught more than that. So many complications, such drama." He laughed and shook his head. One more flick of his wand and his part of aiding in organization was completed.

OOC: Dice?


Name, Age:
Alistair Jones, 11
House, Role:
Slytherin First Year

Pet, Patronus:
Grey Owl, Hippogriff
Fir wood, hard flexibility, Unicorn Hair Core, 12 1/4, Olivander


Location: [Compartment 1]

With: [Clairabelle, Pierre, Anwen]

Mood: [Excited]

The train's horn blew loudly as it signaled for everyone to start boarding. Looking up at his father, his father smiled back down at him as he fixed Alistair's collar. "What house do you think you will be placed into?" His father asked him curiously. Alistair gave a slight shrug, to him it didn't really matter what house. He was more excited about the classes than the sorting ceremony. Whichever house he was placed into made little difference. Grabbing his trunk, he placed it on a cart to be taken. "I guess Hufflepuff... Or Ravenclaw..." He mumbled. His father had been a Ravenclaw, so he knew it would make him proud if he was one as well.

The reaction he got from his father was predictable. His face beamed with pride once he said his former house. "Let's hope for Ravenclaw then." He would have liked to share in his father's notion, but it wasn't something he cared about. Giving his father a brief hug, he pushed his glasses back up his nose. "I will send you mail when I can." Alistair promised and his father nodded, "Have a good year son, I will see you for the holidays." Waving goodbye, Alistair made his way into the train, looking through compartments. Looking for a compartment, he searched for one that wasn't too loud or crowded.

'Compartment 1...' He thought to himself, looking at the number on the wooden frame. Taking a small breath, he opened the door. Two of the occupants, one male and one female, were conversing with each other. The male had a french accent which Alistair noticed right off the bat. He didn't pay attention to what they were speaking about, noticing the third occupant, another female in the corner reading a book. 'This will do,' He thought. "Pardon me," He said not wanting to interrupt them, his tone quiet as he shut the door behind him, sitting in the closest available seat to avoid being in any awkward situation.
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Name, Age:

Elliot Oakes, 17

House, Role:

Ravenclaw, seventh-year student
Pet, Patronus:

Black cat, Raven


Beech, 11’, flexible, phoenix feather, Ollivander

Location: Compartment three

With: Alison, Allura, Nathan, Sean

Mood: Annoyed

Saying goodbye to his mother and father had been easy enough for Elliot. This was not the first time that he’d been leaving for Hogwarts, nor was it the first time for his younger brother. The worst, though, was the youngest of the brothers. It was his first year going on an adventure into the wizarding world without the attendance of their father, and spending a whole year away from their parents was, without a doubt, terrifying to the poor boy. He’d been clinging to their mother’s side all morning-- whining and asking if he really had to go. Of course, it was making it more difficult for their mother to let go as well.

Dozens of hugs and kisses were given to the youngest of the Oakes in rapid-fire fashion, and watching yet another set of them had Elliot rolling his eyes. He would miss his parents as well, but there was no way he’d be caught dead begging for their attention in a public place like this.

Once a proper kiss for his mother and a hug for his father could be given by Elliot and his next-in-age brother, the trio made their way onto the train and into the first empty compartment they could find with the promise to keep each other safe. Thankfully one was easily obtained and they were able to be sat comfortably until the train started its journey.


Or Elliot had hoped it would have remained comfortable. Unfortunately for him, both of his brothers were beginning to get on his last nerve. From one’s insistence upon consistent conversation to the other clinging to his side once their mother was out of sight, Elliot wasn’t sure how much more he could take. They were driving him mad.

Thus, with the excuse of
“bathroom”, Elliot was freed from the confines of his brothers. Hopefully they could find solace in each other for the remainder of this stupidly long train ride.


Elliot took brief looks into the compartments as he passed by. Of course, he wasn’t alone, as his cat was accompanying him during his stride. He brushed by quite a few others as he searched for a spot to stick in until their arrival. Unfortunately for him, so many compartments were filled with students old and new-- friends and rivals. He really held no interest in trying to find a familiar face or two. He’d have to put up with them the entire school year, after all.

