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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

I just want to say that I'm really sorry for not being on pretty much at all yesterday! I had a big event I had to go to and the place had no wifi so I couldn't check in. I didn't get home until 12 at night and by that time I was exhausted. I hope the post can make up for that a bit!
We should count how many ships we have...

(I don't think I need Alexei on there, so Imma take him off)

Alessia HernandezAmbrosia StarinEdward ReeceElijah ValentineGregory SchroederKatiana SalkovaKarin AizaKenji AkibaMichael BreenTori CrawfordYuna Oh
Data 1Data 2Data 3
Emmanuelle Layton - Friend (good terms) Karin Aiza - Friend because she took several years of French and can run sentences together in order to have conversations (parted on good terms)
Emmanuelle Layton - They were lab partners and eventually started up a conversation that led to a small friendship (parted on good terms)
Alexei Dahmer - Friend but leans more towards acquaintance (good terms) Ambrosia Starin - Same as Alexei but reversed, acquaintances but leans towards friendships, they're somewhat still in contact and send each other a text/mail/whatevs once in awhile. (good terms) Edward Reece - Best friends (good terms) Emmanuelle Layton - Good friends, social butterflies that like to chatter away (good terms) Karin Aiza - Close friends (good terms)
Edward Reece - Close friend, he's a big brother figure despite her already having a brother (good terms) Elijah Valentine - Friends, she helped him out when he seemed a bit lost in the halls and kind of clicked, but haven't spoken since his return to Paris (parted on good terms) Emmanuelle Layton - Ex-Friend, she's unsure as to where they lie on the spectrum of relationships, or if she's been forgiven (parted on bad terms) Katiana Salkova - Close friend, still in contact and even visit each other once in awhile (good terms) Kenji Akiba - Acquaintances, they were lab partners for a good amount of time and were a great team, but haven't really spoken to each other (parted on good terms)
Data 9
Ambrosia Starin - Familiar acquaintance that he ends up bickering with whenever he sees (they dated for a week in middle school) Edward Reece - Long time friend turned rival (parted on bad terms) Emmanuelle Layton - Friend (parted on good terms) Kenji Akiba - Friend (parted on good terms) Tori Crawford - Friend (parted on good terms)
Ambrosia Starin - Tori and Ambrosia met through Emmie, they're not close friends but they've met each other before and are on friendly terms (parted on good terms) Edward Reece - The two became friends after being paired up together in class. They haven't seen each other in person for a while, but have remained in contact electronically. (good terms) Emmanuelle Layton - Tori's been invited to many of Emmie's parties in the past, and it's always been a great time. They get along pretty well and follow each other on Instagram. (good terms) Michael Breen - They had attended many of the same parties in high school but never really talked for one reason or another. One night, Tori goes a bit overboard on the alcohol, Michael helps her out, and in the morning Tori calls him up to thank him. One thing leads to another, and the two are now friends. (good terms)
Ambrosia Starin - Strangers but they won't like each other (no terms yet) Elijah Valentine - Met under unfortunate circumstances (there was a dance video, pineapple pizza, an expensive suit, and scalding hot coffee involved) but didn't keep in touch (good...terms?) Emmanuelle Layton - Weary of each other after an incident that happened two years ago (not-so-good terms) Gregory Schroeder - Strangers but Yuna will hurt his feelings a lot so keep them away from each other (no terms) Kenji Akiba - Best friends since the fourth grade. they're basically attached at the hip (good terms)
G u t e n
n a c h m i t t a g everyone! I'm still at work so I can't post! I w e e p

But I'm still waiting for y'all to make it to the gate before I announce the scenario/s!

I'm hoping to post either today (idk about that because it's Sunday and as soon as I'm off work you guys know what I'll be watching) or tomorrow. But since everyone chose the gate, all I can say is it's going to get bloody
i n t e r e s t i n g .
G u t e n
n a c h m i t t a g everyone! I'm still at work so I can't post! I w e e p

But I'm still waiting for y'all to make it to the gate before I announce the scenario/s!

I'm hoping to post either today (idk about that because it's Sunday and as soon as I'm off work you guys know what I'll be watching) or tomorrow. But since everyone chose the gate, all I can say is it's going to get bloody
i n t e r e s t i n g .
I am frightened
I swear if the first person to go over the fence dies, I'm going to be greatly upset cause it'll probably be Karin
I swear if the first person to go over the fence dies, I'm going to be greatly upset cause it'll probably be Karin

>First person over dies
>Others "fuck this"
>Others "Okay path it is"
>Folks on the path get mauled
>Folks who go back down the cable car are killed because cable car shuts down
>Everyone's dead
>Emmie uploads a video to YouTube
>"I killed all my high school friends?! (PRANK) (NOT CLICKBAIT)
>She goes outside to make sure they're all okay
>"Wait did everyone actually die?"
>"Well at least the "not clickbait" is true.

