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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate held out the one arrow he could salvage. “Don’t worry. I got the last one. No mercy for murderers.” And though they needed to move, they absolutely did not have time for any sort of sweet reunion from being apart for all of ten minutes or something equally as small, he could not help but desperately need that. So, he wrapped an arm around the back of Alex’s head, his hand gently on his cheek, and Nate brought himself to Alex to press a quick kiss to his temple. Nate was handling his Alex getting hurt less and less well as they traveled. “Let’s go.” He moved in approximately the direction he was following Alex in the trees with the assumption that Alex would take over the navigation. Unless, of course, he wanted to get lost forever.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex took the arrow gratefully. “Thank you. I’ll have to see if I have the stuff to make more when we stop.” He said. He knew they had to go, now. But he froze when Nate wrapped an arm around his head, hand on his cheek and pressed a quick kiss to his temple. Alex smiled at that, cheeks tinged pink. When Nate started walking, Alex looked around and gently moved them just a little to the right. Now they were headed in the right direction.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Honestly, the fact that Alex only had to move him that much was horribly impressive. Nate felt a very tiny amount of pride as he moved. But mostly, he felt the rapid beating of his chest like he was being chased by murderous hunters as opposed to the truth which was the fact that he was becoming increasingly more affectionate. It was not something he really noticed at first, but this was hard not to since all of the nerves that came with doing something like that were now hitting him. Split second decisions did that to him. It was fine.

“I should have checked the hunters for supplies. I only thought to grab the arrow.” He frowned at himself. Such an oversight. If they were going to not get to loot the abandoned apartments and stores, they should have at least taken from the people who tried to take from them. It did feel a little wrong though. Almost like cheating.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex glanced over at Nate. “It’s okay. We’ll find more supplies later on.” He said as they walked. He was trying to walk normally but he had a slight limp in the leg on the side closest to his injury on the back. The muscle was aggravated down his side and into his leg thanks to the fall. “We should walk until it’s pretty dark, put as much distance between them and us as we can.” Alex said. He’d be able to hold out until then.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Okay. Only as long as you can make it. And then we stop.” If they had to stop sooner than they would prefer, they could make that work. If he had to sit there for hours and watch all night, he would. He could do that for Alex. He hoped that Alex didn’t hurt too bad though. He could only imagine how bad it was. A limp like that meant that it hurt enough to affect his walk. That also meant that if he aggravated it too much, it could create worse problems. But being dead was an even worse problem. Sometimes, in situations like this, he tried to imagine what his people would have done. All three would have insisted that they kept going, just like Alex. Being alive and hurt was better than dead. Okay. He could keep going as long as he also got to keep a close eye. And he did. He watched the forest and Alex alike.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex nodded. “I’ll be fine.” He said. Alex knew he’d make it, he had to make it. Alex started strong, the first part was fine. He limped but he was okay. Alex could feel himself getting progressively more tired and having problems with walking. He moved closer to Nate, throwing an arm over Nate’s shoulder for support on the limping side. “I’m fine, but I could use a little support.” He admitted. “Just a little further. Please.” He added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate wanted to slide his arm around Alex, but with the pack, it was a problem. He couldn’t support him the way that he wanted. The packs were too heavy for him to sling them both on him for that long. “Give me your pack. Yours is heavier than mine. You’ve got all the food.” He didn’t wait for an answer. He took it from him and swapped the packs. It wouldn’t be significantly different, but hopefully it would be enough. Then he positioned himself so that he could be the support wherever and however Alex needed. Finally he chose to slide his arm towards the bottom of Alex’s pack- or his he supposed- supporting his back and also lifting the pack a little. That should relieve some of the weight and tension. “I’ve got you,” he said softly. He leaned his head against Alex’s for just a moment before straightening back up again. “I’ve always got you.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex was going to hand his pack over and swap with Nate, but Nate swapped them before he could. Alex felt there was a difference in the weight of Nate's pack versus Alex's. He watched Nate position himself beside him, and felt his arm wrap around his back, just under the pack while lifting the pack up a bit. Alex could feel the support and his heart clenched as he heard Nate say he had him. Alex blushed as Nate leaned his head against Alex's before he straightened up. He smiled softly, hearing him again. "I know you do." Alex responded. He knew he did. Alex could make it the next few hours until they could find camp.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

