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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate helped Alex stand supporting him fully even if that was not exactly what Alex needed. It was what Nate was going to give him anyway. “And as long as you keep up with this impressive injury skill that you have, you are going to need a medic. That’s me. So I will stick around.” He began to move them forward slowly. Even if he was handling this better than Ben, that did not necessarily mean that he was prepared for everything just yet. “How is it? Do you need me to walk slower? Do you need me to take more weight? You just tell me what I can do for you.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled as he put his weight on both his good leg and Nate. “So I have to stay injured in order to keep you by my side?” Alex asked. As they started walking parallel to the border, he shook his head at Nate’s questions. “I’m good for now. Look up ahead.” Alex pointed up. In front of them was yet another city. Alex was nervous about entering another city so soon, but they didn’t have much choice right now.
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Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate looked forward, definitely having been paying more attention to Alex and his wellbeing than the upcoming city, and took it in. Okay, they were headed towards another city. This one was not one they could decided to nope on if they happened a cross some less than fun people. They were going to have to find shelter in there at least until his leg was better. And really, Alex liked the forest more, but they were going to have to leave it eventually. Maybe they should just deal with the city. That wasn’t so bad. Probably. “No,” he answered as he scanned the upcoming buildings. “I mean, you seem to stay injured so I guess we may never really know. But no. I would hate if you keep getting hurt all the time. I don’t even know what it would be like if we were both at full health together. I have to stay around at least long enough to know that.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

In all things that mattered, Alex had indeed been looking forward so he didn't have to focus on the pain he was in. He knew there was no way they'd be able to leave the city if there were hunters or others there. Not with his leg. He wouldn't be able to run, and so they'd have to hopefully find shelter in the city if they needed to. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard Nate speaking. "Good. I don't think I could handle remaining injured" He laughed. "I wish I was at full health, I'm a lot more dangerous than I seem" Alex added with a chuckle.
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Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

“Oh dangerous?” That was a fun thought. He would love to see what Alex thought was dangerous. Did he mean like with his bow? Because that really was pretty dangerous. When he was at his best, Nate was sure that Alex could take out anyone as long as he had a good line of sight. When he was at his best, could he do more? “I look forward to when you can prove how dangerous you are. When im also at full health, maybe I’ll show you how dangerous I can be.” He suppressed a laugh as he helped them moving forward. The building grew larger as they walked and he scanned them for potential threats. They were going to need to find shelter relatively soon with how late it was in the day.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded. "Very much so." He said with a small laugh. "How about when we're both up to full health, we can have a contest to see just who is more dangerous" Alex said with a grin. He looked at the buildings up ahead, and he was looking around. He knew they'd have to get shelter soon, and Alex was looking forward to relaxing beside Nate for the night. Alex watched as they came to city's outskirts. "We need to find a place to take shelter." Alex said, he could feel himself getting tired, the run from the bear and the adrenaline wearing off was really starting to take its toll on Alex.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Considering himself dangerous did make himself laugh. He never really thought about himself as anyone who could dangerous, especially because he hated anything that could be considered aggressive, but he knew enough about himself to also know that he could do a lot of damage if he wanted. His extensive knowledge of the body could prove to be a dark horse if he ever decided to go evil. Thankfully, that was not exactly a thing he planned on doing very much. “I have no idea how we would even have a contest like that, but that sounds like exactly what I would like to do whenever that happens.” He spied the buildings in wonder. Maybe another apartment or housing district would show up. Otherwise hotels would be convenient. Otherwise, anywhere on a higher level story would be preferable.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed himself. "I don't know how we'd do it, but I'm sure we could find a way" Alex said, looking around at the buildings. He didn't much care where they stayed. As they walked, Alex was keeping a close eye on the buildings, not trusting them. "Is that a hotel or something up there on the right?" Alex asked, he just couldn't tell. The exhaustion making him focus on his energy on walking and listening for people.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