Eventually settling on one space, Compartment three, Elliot sighed. It looked as if the group was busy playing cards and they looked relatively young, but he was really hoping they could remain quiet enough to appease him.


The door opened to reveal Elliot-- a tall blond fellow clad in a Ravenclaw sweater with a black cat perched upon his left shoulder and book and small snack nestled in one of his hands. He took a moment to wait until he had the compartment’s members’s attention before he spoke, gaze falling onto the empty spot on the bench.

"That space free?" He asked, hoping this change of seating arrangement wasn’t a mistake.

OOC: Hiya! I hope I didn’t forget to include any of the characters. If I did, I’m sorry! I'll fix it next post, promise!

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Name, Age:

Abigail Ann Wickerson|16

House, Role:

1st year hufflepuff
Pet, Patronus:

Melanistic Barn Owl named Tabitha|Grizzly Bear


A supple 11 inch willow wood wand with a thestral tail hair core made by an unknown wand maker

Location: Compartment 4
With: Rin ( Triforce Triforce ), Fennexo ( honeylemon honeylemon )
Mood: Sad & calm

Abigail smiled a bit as the cat was shoved into her arms. She held him tightly but not tight enough to cause him harm. The truth was she really just wanted to hug someone but didn't want to bother anyone so Midna sufficed. The warmth and soft purring actually helped Abigail calm herself. She watched and listened as Rin spoke, nodding her head in agreement when she suggested returning to their compartment.

Once they returned she sat back down in her spot next to the window and loosened her grasp on Midna incase he wanted somewhere else. Once again she put her earbuds in but only one this time and skipped to the next song. She hummed along to the song quietly as she gently ran her fingers down Midna's back.

OOC: I know Lock0n dropped the RP but I don't know about Savannah so I'm assuming since Trevor and Clary were twins that they dropped out as well.


Name, Age:
Rin Lavesier, 11

House, Role:
1st Year Slytherin
Pet, Patronus:
Bengal cat named Midna, Ocelot

Dogwood wood with a unicorn hair core, 14 ½", surprisingly swishy

Location: Compartment 4
With: Abigail ( BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss ) and Fennox ( honeylemon honeylemon )
Mood: Agitated

Rin looked over at the other person in their compartment. At least that rude Alison was now gone. "I'm Rin. This is Abigail." She introduced again, just to be sure names were had. "I don't recall if you said your name, but I'm a bit too upset to remember." She huffed slightly. She didn't like rude people like that. There had been no reason for it, it certainly was not her fault, and to threaten her? There would be payback of some sort.

"Feel free you borrow Midna as long as she'll let you have her. She's a sucker for attention, aren't you?" Rin asked her cat in Abigail's arms. She sat down as the cat rumbled her agreement. Midna hardly minded her human lending her to others. She was her own cat and right now, she was being properly worshipped as only a cat could be. Besides, Midna always came back on her own terms. Rin only had to wait and see when that would be.

OOC: Extremely busy for the next week. Craziest time ever.

Name, Age:

Delphine Wright, 17

House, Role:

Gryffindor, Seventh Year Beater for House Quidditch Team
Pet, Patronus:

Persian cat, Butterfly


11’’ Oak wood wand with a Unicorn hair core made by Ollivander

Location: On her way to compartment 6
With: Ross? ( RayPurchase RayPurchase )
Mood: Relieved/Relaxed

“I was not scaring them,” Delphine pouted, but the pout gave way to a smile as she caught sight of Ross. He’d grown again. They did say boys grew up quickly—physically at least—but this summer seemed to have been especially fruitful for her fellow Beater. A pureblood from a quidditch family, it was highly likely that Ross would follow the footsteps of his parents and become a quidditch player as well. It was in his genes. But of course, the concept of genetics was probably foreign to those that didn’t take Muggle Studies, so the more magically-apt way of phrasing it would be ‘in his blood’.