If he could, Nate would have taken the second pack. If he could, he would have carried Alex. He would take all of it for him. Sure, he might have done that for a lot of people, but there was some different about this. This felt more personal. This was a burden he would gladly take from him since he so often carried others. “I sure hope so. I do not want you thinking that you have to fend for yourself. We are over those days. No more lonely. We do it all together. Run from hunters together. Battle hunters together. All of it. Because we’re better together. I know that probably sounds corny, but it’s true.” He walked purposefully, keeping the balance and support.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex smiled as he listened to Nate talk. Together. They do things together. "I don't think it sounds corny, I agree completely. We've got each other, we work better together." He said. It was true the more he thought about it. They both have strengths, they both have weaknesses, and they balance each other out perfectly. Alex was the warrior, the tree climber, the archer but he was clueless on many old world things and the more time he spends with Nate, the more he learns. Alex didn't know what he'd do without Nate. The sun was low in the sky, he noticed and a little bit more walking then they could stop, rest and Alex would be able to have Nate check his back.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate laughed as they walked. “See, that’s how I know it’s true! If it weren’t true, you wouldn’t totally get me. But you always do. You know, Ben woulda told me that I was being a hopeless romantic, and then he would have laughed so big, and we’d all be laughing with him, because he was a hopeless romantic let me tell you. Not that he ever did anything about it.” The sky was growing dark, and soon it was going to become very difficult to see. “But my mama would have looked at that boy and shaken her head. ‘Benjamin Dixon, don’t you ever think that you are above relationships. What do you think you have with the rest of us around this fire right now?’” As he spoke, his head fell a little until he was almost using Alex as a pillow. “But anyway, yeah. We’re a team. A duo. A pair. I dunno.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex couldn't help but smile back at Nate. "A hopeless romantic? I can see that. But I guess I'm one too" Alex laughed, shaking his head as he listened to Nate. He noticed that the sky was dark, and it was safe to stop. Alex looked at Nate who was almost using Alex as pillow. He agreed, they were a team and they were a great team. "Nate, we can stop here for the night. I need to rest anyway." Alex said, coming to a stop. His back had started aching more and he needed to stop.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate came to a stop, dropped the pack he carried and immediately took Alex’s. He was a hopeless romantic, a worrier, and probably more cumbersome things. At least Alex didn’t seem to mind, and anytime they did find something that was less than great, they worked through it together. He loved that. Even with the boys, sometimes they just ignored things until it annoyed them. They were rude and nasty sometimes. Of course, that was how it was to have brothers even if they weren’t by blood. It was so different with Alex. It was not just refreshing. It was relaxing. It was comforting. “How do you feel? I’m sure that was rough on you.” He rubbed Alex’s back before he could even see what was going on.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex didn't even have a chance to take the pack off his back when Nate took it off for him. He smiled softly as he looked at Nate. Alex felt him rubbing his back, and clenched his teeth to hold back the hiss of pain. Alex shook his head as he pulled off the shirt he'd been wearing. He was sure there was a nice nasty bruise beside the original injury. He just hoped he hadn't gotten any other injuries. "It hurts Nate, I didn't think it would start to hurt like this." Alex was used to pain, but he never liked it. And now that they were in a fairly safe spot to camp, he had relaxed and the pain made him bite his lip. It would be fine with rest. Hopefully.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

The hiss was distressing. His words were alarming. The fact that he hurt that much meant they should have stopped earlier. He got so caught up in talking and trying to move them away that he enabled this. As Alex pulled off the shirt, Nate cringed. “Sit.” He put himself down and patted the ground. “You do not get to stand while I work through this. That’s not your nicest injury.” It was certainly not great. It was ugly. It was bad. It was something he needed to work on. As he waited, he grabbed at the packs and began to sift through to pull out the medical supplies. “My beautiful monkey man, we have had better incidents .”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex ducked his head in shame as he sat down, back to Nate. He didn't realize that it would be as bad as it was. Alex twisted his fingers in his lap as he heard Nate talk. "I didn't.. I didn't think it was that bad. I'm sorry, I should've stopped when I asked for support." Alex said, hearing Nate sifting through the packs for the medical supplies. "I'm thankful for my medic who will do whatever he can to help it heal better." He said. Of course, not only did he land on it wrong yesterday from that woman, but falling from one branch to another didn't help. Neither did stumbling on another branch as he jumped from tree to tree, his back hated him, he was sure.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