Svadilfari Svadilfari did I guess the plot???
plot twist everyone made the wrong choice and they're all gonna get impaled by the gate and D I E b4 anything interesting can happen
ambrosia is left alone and traumatized in the cold
emm's still waiting in her warm house for a party that's not gonna come
plot twist everyone made the wrong choice and they're all gonna get impaled by the gate and D I E b4 anything interesting can happen
ambrosia is left alone and traumatized in the cold
emm's still waiting in her warm house for a party that's not gonna come

Well I'll bet there's a spike to be impaled on for each of them. The one who does survive the climb over dies of tetanus
>First person over dies
>Others "fuck this"
>Others "Okay path it is"
>Folks on the path get mauled
>Folks who go back down the cable car are killed because cable car shuts down
>Everyone's dead
>Emmie uploads a video to YouTube
>"I killed all my high school friends?! (PRANK) (NOT CLICKBAIT)
>She goes outside to make sure they're all okay
>"Wait did everyone actually die?"
>"Well at least the "not clickbait" is true.

Svadilfari Svadilfari did I guess the plot???
plot twist everyone made the wrong choice and they're all gonna get impaled by the gate and D I E b4 anything interesting can happen
ambrosia is left alone and traumatized in the cold
emm's still waiting in her warm house for a party that's not gonna come

I disappeared for a few hours and came back to a slaughter house TT_TT

Also, Karin would def. die because we're throwing her over the gate :P
Oh what is this? What is this
g l o o m I smell in the air? People dying? Come on guys, no one is gonna die in the first event! Did I say bloody? I meant bloody interesting! Like y'know the expression? :-)
Oh what is this? What is this
g l o o m I smell in the air? People dying? Come on guys, no one is gonna die in the first event! Did I say bloody? I meant bloody interesting! Like y'know the expression? :-)

I stand by my statement about tetanus shots
Oh what is this? What is this
g l o o m I smell in the air? People dying? Come on guys, no one is gonna die in the first event! Did I say bloody? I meant bloody interesting! Like y'know the expression? :-)
I stand by my statement about tetanus shots

I stand by Diminium's tetanus shots.

Alsooo, Dim [nickname master activated], I'll have a post up as soon as Volfy Volfy gets one up, and I'll make sure that Kat is a bit more "HEY YOU FEDORA" :)
I stand by Diminium's tetanus shots.

Alsooo, Dim [nickname master activated], I'll have a post up as soon as Volfy Volfy gets one up, and I'll make sure that Kat is a bit more "HEY YOU FEDORA" :)

Sounds goodo :> I'll make sure to make it worth your while!

Don't want to double post so EDIT: Would it be alright for me to share my nonshitpost art here?
Don't worry guys Alexei will be the first over the gate because he's the definition of impatient and he couldn't wait for y'all Gendry butts. :-)

No but this is an actual gif of Eli jumping over the gate, even though he's almost as tall as it

Don't worry guys Alexei will be the first over the gate because he's the definition of impatient and he couldn't wait for y'all Gendry butts. :-)

No but this is an actual gif of Eli jumping over the gate, even though he's almost as tall as it


The gif didn't load for a second so when it started playing I choked on my lemonata holy shit, a gif as fabulous as Eli himself
Don't worry guys Alexei will be the first over the gate because he's the definition of impatient and he couldn't wait for y'all Gendry butts. :-)

No but this is an actual gif of Eli jumping over the gate, even though he's almost as tall as it


Pocahontas. Pocahontassss. POCAHONTAS. Literally childhood.

"You think I'm an ignorant savage, and you've been so many places I guess it must be sooo, but still I cannot seeee, if the savage one is meeee, how can there be so much you don't knoooooooow? You don't knoooow."

Literally know the whole song by heart.
Pocahontas. Pocahontassss. POCAHONTAS. Literally childhood.

"You think I'm an ignorant savage, and you've been so many places I guess it must be sooo, but still I cannot seeee, if the savage one is meeee, how can there be so much you don't knoooooooow? You don't knoooow."

Literally know the whole song by heart.

One of my all time
next to the Hunchback of Notre Dame. <3

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