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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had never slept beside anyone beside his mother when he was a young child having a nightmare. It was weird, alien in fact but he loved it. It was like he was waiting 19 years for this. For him to run from all he’d known and find Nate. To find somewhere he could belong, with someone he cared for very much. He smiled as he heard Nate, tucking himself close. “I’m glad I found you. I don’t know what I’d do without my medic.” Alex whispered tiredly. He felt Nate run his fingers through Alex’s hair and then he felt Nate bury his face in Alex’s hair. The contact and the closeness was relaxing enough that Alex found himself falling fast asleep.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate laid there a while, absent-mindedly playing with Alex’s hair while he allowed his mind to drift. His eyes closed as he pressed himself gently against him. He thought of their days they had, and the many days to come. He was excited for their future. Excited for who they might be allowed to be. Him and his monkey man. Alex and his guide. Nate’s Alex and Alex’s Nate. He was not sure exactly what that meant, and he doubted that Alex felt it the same way that he did, but he loved it all anyway. As he felt himself beginning to drift finally, he pressed a kiss to the top of his head. He nestled and finally slept. And he likely dreamed, but by morning he did not remember.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex slept well, so well he didn’t want to wake up when the sun filtered down through the leaves. His eyes opened as he heard the heartbeat under his head. Right, he was laying his head on Nate’s chest. The piece of a puzzle finding its spot. He didn’t want to move a muscle, and that wasn’t just because he was feeling the pain from his back. It was a dull throbbing pain, nothing that really hurt, but was very very uncomfortable to him. But he wasn’t going to say a thing at the moment, just let Nate sleep still. Yesterday had been a lot.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

When Nate awoke, he found himself on the hard ground again. The one night of good sleep was already like a dream. A nice and comfy mattress, walls and a roof for cover, a lock on a closed door for safety, warm blankets untouched by the wear of the outside world, and the intimacy of a true companionship. After only a day, it was already wilting away. Though, one part stuck. He still held Alex close to him like he locked him away when he slept, and his arms refused any other way. As his mind began to come back to him, he readjusted only to have a more comfortable hold with one arm behind his head as a pillow and the other wrapped around Alex. He made sure not to touch too low and hit the injuries. He wished that he could heal them. In another world, one where he had access to supplies and a facility in which to work, maybe he could. Maybe he could find a way to erase it instead of easing it.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was awake and he felt Nate readjust himself. Alex felt his arm around him, high enough that it wasn’t touching his injuries. He was grateful for that as well. Alex slowly lazily, moved his head up to look at Nate. “Morning.” He said softly. Alex was not ready to get up today at all. “How’d you sleep?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate smiled at the voice that graced his ears. “Mornin’.” His voice was rough with sleep. He rubbed his face into Alex’s hair. He loved the feeling against his skin. He liked the way the strands fell across his face. They made him feel like he was being covered in a blanket. “Like a house at in the sun,” he answered with a laugh. “How about you? How did you sleep? Did the pain keep you awake at all?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate with a smile. He felt him rub his face in Alex’s hair. “I‘m glad you slept well. And no, I slept great. Sleeping on my good side, and resting on you kept the pain away.” Alex told him with a little laugh. It was true though, sleeping beside Nate, on his side was heaven.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate pulled the arm he used as a pillow out from underneath him, and wrapped it around Alex as well like a gently hug. “Good. We really should invest in some sort of comfort mat for you. That way we won’t have to rely on slightly better ground and your side. Not sure where we can find you one of those. Pants for you are hard enough, and pants are common.” He sighed, relaxing himself into their morning moment.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex couldn’t help the smile that graced his face as he felt Nate pull him into a gentle hug. “A comfort mat?” He was confused at that. Though he did chuckle at the pants comment. “I don’t know why it’s so hard to find something for me that’s so common” he said softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“You know… one of those things you roll or fold out and they’re meant to be comfier than the floor but aren’t like a couch or a mattress.” As he considered this, it occurred to Nate that no, maybe he would not know about that. “It’s one of those old world things. I actually have no idea what they are called, but some of the people had them. A lot had cots, but those are not so easy to travel with.” He twirled some of the locks of hair around his finger as he spoke. “Though, honestly, if you’re just going to use me, maybe we don’t need anything else. I will be your mat instead.