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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

I wanted to quickly catch you guys up on why I haven't been very active recently!

My dad and I, in very few days, have gotten a lot closer so we've just been hanging out a lot, playing some games together, going rollerblading and such because he's been sick. Since he's better now and tomorrow's a Monday, I should have more free time in the morning!

So, sorry about that <3

Can I get another update on the posting order?
I was going to wait before I posted again, but I'll go ahead and post tomorrow seeing as some people are waiting on me ;)
Sorry, I know it's interrupting and changing the subject, probably. But only 1 hour and a half!

Ok, I'ma actually catch up on the chat now so I can say something related!
Can I get another update on the posting order?

Hang on, is there like a strict order of some sorts, or is it just post when it feels right?
Sorry, I'm really irritating :P

I wanted to quickly catch you guys up on why I haven't been very active recently!

My dad and I, in very few days, have gotten a lot closer so we've just been hanging out a lot, playing some games together, going rollerblading and such because he's been sick. Since he's better now and tomorrow's a Monday, I should have more free time in the morning!

So, sorry about that <3

I was going to wait before I posted again, but I'll go ahead and post tomorrow seeing as some people are waiting on me ;)
Awww that's nice! I'm glad he's better and you're both having a good time!
I wanted to quickly catch you guys up on why I haven't been very active recently!

My dad and I, in very few days, have gotten a lot closer so we've just been hanging out a lot, playing some games together, going rollerblading and such because he's been sick. Since he's better now and tomorrow's a Monday, I should have more free time in the morning!

So, sorry about that <3

I was going to wait before I posted again, but I'll go ahead and post tomorrow seeing as some people are waiting on me ;)
No worries, darling! I'm glad you spent some good time with your dad!

I was waiting for Volfy, but I'll be up writing tonight, hopefully, so I might possibly get a post up.
Hang on, is there like a strict order of some sorts, or is it just post when it feels right?
Sorry, I'm really irritating :P

Doesn't irritate me a bit, I'm always happy to help!

There isn't a strict order at all, but when I ask for post order it's just kind of a way to see the line of people waiting to post because people say "oh I'm writing a post," or "will get a post up by tonight if X posts" it's just easier to have it all in one place because 4ish people at the moment appear to be writing or planning to write in the very near future
I wanted to quickly catch you guys up on why I haven't been very active recently!

My dad and I, in very few days, have gotten a lot closer so we've just been hanging out a lot, playing some games together, going rollerblading and such because he's been sick. Since he's better now and tomorrow's a Monday, I should have more free time in the morning!

So, sorry about that <3

I was going to wait before I posted again, but I'll go ahead and post tomorrow seeing as some people are waiting on me ;)

Don't apologize, RL always comes before anything else and I'm glad you guys got the chance to spend some time together <3

Sorry, I know it's interrupting and changing the subject, probably. But only 1 hour and a half!

Ok, I'ma actually catch up on the chat now so I can say something related!

Honestly though, GoT is always a subject here :P

And pretty much what Diminium said, there's no strict order and everyone basically posts 'when-it-feels-right'. :)
Oh boy, if only Kat could hear all the thunder that's going on right now! I'm pretty sure she'd just turn into a pile of goo honestly :ghostunu:
Oh boy, if only Kat could hear all the thunder that's going on right now! I'm pretty sure she'd just turn into a pile of goo honestly :ghostunu:

My wittle baby TT_TT

ALSOOOO I just finish the latest episode and
First and foremost, my boiiii Gendry is back and I was literally cracking jokes about boats for the next five minutes. And my Brienne x Jaime ship went downhill with baby, like my hopes that Jaime will wake the fuck up and leave my prettyfuckingamazing Cersei but all is fine because TORMUND <3

Jon is not only a possible heir now, but Jilly confirmed that he holds the strongest claim to the throne with Rhaegar's secret marriage. AKA Jon isn't a bastard Targaryen, but just a Targaryen. And Rhaegal being all cuddly with him TT_TT

Serious talk though, I'm pretty sure we all know how the two episodes are going to go. Jon & co are going to fight le white walkers and barely win, get Cersei to, at the very least, form a truce with Daenerys so they all can kick white walker ass next season. Then, in the end, whoever survives the white walker incident gets the throne.

Aka Littlefinger.
Doesn't irritate me a bit, I'm always happy to help!