Truthfully, Delphine hadn’t liked Ross Starling very much at first. Part of it was her own fault. Back then, she hadn’t really known how to take a joke. Banter. Friendly teasing. Up until she joined the quidditch team in her 3rd year, Delphine had been far too polite for her own good. She still was to a degree. However, thanks to her interactions with Ross and the rest of the rowdy Gryffindor team, she’d learned to lighten up some. At the very least, she knew Ross enough to know that his playful banters meant no harm.

Now she couldn’t ask for a better partner Beater—most of the time.

“If anyone’s scaring them, it’s you, you big oaf. Gotten taller again, I see~”

The last part was said happily. For a Beater, the extra build was always useful. With Ross, Archie, and Dane in their starting line-up, Delphine was confident Gryffindor would give a good quidditch showing this time around. Of course, that depended on the new recruits they get this year as well. Delphine looked to the kids seated in Compartment 4. First years couldn’t exactly tryout for the team, and the lack of house crest on their Hogwarts’ robes (if they were wearing them) made that distinction obvious, but it was first year impressions that would shape their activities in the following seven years…and Delphine wanted her juniors to have a positive one.

None of the occupants of compartment 4 seemed inclined to answer either her or Ross’s question; In fact, most appeared to be confused about the entire situation. The only thing Delphine got was that there’d been an argument and someone ran away screaming? Shrugging at Ross, Delphine put away her wand. “Doesn’t seem like anyone’s injured…” she glanced back at the students...or at least the ones that chose to remain in the cursed compartment. “But if anything happens don’t hesitate to call for Professor Hagrid. That’s what she’s here for.”

That…and leading the first years across the Black Lake; It was a first year exclusive event that Delphine had enjoyed quite thoroughly, despite some nasty older boys telling her horror stories about the Giant Squid when she’d been an innocent first year. Newbie hazing wasn’t a Hogwarts tradition Delphine actively participated in—or ever planned to.

“I left Archie at compartment 6, so I’ve got to return.” Delphine told Ross. “You’re welcome to join us if you haven’t already found a seat.”

Then again, given Ross’s mischievous personality, he might hang out with the first years after all. Peeves was the same way.

It was around that time that the two that left for the toilets returned, cat in hand. The one that had been in tears earlier seemed to be calmer. Therefore there wasn’t much for Delphine to say. She clearly had a good friend with her to help her through her troubles. Still. Delphine remembered what it was like to feel alone in her first years at Hogwarts. She remembered how grateful she’d been when her Head of House offered comfort as well. She didn’t want anyone to go through what she did. So, upon passing the 5’2’’ girl on way back to compartment 6, Delphine offered her own words: “Feel free to drop by the Gryffindor Dormitories if you ever feel you need a calming draught.”

Delphine didn’t know if her words were heard or not. Whether it would even be needed. But what mattered was that it was offered.

Mentioned: BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss (Abigail), Triforce Triforce (Rin), honeylemon honeylemon (Fennox) , SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles (Clary), L0ck0n L0ck0n (Trevor), ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki (Harriette), CoachA CoachA (Dane)
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Name, Age:

Vincent Volkov, 17

House, Role:

Slytherin, 7th-year student, Prefect

Pet, Patronus:

Ferret, Jaguar


His wand is blocky and elven inches long, made of poplar, and has a core made of kelpie mane. By Ollivander

Location: Prefect Carriage

With: All the Prefects

Mood: Excited

Vincent listened to the other Prefects claim their house and team were better and would win. All he could was shakes his head, a smug smirk drifting onto his visage.
Oh please. The House and Quidditch Cup are both going to the superior house this year. He looked to his team captain and fellow Prefect for support, his arms casually folded over his chest as Simon woke up and poked his head out of the robes. Vincent's hand absently going to pet the mustelid's head.
Captain, help set these muppets straight.