He walked them closer to the building Alex pointed out. Hmm what was it. It was definitely a taller building, and that regardless was pretty good for them. He did not see any movement in his scan, so there did not seem to be any people nearby. “Yeah, I think that is a hotel. We should go up a couple of floors maybe so that we’re away from the bottom where no good wanderers such as our selves might find us.” He grinned a little at his next thought. “And maybe we can find a room that hasn’t fallen into disrepair and has a nice, comfy bed. What do you think, man of danger?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked up at the building, then over at Nate. He wasn't looking forward to climbing stairs. "Okay, let's see what we can find in here." Alex said, walking towards the hotel with Nate. "I'd definitely be up for a nice soft bed" Alex added, a yawn slipping out. "Eh, sorry." He apologized as he looked over at Nate. Hopefully the lobby door would be unlocked, as they drew closer to the front door. He leaned forward and grabbed the handle on the door and pulled. The door opened for them. "Well, at least we can get inside" Alex said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate turned his attention to Alex with a little smile. “I’m not sure you’re gonna make it a couple of floors and searching for a nice bed. Maybe we find one on the first floor but further in?” He peered inside the lobby as they crossed the threshold. It was pretty bright from the windows, but he could see that it would get dark pretty quickly. He readjusted to bring out his flashlight for when they inevitably lost their light. “I can go scout for us and find a good room. I don’t want you moving around on that leg while you are getting tired.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex shook his head at that. "No, I can make it" He protested, even though he knew that Nate would win the argument in the end. He looked around the lobby, not hearing anything. He watched as Nate brought out his flashlight and knew it was because they'd eventually lose the light from the windows. Alex heard Nate say he was going to scout ahead for a room, and Alex shook his head rapidly. "No. No. We promised to stay within five feet" Alex said, when in actuality, he didn't want to be away from Nate, especially when he was injured and couldn't defend himself.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

“Okay, okay.” Nate’s brows were furrowed and serious as he spoke. He knew Alex was right, he just didn’t want him to get hurt. They would move slower, which did not bother him at all, but it did mean that there was no way they were going to be able to search as much as Nate would like to find them a good place to stay. He readjusted his grip on Alex, giving him more support so that if he was tired Nate could take more of the stress from the walk. He moved them passed the front desk and down the first hall. “We’re staying on the first floor unless you want me to carry you up the stairs.” He gazed down the first hall looking at the numbers. Down one hall, the disrepair was far worse than the other. So down the better he went. He hoped that the worst they would find was simply neglect and not how bad some of the places could be.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex did put a little bit more weight onto Nate when he readjusted, but it wasn't a lot more. Alex moved in sync with Nate as they walked passed the front desk. "Fine.. We can stay on the first floor tonight" Alex relented, knowing he'd never make the stairs in his condition. Alex looked at the two hallways, and they turned down the better looking one. "We should start at the furthest door first, that way if its worth it, we're far from the front." Alex suggested.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

The furthest door made the most sense. If they were away from the entrance then they were less likely to have any unwanted visitors in the night. “That’s a great idea. I want us to be careful. We don’t know who else is in this city. I have to keep my monkey man safe.” He was looking at his surroundings instead of thinking about his words. At this point, though, he so often referred to Alex as his something that it was becoming normal. He did not even notice when he did it. As they moved down the hall, the signs of neglect were obvious. The walls had seen better days. The floor was fraying in numerous places. Some of the doors were broken and some were closed. It was not the worst place he had ever seen. When they made it to the furthest door, he tried it. Locked. “Do you want me to open it or do you want to try a different room?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had gotten so used to be called Nate's monkey man that it felt natural at this point. He was fine with it, in fact he quite liked it. "Yes, as far from the front as possible" Alex agreed, walking beside Nate as they made their way down the hall. He noticed the walls were beat up, the floor fraying and some doors were busted while others were simply closed. When Nate said it was locked and asked if he wanted it open, Alex wasn't sure. "Maybe we should open it?" Alex hoped it wasn't a bad decision to open the door.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate pressed his ear to the door and listened. “I don’t hear anything, so at least we know no clickers.” He tried to be light and happy to make Alex feel marginally better. He would do whatever he could to keep his life meaningful. Optimistic. Or course he would. But for now, Alex was going to have to stand on his own. Nate extricated himself as support or at least lowered it so that he could pull out the knife and jimmy it in the lock. The second he got the knob to open, he reinstated himself as Alex’s support. He pushed the door open and peered inside. It was not the best looking room they’d seen, but it was also nowhere near the worst. It was one of those tiny rooms that had a bathroom immediately to the right and the room with two full beds and a tv that would never work again. He poked his head in and through the bathroom door. No one was there.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded as he watched Nate press an ear to the door. "Well that's a good sign" Alex agreed. He placed a hand on the wall when Nate pulled away to open the door. Alex let go of the wall when Nate came back to his side. He followed Nate into the room, it wasn't the worst room, and it looked empty. "Okay. We made it to an empty room. Now, I don't know about you, but I could use a good sleep." Alex wasn't even hungry, he was just tired. Once they'd determined it was empty, Alex moved his arm off Nate for long enough to drop his pack. "Care to try out those beds, see which one is comfier?" Alex asked Nate with a smile.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

He closed the door behind them as he also dropped his pack. He picked up both and tossed them closer to the beds just in case of emergencies, but he didn’t really care in that moment. He was also exhausted. He really was still not over the day before, so between running from murderous hunters to running from a murderous bear, he totally understood Alex. “I’m testing them both for us? Okay.” He walked over to the first and inspected it. It looked decent. He pressed a hand down on the mattress. It wasn’t bad. The apartment was better, but it wasn’t bad. He popped up and sat on it then lounged. “Alright, not bad. Could probably sleep well here.” He slipped off and moved to the other one. He was just about to hop on when he caught sight of the end. Was that… yep. “Broke frame. I mean, I could probably still jump on it but I don’t think I’ll take my chances.” He moved back to the first. “Care to join me on this one?” He smiled as he hopped back on, extending his arms like the night before. “Unless you need help in which case, I will stop being silly and actually help you.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