There isn't a strict order at all, but when I ask for post order it's just kind of a way to see the line of people waiting to post because people say "oh I'm writing a post," or "will get a post up by tonight if X posts" it's just easier to have it all in one place because 4ish people at the moment appear to be writing or planning to write in the very near future

Ahhhh! Thankyouuuuuuuuuu!
My wittle baby TT_TT

ALSOOOO I just finish the latest episode and
First and foremost, my boiiii Gendry is back and I was literally cracking jokes about boats for the next five minutes. And my Brienne x Jaime ship went downhill with baby, like my hopes that Jaime will wake the fuck up and leave my prettyfuckingamazing Cersei but all is fine because TORMUND <3

Jon is not only a possible heir now, but Jilly confirmed that he holds the strongest claim to the throne with Rhaegar's secret marriage. AKA Jon isn't a bastard Targaryen, but just a Targaryen. And Rhaegal being all cuddly with him TT_TT

Serious talk though, I'm pretty sure we all know how the two episodes are going to go. Jon & co are going to fight le white walkers and barely win, get Cersei to, at the very least, form a truce with Daenerys so they all can kick white walker ass next season. Then, in the end, whoever survives the white walker incident gets the throne.

Aka Littlefinger.
We had an internet glitch so I haven't been able to watch it yet :(
Will watch it as soon as I can though and get back to you!

I'll be posting tomorrow! It'll have another update from Teddy and Robby as well! Then I'll be moving the RP a little bit faster so we can finally scale the gate and move on to the Beginning
D'aaaw, that sucks.
Yeah! Just a bit :P
There are apparanatley plans for us (Me, My Dad, My Step Mum and My sister) To watch it with Dinner when my brither's in bed, (He's only 6 so a little young :P ) I'm so hyped!


I'll be posting tomorrow! It'll have another update from Teddy and Robby as well! Then I'll be moving the RP a little bit faster so we can finally scale the gate and move on to the Beginning

Ooooh! Yay! I look forward to it!

I'll be posting tomorrow! It'll have another update from Teddy and Robby as well! Then I'll be moving the RP a little bit faster so we can finally scale the gate and move on to the Beginning

Ohhhhh shittttt

Can't wait to taste the soup you've brewed
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My wittle baby TT_TT

ALSOOOO I just finish the latest episode and
First and foremost, my boiiii Gendry is back and I was literally cracking jokes about boats for the next five minutes. And my Brienne x Jaime ship went downhill with baby, like my hopes that Jaime will wake the fuck up and leave my prettyfuckingamazing Cersei but all is fine because TORMUND <3

Jon is not only a possible heir now, but Jilly confirmed that he holds the strongest claim to the throne with Rhaegar's secret marriage. AKA Jon isn't a bastard Targaryen, but just a Targaryen. And Rhaegal being all cuddly with him TT_TT

Serious talk though, I'm pretty sure we all know how the two episodes are going to go. Jon & co are going to fight le white walkers and barely win, get Cersei to, at the very least, form a truce with Daenerys so they all can kick white walker ass next season. Then, in the end, whoever survives the white walker incident gets the throne.

Aka Littlefinger.
WOW okay I have a lot to say about last night's episode but I will try to keep it brief.

I died when Gendry came back - wielding a war hammer like his father, no less. I am ecstatic. I liked how his interaction with Jon mirrored the interaction between Robert and Ned in the very first episode. Also though, its really crazy to consider that Jon's father is actually Rhaegar, meaning that Gendry's father killed Jon's biological father in reality.

I knew they were going to prove that Jon was not a bastard at some point, and I can't decide if I like how quickly it was dropped lol.

In terms of Jon and his squad going beyond the wall, I have a feeling that Tormund, Beric, and Thoros are not going to return. I just think it would be crazy to introduce Gendry and Jorah back only to kill them. And also I don't want my babe The Hound to die but whatever who knows. Anyone could die.

ALSO - can we talk about that Sansa/Arya confrontation. Like....Arya is coming at Sansa for "liking nice things" and not defending Jon/supposedly wanting to take the north out from under Jon????? Ummmmmm Sansa could have taken the north right then and there when the lords offered it to her...but she defended Jon's claim as king anyway??? Also...if Sansa decided to take the North she would have every right to. She's the rightful ruler anyway??? and she's great at it??? She's an actual true born Stark?? Like...I'm sorry but it's crazy to me that Jon was ever named King in the North to begin with. He didn't even win the Battle of the Bastards like...Sansa calling the army of the Vale is what won that battle so??? Arya what are you talking about, babe. Like what. I feel like either its fake and they're one step ahead of Littlefinger....or the writers just need them to fight about something. Sansa is right, my guy....why would she start chopping people's heads off like...what is going on.

Also...that scene with Jaime and Tyrion killed me. And Cersei's pregnancy...do you think its possible that she's lying about that in order to manipulate Jaime?? Either way.... there's no way its being born... her fate is set we know her prophecy. Three kids, not four.

Last thing - I'm pretty sure this idea to catch a wight ??? is so odd and .... Jon even knows that it was attempted before and didn't work with that hand.... Also the idea that in any universe Tyrion would be like..."i'm sure if Cersei sees the truth she'll be reasonable about everything she's such a reasonable person that is reasonable and abides by reason and truth" lmao

Sorry I ended up ranting I had a lot to say.
WOW okay I have a lot to say about last night's episode but I will try to keep it brief.