OOC: I will try to post with coding as much as I can, but some of my posts may be on mobile. So plain text maybe more common.

Vincent listened to the other Prefects claim their house and team were better and would win. All he could was shakes his head, a smug smirk drifting onto his visage. "Oh please. The House and Quidditch Cup are both going to the superior house this year." He looked to his team captain and fellow Prefect for support, his arms casually folded over his chest as Simon woke up and poked his head out of the robes. Vincent's hand absently going to pet the mustelid's head.
"Captain, help set these muppets straight."
Marigold was, as always, nearly late. However instead of being late for dinner or something as simple as a kid’s 12 year birthday, she was nearly late to the send off of the train that would get her to school. Hogwarts School of Wizardry to be specific. It took her nearly 10 minutes of aimless wondering until she even found the entrance to the actual train station...

Of course you couldn’t blame all of her forgetfulness on just her. Part of the reason she was late in the first place was because her parents had been absentmindedly milling about the house until Mari had finally asked if today was the day to go to school or perhaps she was just being silly. At that mention, both parents had gasped and given each other equally and comically shocked faces and bolted out the door with Mari and her school supplies (Never-mind they had to go back once because they had forgotten her cat, Addie).

Once they had dropped her off they hurriedly reminded her to run toward a wall to get access into the wonderful, magical world of witches and wizards. Mari had nodded enthusiastically and waved her parents off. They had no intention of helping their little girl find her way. They believed every true witch and wizard would know where to go effortlessly. This brought Mari to near tears as she realized this was not so. Once she got inside it had hit the raven haired girl that there were too many brick walls to know exactly which one was the magical one and which would just lead to a bloody nose and possible concussion. Mari was above making a fool of herself in public so she hadn’t even had the idea of testing ones out. It wasn’t until she saw a few kids disappear near one of the middle brick walls that she finally knew where to go.

As she passed through she heard the train’s whistle howl over the droning voices and occasional sobs of parents and students alike and knew if she didn’t book it she would be left behind. What kind of respectable witch is left behind?! So she ran for the nearest entrance as the train began chugging lazily out of the station, Addie right behind her. She didn’t notice the parent’s and kid’s worried glances at her nor the few cheers as she made it on. Mari sighed, gripped her case which held her school things tighter, and stepped into the corridor which housed compartments on each side. Glancing around she made her way to compartment four. She eyed the three students in the compartment and took a deep breath as she stepped in. Mari smiled an inviting smile and took a seat furthest away from the others, feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden. She did her best not to show her hesitation. Addie jumped onto her lap and settled down quickly, not seeming to share her concerned feelings.

"Hello. My name is Mari, it's nice to meet you all." She offered her introduction lamely and fell silent, waiting for the other's to introduce themselves as was expected.

Mentions: Triforce Triforce BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss honeylemon honeylemon
Location: Compartment 4
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Name, Age:
Rin Lavesier, 11

House, Role:
1st Year Slytherin
Pet, Patronus:
Bengal cat named Midna, Ocelot

Dogwood wood with a unicorn hair core, 14 ½", surprisingly swishy

Location: Compartment 4
With: Delphine ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel ) Abigail ( BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss ) , Mari ( BippityBoppityBoop BippityBoppityBoop )
and Fennox ( honeylemon honeylemon )
Mood: calming down

Rin looked over at the offer and nodded. "I'm sure she'll take the offer if it is needed. As is, we are fine." She was fine, if a bit miffed and frustrated. "You can go back to whatever you were doing, we're fine here." She huffed slightly. There was nothing wrong and she would make herself better by putting everything else in a box. The bigger teens weren't needed.

She rumaged through her things for a moment before pulling out a cat treat and a book. She fed the treat to Midna, the cat purring and kneading the lap she was in. No complaints from Midna and all complaints from being tossed earlier were officially forgotten. Rin coukd read, Midna could nap, and Abby could listen to her music. It would be fine. Fine.

