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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

So I just read all the OOC again, good shit!

Also I'm really impressed that the "how's the weather up there?" Hasn't been used yet @ eli
The worst thing is trying to find out the name or handle of someone that fits your image of a character so bad but you can't and you just want to cry because the one pic you did find is just not it. TT_TT

Same goes for choosing reaction memes tbh. :')

Also h a l l o everyone! I'm hoping to post today so we can get this party s t a r t e d! <3
Amerikia1126 Amerikia1126 I hope it's alright that I had their trip wrap up so quickly I just wanted to have things move along as quick as they could within reason for the people waiting to go on the cable car and everything yeah ahhhh
Thank. You. So. Much. That. Means. So. Much. To. Me. Also. I. Think. You're. Talented. And. Very. Very. Nice. Bless. You.

Apologies for the delay, and the short post. I've got limited time this week, but it should be better come the weekend. To make up for it, have a visual representation of Karin with her 'bell':
Apologies for the delay, and the short post. I've got limited time this week, but it should be better come the weekend. To make up for it, have a visual representation of Karin with her 'bell':

...Why must you find her weakness so quickly in the roleplay?
Do you think it'd be okay that if s e r e n d i p i t y isn't on today that I post them getting on the cable car?
Oh sorry! I didn't mean to seem pushy, it's 10am here and I should really be more considerate of other timezones haha

Oh please, you didn't seem pushy at all, I know just what you're feeling, heck I all but jumped out of excitement when I saw Volfy's post.

Which reminds me ;)

"The things we do for people we know, right?" Ted said, shrugging as he pointedly didn't look at Kat.


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