When Alex had mentioned the beds, he watched as Nate moved away from him. Alex could hold himself up, but he leaned on the wall anyway. He watched as Nate tested the first bed and deemed it good enough to sleep on. Alex was quite content leaning against the wall as he noticed Nate checking the second bed to find the frame was broken. "Let's not test the broken one" He said with a laugh. Alex watched as Nate hopped onto the first bed and he made his way over slowly. He definitely had a limp but he managed to make it to the bed. Alex crawled onto the bed, coming up to lay right beside Nate, curled up into his side. Alex let out a soft contented sigh. "I think I made it just fine" He said softly, his head resting on Nate's chest.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

There was a small part of him that wondered if since they had the option of two beds that Alex might want to use both of them. One for each. It did make sense after all. Had he been traveling with the boys, they would have all argued about who was going to get their own bed, and in the end, it would never be Nate, because he never minded sharing. Once, he pulled out his sleeping bag and slept on the floor instead so that the other two could have their own beds. When they traveled with his mama, that was never an option. Everyone shared with someone. But when it was just the two of them, they got their own beds. Now, when it was just the two of them, he wondered if Alex would want that. Clearly the other one was not so much one they could use, but they might have. Was that disappointing? He didn’t know. But then Alex joined him in just the cutest, cuddliest way possible, and he didn’t know what to think anymore. This was exactly what he wanted, but was it what Alex wanted? He didn’t want to ask, especially without having another option. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Alex, he was still having to keep him safe of course, and brought his face to the top of Alex’s head. It was his favorite place to be. “You certainly did,” he murmured. He ran his fingers through Alex’s hair again. He didn’t even mean to. “I am very proud of you.” The last word was interrupted by a yawn.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex hadn't even considered using the other bed. He much preferred sharing a bed at this point. It was comfortable, safe and made him feel warm inside. Alex felt Nate wrap his arms around him and it just convinced Alex to try and curl a little closer. He felt Nate put his face to the top of Alex's head, and ran his fingers through Alex's hair. He loved feeling Nate run his fingers through Alex's hair. He blushed at hearing Nate say he was proud of him. Alex yawned, ducking his head closer to Nate. "Good night Nate" Alex said softly, yawning again as his eyes closed, he knew he wasn't going to stay awake much longer. He managed to utter out a "Thank you" before he fell fast asleep.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate held him close, forgetting time as his let his mind wander aimlessly as he slowly began to wane. He just really liked being close, and the closer they were, which was pretty close in this particular moment, the easier it was to remember who he was. He did not find himself swirling into an endless expanse of misery that came with remembering what he did and what he lost. Even when that starred, then there was Alex. He curled against him like he was a hero. A hero. He could not believe that someone like Alex looked at him like a hero. In the moments before he finally fell asleep, he resolved to be Alex’s hero. Always. Because that was what the world was leading him to be. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was destiny. Maybe it just so happened to like up. Whatever it was, this felt right. This was how they were meant to be. He would do it for Alex. His mind finally drifted, and he fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex did not have a dreamless sleep tonight. He shifted uncomfortably as nightmares filtered through, too fast for Alex to process. He woke up the next morning just as he was about to be stabbed by a hunter. The silver flash melted into the light of the morning sun. He felt Nate beside him, and he smiled to himself as he moved a little closer. He didn't remember what the nightmares had been like, there was a recurring theme that before each nightmare shifted, he was getting injured or killed by a hunter, by a bear, by infected. It had been the weirdest nights sleep he'd ever gotten, but waking up to see Nate beside him, they faded away into the back of his mind. He didn't want to move much or wake up Nate, so he just relaxed into his chest where he'd been all night.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate slept poorly though he wasn’t entirely sure why. He didn’t remember any dreams. he didn’t remember anything in particular really. Just that he would fall asleep just to wake up for reasons unknown, lay there for a while either still and staring at a dark ceiling or running his fingers through Alex’s hair to ground him. Then he’d fall asleep again just to wake back up. It happened over and over again. Each time took a little bit longer to fall back asleep, and when he finally did, he was restless. Dreamless and restless. By the time light filtered in through the window, he felt like he hadn’t even slept, though he knew that couldn’t be true. At least he had Alex who stayed on his chest the whole night. He hoped he slept well. Nate yawned, wrapping both arms around Nate as he attempted to wake his sleepy brain officially.

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