Midna's curious meow brought Rin's attention to the door as it opened. A female and cat followed, the girl huffing as though she'd run a marathon. Or perhaps nearly missed the train. Rin quirked an eyebrow as she looked over the new additions.
"Rin. Midna. Abigail. Did you only just arrive on the train?"

OOC: Happy holidays (even though some have passed already). Edited for Mari.
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Valencia sat in her office, reading through the students that would be arriving this year at Hogwarts. Ever since her husband turned out to be a member of the Phalanx, Valencia had gone through rough times trying to prove she had no idea to the ministry, eventually deciding to become a teacher to try to put herself in a better light.
That didn't mean it didn't hurt to lose the one you loved the most to darkness. It had always been hard since then.
She sighed. Sometimes she felt like she was just barely holding on. But she had to be strong as a teacher.
Soon the students would arriving for the year. It was always a good time to get back into the swing of things and start teaching again.
Hopefully there wouldn't be any problems this year as it always felt like something had to be wrong at Hogwarts.
Carefully looking over some of the students profiles she made sure to check the needs and behaviors of the students to make sure she would be able to have the necessary resources and approach for her students.
Perhaps she should find the headmistress and ask her if she needed Valencia for anything...
Mari was immediately drawn to the girl who called herself Rin. She usually took a liking to the person who is first to speak up in a crowded area. She wasn't sure why, but she thought maybe it had something to do with the notion that they might be the most easy to get along with. Mari smiled and nodded a greeting to the others as Rin pointed to each (even her cat whom Mari absolutely adored already), then drew her attention back to said girl.

"Is it super obvious?" Mari smiled hesitantly at her question, unconsciously smoothing out her hair and the sides of her skirt. The young girl could feel her face flushed with heat and tried to slow her breathing down. As a distraction she decided to talk about school.

"So, what year are you in? This is my first year. I'm not entirely sure which house I would like to be in though, but perhaps Gryffindor or Ravenclaw." She knew most of her family was in one of those houses during their time at Hogwarts, although there were a few in Hufflepuff and Slytherin. She wasn't particularly fond of those houses anyways. Hufflepuffs seemed too happy for her, and Slytherins... well, most people knew about their reputation, although Mari knew not everyone was like that in that house. She didn't like the colors either, but she supposed that couldn' t be helped.

Location: Compartment 4
Interaction: Triforce Triforce
With: BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss honeylemon honeylemon QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
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Cassia Gold

  • View attachment 649099Cassia's quick dip out of the compartment was remedied within 10 minutes. Before long she had made her way around the narrow corridor of meandering pupils until she spotted her own compartment. With ease the girl moved to open the small latch holding the 3rd compartment's door closed and slipped inside. She wasn't usually one to get nervous, but by the time she'd returned, another two students had entered, and their card game had begun. Cass flashed a polite smile and surveyed the spread of cards in front of her. She shuffled her feet and nimbly retrieved her previously forgotten cards. Looking them over she realized that perhaps she wasn't the only one who was clueless. Maybe that's what her friends were there for; to help and simply enjoy the ride.

    Cassia would occasionally glance up towards Sean. He was the leader of their little game and appeared to be sorting things out. If she would admit it to herself, she was looking for guidance. When she wasn't attempting to figure out how to play she would steal glances up at the other two who'd come to visit. They seemed kind enough and she didn't see a reason not to welcome them. After a moment Cass lowered her cards and presented her right hand towards Nathan first.