I died when Gendry came back - wielding a war hammer like his father, no less. I am ecstatic. I liked how his interaction with Jon mirrored the interaction between Robert and Ned in the very first episode. Also though, its really crazy to consider that Jon's father is actually Rhaegar, meaning that Gendry's father killed Jon's biological father in reality.

I knew they were going to prove that Jon was not a bastard at some point, and I can't decide if I like how quickly it was dropped lol.

In terms of Jon and his squad going beyond the wall, I have a feeling that Tormund, Beric, and Thoros are not going to return. I just think it would be crazy to introduce Gendry and Jorah back only to kill them. And also I don't want my babe The Hound to die but whatever who knows. Anyone could die.

ALSO - can we talk about that Sansa/Arya confrontation. Like....Arya is coming at Sansa for "liking nice things" and not defending Jon/supposedly wanting to take the north out from under Jon????? Ummmmmm Sansa could have taken the north right then and there when the lords offered it to her...but she defended Jon's claim as king anyway??? Also...if Sansa decided to take the North she would have every right to. She's the rightful ruler anyway??? and she's great at it??? She's an actual true born Stark?? Like...I'm sorry but it's crazy to me that Jon was ever named King in the North to begin with. He didn't even win the Battle of the Bastards like...Sansa calling the army of the Vale is what won that battle so??? Arya what are you talking about, babe. Like what. I feel like either its fake and they're one step ahead of Littlefinger....or the writers just need them to fight about something. Sansa is right, my guy....why would she start chopping people's heads off like...what is going on.

Also...that scene with Jaime and Tyrion killed me. And Cersei's pregnancy...do you think its possible that she's lying about that in order to manipulate Jaime?? Either way.... there's no way its being born... her fate is set we know her prophecy. Three kids, not four.

Last thing - I'm pretty sure this idea to catch a wight ??? is so odd and .... Jon even knows that it was attempted before and didn't work with that hand.... Also the idea that in any universe Tyrion would be like..."i'm sure if Cersei sees the truth she'll be reasonable about everything she's such a reasonable person that is reasonable and abides by reason and truth" lmao

Sorry I ended up ranting I had a lot to say.


I feel like a lot of characters are really unlike themselves this season and that a lot of shit has been dumbed down for some odd reason, and while I have loved these episodes, they, despite having a bigger budget than the last few seasons, seem lacking to me. Maybe it's the lack of source material or whatnot but I just...
I agree! I think more so I just feel that everything is being a bit rushed. I mean certain things that should be really big are being glossed over - Jon finding out Arya and Bran are alive, Jon not being a bastard, etc. I just wish we would spend some time with our characters....let them have some good character moments. Idk - I like a lot of things that this season has brought to the table...but at the same time I totally agree with you about something being lacking, or some characters acting oddly simply for certain plot points. Also, I will never stop being bitter about Jaime's character development from a couple seasons ago basically being dropped lmao...still, I will withhold my complete judgement until these last two episodes are aired and I can actually judge the season as a whole on its merit.
My thoughts exactly!

Though I feel like the Jaime arc is actually developing a bit more than one would guess. Sure, Cersei still has a hold on him but he isn't as helplessly in love with her anymore, he's more reluctant and I can tell he'll have to start choosing between her and what he feels is right soon enough. As in, actually make a choice, because all his past actions for Cersei have always been without question, if it meant that they'd stay together. I don't feel like that applies anymore. Well... I didn't think it applied anymore 'til Cersei dropped the baby news, which in all just bodes bad for her. AND SHE`S FINALLY DOING SO WELL T_T
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Yassss I arrived to GoT talk!

Uhm. One of my friends works for production and I regretti spaghetti being an a s s to him for one day, because he's petty af and revealed what's gonna happen for the remaining seasons. :ghostunu:

All I can say is.... I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. But yeah. He did say that the whole thing's rushed because they're going beyond the books, and have only one more season left.


Without being spolierific, yes, Cersei is indeed pregnant. Jaime is starting to doubt his feelings towards his sister (he actually did upon his return to King's Landing at the end of season 6, and simply i n t e n s i f i e s this season). The Arya/Sansa fight is r e a l. Arya is simply mad that Sansa isn't doing anything to return the Lords' respect towards their King. Sansa does want to rule, but at the same time, she's also happy for Jon to be King of the North.

And! Someone from the 'Suicide Squad' is gonna die. :ghostunu:
This is literally the most saddest thing ever. TT_TT

Literally him after the spoilers:

Quick question- Do you guys think I should spice up my writing a bit? My writing for books and stuff seems to be a lot better than my writing for roleplays because of the fact that I' not sure if you guys want the continuous amount of flowery details??
Quick question- Do you guys think I should spice up my writing a bit? My writing for books and stuff seems to be a lot better than my writing for roleplays because of the fact that I' not sure if you guys want the continuous amount of flowery details??

YES! Yes. Thankyouverymuch.

As an avid reader, anything that resembles a book makes me happy. But of course, it's all up to you :D

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