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex listened as Nate described the comfort mat to him. The old world was weird to him. It was strange some of the things he was learning about. “If we don’t need anything extra, I’d rather use you instead” Alex admitted. He felt Nate twirling locks of Alex’s hair in his fingers. “I think I need my back checked. It’s not ouch painful but discomfortable.” Alex said softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Mmm, I feel that this can be arranged. Maybe if we find one, I can lay on it, and you can lay on me. Everyone is happy and comfortable.” At least that was what he assumed would end the case in this scenario. Alex could be however he needed to be with Nate who was easily moved and malleable to fit said needs. Nate could have Alex close, and really that was all he wanted. Everyone was happy. “I would hate to move you when you’re so cute and comfy,” he whined as he considered just how he was going to check Alex’s back. There really was no way to do it when he was trapped like this. Not to mention that if they got up for this, they would most assuredly be getting up for inevitable travel as well. He sighed but did not move. He was trapped after all. “But I will if I must.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex could picture that as Nate said it and he blushed slightly. “If we can find one.” Alex said with a chuckle. He didn’t want to move, but he knew he’d have to if he wanted his back checked. He blushed a little harder at Nate’s comment and he agreed but as he shifted, he knew he had to sit up. Alex realized he’d never put his shirt back on after Nate had checked him. He untangled himself from Nate, sitting up and facing away, bare back to Nate to he could clean it and check it.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate bit back the groan that ached to leave his throat as Alex sat up. He followed immediately after, prepared to do whatever he must in case there was more pain than Alex was expecting. Oh. The shirt. Well, that was convenient. Nate had not noticed, but that could have been because he was entirely too distracted by Alex as a person. He found Alex the being so beautifully amazing that sometimes he found himself forgetting about things like the body. Like the scars. The scars meant a horrible past for Alex but were merely proof of Alex for Nate. His bare back was simply that. A happy accident really. Nate slowly undid the bandages and ran soft fingers across skin. “I will remind you that the uglier it is, the better that means for healing. And then I will tell you that your back reminds me of one of those paintings you can find in museums. Oh, we should go to one of those. We can learn so much about the old world.“ he reached around to grab the bags for supplies and began to clean the wounds. “We can look at paintings and photographs and sculptures. I’m sure you’ve never really gotten to experience art like that. I would love to take you.” He rewrapped everything and finished with a minor massage around but not on the injuries. “I would love to take you a lot of places I’ve been with Mama.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex could feel Nate undoing the bandages and ran his fingers over the area. He didn’t feel the sharp pain in his back like last night. He was intrigued by this thing that he called a painting. He listened fascinated by every word Nate said. A big place full of old world stuff? That sounded so interesting to Alex. He hadn’t been paying much attention to Nate cleaning and rewrapping the injury, but he did appreciate the massage around it. “I would love to go to a museum place with you.” Alex said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“You don’t have paintings back at your old home did you? Splashes of color on canvas. Drawings of whatever comes to you. Beautiful art. And weird art that doesn’t make sense.” Nate moved around to be in front of Alex now that he was done. “Did you have any kind of art? Like sculptures and things? You probably didn’t have time to make things like that with all your learning to be a superhero training.” He said this last part with a smile that was tinged with his amazement. He grabbed Alex’s hands with more enthusiasm than he meant. “I can show you all the cool things people made before the outbreak. It’s so fascinating how people are. Or used to be I guess.” He reached over and handed Alex his shirt.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex listened to Nate, his attention on him when he talked about paintings. He looked as Nate came around to Alex's front. "No, if anyone did it would be the elders. They had some old world things." He said. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he listened to Nate. "Okay, what's a superhero?" He asked, confused. Alex felt Nate grab his hands and he smiled softly. "I can't wait to see it all" Alex told him, pulling a hand free to grab the shirt. He slipped it on and sighed. "Alright, time to see if I can walk today" Alex said, slowly getting to his feet. He swayed for a moment before he quickly adjusted, testing the leg that was sore yesterday. It was much better today.