At his words, Nate paused his work and shifted gears. Her very gently wrapped his arms around Alex, making sure not to touch any of his back, and leaned his head over Alex’s shoulder. “Don’t be ashamed for not stopping earlier. Remember how I didn’t either when I reopened my shoulder? That happens.” He nestled her cheek into Alex’s neck. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He stayed there a moment, possibly for Alex but also maybe for himself, then pulled away to begin work on his back. “Ugly bruising. But bruises are better than breaks. I have a feeling the combination of everything we’ve put it through is making it worse.” He worked to clean, patch, and wrap everything. “You’ll be colorful for a while, I bet. And you’re back to no bows for now. We need to work you back into it. I guess it’s not so bad that you ran out of arrows then.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He felt the arms wrapped around him, and smiled as Nate leaned his head over Alex's shoulder. "I know, but I still should've" He said quietly, blushing at Nate nestling his cheek into Alex's neck. "I'm glad you're okay too" He told him softly. Alex felt Nate pull away after a moment, and began on Alex's back. He bit back the hiss of pain at the feeling of him doing what he could for Alex's back. "With everything that's happened, I believe it." He said as Nate worked on his back. "Great, no bows again." Alex huffed.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Just for now,” Nate attempted to assure him. “You keep injuring this corridor of yourself,” he explained as he gestured towards his spine that he could not see since Alex was facing the other direction. “If you’d hurt somewhere else for once, we could reconsider the bow usage.” Once he finished wrapping everything, he moved around to the other side to sit in front of Alex and took each of his hands in his. “Would you stop getting hurt all the time? I hate it.” He brought both hands to his face where he rested his cheeks on them. “I, as your medic, would prefer if you didn’t need my services so often.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex sighed lightly. It wasn’t like he planned on injuring that same spot. “It seems like I can’t injure anywhere else.” He said with a small laugh. He knew it made sense to not use his bow right now but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Alex felt a bit better as Nate fixed him up. His eyes watched as Nate came to sit in front of him, taking Alex’s hands in his. “I’ll try my hardest..” Alex said softly, watching as Nate brought both hands to his face to rest his cheeks on them. His heart hurt hearing him. “At least I know I’m in really great hands if I need it.” Alex whispered, his eyes on Nate with a small smile on his face.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate readjusted so that he held both of Alex’s hands in one of his so that he could run the fingers of his second lightly across Alex’s cheek. “I know. One of these days, I would like to become useless. Entirely unnecessary. I can just sit back and relax. Maybe even get a little bored.” His finger tips ran across bone and then fell down to scar before eventually falling to the jawline. “But until then, maybe we figure out some exorcises for you. Things you can do that will hopefully make it easier for you to heal. We don’t have to right now though. I would be exhausted. I am exhausted, and all I’ve done is run with you.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex watched as Nate readjusted how he was holding Alex's hands, both of them in one of his now. Alex felt his cheeks tinge pink as he felt Nate's fingers run across his cheek as he talked, running the fingers from bone down to scar then to Alex's jawline. He loved it, it felt nice and safe. "I hope one day that we're both useless. Bored together and relaxing." Alex mentioned as he nodded. "We can figure that stuff out tomorrow, can we just lay down and sleep? It was a pretty exhausting run" Alex agreed, not wanting to move but knowing that they should lay their blankets down and get some much needed and deserved rest.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

A smile danced across his lips, toying with the ends as he traced Alex’s face. He made it half way around and to the other side by the time his smile was wide. He felt a little like this smile fit in an invisible little box built just for that. A box Alex built. “Okay, but you stay right there. Don’t you dare move.” His finger lingered another moment before he moved to pull out the blankets, occasionally turning to point at him with silly seriousness and to remind him not to move. He rolled them out, made sure everything looked as comfy as forest ground could be, and then patted beside him with arm held out in invitation. “Alright, now you can move as long as you promise only to move what is necessary and only to me.” This was the part where he told himself that he was insisting on being this close because it was necessary since the sleeping bag was now a blanket or because he needed to be close in case Alex hurt. This was the part where it only made sense to cuddle for warmth. He could pretend all he liked.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex felt Nate’s finger trace onto his other cheek and he felt a smile grow on his own face. His eyes looked at Nate as he listened to him. “I won’t move a muscle.” He said quietly. The finger lingered for a moment. Then Nate was gone, pulling out and setting up their blankets. He laughed each time Nate looked back at him to remind him not to move. He stayed where he was until he saw the arm out in invitation and heard Nate tell him that he could move, but only what was necessary and only to Nate. As if Alex wanted to move anywhere else. He slowly made his way over and laid down beside Nate, resting on his better side and smiled. “Like that?” He asked, moving so he was close to him, head on his chest and arm over his stomach as if it was the most natural position for Alex to be in to sleep. “Thank you for working on my back.” Alex said softly, looking up at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He kept his arm below Alex, so that he could wrap it around it around him as Alex slid into place. It felt like they were meant to be like that. Had he never been comfortable before this? Were the first twenty one years of his life waiting on when Alex would show up and guide him somewhere better? That was how it felt as he relished in the sensation of the two of them together. “This is exactly what I meant,” he breathed, running his fingers through Alex’s hair. He dipped his head low, selfishly taking a moment for himself as he buried his face in Alex’s hair. “You are always welcome.”

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