    "Hi. My name's Cassia. I, uh, didn't mean to be gone for so long. Who thought two loos for the entire Hogwarts Express was a good idea?" She chuckled, waiting for the boy to introduce himself. If he did, she'd move to Allura, holding out her hand to be shaken a second time. As for the new boy, a tall blonde who was likely in his last year, Cass moved aside to allow him to sit. At this point they would have no more room, but at least no one was left out. A bit akwardly, Cass gave him a friendly smirk and spoke up if no one else did. "Er, yeah come on in."
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Name, Age:
Rin Lavesier, 11

House, Role:
1st Year Slytherin
Pet, Patronus:
Bengal cat named Midna, Ocelot

Dogwood wood with a unicorn hair core, 14 ½", surprisingly swishy

Location: Compartment 4
With: Delphine ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel ) Abigail ( BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss ) , Mari ( BippityBoppityBoop BippityBoppityBoop )
and Fennox ( honeylemon honeylemon )
Mood: calming down

Rin looked at her and nodded. "First year as well, but Ravenclaw. I'm not sure of Abigail, but Gryffindor doesn't suit me." She was hardly brave or stupid enough for the red and gold house. There were others better suited. "I'm certainly not a Gryffindor in any fashion, not that it matters. I'm sure Hufflepuff or Slytherin who'll be just as fine, but I know I'm intelligent enough for Ravenclaw at the least." She huffed slightly. There was nothing wrong with the other two houses at all. But she knew it was going to be Ravenclaw. Slytherin wasn't too bad, either, once one moved past the history and rumors.

"Don't suppose you know how we are Sorted? I tried to get it out of my uncle for ages, yet he never said anything." She knew he was simply keeping tradition but it was frustrating he hadn't shared. Even when he was off his normal binge, he wouldn't tell her. Wouldn't, shouldn't, but she knew it had to be something simple. Perhaps a test, like those personality quizzes Muggles were so very fond of. But she would pass and prove she was her own self, the only person in charge of her. She would show the world she was a worthy witch, better than the family she had lived with all her life.

OOC: honeylemon honeylemon Is Fennox still in?
Mari nodded thoughtfully at Rin's comment.

"Ravenclaw is a fine choice! You see, my whole family is made up of witches and wizards," she told her acquaintance pridefully, "and most of them have been in either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, hence my choice. Maybe you've heard of the Netzley family name? That's my family! " At this point Mari seemed to have gained her composure and was comfortably speaking with Rin, nearly forgetting about the others in the compartment with them. She wrapped her arms protectively around a sleeping Addie as the train bounced them up and down. Mari thought about Rin's curious question for a moment, vaguely remembering something about a hat perhaps? Finally she nodded.

"Yes, I think my Uncle Marth told me about it a long time ago. Something about wearing a hat," she shrugged, glancing at Rin with wide eyes, "I'm not sure I should tell you though if your family wants to keep it a secret from you. Besides, surprises are much more exciting aren't they?" She smiled. Her stomach growled, interrupting her conversation suddenly. Her face burned, this time with embarrassment. She hadn't had time to eat before she had rushed out of the house, and she frowned at this.

"Do you know if they serve food on the train?" She asked.

Location: Compartment 4
Interacting: Triforce Triforce
With: honeylemon honeylemon BobRossMobBoss BobRossMobBoss QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
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Name, Age:
Eleanor Gwyn; 31
House, Role:
Hufflepuff; Flying Instructor

Pet, Patronus:
Tarantula; Capuchin Monkey

Sycamore, 12 ¼ inches, suprisingly swishy flexibility, phoenix feather core, Ollivander

Location - Hogwarts Grounds
With: No one (she assumes)
Mood: Focused

As the sun turned to Autumn in the afternoon, Hogwarts would be deserted, if not for a lonely, immobile figure, hovering a dozen feet above the grassy plains by the Quidditch field.
Gwyn, with a pair of binoculars glued to her eyes, scouted the nearby trees and bushes atop the mildly splintered handle of her old Comet 260, which despite the old age, never seemed to lose comfort. The same could not be said about speed, but some would argue it never had any in the first place.
Directly beneath her, a large pile of wood was gathered. Branches fairly similar spread throughout the ground, seemingly arranged by size, waiting for something to break the silence of the warm summer wind.
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Name, Age:
Ivory Bright, 30

House, Role:
Hufflepuff, Muggle Studies teacher
Pet, Patronus:
White cat, Borzoi

Cedar, ten inches, swishy, unicorn tail

Location: [Quidditch field]
With: [Gwyn]
Mood: [Happy]

Ivory's alarm clock went off that morning. It was an oldschoool, mechanical alarm clock with a loud bell on it that vibrated when it rang. She could have used a magical one, but Ivory was fascinated by muggles and chose to use their technology wherever possible. She fairly jumped out of bed, already buzzing with excitement- today was the first day of school! She had always felt this way on September First during the seven years that she attended Hogwarts, and things were no different now that she was a teacher, despite the fact that she was already in her thirties.