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate blinked at him a moment and then shook his head. “Your people really were out of touch weren’t they. Superheroes! They’ve got cool powers and abilities and they use them to save the world!” He stood with Alex, watching but still talking. “Some fly and some are invisible and some have super strength. Heroes.” He cocked his head to the side. Alex was better today. Good. “We need to find you comics. Those are both art and superheroes. It will explain everything. I used to have some, but I don’t anymore. I don’t have a lot anymore. That’s okay! We’ll find more!” He put out a hand in case Alex needed it for stabilization.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex shrugged, he never realized how much he didn't know about the old world. "Oh. So they're really cool people that wouldn't normally exist?" He asked. Flying people? Invisible people? Weird. It was definitely weird to Alex. "I would love to see some of these comic books" Alex mentioned as he tested his putting a good amount of weight on the leg that was limping yesterday. It felt like it was much closer to normal than the annoying pain from yesterday. Alex didn't need the support or stabilization today, but he accepted Nate's hand anyway, just to hold it. "I'm good to go, nothing hurts more than it should for a healing injury" Alex said, looking at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate observed like the dedicated medic and extremely interested party that he was. He was glad that Alex was doing so much better. “Oh for sure, they would never be real. That’s why they are super. The super part means, I dunno, like superhuman or something. Better than human? Or maybe more powerful or enhanced? You know, actually, I have no idea what it really means. I never thought about it before.” Realizing this was not a support hand, he laced his fingers with Alex’s. “Wait! Shoot.” He peered at their hands, debated, and decided that they would just the silly about this. He kicked up with his feet to bring the blankets to himself and started rolling up the blankets that he haphazardly shoved into the packs.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex laughed a little at that. "That's so weird." Alex finally said. To him it was, why would someone come up with them? Was there nothing practical for them to do? Alex turned his head when he felt Nate lace his fingers with Alex's before he saw him look at their hands. Alex chuckled as he watched Nate use his feet to grab the blankets, shoving them into the packs not so neatly. Alex immediately took his free hand and managed to tuck the blankets in a little better. He reached for his pack to put it on so they could keep moving. Alex knew they should swing upwards into Montana. but he wasn't sure he wanted to. "Alright, I think we're ready to push on?" He asked, looking at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Lead us onward!” Nate called with as much gusto and excitement as he could manage. He may not necessarily want to keep going, he really like just being with him, but he did not feel like being attacked by hunters who were upset that they killed their people, and he also did not feel like living in the forest for the rest of time. If he sounded excited, maybe he could lie and eventually be that. Nate shrugged as they moved. “You know, I think they wanted something to believe in. They wanted heroes, and it seems like they weren’t a whole lot different than we are today.” He swung their intertwined hands. “I think we can all use a hero, even if the heroes are kind of unnatural and fake. They make our problems a whole lot better in perspective.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex smiled, starting the walk towards Wyoming. He had decided on the long way. Alex both did and didn't want this journey to end. He wanted it to end to find that dream farmhouse for them, but he didn't want it to end either. He was enjoying this journey with Nate a lot more than he thought he would. He looked over at Nate when he started talking again. "I guess so. It's always nice to have some here to believe in, even if they aren't real." Alex said. He certainly was starting to understand the concept of having a hero to believe in.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

If he had a comic or something to show, this would be an easier concept to explain. Sadly, he did not have anything like that. In the next city, they were going to have to stop off at a bookstore or maybe one of those geeky comic or gaming stores. They always had something leftover. Sometimes there were bedrooms with comics or toys as well. Maybe they would find those. “I personally like to believe in more real things than comic book heroes. Real life heroes mean more, you know? Those people who are really saving people out there. Doing the hard things to make our lives better. It’s just hard to find them right now.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was very curious about these comics that Nate had talked about. It certainly drew his attention from the mess they'd dealt with yesterday. He nodded, hearing Nate talking about real life heroes instead. "You think so? Well, I think I've found a real life hero myself. He just doesn't know it yet" Alex said, his voice soft. By Nate's description, Alex thought of him as a hero. He'd saved Alex from more than just his back injuries, that woman, and the hunter. Inadvertently Nate had saved Alex from wandering the states alone, and given him something he never thought he'd ever be able to have.
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