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Fandom Supernatural RP OOC

Looks good. But yeah the CS template needs a text color change to show up, or something along those lines. I had to click it, then highlight it to even realize it was there. haha.
Silver- Silver- Sounds good, at the top of the page are links to Lore, Character Sheets and the Main Thread.

Feel free to look over them and post up a character.

There is a page for a brief synopsis of what's happened but I haven't updated recently, if you have any questions you can ask anyone here.
I'd imagine not really, as long as you understand the basics of what goes on in the world it's set in. The Rp is sort of a slight AU of Supernatural anyhow.

You can just google the Supernatural show's wiki's to get an understanding of anything your interested in. Whether it be how a creature acts and such or just seeking knowledge. And again to reiterate Nan, you could simply ask those of us here as well.

Maybe now would be a good time to start watching it? haha. Though I get it if it's not your cup of tea, just might help you figure some things out. And who knows, maybe you end up liking it.
Yeah, I’ve only watched through season seven I think. But it’s a lot of fun. There’s a wiki as well.
Fair enough. I just wanted to ask since I didn't realize this had been created under the genre of a Fandom RP so I didn't want to inconvenience anyone or cause a ruckus due to my lack of fully looking over the thread, heh. It was just interesting based on the posts.

I think I've always wanted to lowkey get into it but never got to it because.. well.. anime. Heh.
One thing that helps with that is that there are tags. So for instance at the top left of this page (unless you are on mobile in which case it might be different) there's a pink bar next to the topic title that says Fandom. Most Roleplay's will have a tag similar to that. There's Fandom, Fantasy, Realistic/Modern.

I totally get simply having something on your To watch list. Mine always seems to be growing faster than I can watch. I still have yet to finish Supernatural. I took a break in Season 10 with plans to continue after watching something else. Well that was a few years ago. Pfft.
I realize this now yeh. This website is a lot different from the Roleplaying websites I used to traverse years ago. Lots of stuff seems to have changed.

I definitely feel you on that. Seems like there's always enough time to do things but not always things that you want to do.
Supernatural does seem interesting though thus far from what I've learned just scouring the Wiki Fandom. A darker take on a common genre.
Sorry, I thought I had already liked the profile.

Feel free to post.
Welcome back SynKast SynKast

Feel free to post once your CS is up.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood is in the colony with two characters (a djinn and a vampire), Silver- Silver- just joined with a werewolf and LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971 is also in the colony with a kitsune.

I know Alator Alator is usually around but his work/life schedule is a little chaotic at times.
Welcome back SynKast SynKast

Feel free to post once your CS is up.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood is in the colony with two characters (a djinn and a vampire), Silver- Silver- just joined with a werewolf and LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971 is also in the colony with a kitsune.

I know Alator Alator is usually around but his work/life schedule is a little chaotic at times.

Hello, and yes, I've been quite preoccupied with various things this summer. Hopefully things will clear up a bit, for now though my character is away on Asgard matters :p

(Not dead only on hiatus ^^)
The djinn isn’t in the colony, she’s out with RikuXIII RikuXIII at the moment. Vampire is probably chilling with the rest of the nest.

I don't think he's coming back, if you want to reset Ginny to the colony you're more than welcome to.

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