Even though she was a terrible cook, Ivory prepared her breakfast without magic as well. After this morning, she would dine in the Great Hall with the other teachers, eating food prepared by the excellent Hogwarts house elves. Ivory loved the house elves. Whilst at Hogwarts, her dormitory had been close to the entrance to the kitchens, and she had snuck in there many times for food and conversation. She asked the elves about their history, how they came to be there, what it was they liked about their job...

Some called it nosy, but most were quite fond of her, and she usually had a pile of extra snacks in her room for this very reason. Things, were, again, no different now, as she continued to spend time in the kitchens, and often was given extra food which she kept in her office, or gave away to her students and friends on the staff. Another thing that hadn't changed was Ivory's friendship with Eleanor. The former Chudley Cannons seeker was now Hogwarts' Flying Instructor. They had kept in touch in all the years since they had left Hogwarts, and now continued to be friends as they lived and taught together there.

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Ivory wolfed down the rest of her breakfast and, with a flick of her wand, tidied up after herself (more or less- her place was still fairly messy). She then gathered the rest of her things into her bags and trunk, levitated them all to the chimney, and stepped in after them, calling loudly as she dropped the floo powder with a practiced flourish "Office of the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts!" And with a flash of brightest green, she was gone.

When she stepped out of the chute in her office, covered in ash, a small team of house elves scurried forward. Ivory watched in customary amazement as some of them lifted her trunk (it took six elves to do so), carrying it away to her room, while others began removing the various muggle contraptions she had brought in her bags, setting them up all around her office (which they appeared to have already cleaned), while still others attacked her clothes with efficient ferocity.

Pretty soon, her office was completely set up and not a speck of ash remained on the carpet or on her clothes. Ivory sat down in amazement as Fanner, the head elf, stepped forward with a tray on which sat a glass of pumpkin juice and a small stack of toast. "Will there be anything else, Miss Bright?" she enquired pleasantly. Ivory shook her head, amazed. "No, thank you Fanner- I believe you've all done quite enough already!" The elves beamed and bowed as Fanner smiled wide. "It was our pleasure, miss. We'll have some snacks sent up for you later." And with that, the elves retreated out of the room.

Ivory sat down at her desk, looking out the window and idly munching on a piece of toast. She had expected to need the morning to set up her quarters, office, and classroom, but now that the elves had done so for her she had all this free time... Then it struck her- she could go see Eleanor! She bounced up from her chair and bounded from the room, stack of toast precariously in tow, as she bolted down the corridor and out of the castle, for she knew exactly where her friend was to be found.

Sure enough, when she reached the quidditch field, there she was, already aloft and apparently looking for something, as she had binoculars glued to her eyes. Ivory waited until she was close enough that she could be heard, and called "Gwyyyyyyyn! Come down from there- I brought toast!"

She held up the stack for emphasis, grinning so brightly that her friend was sure to be blinded by it, even from this height.

OOC: She's like a little kid xD

Location - Hogwarts Grounds
With: Ivory Bright - Ayama Ayama
Mood: Focused

The Comet swinged back and forth for a second. Gwyn's grip on both binoculars and broom got loose from the scare, but she held on to both, barely.
"Quiet!... Not a sound!"
She brought the binoculars back to her face, her eyes still scouting the bushes and trees far away, yet to make contact with her friend's.
"You'll scare them, Bright."
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