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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

Hello everyone! I am finishing up the first post as we speak! ::closedeyessmile: You guys will have a bit of a decision making in this first part as well. I think it will be one of those crucial choices too. :ghostuvu:

Whoops, I didn't mean to post that question lol

Ambiguously did the right thing because if not, you guys would've been all like


to that question lol
Hello everyone! I am finishing up the first post as we speak! ::closedeyessmile: You guys will have a bit of a decision making in this first part as well. I think it will be one of those crucial choices too. :ghostuvu:

Ambiguously did the right thing because if not, you guys would've been all like


to that question lol

I have yet to seen a more perfect none-spoiler GoT meme in my life. I applaud you, I really do.
Everything mentioned/described in my posts are /maybe/ of importance, so please read them carefully! Especially the events!

Also, have you guys tried out The Night Life layout? It's super cool! You guys should defo check it out. :ghostuvu:
Oh... I actually think I like The Night Life a lot better than the default. And I doubt any of us with just skim through. It's the beginning of the roleplay!
Since we are supposed to state in the chat, I think my character will take the safer path, kinda overgrown..

When would you like is to post?
Mhm..... I'm keepin' an eye on you.

Anyways, if people need help getting into the writing mood as I do, I think listening to this may help :blowkiss:
I'm too excited for this, I really am. I literally squealed when I opened up the IC. ALSOOOO Kat would without doubt try to climb the gate, bad habit on her part.
Since we are supposed to state in the chat, I think my character will take the safer path, kinda overgrown..

When would you like is to post?

Feel free to post now! I'll write the scenario after everyone made a choice. You guys can meet up with everyone and write a post about that while they're on the starting point (in front of the gate). :-)
Oooh alright guys...

I think Eli's going to try and climb the gate first, it being about a metre's climb from his head.
I have a quick question before I start writing anything, figured the answer would be useful to everyone; how long ago did Emm send the invites/mail and how long ago was it anyone was able to contact her? Yesterday? Today? Because Alexei couldn't so I'm guessing the same applies to everyone else.
I have a quick question before I start writing anything, figured the answer would be useful to everyone; how long ago did Emm send the invites/mail and how long ago was it anyone was able to contact her? Yesterday? Today? Because Alexei couldn't so I'm guessing the same applies to everyone else.

Oh, great question! Emm texted the invites five days ago. The e-mails were sent two days ago. She was available to contact once the invites were sent. After that, she's unavailable. :-)
Wow that starting post was great!! I'm so excited for this!!

I'm beginning to write my post now. After consideration, I do believe that while Mick might think that climbing the gate is the smarter course, he would end up going for the overgrown path. He doesn't want to play by the notes' rules and the path seems like an adventure.
Will start on my own post soon.

Ted would scale the gate. Hell, he'd probably help throw Kat others over it as well.

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